MTL - Positive Energy System-Chapter 56 The result of the event

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After exchanging a cooling time of 100,000 energy values, Ji Chen used Lu Xiangming's father's healing skills.

When these drug dealers abused Lu Yuguang, they never thought about letting him go out alive. Therefore, the means used by them were extraordinarily pungent and did not care about Lu Yuguang's body at all.

After using the skills, Lu Yuguang ’s bare skin began to improve at a speed that was visible to the naked eye, and his iron complexion was no longer lifeless. Although still pale, he still began to dimly reveal his birth.

Ji Chen asked Lu Xiangming to wrap Lu Yuguang with a sheet to avoid being skeptical when seen by people outside.

Lu Xiangming's eyes looking at Ji Chen at this time were all surprised and admired, and of course he was deeply grateful. He heard Ji Chen's orders, and then covered Lu Yuguang loosely with a sheet to avoid being caught See abnormal.

Ji Chen said, "Your dad is okay for now. Let's go and see the drug dealers."

Speaking of drug dealers outside, Lu Xiangming's face became a bit subtle. He followed Ji Chen into the living room and saw the several drug dealers who were tied up. Among them was his former friend— Chen Jiang.

When Lu Xiangming was undercover, he was a younger brother who was under Chen Jiang's hands. It was not until the back that he was fancy by the boss above and was transferred.

If Chen Jiang is not doing harm to the drug business, then he is probably a qualified elder brother, with good spirits, cheerfulness, and very good care of Lu Xiangming.

However, no matter how charismatic Chen Jiang is, a word of "poison" is enough to completely obliterate his other advantages.

As an undercover, Lu Xiangming saw more of those people's drug addiction, and therefore became more resentful of drugs. When he walked into the living room, he saw Chen Jiang's malicious eyes. If the eyes can kill people, Lu Xiangming has probably died hundreds of times.

When Ji Chen came out, he picked up his cane and slowly walked down to the sofa to sit down. He looked at the bruise on Chen Jiang's face and snorted softly. It looked cold and contemptuous. Then directed at the four people sent by Zhou Yaoqin, who stood in the house, "Go out first."

The four looked at each other and told Ji Chen to yell if something happened, and they were right outside the door.

Ji Chen nodded after hearing the words. After they went out, they looked at Chen Jiang who was tied on the ground.

I don't know if it was stimulated by Ji Chen's eyes, Chen Jiang began to yell again. He had thought that Lu Xiangming was dead before, but he did not expect his brother to become undercover, and he betrayed them neatly.

Listening to Chen Jiang's scolding, Ji Chen gave Lu Xiangming a questioning look.

Lu Xiangming looked like a sinking water: "Chen Jiang, who sold my news to the boss?"

How could Chen Jiang answer that he ca n’t wait to eat Lu Xiangming ’s meat and stabbed Lu Xiangming ’s bones. Once they are caught, there is absolutely no way out for the drug dealer. That's no different than dying.

Lu Xiangming's feelings for Chen Jiang are very complicated. If I saw Chen Jiang before, there was still a touch of movement in his heart, but after watching the tragic situation of Lu Yuguang, the movement became indifferent.

People are not animals, and they cannot control their feelings. Although Lu Xiangming has been insisting on his purpose for five years, he has always had some feelings with Chen Jiang and other people.

It is impossible for Chen Jiang to answer Lu Xiangming's question. When the group brought by Ji Chen broke in, they killed one person and injured three. Chen Jiang even said that Lu Xiangming wanted to know Yes, he also felt that he had no possibility of living.

Chen Jiang was right, Ji Chen didn't plan to keep them alive at all.

After using "the liar's doom" in front of Chen Jiang, Ji Chen slowly asked: "Chen Jiang, who sold Lu Xiangming?"

According to common sense, it is impossible for Chen Jiang to answer Ji Chen's question, but his mouth seemed to be out of his control, and he actually said the three-word answer.

It was a very strange name for Ji Chen, but Lu Xiang was obviously no stranger to the name, because when he heard these three words, his face suddenly became very ugly.

Ji Chen asked again, "What did you do with him? How is your boss now?"

