MTL - Portable Space: The Group Favorite Milk Bag Brings the Whole Family To Open and Hang-Chapter 24 Ganoderma lucidum is not good

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  Chapter 24 Ganoderma lucidum is not good

As he said that, the second elder brother bent down, took out the clothes, and put them on his arms one by one. Who knew that at the back, he saw two bright red Ganoderma lucidum hidden at the bottom of the basket, with soil on them. , very lively.

  The second brother froze suddenly.

  He has read the book, and also asked the pharmacy. This thing is exactly the same as what the pharmacy said...! And it is red ganoderma which is more symptomatic than purple ganoderma!

  He couldn't believe it.

   After a long while, he tremblingly said: "Xinbao, where did this come from?"

  Nai Duanzi raised his face: "Xin Bao picked it!"

  The second elder brother asked: "Where did you pick it?"

  Nai Duanzi answered every question, sonorously: "Plucked from under the tree!"

  Second brother: "..."

  The second elder brother helped his forehead.

  Mrs. Lin came back quickly from outside, and when she saw them all gathered around the Ganoderma lucidum, Gordon gave a cry in her heart.

  She didn't want to hide it, it was the second elder brother's illness, which had been going on for a long time, and no one had ever seen the real Ganoderma lucidum.

  But now that she has seen it, she hurriedly stepped forward and said with a smile: "Xinbao picked two big mushrooms by the side of the road and insisted on bringing them back to Second Brother. I just wanted to ask someone if I could eat them!"

Brother Tang has a crystal heart and glass stomach, and he can tell what his mother is thinking when he hears it, so he couldn't help laughing: "Mother, don't worry, show it to Old Uncle Ye, let me see, this is Ganoderma lucidum, red Ganoderma lucidum .”

  Mistress Lin was slightly taken aback.

  She watched her son open his mouth, and for a moment she didn't know what to say, and then she took the basket in one hand, forgot to take it out, and rushed to the village doctor's house as if flying.

  Tang Laoye's family was having lunch, Mrs. Lin didn't care about the politeness, and said as soon as she entered the door: "Old Uncle Ye, we only picked this. Let's see, is this the red ganoderma you mentioned?"

"Red Ganoderma lucidum?" Tang Laoye glanced at her helplessly, shook his head, and couldn't bear to hit her, "Ganoderma lucidum is a rare thing in the first place, and the land and the weather here don't grow this kind of thing much. Even if it is long, I don’t know where it is in a deep mountain and old forest..."

  Ms. Lin was in a hurry, and she ran up to his face with a basket. Tang Laoye took a subconscious look, and stood up abruptly, almost turning over the table.

  Aunt Zhao quickly pressed the table: "Why are you so surprised!"

Tang Laoye no longer cared about her, he stepped forward, his face was almost buried in the basket, but he didn't dare to touch it: "Yes! Yes! It's really red ganoderma! Such a big red ganoderma! This fresh I've never heard of it! Where did you pick it up!?"

  Ms. Lin cried with joy at the time: "It's really the red ganoderma? Then, can my Rong'er be saved?"

   "Yes! There is help!" Tang Laoye was also very excited: "With this main medicine, I will definitely be able to cure your Erlang!"

   Over there.

  Widow Chen Pingpingtingting came over, carrying an earthen pot, and said: "Brother Qingshan, Brother Shitou, Brother Changsheng...I've been working all morning, so I'm thirsty. I cooked some porridge here, let's fill my stomach first."

  This morning, she came over twice, delivering tea and porridge.

   Several men were winking at each other. These men were all familiar with Tang Qingshan. The youngest was in his twenties, and none of them had a wife. So it was no need to guess who she was after.

   Someone laughed and said, "Sister-in-law, is this doing a good deed? Why don't you go to the village to give porridge?"

   "That's right, it's early noon, if you want to buy a meal, it will save you the trouble of Brother Qingshan! It's nothing to ask for porridge."

  Widow Chen blushed and explained palely: "I accidentally overdid it. I thought there were too many people here, so don't waste money..." while looking at Tang Qingshan.

