MTL - Pretending To Be a Holy Place, I Was Signed For a Thousand Years-Chapter 178 lottery! Two more holy places!

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   Chapter 178 Draw! Two more holy places!

   "Aren't you afraid that the fisherman is a man?"

   Qu Feiyan thought with some wicked taste.

   At this time, an old man in Dongming Academy who was recuperating in seclusion tightened, and shouted, "Qingqing, instruct me to put less chili in future meals!"

   "Yes, Master!"

  Nie Qingqing stepped back respectfully.

   Ruan Xiu, who was standing in Qiyun Palace, turned pale: "Daoist Qing Hui, are you... leaving?"

   She could hear the detachment in the other party's words.

   Zhang Ming smiled softly and said, "Yes, there are feasts in the world that do not go away. Pindao has been delayed here for a long time, and it is time to leave. Taiyin Peak will be handed over to you."

   Ruan Xiu bit her lip all of a sudden, although she had expected it, it was too early to say goodbye.

   She only felt that there was a kind of low emotion rushing in her heart, not from the slave mark, but from her heart.

   Heartbeat is real movement.

   is the most single-minded cannibalism, and it has become ashes without ecstasy.

   She lowered her eyes full of phoenixes, and said in a trembling voice, "Master, Ben Gong... there is still a cooking skill that has not been shown. Or cook a good meal and leave after eating?"

   She held it back for a while, then pulled out this thread.

   Qu Feiyan couldn't help but look at her in amazement, why didn't I know that Axiu still has good cooking skills?

  Zhang Ming pondered: "Well, you go and inform Guo Xiang and Yin Xue that we will leave after dinner."


   The ingredients for this meal are very good, abalone mushroom, spirit snow fish, nine-turned eel, unicorn jade fruit...

  Many top-quality ingredients are available.

   But Zhang Ming can't remember how he finished it.

   "I really didn't expect that, looking at the mature and glamorous Lord of the Peak, his hands would be so dark!"

   He was walking on the mountain road, looking back at Taiyin Peak hidden in the sea of ​​clouds.

   Yin Xue's face suddenly turned red, and she whispered: "Daoist Qing Hui, I... I have an uncomfortable stomach, go and make it easier."

   Zhang Ming forcibly used his True Yuan to press down his stomach, which was overturned, and nodded: "Go, we will wait for you under the tree in front of you."

  Guo Xiang held back her laughter and said happily, "It's still my girl's wit, just try it out!"

   They have officially left the area of ​​Sisheng Mountain and are heading towards Dongling County.

  Because he was not in a hurry, Zhang Ming simply walked with everyone, and while enjoying the mountains and snow, he walked slowly to the southeast.

   At the same time, in Taiyin Peak.

   Qu Feiyan, Ruan Xiu, Su Tan'er and Qing Yu were sitting in the hot spring pool, looking out the window.

   "Qing Hui Daoist... After all, he left."

   Ruan Xiu said with a lonely expression.

  Qu Feiyan hugged her waist from behind and said with a light smile, "Why, my Axiu can't bear it?"

   Ruan Xiuning choked, shook her head, and stopped talking.

  Su Tan'er got up and looked out the window and said, "Master, don't worry, Daoist Qing Hui is gone, but we can find him!"

  I don't know why, but as the Taoist priest left, her heart was empty.

  I wonder if the Full Moon Well on Zhuoguang Mountain is still there?

   She suddenly wanted to take a look again.

  If she looked down the edge of the well at the full moon, who would she see?

   Qing Yu was silent.

   "Axiu, Tan'er, Qingyu, after soaking in this hot spring, it's time for this palace to set off."

   Qu Feiyan said calmly.

   Ruan Xiu was startled: " are leaving too?"

  Qu Feiyan touched her hair that was hanging in the clear spring, and said with a smile, "You're so old, why are you still relying on me like you did when you were a kid?"

  Su Taner covered her mouth and smiled secretly.

   Ruan Xiu's expression gradually became stronger, returning to the glamorous appearance of the Lord of One Peak.

