MTL - Provoke the Fate of Crazy Beauties-Chapter 5

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Gu Siyu put her chin on her hand and tapped the screen with her fingertips. She was thinking about how to take a picture. Just now, Huo Junxian hooked the shoulder strap very well, but unfortunately she didn't catch it. Shoulder straps come down?"

Huo Junxian looked at her with a smile in the bottom of her eyes, then she went to the bed to lift the quilt and lay down, two long legs overlapped, then one leg was slowly bent, and the skirt went up slightly Pick, the skirt slits open to above the knee.

People look very charming.

She leaned back and said, "That's it."

"That's right, the bed photos look better." Gu Siyu said with a smile.

Huo Junxian turned to get the book, leaving a good shooting angle for Gu Siyu. Gu Siyu captured this seductive action. When looking for the angle, the dog was pinching in her hand The rope was next to the head of the bed, and the lock snapped against the head of the bed.

Gu Siyu held up her mobile phone and adjusted the camera mode. While taking pictures, she said, "Huo Junxian, are you so undefended?"

Huo Junxian brought back a book, flipped page by page, found the last place she read, took a bookmark from it and put it on the table.

She started reading.

Gu Siyu really wants to teach Huo Junxian a lesson, let her know that there are many bad people in this world, don't treat others unreservedly, and don't take heart and lungs for others.

More people seem to be nice to you, but they are actually conspiracy.

She is a great example.

Huo Junxian was fascinated by the book, she looked up at the dog leash in Gu Siyu's hand, "Stop playing, don't hit yourself."

It's just a dog leash, it hurts how much it hurts her, Gu Siyu devoured her concern, Gu Siyu put the leash on the head of the bed and said, "You don't want me Tied up?"

Huo Junxian lowered her eyes again, Gu Siyu smiled, she took a close-up photo of Huo Junxian with her mobile phone, Huo Junxian was so interesting, the photos taken were also very nice, the atmosphere was full, no need to light up It can capture the ambiguous feeling of orange and dim yellow.

"What book?" Gu Siyu asked curiously, "Let me read it too."

Huo Junxian lifted the book forward and let her read the title.


Gu Siyu saw the name, but didn't know a word.


What does Comment mean?

Huo Junxian gave the book to her and let Gu Siyu read it together. Gu Siyu glanced at the dense pinyin, and didn't understand it.

She suspected that Huo Junxian did it on purpose.

Gu Siyu's mobile phone is facing Huo Junxian again, this time they are close, and the bust is shot, occupying the entire screen, the sense of the picture is really amazing.

She turned the camera down and was about to take a picture when the phone rang, Jin Yuansen called, Huo Junxian looked up at her, Gu Siyu tutted, save the photo first, slide her finger to answer .

Jin Yuansen's voice was a little anxious, "Where's the photo."

Before Gu Siyu replied, Jin Yuansen asked: "You won't lie to me, will you? I don't like other people joking with money, and there are no photos. If you don't obey me, I will stop the card. ."

It's funny, during the period between Gu Siyu and Jin Yuansen, Jin Yuansen gave her a card, and the card can store up to 10,000 yuan. Gu Siyu stopped the card if he didn't obey.

He feels that he is very powerful and holds the economic lifeline.

Gu Siyu: stingy.

Gu Siyu: "What's the hurry? Your wife is lying on the bed."

Jin Yuansen immediately fell silent, he suppressed his voice and said, "What is she doing?"


"Can I play video?"

"The room is dark, are you sure?"

"Hurry up and take pictures." Jin Yuansen urged.

100,000 yuan is not a small amount, Jin Yuansen must see something, hang up the phone, Gu Siyu took the phone and started taking pictures, the room was very bright, she took the camera object Huo Junxian, Huo Junxian is very photogenic , if only she smiled, she put her finger on the shooting button and pressed it a few more times, all the photos were saved, but she didn't post any of Huo Junxian's photos.

Jin Yuansen urged softly, "Look at the cabinet, don't wake Huo Junxian, be quiet."

Gu Siyu moved the camera to the bedside table next to her, looked at Huo Junxian who was very calm, blinked as if to say, "Do you mind if I take a look?"

Huo Junxian did not speak, Gu Siyu walked over with her mobile phone, opened the drawer of Huo Junxian's bedside table, she opened it, and then went to see Huo Junxian, Huo Junxian turned the book leisurely, and could hear the sparse pages rubbing sound.

