MTL - Qinglian Chronicles-Chapter 65 Rivers and lakes

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The author has something to say: thx happy birthday. This ship is very large, with four or five cabins. To be honest, I am not surprised to rent such a ship in this place. Generally, large ships are made by the wealthy people themselves.

The poor horses were kept in the cabin under the deck, and the hay was eaten. It was a pity. My fireplace was smashed, and things didn't eat. It looked like seasickness. I was worried about it, I fed two pine nuts, and I barely rolled my tongue into my mouth and chewed it.

This is a tributary of the Yellow River. From this port, it can reach three hundred miles away from Lingyang. Compared with the land, it saves a lot of roads. In the past two days, the river has also risen in water, and the water flow has become more urgent. It can be reached one night. If it is wounded from the land, it will take two or three days.

When I got on the boat, it was dusk, and the surface of the water was golden. After a long time, it turned silver. Although the water was urgent, the waves were not big, and the water color showed a deep blue, reflecting the moon swaying inside.

I and Koi leaned on the side of the boat, the boat began to cook, the aroma of fish and rice slowly floated on the river, and there were other ships in the distance, as if there were people singing the folk songs, I think for a long time. I didn't encounter such a leisurely time, and I couldn't stop my heart from being happy.

I looked back at Koi, and Koi also looked at me. I smiled at him. He hesitated and slowly reached out to grab my waist.

Zhou Zizhu is boasting at the stern. I don’t know if it is reflected in the river. The snoring is especially lonely. I didn’t go over, listened quietly, and listened to him. He heard him whisper: “Who did you last night? The waters of the river are screaming in the night. The gold wind falls into the jade, and the half-jiang Mingyue reflects the autumn heart. The lonely shadows are more than a year old, and the friends are half-dead. The mother-in-law is in tears, and the wanderers are empty and unfilial."

My parents died early, but they were also loving when they were alive. Although there are not many friends who really treat each other, there are always a few. Listening to him, I can’t help but sigh. As a result, the hand that Koi placed on my waist tightened.

"The wind is big, go back." He said almost softly.

I nodded and obediently returned to him in the cabin. This boat has one of the largest cabins. It is a place to eat. In public space, everyone’s bedroom is very small. Ours is big, but it’s three or four square meters. There is no place left after the bed is put out, and the air is stuffy. "Would you like to sleep for a while to eat?"

I "hmm", lie down on the legs of Koi: "You don't have to sleep, just lie down and rest."

Koi quietly acts as my pillow.

After a while, I said, "Who do you think is the Lord?"

"About Lu Liang." He paused.


"There are so many things that you know when you come out. You can't hide your whereabouts anyway. I know that you just don't want to waste time along the official face. Lu Liang receives the letter and naturally wants to draw you down." ”

"How can you see that Guo Zhengtong wants to please Zhou Zizhu?"

Koi laughed: "Do you really feel that there is a good official there?"

"It is not important for Lu Liang to be a good official. What is important is whether Guo Zhengtong is a good official. This time it is uneven, the dog bites the dog, or is it pure obituary?"

Koi didn't care for me, I wanted to go by myself.

Jin Feng refused to come out when he was eating. This guy was beaten by his brother and he was not angry. I asked the little green bead to take some food and go to the cabin to eat with him.

The boatman only made the usual dishes, but the fish was fresh and delicious, and it tasted different. I added a meal.

After returning to the house after dinner, Koi has no snacks. I said, "Let's go see Jinfeng, don't make trouble."

He nodded and told me to go to bed early and went out.

Of course, I didn't dare to sleep when I was eating. I wanted to maintain my body. So I sat at the table and stunned at the wick in the flames on the table. I suddenly heard a bang, and I turned back. Seeing a long-lost familiar figure sitting on the edge of the bed, laughing at me. I don’t know when it’s coming in. It’s really like a ghost.

I was so upright that I suddenly got up and stepped back. The unbearable memories of his ill-treatment were all back, and the wounds that had healed on my body began to faint.

The original Qingyun was very good at light work, and he didn’t move much. When he was in the shadow, he was close to me. I saw his beautiful and handsome face, and he was covered with goose bumps, and his mouth was open, but he was shut up.

I shook my head desperately, but I heard the sound of his chuckle, and I almost got my hair to breathe. I suddenly remembered that my internal strength had recovered, and I had no effort to move my hand and sneaked into his lower abdomen.

Unexpectedly, my hand was tight, and my whole palm was pinched in his hand. The original Qingyun "啧啧" two voices, said with a smile: "The original Zhang Daren martial arts recovered."

I am cold and cold to him.

The original Qingyun moved his hand to my middle point and smiled. "Don't call people, otherwise I will be welcome."

I nodded. He let go of the hand that held my mouth. I vomited and looked at him. I calmly calmed down and said coldly, "You don't go to Shao Qing, come to me and do what?"

The original Qingyun smiled: "General Shao Da is naturally looking for it, but he is reluctant to be a big man, just not far from it. Let's visit it first."

I heard him in this tone, and I couldn't help but take a step back. He followed another step and slowly pushed me into the corner.

