MTL - Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me-Chapter 1229 Blessings?

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Hongguogu's confession, but I really did n’t feel touched—Ms. Zheng's words were too damaging and too harsh. I didn't think about it for a long time, but she didn't think about what she said, but I only heard that it was bad for Duanmu Yes, Shundai also praised himself very much, and it was so gentle and gentle to swear and narcissism. Ms. Zheng is definitely the first person I have ever met. The poisonous tongue is still the darkest belly of the oriental lady. Come on.

Sure enough, Madam Duanmu heard it, sighed softly, and said, "Xiao Qiu, are you grumbling with me, right? I know you are not a casual girl, even if you really like him ..."

I guess Madam Duanmu wanted to say, ‘Even if you really like him, you wo n’t be so imprecise’, but Zheng Yuqiu cut it off.

"I just really like him," I wonder if this girl is to emphasize her intimacy with me, or to cover up the other side of Mrs. Duanmu. She was sitting next to me. Now she is crooked and straight. It was on me, with a shy happy smile, and said to Mrs. Duanmu: "You're right, I'm not a casual person. In theory, you are my sister ..."

Buddy really wants to vomit: What is she supposed to be your sister in theory? She is your sister in every sense! This little mouth is damaged, no wonder Duanmu Liushui can't stand you ...

"... But do you know where my home in Beitian is? You don't know, because you come to Beitian, I will only entertain you at the hotel, I never take anyone home casually, until today, know me Zheng Yuqiu knows that there are only three people in my place-my sister, Min Rou, and him. This morning we came out of my house together. "

The same fact, from her mouth, and from Mrs. Duanmu's mouth, are two flavors-Mrs. Duanmu said that when she came to Beitian, Miss Zheng will definitely arrange her room and board, but she is extremely satisfied and extremely happy Yes, she dared to be in trouble for a long time. It was Miss Zheng who was unwilling to tell her where she lived, and then thought of this girl saying that Duanmujia was like a big hotel. How can I think that she was damaging her sister ...

"Bitch." Duanmu Liushui was definitely scolding Zheng Yuqiu, but Ya was staring at me.

I didn't think about how the words Duanmu Liushui spit out, but I saw the super baby-faced Mrs. Duanmu was more exaggerated, her expression was like a terrified little basin friend, and her tongue was swollen by over-surprise, as if All of a sudden, I went back a few years from the fifth grade of primary school. As the saying goes, the disadvantaged kindergarten small class students said, "You, you, you, you two were together last night ?!"

I stumbled before smelting-Zheng Yu Qiu Liangming's attitude supported me. Even I was surprised. I only lied to her here, no matter if she turned away or sat down with her sister barely. After eating this meal, it is enough for Lao Zhang to understand the fact that she and Madam Duanmu have not reached a consensus. It is impossible for Lao Zhang to be cautious at the dinner table by forcing the two sisters who are obviously in conflict. I The bet is the situation of winning five or five. Lao Zhang didn't dare to show his 10,000-percent card. He will definitely ask Madam Duanmu to privately win over Zheng Yuqiu and play a buffer. This buffer is The best result I expected. Since he is a buffer, why not me? I only gave him one week to think, Min Rou, Xiao Zi, plus myself, three mouths. Even if Miss Zheng can convince Miss San to stand on the same front with her to support Mrs. Duanmu, one week is not enough They persuaded Ziyuan alone—don't say buddy now knows that Miss Three owes me a life, and simply instructing Xiao Zi to give me medicine and lose herself to me is enough for us to cry, make trouble, and hang me. Capital, Miss Three can ignore me, but from the text messages she sends to Xiao Zi, she also claims to be her sister. Both Xiao Zi and Yu Qiu are absolutely tangled by her. One week, she dragged up, and the Zheng family sister dragged Can it afford Zhang? And the mentality of people is that the more they are procrastinating, the more eager they are, the more they are afraid, and the more they are afraid, the more they are afraid, but they want to harm others. At that time, I still have to worry about his unwillingness to sacrifice the boat of sand. ?

In fact, the content on Sima Yang ’s face is the simplest and clearest explanation of what these people think—Ya is so surprised, she just said: No wonder you were so sure yesterday. It turns out that you and Miss Zheng were already a pair of dogs. Men and women ...

When I was surprised that Zheng Yuqiu said that she liked me, when I took advantage of her willingness to use her support for me and forced Lao Zhang to showdown, others just took it for granted: Why did Zheng Yuqiu spare no effort to help this kid ? To what extent have they developed?

