MTL - Pursuing Immortality-Chapter 37 Entrance exam

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When the Taoist retreated, the two entered the room, and Han Shu was guarding the door.

This is a quiet room without chairs. He Zun and Li Yan are sitting awkwardly on the futon. The old road is just across the road, with a straight and upright posture, as if it is Taishan, and has its own momentum.

"Lord Dao has been here for a few days. Is everything OK?" Li Yan said.

"Oh, come here late at night, think it's a bit frowning?" The old man didn't answer, and asked directly.

"Can't hide from you ..."

He Hezun found out the remaining incense pill and passed it to him, "Look at this."

Lao Dao took it in the palm, smelled it, and twisted it twice with his fingers. Taoist Temple also worships incense, with a large amount of incense and incense. He also makes some on his own, and is good at it.

At this moment, when I look at it, I feel a little different. The fragrant pill is round and tight, without any omissions, but it looks like it is natural and there are no traces of processing. He immediately got up, walked to the wooden case next to him, cleaned up the unburned benzoin, and put incense pills.

This is not a smoke-smoke, but together with the heat, there will be a faint green smoke.

The incense incense will only be fully circulated after a short period of brewing. About a minute later, the three of them smelled a clear and refreshing taste, which seemed to dispel the turbidity in their brains and refreshed them.


老 The old man took a deep breath, and suddenly looked slightly changed. He took another two breaths as if not sure, and then returned to his original position, meditating with his eyes closed.

The two looked at each other, but didn't dare to bother, but waited in embarrassment.

The room was quiet for a while, and only a long and powerful breathing sound was heard. With this rhythm, it seems that a weak suction force is generated, which causes the smoke to drift near, and the old-fashioned face becomes a bit fuzzy.

After a moment's snoring, he opened his eyes, with a little eagerness, and asked, "Where did you get this incense?"

"It was one of those goals, her friend sent it."

"Can you find this person?"

"I can find ..."

He Jingzun paused and couldn't help asking: "Director, what's wrong with this incense?"

"The problem is great, but it is inconvenient to talk to you in detail."


He Zun listened a little unpleasantly, and the old man looked in his eyes, and simply pointed out: "Mr. He, the poor Taoist heard the two sons were in a strange condition, and he was curious when he agreed to take a look. He did not make any promises, not you If you really find someone who makes incense, no matter if he doesn't, he will meet for a while. As for your grievances, you still have to resolve them yourself. "

These words are harsh, but they are true.

I have n’t had a big deal at first, it ’s you guys asking for help. Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, Li Yan said busyly: "Yes, you are yours, we are ours."

He Hezun narrowed his eyes, and immediately sorted out, nodded.

With that said, the two got up and left.

I was so frightened that there was only one old man in the room. He looked at the incense burner with a complex expression. He was both surprised and expectant, and a little scared and nervous.

Luan Nanzong has been passed down for more than a thousand years since Zhang Boduan, but it is just a dust in the long river of history.

Chinese myths are numerous and countless, and one of them is a rule: the farther away from the present age, the greater the power in myth; the closer it is, the more sparse it is.

From the ancient Kuafu chasing the sun and reclaiming the sea, to the later Ziqi came to the east, there was a fish in Beiming, and then to Ge Hong and Zuo Ci, until Wang Chongyang and Zhang Sanfeng. It can be described as LOWB all the way. At first, it was fascinating. At last, Maoshan Xiaoshu raised ghosts and arrested them.

Even in modern times, what kind of hand-inserted electric door, coins into a bottle, even a showman is a master!

Let ’s say that before, productivity was low and people ’s wisdom was not developed, so we adore nature and mysterious power. When society develops and the people are enlightened, many things can be scientifically verified and they will tend to be rational.

This is certainly a saying, but in the eyes of theists, there must have been many unknown waves in thousands of years.

The entire Taoist system relies on the vague spread of classics and myths. From the perspective of Nanzong alone, Zhang Bo is holding "The True Story" and Bai Yuchan is writing "The Promise of the Promise", which is tangible. At the same time, there are some anecdotes, such as Bo Duan fighting with a monk, Yuanshen travelling to Yangzhou with a trick, and agreed to fold flowers as a record. The monk arrived first, but he couldn't fold the flowers. Bo Duan came later, but he picked a Qionghua.

Uncle Duan said: I have two lives to live, Jin Dan Avenue, but the real **** sees me, this is called Yang Shen. You only practice life, not sex, although the speed is fast, but there is no egg, your name is Yin Shen.

