MTL - Possibility of Getting Off After Being Dressed As a Non-human [Zerg]-Chapter 42

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"I have a question I can't figure out."

"I remember You Woo once publicly stated that he has nothing to do with my female monarch, so you don't have to wait."

Mu Qi's voice was not loud, but he couldn't stand it. From the beginning, countless worms looked at him sideways.

The crowd was silent for a moment, and then it seemed that they didn't hear it, and the worms in groups were talking and laughing.

But Lu Wenhe knew that they were just pretending they didn't care, but they were actually waiting to see the Lu family's joke.

Five fingers clenched into fists, nails were almost embedded in the flesh, Lu Wenhe kept his head bowed, and in despair, he thought to just leave. Anyway, Mu Qi didn't plan to talk to him more. If he wasn't smart enough to take Xiang Chen to the banquet, he probably wouldn't have been called by Mu Qi.

Do not.

Lu Wenhe's eyes changed suddenly.

If he didn't bring Xiang Chen, Mu Qi would not have specially sent the work bug over, and this would not have happened.

Mu Qi didn't know what Lu Wenhe was thinking. If he could know, he would definitely sigh that Lu Wenhe's brain circuit was indeed different from normal insects.

Lu Ming glanced down at his male father and saw the male worm's face flickering, guessing that Lu Wenhe must have thought of a weird angle again. He took a deep breath, he had to clean up the mess.

"His Royal Highness Mu Qi, Father Xiong is not feeling well, I am planning to take him home."

Lu Ming grabbed Lu Wenhe's arm, and saw shock and doubt in the other's suddenly raised eyes.

"If that's the case, then go back to rest first." Mu Qi took a deep look at Lu Ming, "I will send my father back later, you don't have to worry."

Lu Ming cast a grateful look, and pulled Lu Wenhe, who was about to have a seizure, to leave without saying a word.

From where they were to the exit of the banquet hall, it was only 100 meters away, but Lu Ming felt that he was walking on thin ice, and every step seemed to be on the tip of a knife. He could even hear the jeers of the worms around him.

"Look, that's the Lu family who cleared Major General Lu Zhao's door."

"Tsk tsk, are they regretting their death at this time? If they knew that their worm was a sweet pastry, would they hold it in their hands?"

"They still have the face to come to the banquet, don't you mean to draw a clear line?"

"I heard that it was approved by His Majesty the Insect Emperor, in order to honor His Highness Mu Qi. No matter what, it is also a relative of His Royal Highness's female monarch in terms of blood."

"Looking at it this way, Your Highness really favors Lu Zhao..."

In just 100 meters, when Lu Ming grabbed Lu Wenhe and left, the content of the gossip of the insects at the banquet had become how to dedicate the female son of his family to Mu Qi as a maid.

Mu Qi watched Lu Ming and Lu Wenhe leave, and suddenly became embarrassed when only Xiang Chen was present.

At this moment, he didn't seem to be His Highness the Crown Prince who had just completed the ceremony. He was just an ordinary novice son-in-law who saw his wife's family for the first time.

"That..." Mu Qi said tremblingly, "Would you like something to drink?"

Xiang Chen looked at Mu Qi, the shock in his eyes could not be concealed.

Big fail.

Mu Qi commented on his behavior of seeing his daughter-in-law and his father for the first time.

He lowered his head and took a glass from the side to pour some juice or wine for Xiang Chen.

"Wait..." Looking at Mu Qi's actions, Xiang Chen's heart jumped to his throat, "No need, Your Highness!"

Xiang Chen wanted to stop it, but Mu Qi swiftly poured a glass of juice and handed it over.

The older female's Adam's apple wriggled and stopped in place, not daring to really take it.

Like most female worms, he has an instinctive awe for a high-ranking and exaggerated male worm like Mu Qi. Coupled with Lu Wenping's occasional whipping, he has made his subconscious male worm give him something like this The behavior is alarming.

However, even if he chooses not to pick it up, it is inappropriate in his perception.

Don't keep the males waiting too long.

After Xiang Chen struggled, he still took the juice from Mu Qi boldly.

Seeing Xiang Chen holding the juice and taking a sip from time to time during the conversation with Lu Zhao, Mu Qi finally stopped his thoughts of saying or doing something. But just after a move, he was shocked that his female father didn't react for a long time. If he was doing more things, I'm afraid Xiang Chen's little heart couldn't take it anymore.

Mu Qi was discouraged, and left the time to the father and son who had not seen each other for a long time, sitting side by side with Achillem and Lim in a daze.

The jokes of the Lu family at the banquet failed to attract the attention of the insects for too long, and their eyes were already attracted by others.

Lu Zhao and Xiang Chen talked for a long time. Before the banquet was over, Xiang Chen embraced his female son with open arms and placed his hands behind Lu Zhao's back to pat lightly, as if he was still coaxing him when he was a child.

When the scheduled time for the banquet arrived, the Insect King Heder pulled Mu Qi to give a speech again, and then announced the end of the banquet.

When Mu Qi came back from the high platform in the center of the banquet hall, he saw a blond female standing opposite Xiang Chen and Lu Zhao.

When the female insect saw him coming, her eyes flashed with excitement, Mu Qi frowned and took a look, the other party had already taken away the joy, and greeted him with a normal expression.

"His Royal Highness Mu Qi." The female worm said, "I'm a reporter from the Star Times. I want to interview Major General Lu Zhao, which may delay your time to go home. Do you mind?"