After hearing the questions asked by Ji Chen, Chen Jiang's eyes suddenly filled with a sense of fear. He didn't know why he would say the questions asked by Ji Chen uncontrollably. This was beyond his common sense.

However, despite his reluctance, Chen Jiang answered Ji Chen's question. He said: "He accepted a large bribe and was caught by us, boss, boss ..." When speaking of this, Chen Jiang's expression Full of struggle, he obviously didn't want to answer Ji Chen's question, but he couldn't control his mouth. In the end, he still said, "Boss, was killed by this hybrid of Lu Xiangming."

There was a second of silence in the room. After a while, Lu Xiangming's voice sounded softly: "He is dead?"

Chen Jiang gritted his teeth, blood flowing down the corner of his mouth, he stared at Lu Xiangming, just like watching his father and his enemies, and his eyes were crazy and scary.

Of the four people in the house, one died and three were injured. In addition to Chen Jiang, two others were in a coma.

Ji Chen also planned to ask Chen Jiang something, but before he could speak, Chen Jiang's mouth overflowed with blood, Lu Xiangming's eyes startled: "Chen Jiang!" He stepped forward and wanted to stop Chen Jiang's action, however, was too late, Chen Jiang had killed himself by biting his tongue.

Lu Xiangming held Chen Jiang's head and said nothing. Chen Jiang looked at Lu Xiangming's eyes full of resentment and anger. He didn't know why he said those things that should not be said, but now, The dead cannot speak.

Ji Chen said, "Lu Xiangming, are you soft?"

Lu Xiangming shook his head and said dumbly, "When I decided to be undercover, I didn't have the soft-hearted qualification."-When he started this friendship, he was destined to betray this friendship.

Normal people, watching this scene will probably be more complicated, but Ji Chen is very calm. He said, "Wake up those two people, don't you have any questions?"

Lu Xiangming glanced at Ji Chen, then nodded slowly.

The remaining two people were not as hard-hearted as Chen Jiang. After seeing that their two companions had died, they all looked a bit frightened. Coupled with the "doomsday of the liar", Ji Chen and Lu Xiangming soon Know what they want to know.

It turned out that because of Lu Xiangming's betrayal, their boss had been shot dead during the hunt. However, several people in Chen Jiang could not bear the frustration, coupled with the hatred of Lu Xiangming, they tried every means to make a comeback.

At this time, it was very coincident that someone found the handle of an upper police officer. Using this handle, Chen Jiang took refuge with the new boss, and then dug out the news of Lu Xiangming, wanting a shame.

If there is no Ji Chen, their plan will be very smooth, using Lu Yuguang to deceive Lu Xiangming, and then wipe out Lu Xiangming's family, let Lu Xiangming also taste the taste of survival can not die.

It's a pity that there is another person named Ji Chen here.

After asking what he wanted to ask, Ji Chen said, "These people can't stay."

Lu Xiangming said: "Yes."

Ji Chen tilted his head, "So it's your turn ... or ..."

Lu Xiangming glanced at Ji Chen angrily, and then he looked at Chen Jiang, who had no voice on the ground: "I'll come."

Ji Chen smiled and said, "Then you come."

These people are dead, and even if the body is found, it is difficult to file a case because they must be using false identity information. Even if they are found, they have no legal identity, and they are counted as missing persons at most.

Moreover, this is a remote suburb, plus the illegal things on these people, the police will probably put these in the gang / gang fight.

Lu Xiangming used the fruit knife he bought in the supermarket to solve the lives of the two remaining people. Ji Chen had enough places to help him. He always had to do something.

After dealing with a few people, Ji Chen found that Lu Xiangming was a bit foolish. He said, "Lu Xiangming, the person who betrayed you ..."

Lu Xiangming said: "It was my former boss."

Ji Chen said a while and asked Lu Xiangming some details about his boss.

Lu Xiangming didn't know why Ji Chen asked these questions, but they all said one by one.

After dealing with these things, Ji Chen called a few people waiting outside and let them deal with the scene-simply set the house on fire.

In the nearby video, Ji Chen also asked Xiaoqi to fiddle with them, and all traces of their visits were cleared.

In the end, Lu Xiangming, who was wrapped up in the sheets, got into the four-person car. The four people obviously thought that Lu Yuguang was no longer working, so he wrapped them in the sheets, and asked nothing.

