MTL - Porter of Two Worlds-Chapter 18 The test results came out

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"You are back", heard the movement behind her, the girl turned and looked at Bai Yang with a smile and said.

However, what she said was simply a bunch of garbled characters in Poplar's ears.

He didn't know what to say. Aspen smiled and nodded, and started looking at the wooden house.

The structure is very simple. The floor is directly laid on the thick trunk of the big tree. The walls are also spliced ​​wooden boards. The roof is still wooden boards ...

However, it is surprising that the wooden house does not use a nail, and the whole is a magical structural splicing for the poplar.

The most important thing is that the whole wooden house is luxuriously made of small leaf rosewood, smelling the scent of sandalwood in the air makes people refreshed.

The three rooms are lined up. The right-hand side should be a kitchen or the like. The stovetop filled with clay in the wooden frame has not yet dried. The large wooden barrels cut out from the wooden piles are already filled with water. The magic is the pot. The bowls and pans are all ready.

Aspen found that there was a door behind the kitchen. After going out, there was a wooden trough against the wall. A long bamboo tube was connected to a large water tank over the middle of the village. The clear water flowed in the wooden trough, and then went along. A bamboo pipe entered a 'small room' on the side.

Open the small room for a look, well, it is actually a toilet, with a large brick hole in the middle, and below is a bamboo pipe connected to the village's "main sewer" ...

"It's quite advanced. Is this the so-called survival wisdom"?

I looked at the structural layout of the tree house, and Bai Yang was surprised.

Generally speaking, I am very satisfied with the poplar in this room. The only flaw is that it is too rough and the burrs are not polished. What if I get stuck in myself?

"These guys are presumably ignoring me that they are not as rough and thick as they are ...".

There are several simple-structured seats in the middle room. The bed in the bedroom has been covered with thick fur, which is actually a complete tiger skin ...

白 When Bai Yang saw the girl holding up some firewood and lighting a fire around the stove to prepare barbecue, did Bai Yang doubt that this would really burn the house?

重点 "The point is that there is only one bed, that girl looks like she is going to rely on herself"!

Facing this problem, Aspen shook his head.

Soon after, he uncle likened a girl to eat a barbecue with a meal at the wait of the girl. No way, you can't refuse, you cry when you refuse ...

After eating in the bedroom, it was another four hours or six hours of language learning. After remembering more than a dozen rap words, Bai Yang heartily rejected the other party's request to sleep, and asked him to go out politely.

However, what makes Bai Yang dumbfounded is that the other party seems to have been prepared for a long time, tears, as if the husband did not give the little daughter-in-law to bed to take out an animal skin and slap it on the floor of the 'living room' ...

"You own a home, so my single dog can't hold it anymore".

I closed the door and whispered to Aspen on the back of the door.

I came to the window and looked at the three moons in the sky through the leaves. Rao is that he had seen it many times and was inexplicably shocked in his heart. If it was not forcing him, he would like to use his mobile phone to take pictures and put them on the Internet.

"Always figure out what the **** is this world"

I glanced at the three moons in the sky again, and Bai Yang closed the doors and windows and disappeared into this world.

I went back to the villa I rented on the side of the earth and looked at the diesel saw in the bedroom. Aspen scratched my head. This thing I bought was not used so far ...

With a lot of effort, my mobile phone heard a series of missed call prompts. I took out my mobile phone and looked at it. Bai Yang suddenly felt scalp, and my mother made at least thirty calls!

"Mom, what is it"?

的 The first time the telephone was connected, Grandson Bai Yang asked with the same care. One was that he was afraid of something at home, and the other was that he hadn't answered any of the 30 or so calls.

"Smelly boy, you can take me home within ten minutes"

Toot toot ...

Looking at the hung up cell phone, Poplar was at a loss, listening to his mother's tone didn't look like something happened, but what does it mean to let myself go home so eagerly?

Booming downstairs, riding a motorcycle to drive home.

