MTL - Porter of Two Worlds-Chapter 1221 Rectify

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When Aspen is planning to deal with the enemy, the enemy is not waiting.

The Green Leaf Corps, head of the group Liu Ruyan, and members of the Yigan Corps gathered to discuss countermeasures, and the atmosphere was somewhat depressed.

"Leader, the Burning Legion has taken over some of the industries in the hands of blood wolves and others, and now has a climate. Once they have digested these industries, they must turn their heads to deal with us. The poplar has extraordinary strength and must find a way."

"Yes, Commander, what we did recently outside the city has become the enemy of the Burning Legion. If we do not take precautions, we will endlessly suffer."

"Well, our Green Leaf Army operates hundreds of dollars in Iron Blood City. We are so ingrained. How afraid of the Burning Army that he didn't know where he came from? You are simply raising the prestige of others ..."

Everyone was talking eloquently, saying everything, making Liu Ruyan upset.

I saw the poplar killing melon as much as chopping vegetables. Liu Ruyan was deeply jealous. If time could be reversed, she would never provoke the poplar, but now she says everything useless.

Poplar's revenge may be late, but it will never be missed. If not prepared, I don't know how to die at that time.

The cruelty of the extraterritorial battlefield has never been anything. Once reduced to a deadly enemy, almost only one party completely falls to the end. Liu Ruyan avoids poplars and does not want to fight against them. The best way is to give up everything and leave here. This star, but spent hundreds of dollars on this star, how could she be willing to abandon it?

What's more, after leaving this star, not to mention where they are going, just to leave this one slumped, I am afraid that the people below will centrifugally leave Germany and cause the army to fall apart.

Distracted, Liu Ruyan mixed the domain, although a female stream, but also a decisive person, otherwise she could not stand outside the cruel domain at all. In the face of the current situation, she had a decision and decided to cut it quickly.

"Count how much liquidity we have now, leaving the funds necessary to operate the legion, all the rest are used to release the task of hunting poplars!"

Hearing Liu Ruyan's decision, everyone stunned, and immediately smiled, and the pressure from Poplar was swept away.

"The commander, Ying Ming, that Poplar wants to deal with us, but we don't have to confront him at all, we can only use money to pile him up. We can draw at least 100,000 military achievements on the books, a full 100,000, enough to make people think It ’s crazy, there will be countless people rushing to trouble him, even if he ca n’t be killed in the end, it will make him too tired to deal with trouble and come to us! ”

"Yes, in this case, Bai Yang is tired of dealing with assassinations from various parties and has no time to take care of others. We can still take the opportunity to take over the industry in his hands and lose the industry to maintain the operation. Even the people under his control are controlled by him. It will also fall apart, and then he will have nothing to be afraid of. If he doesn't want to be killed, he can only leave dimly ... "

The leaders of various forces who have besieged Bai Yang almost all have the same idea as Liu Ruyan, at the expense of launching missions to win the life of Bai Yang!

Among them, the evil spirit of the Devil Legion is more fierce and has more ideas. He feels that he can think of this, and other people should also be able to think of it, so he simply unites the parties, brings together the financial resources after the discussion, and issues a reward. The eye-catching task of hunting poplar is crazy, in order to completely solve the poplar in one go!

The same is because the soldiers do not fight for their blood. They don't need to compete with Poplar. They use the wealth to invite professionals to solve the trouble of Poplar once and for all.

It just hurts some financial resources, and it will be recovered soon. There is no need to take the risk of confrontation with poplar. Why not?

After some discussion, the funds of all parties gathered, and finally completed the mission of one million military achievements to release poplars!

When this task was released, the terrible reward instantly made it top the list, and countless people in the entire Iron Blood City became jealous.

However, jealousy turns back to jealousy, and this must be rewarded with a life to take. Considering the combat power of poplar, most people have restrained the impulse and did not take the task to choose to wait and see.

However, there is no shortage of madmen in the world. Anyway, this task can be taken by everyone. After getting the poplar's head, it can be turned into a task to obtain millions of military merits. Let ’s take it first. What if luck comes to grab the head?

The forces that issued this mission did not expect the people in Iron Blood City to kill Aspen. They were waiting for the true strongman to take action, at least also an emperor-level talent to ensure that Aspen was killed.

With millions of military achievements, the emperor level will also be impressed. As long as this mission message is passed, the strong men from other places will definitely come!

The speed of message delivery for the mission of one million military achievements is horrible. Almost everyone who released the entire Iron Blood City within a few minutes of the release knew it and spread it to other stars.

The baby got the news, and a sense of anger rose up for no reason, and she thought softly, and said something to the void.

"Emperor level and above, you must not set foot on this star!"