   "Tan'er is right. Although Daoist Qinghui is gone, we still have to finish the things he explained. When we are busy, let's go to Zhuoguang Mountain to see!"

   She smiled with bright eyes and blue eyebrows, stunning the world.

  Su Tan'er nodded happily.

   "Then it's settled, Ben Gong will join you on Zhuoguang Mountain at that time!"

   Qu Feiyan also nodded heavily and smiled.

   "Master, let's practice quickly!"

  Su Tan'er suggested from the side.

   In the silent eyes of Qing Yu, anticipation suddenly appeared.

   Qu Feiyan and Ruan Xiu looked at each other, their bodies flickered, revealing the dharma and their avatars, and they quickly pressed their palms together, and the breaths in their bodies were connected.

   The tide filled the room, and a comfortable sound rang out in the room.


   Two days later, Qingyuan Mountain.

   "Qinghui Daoist, according to our footsteps, in another day, we can reach the county seat of Dongling County."

   Yin Xue looked at the mountains and said.

   Zhang Ming held a scroll of animal skins in his hand and nodded.

   This is the Taiyin Peak eyeliner directory that Qing Yu gave him when he left Taiyin Peak.

   "Huancai Pavilion, Manchun Courtyard, Jinfeng Building, Xiaoxiang Residence, Shihua Pavilion, Lanxiang Class..."

   Zhang Ming took a closer look and found that these eyeliners were all over the entire Dajin, and almost every city had their people.

   Most of these people are not the official disciples of Taiyin Peak, they are just secret piles tied together with power and money, but through organization and training, a huge intelligence network has been formed.

   "It's no wonder that a few things I instructed, they came out quickly."

   Zhang Ming couldn't help but admire, "With such a perfect intelligence network, even if Taiyin Peak lives far away on the border of Dongling County, it is enough to grasp the turbulence in the Jin Dynasty."

   He was interested in the person who established this intelligence network, and Qing Yu, who was in charge of the intelligence network.

   It seems that everyone is good at it. They may not have a high level of cultivation, but in the field of their own research, they are definitely far better than themselves.

The    booklet naturally describes how to contact these eyeliners.

   After reading it, Zhang Ming consciously kept it in his heart, then rubbed his fingers and put the list in his sleeve.

   "Yin Xue, Miss Xiang'er, there are beautiful mountains and rivers in front of me, I might as well take a break."

   He raised his eyes and looked at the picturesque scenery, the first snow was melting, the clouds were shining, and he was in a very comfortable mood.

   At present, the thing to do is to draw a lottery!

  Yin Xue used True Yuan to clear a reef, scooped up a bowl of clear water from the stream, and handed it to Zhang Ming.

   "It's work."

  Zhang Ming sat on the reef and took a sip of clear water, only to feel that his whole body was full of peace, and there was natural energy accumulated throughout his limbs and bones.

   "Hope for a big red hand!"

   Facing the glow of the sun, he said softly in his heart, "Lottery draw!"

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations on obtaining the Flaming Mountain (pseudo), Sun Wukong, the great sage of the prehistoric world, kicked down Taishang Laojun’s gossip furnace, the furnace bricks fell into the world, and turned into a 800-mile Flaming Mountain. The inner Dao rhyme is hidden, and there is a samadhi. Fire, Liuding Shenhuo, and Tusita Ziyan are nourished, burn the sky and boil the earth, suppress all evils, and sign in 10,000 times to get a banana fan]

  [Current Status: Unmanifested]

  【Current check-in: 0/10000】

   Zhang Ming was overjoyed: "It turned out to be the Flaming Mountain of the Prehistoric World, haha, good luck!"

   The name of the Flaming Mountain is believed to be unknown to many people.

   And the banana fan, the reward for signing in 10,000 times, is also a famous innate treasure.

  It is said that Taishang Laojun has two fans, one is pure yang and the other is yin.

   Every time this Pure Yang Treasure Fan is fanned, it can give birth to six divine fires, which can be used by Taishang Laojun for alchemy.

   And the Zhiyin Banana Fan can put out the fire.