   A group of peasant men are even more joking.

  Tang Qingshan didn't look at her at all, he straightened up with a frown, and glanced at the door of his house.

  He invited seven or eight people to come to work. They just saw Mrs. Lin coming back, and it was getting late, but they never came to greet them for dinner.

  Tang Qingshan said: "I didn't notice that it's getting late, Uncle Duanwu, and the old brothers, take a rest. I'll go back and make arrangements. Let's prepare for dinner."

   A few people laughed and said, "Don't be in a hurry to eat, just finish what you have at hand."

   But they also stopped one after another.

   Tang Qingshan walked home.

  Miscellaneous grains are steamed in the morning, and all the people who come and go are relatives. This kind of helping work, no matter how full you are, just stew a pot of vegetables and make some soup, which is considered a meal.

  As soon as Tang Qingshan entered the house, he could smell the stew, but several sons, including a small dumpling, were all stuck in the courtyard, talking in a circle.

   Tang Qingshan frowned and said, "Fan'er?"

  But Brother Tang didn't hear it at all, and Tang Qingshan raised his voice again: "Fan'er?"

  Brother Tang heard it now, turned around and said, "Father?"

  Nai Tuanzi also heard it, and said, "Go!"

  Tang Qingshan agreed to his daughter first, and then turned to his eldest son: "What time is it, why don't you hurry up and make a meal!"

   "Oh!" Brother Tang heard it, and said anxiously: "I've finished everything, so I'll take it here."

  He went to the kitchen. He had bad legs and was in a hurry. After taking a few steps, he tripped and jumped forward.

  Tang Qingshan was taken aback, and when he hurried to pick him up, he was grabbed by Brother Tang, and Tang Qingshan reprimanded him with a dark face: "What are you doing, you are so hairy!"

  Brother Tang San was still excited, he opened his mouth and said, "Father! Xinbao picked the Ganoderma lucidum! Aniang took it to the village doctor!"

   Tang Qingshan was taken aback: "Ganoderma lucidum??"

   "Yes," Brother Tang said, "Red Ganoderma lucidum."

   Tang Qingshan couldn't care about the meal for a while, and said: "I'll go and see!"

  He walked out of the courtyard and ran to the village doctor's house.

  The working people put water on each of them, and were about to come down to eat, but they saw him running away, and they were stunned, "Brother Qingshan, what's wrong?"

   Tang Duanwu said: "Run in such a hurry, maybe something happened, go down and ask!"

   A few people ran down.

   After a while, the village doctor came back with Tang Qingshan and his wife. At the same time, they also knew about the red ganoderma.

  It was meal time, many people came out with their bowls and gathered at the door of Tang's house, waiting to hear something new, and the few workers were not in a hurry to eat, they all gathered together to listen.

Mrs. Lin had already recovered, and said with a smile: "It's really Qiao Zong'er. It's on the side of the road. I put the treasure in the basket, and she saw it at a glance, and pointed it out to me. I dug it back, I didn't expect it, it really is!"

  This has been said several times like a car grunting, and every time I hear it, everyone still can't help but say "wow".

  Many people also asked about milk dumplings.

Nai Tuanzi was used to being surrounded by many people asking questions, so she didn't panic at all, so she said in a childlike voice, "Aniang carried Xinbao on her back, and Aniang beat Gao Heiji, Xinbao couldn't see it in the basket. Xinbao is afraid, so she jumps, jumps..."

  She raised her small arms in Tang San's arms, made a gesture of jumping, puffed up her face and worked very hard: "The basket fell down, and Xinbao saw it when he looked at it."

  Everyone burst into wow again, tears of envy flowed from the corners of their mouths.

   Gao Hei is fierce, everyone thought it was a child's talk, but Widow Chen couldn't help but said: "Xinbao, what is Gao Hei fierce? Is this a person? Why did Madam beat her up?"

  Her eyes were full of ill intentions, obviously alluding to Mrs. Lin's private meeting with others.

  (end of this chapter)