"do not mind."

Mu Qi simply sat down beside him.

After the banquet, the surrounding worms all left one after another. At this time, those in the hall were still hesitant to leave. They were either work worms or worms who wanted to chat with Mu Qi after the banquet.

"Thank you."

The blonde female thanked Mu Qi, then lowered her head to rummage through her bag.

"I will write an article later, so I will use a voice recorder to record the next questions, please don't mind."

As the blond female said, a silver-white object slowly emerged from the bag. The object flashed a white light in the dim light of the banquet, and made a circle in the female's palm.

"I have a question I can't figure out."

The blonde female had a cold tone. She didn't want to interview Lu Zhao at all, but rather wanted to quarrel with Lu Zhao.

"Why are you?!"

The female's voice became sharp, and his expression was hideous.

What came out of the bag was not a voice recorder at all, but a dagger with a handle similar to the color of the voice recorder. The female worm grabbed Lu Zhao's arm with her left hand and pushed forward with her right hand. The target was very clear and it was Lu Zhao's heart.

With a bang in Mu Qi's head, he stood up abruptly.

Almost subconsciously, the spiritual force poured out, forming a barrier in front of Lu Zhao, and then the wind system power drove the surrounding air, forming a small wind force, pushing the female worm out.

"What are you doing?!" Mu Qi roared sharply.

Even if Lu Zhao wasn't injured, or even if he didn't make a move, Lu Zhao's hand would not have been hit by such a clumsy assassination, but Mu Qi's mind at the moment recalled the post that Archiem had shown him. . The post owner's increasingly crazy speech, and the very familiar "Why are you".

The worms that hadn't left around let out a short scream, and Ya-hen, who was in charge of cleaning the banquet, was relieved when she realized that the perpetrator was immediately controlled.

"Are you the neuropathy on the star network?!"

Mu Qi came to a conclusion.

"Those job bugs on Xingwang can't be trusted, so I'll ask you a psychiatrist to see?!"

Mu Qi was speechless.

The female worm on the opposite side widened her eyes in surprise, "So, Your Highness, you sent worms to find me? I don't know, I don't know..."

The female worm let out a scream, and he tried to rush over against Mu Qi's wind power and mental barrier. He wanted to hug the male, he didn't know the male had found him.

"I didn't know that your Highness was looking for me. If I knew, I would definitely not beat them up. Really!"

"His Royal Highness! Are you looking for me... want me? I can..."

"I've always liked you, and I dream of seeing you again one day..."

The female worm rubbed her arms with both hands and rammed into the barrier that Mu Qi had erected again and again.

Seeing the female insect's almost crazy expression and her sincere confession, Mu Qi was not moved at all, and even felt a chill.

It didn't take long for the army females stationed outside to file in, restraining the female worms who had been hit and bruised.

"I'm sorry, Your Highness was frightened."

The leading military female nodded to Lu Zhao and restrained the blond female insect away.

Next came Yi Di, who heard that something had happened in the banquet hall. After confirming that Mu Qi was not injured, he stared at the banquet hall in person until all the worms attending the banquet left.

Together, Mu Qi and Lu Zhao sent Xiang Chen back to the Lu family.

At the gate of Lu's house, Mu Qi watched Lu Zhaohe embrace Xiang Chen, and then reluctantly sent Xiang Chen in.

When the female worm returned to the suspension car, her eye sockets were a little red.

If it was before, Mu Qi would ask Lu Zhao if he wanted to bring Xiang Chen to their house to live there. After all, in the past at Blue Star, this was a normal thing.

But when the assassination happened just now, Mu Qi hesitated.

The two insects returned in silence, and only when they were about to arrive did Mu Qi speak softly.

"Lu Zhao."

"What's the matter, Lord?"

"Would you be angry?"

Lu Zhao paused and looked at Mu Qi.

"Why should I be angry?"

"Because of me, you were assassinated."

"Of course not."

"It's not the lord's fault."

The hover car stopped in his yard, but neither Lu Zhao nor Mu Qi got off.

"What I have experienced is more thrilling than these. The hero doesn't have to worry about me, and he doesn't have to be sad because it has something to do with himself."

"Every female goes through this to a greater or lesser extent, it just depends on who her male lord is."

"I'm proud to be your queen, and I don't want you to be sad about it."

Lu Zhao loosened his seat belt and leaned forward to lean towards Mu Qi. He narrowed his eyes and gave a devout kiss.

Because of Lu Zhao's kiss, Mu Qi felt that the dark cloud that had lingered over his head immediately dissipated.

"Sorry for worrying you."

Mu Qi got up and put a kiss on Lu Zhao's cheek.

"I'm just thinking too much."

While sitting beside and waiting, at the moment when the blond female worm suddenly attacked, Mu Qi thought of more and more terrifying things uncontrollably. He suddenly began to be afraid, afraid that the Zerg would be too much sought after by the male insects, which would make the much-loved Lu Zhao a thorn in the eyes of the insects. He was afraid that there would be a second time, a third time... I don't know how many times.

So much so that he forgot at that moment that Lu Zhao was actually an existence that he could only see from afar.

The two insects got out of the car, and Mu Qi hugged Lu Zhao's waist and entered the house sweetly.

It's all Archiem's ​​fault, nothing to show him some weird posts.

He didn't think about it until his mind was clear.

Not long after Archiem got home, he started sneezing nonstop.

The author says:

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!