There was no response, but her words were passed out, and soon entered the ears of every imperial powerhouse outside the domain!

Her fluttering remarks made the plan of waiting for evil and others unsuccessful at once. On the human side, no one dared to ignore the words of Princess Tianxin. Only when the emperor-class strong was full of support would he provoke millions of military achievements. The princess was upset.

‘A million military achievements are not enough to attract the top arrogant demons of Di Huangjing. They are committed to stepping on the front line to fight on the front line. As long as the level is not out, you can handle it if you want to come? ’

The baby secretly said that she would not tell Bai Yang what she had done in secret. She wanted to see Bai Yang's startled expression, and thought it must be very interesting.

Someone spent millions of military skills trying to get his own head. Bai Yang knew about it for the first time, but he didn't have the slightest tense look on his face, and he even wanted to laugh.

"Million military achievements, really worthy of me, it seems that you are determined to kill me at all costs, but is it not your fear of showing? Even the courage to confront me is not what I fear!"

With a sneer in his heart, Bai Yang no longer regards those who posted tasks in Iron Blood City as his enemies.

Besteon was on the side. This was the second day. He compiled a set of information that Poplar wanted to report, and knew the news of the mission of killing Poplar by a million military exploits.

He was observing Aspen in secret, playing drums in his heart, but he couldn't figure out why Aspen was still indifferent to such a crisis. If it was himself, I was afraid how far he could go in the first place and hide his tail.

It seems that he can see the mind of Bai Shitong. Bai Yang nodded the information he handed in and said, "It won't be long before this mission of one million military achievements will be cancelled."

"Huh?" Best is unified, unable to understand the meaning of this sentence.

With a smile, Bai Yang didn't give any explanation and began to watch the information he handed in carefully.

The Green Leaf Corps, which is rooted in the Iron Blood City for more than 500 yuan, is headed by Liu Ruyan, the legion's emperor mirror, and there are still about 150. Its main businesses are restaurants and elixir. These two industries belong to the Green Leaf Corps. Pillar industries are fundamental to maintaining the operation of the Legion.

The Devil's Legion has taken root in more than 800 yuan in Iron Blood City. The leader of the legion has no intention, and there are now more than two hundred strong men in the Legion. They are mainly engaged in weapon exercises. These two are the major sources of income for this legion.

Sifang Army, Nanyang Army, Beifeng Army ...

The situation of each force Aspen quickly browsed, and his mind quickly analyzed and sorted out.

In general, the industries of various forces can be divided into two categories, physical and entertainment.

Entity categories include weapons, exercises, elixir, minerals, medicinal materials, food, yuanshi and other indispensable items in foreign battlefields.

Spiritual entertainment is mainly divided into casinos and blue buildings. Outside the territory, everyone's nerves are tight. Every day lives on the day of tying the head to the belt of the trousers. In this way, the spiritual and physical enjoyment is extremely incomparable. It ’s important, is n’t it just for enjoyment? Whether it's spending a lot of money in a casino or calling a bunch of beauties in time is a great treat.

After sorting out the information in his hand, Poplar thought for a moment ~ ~ He felt that there was no need for too high-end commercial operations, and only a few changes in the various industries he now mastered would be able to transform other forces Industry is falling to pieces.

When your industry can no longer provide you with a steady stream of money, you will not be able to maintain the operation of the forces. How will you be reassured to follow you if you are not paid? If you do n’t have money, you will cancel the task and draw money to save the market. However, this is a bottomless pit. In order to redeem the situation, you will gradually sell off some unnecessary industries. Then I can take the opportunity to make acquisitions, cannibalize you step by step. When you find that you have almost nothing, the wealth I have is beyond your imagination. At that time, you do n’t have to do it yourself, learn from you, and use money to pile you up!

This time will not be too long, and we will see it at most in five days!

Jagged Blood City is too small to take over the industry in the hands of the enemy without the need for a too precise layout of Aspen.

With an idea in mind, Bai Yang commanded to Bestong next to him: "Next, you tell me to go down and rectify all the industries under my control for a day, and reopen after a day!"

"Good Lord, but how do you rectify your industry, Lord?" Beste tangled.

Bai Yang thought for a while and said, "In the restaurant, new dishes will be launched. After reopening, the three stores will mainly be seafood, elixir, weapons, and exercises. These three stores will put a lot of items on the market, and then the casino will Introducing a new way of entertainment. As for the Blue House, the girls will welcome guests with another face! "

After listening to Aspen's words, Beste was dumbfounded, and all of them had to be rectified, but what about concrete?

Seeing his aggressive expression, Poplar tangled for a moment and made a determination, saying, "Forget it, I'll find a professional person to do this, you just need to fight ..."