This day has been so busy, Ji Chen told them to drive the car to Lu Xiangming's house first and send Lu Yuguang back.

On the way home, Lu Xiangming called Lu Yuyu again and briefly explained the situation here.

Lu Yuyu heard them say that it was done, and naturally she was very happy. Lu Xiangming called the security guard and let the security guard release Lu Yuyu who was locked up at home.

Lu Xiangming asked Lu Yuyu to take a taxi home, waiting for them at home.

Xiao Qi, who was dealing with the camera, suddenly said, "Ey, what about the two people who are squatting at the police station?"

Ji Chenre remembered that there were still two missing fish in front of the police station. Because there was no news there, she was still squatting, trying to find the trace of Lu Xiangming.

Ji Chen asked Xiaoqi to send the images of the two people to his mobile phone, and then he took the phone and showed Lu Xiangming photos of the two people: "These two people are still waiting for you at the gate of the police station, what are you going to do? ? "

Lu Xiangming didn't expect that Ji Chen could even get the photos, but he was surprised enough today that he was a little numb to Ji Chen ’s ability. He said: "Direct the police ... they are in the police There is a case. "

Ji Chen'er: "..." When the case is closed, he dared to squat in front of the police station and admire him.

Lu Xiangming saw what Ji Chen was thinking and didn't know what to say, so he shrugged.

A few hours later, several people arrived at Lu Xiangming's home. Lu Xiangming, who was covered by the sheets, went upstairs. Ji Chen walked behind him and knocked on the door for him.

The door was opened by Lu Yuyu. Lu Yuyu's mother was standing behind her. At this moment her face was full of worries. After seeing Lu Xiangming and Lu Yuming in her arms, her face was pale. All of a sudden, it can be said to be very ugly, she said: "Xiangming, who is this?"

Lu Xiangming was always nervous. At this moment he finally relaxed and didn't notice the strange look on his mother's face, so Da La La said, "Mom, this is Dad."

The moment Lu Xiangming's mother heard this answer, she fell to the ground.

Lu Xiangming said for a moment: "Mom? What's wrong with you!"

Lu mother cried as soon as she wow, she cried: "Lao Lu, Lao Lu, you wake up soon, what do you do when you leave our family ..."

Then Lu Xiangming reacted to what his mother had misunderstood. He couldn't help crying and laughing: "Mom, Dad is okay, just got a little hurt, don't cry."

Lu Yuyu started crying with her mother and heard Lu Xiangming ’s explanation, sobbing: "Brother, is Dad really okay? How can you wrap it with a blanket? You are almost scared to death . "

Lu Xiangming hurriedly said, "It's not that Dad got hurt a bit. I'm afraid he's cold."-This explanation is also very bad, but now nobody cares if Lu Xiangming's explanation is good or not, The mother and daughter hurried Ji Chen and Lu Xiangming into the room, and Lu Xiangming put Lu Yuguang on the bed.

Taking off the bed sheet, Lu Yuguang was still asleep, and the wounds on his face had recovered a lot. Although he could still see the marks, his breathing and body characteristics were normal.

Seeing this, Lu Xiangming was relieved.

Mother Lu was just panting, and heart disease that had just been scared by Lu Xiangming was about to be committed. She was relieved at the moment. She looked at her husband lying in bed and looked at Lu Xiangming with a tired face. Whispering: "Xiang Ming, is this?" She was referring to Ji Chen. She was too nervous just now. She didn't notice that Lu Xiangming was fat and stood still.

Lu Xiangming said: "Mom, this is Lu Yuyu's classmate, which has helped us a lot."

Mother Lu said, "Sit down, have you eaten? I'll get you something to eat."

Ji Chen and Lu Xiangming ran east and west for a day and did not eat much. Now they settle down, but they are a bit hungry.

Lu Mu went to the kitchen and hurriedly cooked the dishes, cooked the dumplings, and brought them to the table, greeting Ji Chen and Lu Xiangming to eat.

Lu Xiangming said: "Let's go and take a stomach first. You have been busy for a day today and you should not have eaten anything."

Ji Chen answered, and the two sat at the table and ate their first meal today. 2k novel reading network