I only knew yesterday, or that it was 'guessed' that Mrs. Duanmu joined forces with Zhang Li, and Zheng Yuqiu stood up today and said that she was a firm supporter of me. I persuaded her overnight, or did she 'sleepwear' for a long time. ? It is estimated that most normal people will tend to the latter, right?

Miss Zheng was so questioned by Mrs. Duanmu, she was embarrassed. It can be seen that she did not intentionally mislead everyone to understand the relationship between us. She emphasized the privacy level of her address, but what made me want to vomit blood. Niu admired Madam Duanmu ’s reaction, and her eyes glowed with a touch of wonder, astonished and cunning, and nodded hard, saying, "Yeah, we stayed together all night, in my house, in my room, why? Anymore? "

Mrs. Duanmu has red ears and red ears. I don't know if she was angry or gave such a shameless package for the Zheng family. "What are you doing ... together? ... what have you done?"

I just had to figure out why everyone misunderstood it before I had time to deny it. I was taken first by Zheng Yuqiu. Now let me say that the two of us were not together at all last night. Is anyone still convinced? Others will only think: This kid is not a thing, and other girls have acknowledged it. He denies that he is still a thing and no one knows it?

The tension is more than I hope it is not true, but he also knows that Miss Zheng's words are out. I deny that it is useless. It is estimated that Lao Zhang's regretful intestines are all green now, why did I create so many rumors? Not to mention Zheng Yuqiu's own admission, in all likelihood it is true, even if it is false, or we just drink and drink to talk about life, I said, he is convinced, and Mrs. Duanmu is not. Ah-how can I have that character in Chunan? The female colleagues in the company did not dare to take an elevator with me, for fear of conceiving my child, disdain these rumors, such as Yao Waner Qin Lan Xiao Song Jia, how many times they were flown, they can not count themselves, the most outrageous Mo Too much Kangkang called me 'Dad', because she was my daughter-in-law, I pulled it out, and Loli was in the second grade of elementary school. I was still the right lady when she was pregnant! But nobody believes that people are more willing to believe that Sister Liu is a pervert.

These rumors must be "thank you" for tension. The rumors did not weigh me down and smashed my feet. At this time, my character was not strong enough to affect him-the better result was amputation, not good. Those who killed him were the scandals he slandered me ...

That ’s how bad news comes, right? Harm to the end will not harm you, truth ...

The form is out of my control, talking is even more cruel and masochistic. I raised the water cup again, but this time I was shocked by the pressure of the water. My hand was shaking so much. Miss Zheng said, let me put a mouthful of water just in my mouth. All sprayed out.

"There is only one bed in my room. What do you say a man and a woman can do on a bed?" Miss Zheng wanted to murder me 100%, and said, "Do + love."

It was Zhang Dong who almost died of a heart attack.

"Impossible!" Madam Duanmu slammed the table, instead of trying to expose Zheng Yuqiu's lies, I think she wants to deceive herself, or expect Zheng Yuqiu to "lie" to deceive her, pointing at me: "He drank yesterday It was so drunk that I had a big fight with Mayfair in the afternoon. How could I go to you ?! "

Madam Duanmu is definitely confused. Even if I am not drunk but I am really drunk, why can't I go to Zheng Yuqiu?

Zheng Yuqiu didn't know that I had a real and fake quarrel with Murphy yesterday, but this goods is the reincarnation of fox spirits-not only clever and cunning, but she is still a young girl, and the waves are charming, Can only be born!

The girl fox didn't blink. "He came to me just because he was in a bad mood. I can listen to his complaints, comfort him, let him vent. As a woman, aren't these things I should do? "

Duanmu Liushui sarcastically said, "Yes, as a woman, the most important thing you should do when you are born is to be done by a man."

The words were bad enough, but after being questioned by Zheng Yuqiu himself, Master Duanmu was a little out of anger, and he interjected twice as if he was talking to himself, his voice was not loud, and he did not look at Zheng Yuqiu.

Madam Duanmu said nothing, grabbed the cup that was knocked down by her, and threw it at her son. Despite the outrageousness, if he didn't hide the tension, he might break his face, but it can be seen from the extremely low parabola That's not the kind of hand strength that a small kindergarten or even a fifth grader can have-Duanmu Liushui, who has only been so slapsed by her mother, is scared. Madam Duanmu is really angry!

Zheng Yuqiu stood on my side. It was an unexpected joy, wouldn't it turn into an unexpected sadness again? Blessings depend on blessings, and blessings on blessings? !! do not!