There was a bunch of stuff stuffed in the cabinet, Gu Siyu didn't think there would really be something in it, there was a thick document at the bottom, and the brown kraft paper bag directly said "Property Liquidation", She took out the cowhide bag, pinched the thin thread on it and untied it half a circle, and was about to get the information inside.

Huo Junxian's fingers suddenly grabbed her wrist and pulled up hard, Gu Siyu didn't respond, suddenly Huo Junxian dragged her onto the bed, she subconsciously hid the document in Huo Junxian was not given behind her.

"Gu Siyu." She said, "Give it back to me."

Over there, Jin Yuansen heard the sound, the smoke burned his hand, and he quickly hung up the phone. Jin Yuansen held the phone, his eyes were heavy, he closed his eyes, looked at the frightened half-dead, he kept panting.

The assistant gave him a tissue, "Mr. Jin, what happened?"

Jin Yuansen said: "Gu Siyu has been discovered."

He exhaled, a little flustered.

The assistant asked: "What should I do? Will it affect you?"

"Early discovery is the same as late discovery. I just want to find out whether Huo Junxian has any property. Since she has... ah, then I'm welcome." Jin Yuansen bit his cigarette, not in a hurry He said, "Gu Siyu is useless now. If Huo Junxian doesn't drive her away, I have to find a way to drive her away. She only loves money and has no loyalty to me at all."

To put it bluntly, he just used Gu Siyu to be smart and daring. Now that Gu Siyu gets what he wants, his feelings are just shit.

"Oh." The assistant took his cigarette, so as not to burn it.

Under the control of her, she will stare at you when she rolls over in bed."

"Monitoring?" The assistant was shocked, "Is there no privacy? I think Mrs. is very gentle."

He felt pain in hindsight. The soot just fell on the back of his hand bitten by Teddy, and the pain caused him to grin.

"Fuck..." Jin Yuansen scolded in a low voice, "Don't talk about Huo Junxian, her dog has to get out for me too."

As he said this, his fingers were still shaking a little, then he got up and said, "I'll go to the company."

Jin Yuansen was going to guard his property, Gu Siyu went with him to the Huo family, Huo Junxian found out that Gu Siyu stole something, and he would definitely kill Gu Siyu, Gu Siyu would live with him It doesn't matter to him, what can really touch him is the company's interests, he is only afraid that Huo Junxian will target him.

He flicked the ash from his body.


However, Gu Siyu in the room blinked and took a deep breath, she stood up straight, picked up the documents that fell on the ground, she went to see Huo Junxian, Huo Junxian closed her eyes Go on, whatever she does, don't struggle anymore.

Gu Siyu looked down at her chest and was very irritable. She hadn't showered yet and felt uncomfortable all over her body. She said, "borrow me some clothes to wear."

Huo Junxian did not speak, Gu Siyu went to the bathroom, she took off her clothes and looked at her body, oh.

Not bad.

Huo Junxian was poisonous and pinched her with internal injuries.

The skin is not red, but the inside is hot.

The light in the bathroom was not on, and the light in the bedroom seemed to be the light of spring, she stole a ray or two, and the light in the room was turned off after she took a shower.

Gu Siyu didn't want to leave this room yet, she was sleeping here tonight, Huo Junxian didn't chase her, Gu Siyu lay directly on the bed.

The movement was too big, and the dog leash fell to the ground at night and smashed loudly.

It was dawn, Gu Siyu looked at the room again.

I didn't see it clearly last night, but now she finally sees it clearly. The bedroom is quite big, with a huge bookshelf behind the wall, there should be room behind it.

It is not clear what to put.

On the left side of the bed is a sofa and a warm yellow kennel, a picture frame is hung on the wall, and an oil painting is sealed inside.

The woman is wearing a warm yellow dress, she is sitting on the ground, the wind is blowing, her long hair is blown, the little Teddy is lying on her leg, her fingers are on Teddy's head, she has one hand Holding the book, a bright smile appeared on the side of his face.

The sky shines through the fire, and the mountains are also red.

Teddy stared blankly in front of him, his limbs were very uncoordinated, and he seemed to say, "Oh?"

And that stupid dog saying "oh".