   But during the Journey to the West, many people knew that this banana fan fell into the hands of Princess Tie Fan, the wife of the Bull Demon King.

   Their son, Hong Boy, also cultivated in the Flaming Mountain and was proficient in the true fire of Samadhi.

  The reason for this, I believe it can be guessed without saying.

   Anyway, the top of the Bull Demon King's head is always green.

  Chunyang Baofan has always been in the hands of Taishang Laojun himself, and the two of them complement each other.

   "However, this banana fan is really powerful, even Sun Wukong can't block one."

   Zhang Ming sighed in his heart, "I heard that the banana fan is a spiritual treasure that has been created since the beginning of the chaos in the Kunlun Mountains. It is the essence of the yin leaf, so it can extinguish the qi and has infinite power."

   "And Taishang Laojun's purple gold gourd, I heard it grows in the same place as it."

   "Unfortunately, you have to sign in 10,000 times to get it!"

   He pressed this matter with some regret, this Flaming Mountain covers an area of ​​800 kilometers, and I am afraid it will not be easy to manifest.

   No matter where it is placed, it will induce the change of Qi and disturb the area.

   "One more chance to draw."

   Zhang Ming rubbed his hands and thought expectantly.

  Guo Xiang and Yin Xue both rested for a while, seeing that Qing Hui Daochang was full of joy, and his mood also became happy.

   "Sister Xue, you said it would be nice if the road to Dongling County was longer."

  Guo Xiang held her cheeks and looked at the clouds in the sky and said.

  Yin Xue stuck the knife in the soil and said with a smile, "Miss, you just think too much. There is no way to finish in this world. I feel that as long as the three of us are together, it doesn't matter where we go."

   Guo Xiang glared at her: "Fool."

   Zhang Ming had no idea what the two women were whispering beside him, and said in his heart, "Lottery draw!"

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations on your acquisition of Tang Guo Academy (pseudo), which established the master of the night world in the inheritance academy of Tang Guo, aiming to educate the world and end the turmoil. There are thousands of volumes of books in it, and you can gain insight into the world and read the world. Every 3000 times you sign in, you can get Obtain one of the Book of Heaven: Sun, Sunset, Sand, Down, Heaven, Kai, and Ming]

  [Current Status: Unmanifested]

  【Current check-in: 0/3000】

  Zhang Ming was stunned for a moment. Will Night World, Tang Guo Academy?

   This is the first time I've seen it.

   But, the academy...isn't this a Confucian thing?

   "What do you mean, even if the system asks me to build a Jinshan Temple, why do you want me to take the business of Confucianism?"

   He was a little powerless to complain.

   "However, it is not too much to call the master of the night world the strongest in the world, and even reach the sky into the moon in the end. I am afraid that he can be compared with the heaven and man in this world.

  Zhang Ming speculated, "If I can get the seven volumes of the Book of Heaven that are said to be able to destroy the world, it will definitely help me a lot in the future of my practice. Especially the Book of Heaven, the Book of Ming Characters..."

   He remembered that this volume of the Book of Heaven had always been in the Tang State Academy and was in charge of the elder brother, Li Jianan.

  The word "Ming" is connected to the word "Ming". It is said that after enlightenment, you can find the place of the underworld and spy on the secret of the six reincarnations.

   "This world is probably reincarnated..."

   Zhang Ming had some guesses compared to the technique of cause and effect he had seen at Xiaohanshan Temple before.

   "Tang State Academy, Chang'an City... I wonder if there is a shocking formation in it?"

   Anticipation gradually rose in his heart.

   Moreover, there should be no requirements for the manifestation of this academy, maybe you can find a place to manifest it first.

   "If I want to attract more and more talented people to join the academy, sign in for years and months, and work for me, I have to choose a big city that is famous all over the world."

   Zhang Ming's eyes lit up and he had an idea.

   What is the destination of their trip?

  Dongling County, one of the five counties of the Dajin Dynasty, is more suitable than the county seat of a county!

  The Confucian Dongming Academy is located in Luocheng, Kyoto, Zhongyuan County, and Bailu Academy is located in the city of Nancheng County, both of which are extremely prosperous places.