When I got home, I opened the door and saw. Alas, at this point, my parents were at home at the same time, but my mother and father's serious expression of three trials made Bai Yang's hair tight.

I quickly recalled in my mind what I had done recently, and found that there wasn't anything that people and gods were angry about. Aspen was a little relieved.

"What are you doing, father and mother?"

"You sit there for me", Zhen Guoping reached out and pointed a finger across the sofa.

Bai Yang sat down carefully, and found that his father quietly winked at himself, completely relieved, all right!

So he sat and didn't talk, waiting for his mother's next words.

"Son, tell me the truth, where did your turquoise liquor come from?" Zhen Guoping stared at Bai Yang and asked.

His Majesty raised an eyebrow, and Poplar stiffened his head and said, "What do you mean? What, I didn't tell you, it was the monkey wine I occasionally got from a mountain student in the mountains and sent it to me."


"Required, I can't lie to anyone, I can't lie to you", Poplar almost swears, and then tentatively asks, "Mom, why are you asking this? Is there nothing wrong?"

"What happened? Boy, let me tell you, it's a big deal, hum ..."

With a cold sweat in his forehead, Bai Yang asked, "What happened?"

"You guys, listen to me. You have the rotten stomach for that kind of wine. Does anyone know about it?"

"No, what's the matter, mother, you have to tell me to clear it up, otherwise I don't know what's going on."

Zhen Guoping's expression eased, and she said with some pride: "Boy, tell you the truth, today I took your kind of wine to the graduate school of the school laboratory for testing, and guess what happened?"

什么 When did this time still buy Guanzi ... Bai Yang's heart collapsed.

"The test results came out, and it was analyzed that there were a lot of beneficial ingredients in the body, amino acids ..."

停 "Stop, mother, you said directly that I can understand, those terms I have a headache", Poplar interrupted Zhen Guoping decisively.

With a glance at his son, Zhen Guoping picked up a piece of paper from the coffee table and waved, "That is to say, it is detected that the wine is too good to be good. If you take it for a long time, it can gradually change the physique of the person. There is no difference in the so-called birth rejuvenation, understand? "

This is too straightforward ...

He blinked, and Aspen asked again, "Isn't that poisonous?"

"Poisonous and highly toxic. There are more than ten precious medicinal ingredients in Dabu. The human body has limited tolerance. Drinking too much can make life alive. Do you say poison is not poisonous?" Zhen Guoping was out of breath.

No wonder that the savages are so strong, this is probably one of the reasons. As the heart muttered, the poplar's eyes became bright. Doesn't this mean that if you take it for a long time, you can get rid of this pair of savage chickens. Body?

"How much is safe to drink every time?" Poplar asked.

"It ’s different depending on your constitution. UU reading book drinks once a day. Conservatively, it is not more than 30 ml per time. It is a safe range. Son, I know what you are thinking, but what I want to warn you is If you do n’t exercise alone, you have to make up a big fat for a few days of storage. Besides, I do n’t care how much you come from, I will keep half of them and send the other half back to me. We are also old It ’s too much for you to eat something good, right? ”

"Not too much at all", Bai Yang shook his head vigorously, but the latter part of the heart is what you want to say? If you want to drink, you should have said it earlier. There is no problem in getting you to drink water every day. I am your son. I should respect him. Is it so serious?

I was relieved. He asked, "What happened to the mother you just said?"

"It's not the kind of wine that hurts me. I don't know why the test results were known by several old professors in the school. The whole world asks about the origin of this wine. The old people can't afford to mess with it. Everyone's head is hanging on Countless titles, I'll fool you over there, you don't have to go around yourself. "

This is the thing. No wonder my mother is so serious. Poplar is not a fool. This kind of thing should not have appeared in this world, especially when it is so beneficial to the human body. The development value almost broke the horizon. impossible.

Fortunately my mother had the foresight to block back.

"I still have a small arm and calf, but it's better to keep a low profile," Bai Yang warned himself.

My grandmother's story is over, but his story is not over yet, and his eyes turned to his father ...

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