Is this a big deal? Quite awesome.

Xun Ke passed on four generations to Bai Yuchan, but only saw the theory, but not the true chapter. There were no outstanding figures in six or seven hundred years, let alone any power.

This is very weird. Mo Laodao has read the classics and can't understand it. When he was young, he traveled the world and visited senior people. Those senior monks who were over a hundred years old had only deep static skills, reasonable living, and no magic at all.

Even so, he still believes in "xian".

He used to think that he might be stuck in the realm of the day after tomorrow ... But, tonight, from the incense, he felt a novel, strange, full of spirit and vitality.


Early morning, Phoenix Peak.

The sky was dim, blue in the cold, reflecting the top of the mountain like a huge ice jade, drifting and indifferently embedded in the void. The Qi of Qi, which has accumulated for one night, has not yet dissipated, and the Qi of Qi in the morning has just emerged. This is the time when the two airs merge and change day and night.

Gu Guyu sat on that big blue stone, as if the ten parties were silent, the only spirit was shining, and the whole person became more and more ethereal with the natural world.

The wind blew through the clouds, and the sky changed. I don't know how long it took, but I saw a light red leaping from the distant horizon, like ink in the water, rendering and aging, and soon soaked half of the sky.

Gu Gu's heart felt something, and he immediately spit out, and a slightly richer white gas sprayed out than before, like a young snake flying in the air for a long time.

Then he opened his mouth again and Bai Qi was swallowed back.

Repeated this way, until the red sun rose to the east and the dawn disappeared, he slowly opened his eyes. And looking up, there is a vast sea of ​​clouds, seeing through the glass-colored refraction, looking down, it is Qianya Jingxiu, layers of forest Cuiyu.

"Hoo ..."

He stood up and couldn't help but chuckled. Today's condition seems particularly good.

The word state is very magical. It not only includes many physical conditions, but also whether there are mental factors such as whether there is a timely papapa, the posture of the pap is right, and the professionalism is not extracted after the pap is finished.

When all these are OK, then the special status is good.

Of course, Gu 玙 is still a single dog. He means that he feels more cultivating and has a feeling of fullness and fullness.

Aya stood on Qingshi for a while, then turned away.

The mountain is silent, most of the creatures are still sleeping, only the early birds are eating and catching insects. After a long walk, he heard the squawk in the forest on the right, and the sound of a bird tweeting.

I turned and looked, it was a black-purple, white-bellied tit. The **** turned twice and stopped on a branch.


眨 He blinked, quietly leaning over, standing at the maximum distance of the trigger, arms raised, and loose sleeves shaking.


雀 An invisible wave enveloped the birds instantly, and he also felt that a super-powerful water pump was pumping into the body ~ ~ that poor aura has been evacuated in half.

几乎 Almost at the same time, the bird combing its feathers with a sharp beak stiffened, and its eyes became dull. But the next second, it was very happy again, flapping his wings and jumping on the branches.

He is so supernatural that he has no notice of himself.

After dying for a few minutes, the illusion disappeared. The bird was aggressive again, looking back and forth, all kinds of doubts about life.

"Well, a little better ..."

Gu 玙 observed for a moment, and he had a few thoughts in his heart, then he went down the mountain leisurely.

Jain illusions can only be performed with seven emotions and six desires. Animals don't have so many emotions, but basic joy, anger, and fear still exist. After getting the goods, I have been scratching my heart, because there is no place to test.

找 If you find someone to come and read for a month, if you die, it is small. If you do n’t die, you are telling them that you are a film mage. Unless it's especially close ... uh, that's not safe, it's too scary after all.

Therefore, the little animals on the mountain have been seeded, but fortunately, he did not put on great fear.

At about seven o'clock, Gu Min returned to Fenghuang Ji, but did not arrive home, but turned to Fang's yard. The couple was nervous to pack the children's stationery, but Fang Qing was sitting on the cymbals, miamia was eating breakfast, very calm.

She saw Gu Yan coming in, immediately put down the chopsticks and rushed over, "Brother, I thought you were not coming."

"How can I not come for such a big thing? Are you ready?" He asked with a smile.

"Uh, I'm ready ..."

The little girl glanced at the corner of her eyes and pointed to the still-working parents, looking helpless.


Gu Gu also laughed. There is no way. Which child is not anxious when the child takes the entrance exam?