   And Tanglin County is not much worse than them!

  Zhang Ming had something to worry about, so without delay, he stood up and called, "Miss Xiang'er, Yin Xue, let's go!"

   The two girls were stunned for a moment, didn't they rest, so fast?

  Quick...not the style of the Taoist priest Qing Hui.

   Zhang Mingke ignored their lasting demands and smiled: "By the way, let's talk about the situation in Dongling County."


   The next day, the sky will be on the top of the clouds.

  Three figures appeared outside the county seat of Dongling County.

   "Master Qinghui, this is the county seat, and we don't come here often."

Guo Xiang looked around on tiptoe, and introduced, "The county town of Dongling County is also known as Jicheng. It has four towns and eighteen counties under its jurisdiction. It has a large population and is extremely prosperous. ."

   "There is a long river running through the city, called the Li River. There are pavilions on the riverside, fire trees and silver flowers, especially at night."

   "The so-called night market has thousands of lights illuminating the blue clouds, and the high-rise buildings are crowded with red sleeves. That's what they say!"

   is worthy of being a lady, and she speaks righteously.

   Zhang Ming nodded secretly.

   This prosperous scene of Lihe River, he has seen in the mirror image of the cause and effect of Xuanci of Xiaohanshan Temple.

   The fishing boat singing party to eliminate demons and restrain the Tao was held on the banks of the Pear River.

  Some people exclaimed on the Bodhi Cliff at that time, saying that a nearby building was called Tianxiangyuan.

  If you want to come there, it is the place where "high-rise buildings are crowded with red sleeves."

   "Qing Hui Daoist, this Jicheng is the county seat of Dongling County, so it is extremely important. There are black armored troops stationed inside and outside the city, and we have seen its commander at Xiaohanshan Temple."

  Yin Xue looked at the outer wall of the city with scorching eyes, and said, "Dou Jun, a strong man in the Yangshen realm."

   Her focus was obviously inconsistent with Guo Xiang.

  Zhang Ming glanced at her and said with a smile: "The Dharma Phase Realm has been killed, are we still afraid that a Yangshen Realm will fail?"

  Yin Xue shook his head and reminded: "The Taoist master's cultivation is unfathomable, Yin Xue is not worried. It's just that this Black Armor Army represents the Great Jin Dynasty after all. If it's not necessary, let's not provoke it."

   Her mind was thinking about these all the time.

   Zhang Ming couldn't help feeling a little moved.

   "Yin Xue, it's not good for this girl to think about fighting and killing all day long."

   He chuckled and had an idea in his heart, "It's really hard for you to follow Pindao through mountains and rivers these days. Let's go, it's better for Pindao to take you for a stroll by the Pear River and buy some red makeup."

   Guo Xiang immediately exclaimed, "Okay, okay!"

   But Yin Xue hesitated: "This..."

  She has guarded Guo Xiang since she was a child, and only wanted to become stronger in her practice. She had never paid attention to her dress, but it was the first time that a man bought her red makeup.

   Guo Xiang took her arm and walked towards the city gate.

   "What is this, Sister Xue, let me tell you, we girls need to be nicer to ourselves!"

  Yin Xue couldn't help her rubbing hard and rushing into the city gate.

   Zhang Ming smiled and said: "Don't worry, Pindao has copied a lot of money in the Hehuan Sect. Today, you can consume it as much as you like, enough!"

   At this moment, no quest prompts have come yet.

  It was rare for him to be unrestrained and unrestrained, and he immediately led the two of them into Dongling County with great interest.

   As for the black armored army, the county governor's office...he had a plan in his heart, and he was not in a hurry.

   If you want to be that fisherman, how can you be impatient.

   Their backs fell under the city gate and merged into the crowd.

   There was a loud and lively sound in the city, as if cheering for the arrival of the three of them.

  The eyes of all parties hidden in the dark were startled, and then they quietly spread the news to all directions.

  Lingshu Guanqing emblem...he came to the county seat!

   (end of this chapter)