MTL - Portable Space: The Group Favorite Milk Bag Brings the Whole Family To Open and Hang-Chapter 787 God Bless Dayan

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  Chapter 787 God Bless Dayan

  Xinbao was eating grapes, so he froze there, holding a big grape in his hand, with a round bulge on his cheek, motionless.

  Yuan Shenjue took out a handkerchief, gently wiped the grape juice from her mouth, Xinbao came back to his senses, and told them.

  Everyone pondered slightly.

  Then Yuan Shenjue said: "Can you see when it was there?"

  Xinbao felt it carefully: "It seems to appear slowly in the middle of May... But Xinbao has never seen it before!"

Yuan Shenjue said: "As soon as Second Brother Rong and the others arrived in Guanzhong, they began to organize manpower to kill locust eggs. Even if it is impossible to put medicine on all the fields by the middle of May, almost all the manpower should be in place, but It’s a matter of time, and we have to do it slowly.”

He paused: "I was thinking, is there a possibility that under the plague of locusts, the entire Guanzhong would be barren, but because of Xinbao's medicine and hard work, Guanzhong was saved, so... so Guanzhong is also Xinbao's territory ?? So in this area, all the rare vegetation, no matter where they grow, are considered treasures?"

  Yan Qingshan nodded: "Very likely."

  Yuan Shen Jue said, "That should be the case. Otherwise, Uncle Jiangnan went there himself, why didn't it show? It's just because Jiangnan is just icing on the cake, while Guanzhong is saving lives in danger."

   "That's right! It's very possible!" Hao Huashi also said: "It may also be because people from the past, Master Rong and Master Chang, are master's own people? Does it mean that master himself also went?"

  Yan Qingshan said: "This is also possible."

He thought for a while: "Maybe, Rong'er and the others told everyone that the medicine was made by Xinbao during the process of taking the medicine, so everyone is very grateful to Xinbao. People's hearts are in favor of it, so Xinbao will feel that it has become stronger." ?”

  Everyone nodded.

  Yan Qingshan asked: "Xinbao, how much has it grown?"

  Xinbao said: "It's big... hundreds of thousands of mu, about 700,000 mu, all of which are grown grains."

  Yan Qingshan nodded slowly.

  Actually speaking, Guanzhong is a very large place, and the area where the earthquake Xinbao mentioned was also in Guanzhong.

  Although Emperor Ming Pei has not yet said what to do, but since the damage of the earthquake is already known, the only way is to move people out in advance.

  So many people have moved out, food is just needed.

   With food, everything else is easy to talk about, and there are chickens and ducks as meat.

   Therefore, if Xinbao is used as a secret granary, then it is very, very important to have a try, how to make this granary bigger and Xinbao more powerful.

  Yan Qingshan said: "Jue'er wrote a letter to the emperor, when it's time, you go and ask Fang Baiju to come over."

   Both of them agreed.

  Yuan Shen Jue quickly wrote a reply letter to Emperor Ming Pei, which was very detailed.

  Emperor Ming Pei also came back soon.

  The information on his side is more detailed, not only the progress of Yan Shirong's side, but also a lot of detailed data.

  For example, the deployment of manpower in various places was indeed in place in mid-May, and it has been steadily advancing since mid-May.

As for the arable land in Guanzhong, the book figure is about 60 million mu, but in reality it should be more than this. It is indeed about 70 million mu. It may be a coincidence, but the extra area of ​​Xinbao happens to be 100%. one.

  So their guess is probably right.

  Eagle News will take time no matter how fast it is.

  Emperor Ming Pei then set a time with this side, and when that day came, Xinbao left the team and sat there quietly to perceive.

  In the palace, in the eyes of those who don't know the inside story, Emperor Ming Pei is probably crazy.

  In the current Dayan Dynasty, the cabinet and the prime minister are faintly checking and balancing each other. An ordinary imperial decree, the normal process is that the cabinet drafts...or maybe they will let the relevant departments report it before the cabinet drafts.

  But the basic process is the initial drafting of the cabinet, Ming Pei Emperor’s review, the prime minister’s review, and formal drafting after confirmation. An imperial decree needs three seals of the emperor, the cabinet, and the prime minister, and then it is handed over to the subordinates for scheduling and execution.

   And on this day, everyone was waiting in the palace, and made four orders one after another.

  The content is pretty much the same, they all deal with the earthquake in the western capital. The strange thing is that it was specifically written in the edict, which covers the affairs of the entire province.

  The difference is the people who are sent down.

  The first one is Chen Zhiyang, the servant of the household department, a person Xinbao doesn't know.

  The second one is Wang Ronggui, Minister of War.

  The third one is Cheng Fuju.

  The fourth one is Yan Shirong.

   A copy was drawn up every other hour, but none of them were issued.

  Earthquakes are already very mysterious and unpredictable, but because of the locust plague first, everyone accepts it relatively calmly.

   But then these four imperial edicts, like the real imperial edicts, went through all the procedures and were handed over to Menxia Province, leaving only the announcement of the edicts.

  But it stopped halfway.

   After a day, Emperor Ming Pei received feedback from Xinbao.

   In the first hour, Xinbao didn't feel it at all, in the second and third hours he felt a little bit, and in the fourth hour he felt the most obvious.

Emperor Mingpei knew that the person in charge must be "one of our own" in Xinbao's mind. It's okay if there is no real relationship, just like Wang Ronggui, who can also be used, but it seems that family members like father and brother have no effect. most.

   As for how good it is, we will wait for the earthquake to be dealt with before making comparisons.

  So Emperor Ming Pei abandoned all these four edicts, and then urgently transferred Wang Ronggui from the Ministry of War to the Ministry of Households, and sent him out to take care of this matter.

  He was going to wait until the test results came out, and then let Yan Shirong or Yan Shichang go, to see if he could catch a leak before the dust settled.

  Wang Ronggui's tune, although they are all servants, but they are promoted from the Ministry of War to the Ministry of Households, and what they go out to do is also an important thing.

  He has to take people first, and rush over to dispatch, look at the situation at the time, draw up the most reasonable migration regulations, and then decide on the next step.

Wang Ronggui had given Xinbao fruit and food many times before, so he saw that Emperor Mingpei gave the map directly, and on the map, all places that need to be moved out, and places that need to be evacuated are clearly marked... There has never been half a difference, and I solemnly agreed.

  Seeing off Wang Ronggui, Emperor Ming Pei was in a strange mood.

   Xinbao warns Dayan of natural disasters, which is also good for her. This is really the best news.

  He couldn't help it, and for the first time, he said something secretly...God bless Dayan! That's why lucky stars come to the world.

   But apart from emotion, he was also thinking about a question.

  Dayan is so big, Xinbao's "self" is really not enough!

  So he instructed Yuan Xiang and the cabinet to pay attention to the right people.

  The first thing to do is to look good, it doesn’t matter if you are older, the most important thing is to be smart and capable, and if he can become one of his own in front of Xinbao...then the next step is to let him go out to do things.

  The more people like this, the better.

  (end of this chapter)