I saw that he was attached to me and there was no gap. I couldn’t help but protest. His hand slowly touched my neck and gently slammed it. He said softly, "Don't make a noise, don't move." I bowed and kissed me.

I was pinched by his neck, and naturally he did not dare to resist. He had to let him lick and bite on my lips. I only clenched my mouth. After he failed to try to put his tongue in, he left me a little bit and said with a grunt: "Zhang Daren, we are also a couple of days a day, we haven't seen each other for a few days, why are you so old?"

I don't answer, give him a chance!

Continue to close your lips.

The original Qingyun laughed and reached out to touch my clothes. I was touched by some of his legs, but the physiological reaction was a physiological reaction. I am not sorry for my family's koi.

Suddenly, the original Qingyun said, "Oh, baby, you are so beautiful, separate your legs... hold me tight."

I heard it inexplicably. When I looked up, I was suddenly bloodless. Koi stood at the door and looked blue.

The **** original Qingyun, actually used this kind of trick to hurt me!

The original Qingyun smiled at me and was very happy to let me go. He turned and looked at the koi with a provocative smile.

There is no smile on the face of Koi, and I look at the original Qingyun coldly. "It seems that you really want to die."

A heavy murderous.

The original Qingyun laughed again.

I quickly clarified: "Koi, this wicked person is thin, I will catch him!"

Yuan Qingyun smiled lightly: "Zhang Daren, how can I be thin and thin? Ming Ming Zhang Daren said that Yao Jinxi tastes bad, I want to relive my old dreams with me, Qingyun only agrees... Hey!" I did not finish, Koi Already as fast as lightning, the palm of his hand hit him and was shunned by danger.

The two guys fought together, punched and rushed, and gradually went outside the cabin, leading a bunch of people.

Slowly, I only saw the shadows of the two groups. I couldn’t see anything, I was dizzy, and suddenly separated. The original Qingyun pressed her own ribs and hated and smiled: "Yao Jinzhen, your kid is really awkward!"

Koi stood on the railing, tiptoe a little, and his body shape was as stable as Taishan. His clothes were lightly moving with the wind. His face was cold as ice, and he snorted: "Hey, I am wondering why your martial arts are so ignorant!"

The original Qingyun smashed the black and thin waist of the waist, and immediately swayed the sky, like rain and fog, I heard someone screaming at the back and whispered "the silkworm whip." When I saw it, it was the bald head.

The original Qingyun whip method is superb, and the koi is bare-handed, and it is hard to ask for it. I was worried in my heart. I rushed back to the cabin and took the koi’s seal. I ran back and tried to throw it at him. I was suddenly stopped by Ah San’s hand. I looked at him. Ah San shook his head and said, “No.”

I will be suspicious, seeing the original Qingyun retreat, there is no defeat, but it really does not make three moves, Koi seizes his long whip, the capacity is shocked, the original Qingyun whip almost disengaged, he stormed a style, Koi Only loosened his hand, the original Qingyun regained the whip and floated out of the ship's outboard.

The original Qingyun jumped to the surface of the water and smiled: "Yao Jintao, I can't beat you on the ground, you have the ability to come into the water!" "Plop", jumped into the water.

Koi is very angry, licking her lips, but not catching up, I suddenly understood: Koi is a dry duck!

Zhou Zizhu ran over and asked long and short questions. I couldn’t answer it. The original Qingyun had already traveled far. Far from his laughter: "Zhang Daren, you have to be careful! Someone in the river likes to chisel..."

I was shocked, and everyone else, we immediately ran to the bottom of the hull, only to see that the bottom of the ship had broken a large hole, and the water gradually came up. The horses were sloping their hooves.

Ah San and the boatman went up to block, Koi also used to look for things like wood, but the mouth was too big, how could it not be blocked, the water had already reached the calf, Zhou Zizhu said: "Not! Go out! Find some Hugged like a wooden board!"

I said to Koi: "Don't leave me with Koi, hold me tight for a while, and hold your breath."

Koi has changed his face and said: "Jinfeng!"

I was in a hurry and called him all the time. He ignored me. I wanted to follow him and rush out, but I saw that the horses were tied, and I couldn’t get rid of it for a while. I had to rush to solve the reins.

There was only me left in the cabin. I was afraid and worried about Koi. I was so anxious that I couldn’t help but tremble. I couldn’t open a knot for a long time. When I untied the horse, the water had already reached my waist.

Struggling to pull out the fireplace, the lights outside were gone, black lacquered, the surface of the ship quickly sank below the surface of the water, I could not stop calling the koi, so that the scorpion was dumb, but did not receive any response.

The water is flowing to my neck. My swimming skills are still good. The fireplace as a horse can still swim. We float on the water, there is only water around, and I keep calling the sound of Koi.

Can't find him.

I closed my breath and sneaked into the water to look for it, but nothing could be found in the darkness. Suddenly my foot touched objects like seaweed and water, hair! I was happy in my heart, and I sneaked it down and grabbed it. I pulled the man up and put it out of the water. I saw it in the moonlight. It turned out to be Jinfeng.