A large oil painting, but the woman in the painting looks very young.

About seventeen or eighteen.

How old is Huo Junxian now, twenty-seven or twenty-eight?

Is this the difference between a young girl and a young woman?

Thinking, Huo Junxian came out of the cloakroom.

She was wearing a white dress, she looked a bit similar to the painting, deep V, but now she was plumper than before, Huo Junxian pushed her hair behind her ears.

Gu Siyu did not dislike her. Knowing that she was going out, she immediately left the bedroom. As soon as her legs came out, she saw Teddy at the door.


"Good morning." Gu Siyu greeted it.


Huo Junxian picked up the dog, "Are you hungry?"

Gu Siyu said first: "I'm hungry."

"Wow!" Teddy purred fiercely and gave a warning.

She told herself what she said. She pressed her hand on the railing and asked, "Huo Junxian, when did you paint the oil painting in your room?"

Huo Junxian hugged the dog and walked down.

Gu Siyu said: "Teenage?"

Huo Junxian stopped, "Sixty years old."


Gu Siyu said: "I don't see it, dare I ask you how old you are now?"

Huo Junxian's mouth moved, she looked like she was smiling, she put the dog down when she went down the stairs, and said softly, "Slow down."

Gu Siyu walked downstairs when she told her this.

Huo Junxian's life is very simple, that is, doing housework and preparing meals, over and over again, Gu Siyu sat on the sofa and stared at her, not feeling boring, but thinking that this woman is very strange.

Today is a little different, Huo Junxian took a record and put it in the record player, old-fashioned machine, gold speakers, retro color, singing will have a noise.

Huo Junxian turned on the sweeping robot at home, she was playing with the robot, the sweeping robot dragged a little in front, she added a little in the back, the hot water boiled, she washed her hands and poured the water into a cup , and threw two more jasmine flowers into it.

Sing on the record player:





Gu Siyu didn't understand a word.

The words Gu Siyu said from upstairs to downstairs were all tempting. She was testing whether Huo Junxian would change back to the beginning overnight, and kept an indifferent attitude towards her, obviously not , she wants to seize this opportunity.

"Huo Junxian," Gu Siyu went to take the mop in Huo Junxian's hand. She usually watched by the side. The first time she offered to help, she said, "I'll help you."

Huo Junxian turned her head to look at her, Gu Siyu took away her mop with a bit of skill, she whispered in Huo Junxian's ear: "As long as you are good to me, I will be good to you."


Gu Siyu continued to seduce, "You can play whatever you want. In fact, you also like to play."

However, Huo Junxian couldn't say a word, her eyes passed Gu Siyu and landed outside the courtyard, and there was the sound of the car's engine outside.

Gu Siyu frowned and followed her to look out.

I saw a car parked outside the door. It was a black Bentley with great style. The shade of trees next to it sparsely fell on the front of the car. The driver came down first and then respectfully opened the door. Open it, raise your hand over the roof to let the people in the car get down, then step out with a long leg, and then reveal the owner's beautiful face

—it's the female neighbor

Gu Siyu went to see Huo Junxian, Huo Junxian's eyes had already passed her, and she was all attracted by the face outside, which made her very uncomfortable. She was quite angry thinking about it.

"Huo Junxian." She shouted.

Huo Junxian did not respond.


Gu Siyu moved her finger, she directly pinched Huo Junxian's chin and pressed her lips, Huo Junxian was stunned and looked at her blankly. Gu Siyu kissed, pushed, and forced him onto the sofa. She bit Huo Junxian's lips heavily and said, "Respond to me."


The author has something to say:

"Commentdompterunchien" is a French book "How to Tame a Wild Dog", I saw it in the library before, hahaha.

No culture is terrible! Everyone, don't learn from her, you must study hard!

You refresh and take a look at the cover image, there are surprises, big bear beauty, hee hee

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: Daluo1;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 2 dark fragrances; Xiaoxin's crayons, A Zizi spit bubbles, and a spoonful of Jiang Coco;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 4820341420 bottles; 16 bottles of Ziming; 12 bottles of Uranus Gravity; Bottles; Big Sister, let go of 8 bottles first; Dream Yankees 6 bottles; Qiqiqi Lz5 bottles; This is a good name 4 bottles; 1 bottle of head, Sssteppen, breeze, night river lights;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!