MTL - Qinglian Chronicles-Chapter 67 Staying

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Jinfeng was very resistant to my decision. He stood by the river and said nothing: "You are well, and you are not counting on me. I want to save my brother!"

I was furious and said, "How do you save him? If he is still in the river, then he will not be alive. If he is awake, he will think about finding us, and he will not find Lingyang." How can you tell him if I am lost?"

Jinfeng sneered and said: "You are so ruthless and unjust, naturally, don't worry, I must find him!"

I coldly said, "If you don't, you must go with me!" He said that he pulled his wrist forward, but he forgot that Jinfeng martial arts was stronger than me. He slammed me to the ground with a hand, and the stone on the ground made me live. pain. Jinfeng angrily said coldly: "Who wants you to manage? Who are you? I am saved by you, I am angry! I let you go this time, I will not kill you, I will never find you next time." Over!"

"Don't kill me? Do you really think that you have killed me? I..." I sneered at him, the body's extremely exhausted physical exhaustion and pain and psychological reluctance to suppress things seem to suddenly occur, the tears that have just stopped temporarily Strange down, it seems that my face should be normal. I don't want to lose face. In order to hold back my sobbing sound, I have to stop suddenly.

Jinfeng saw that my tears seemed to collapse. The little boy was not good at coping with this. It was a bit silly. I looked at me with incomprehension, but barely stood on one side. It reminds me of the arrogant kitten that I had raised in my childhood when I broke my cup and jumped to the top of the side of the cupboard. I was just as arrogant as I was, but my heart was secretly observing my reaction.

I bowed my head and calmed my emotions. I calmly wiped my tears off my back and stood up. I silently threw the original Qingyun scorpion on the back of the fireplace, and did not look at Jinfeng. He whispered, "Go." Take the fireplace and walk forward.

Although the original Qingyun was hung up on my face, the angle of view was not very good, or I tried to look at me with a thoughtful look. I didn't want to be angry, so I ignored him.

I couldn't help but look back. After a while, I heard the sound of footsteps behind me. Jin Feng still followed, and I was in a good mood.

I walked completely silently. There was someone in front of me. It seemed to be a fisherman. Two trees were the main building materials, but I could see the smoke.

We tossed for one night, and now the state is hungry, tired, sleepy and wet, the limit, naturally to borrow clothes and the like. I look at the original Qingyun's scorpion shape. I feel that it is not appropriate. It is difficult to explain to the honest people. Is it that the flower thief we caught was sent to the government to receive the reward? In order to catch him, everyone has fallen into the river?

I thought about it, grabbed the scorpion and got rid of those ropes. The original Qingyun looked at me lazily, didn't talk, let me work. Jinfeng stood behind me and looked at it silently.

"Come on and pick a few more of his acupuncture points. Don't forget the dumb points." I didn't say back. Jinfeng still didn't talk, and came up and silently did what I said.

I took out the bottle from the chest and found a nine-turned Dan. I poured out a red-red pill and fed it to the original Qingyun. He seemed to know the medicine and couldn’t help but look surprised. I nodded and said, " Yes, it’s a nine-turn Dan. If you eat it, you won’t get tight, but I added something inside. You just don’t want to play tricks. It’s fine.”

He still looked at me like that, with a smile, because he couldn't move, he had to blink his eyes and said he understood. I sighed and said, "I don't want to hit you, but now your face is swollen, and you won't look good, but don't bother."

The smile in his eyes is even stronger.

The one who came to Yingmen was a couple of more than 30 couples. The face had been plagued by the wind and frost, and we were surprised to see that we were three, no, four chickens.

I said with a hand: "This big brother, my brother and I came out to go boating. Unexpectedly, I encountered a water thief. The ship was turned over. My friend was injured by a water thief. I was shocked. I asked my brother to let us rest. Next, if you have tea, please reward one or two."

The fisherman looked at me dumbly and reacted for a long time. "Oh," nodded, and stuttered that there was only one straw house. I smiled and said, "It is full of affection."

I took the original Qingyun, which was unable to move, from the horseback. This guy was really sinking. Jinfeng didn’t know how to help. I followed the fishermen and helped him into the house.

Sure enough, it was a grass house, there was only a pile of hay inside, nothing, the fisherman’s big brother smirked, how seemingly could not hold us, I even thanked.

I threw the original Qingyun in the corner of the house. I took off my wet coat. This is one of the welfare of men. I can barely be shirtless, but fortunately it is summer. As soon as I looked up, I found that both Qingyun and Jinfeng were staring at my slick upper body, although the eyes were very different.

My face was slightly red, I took a look at the original Qingyun, and put on wet clothes.

The fishermen's wife sent three bowls of sorghum millet into the porridge, there is still a dish, a few small fish. It is also a very simple rural woman, and laughs with abruptly and sullenly.

I thanked her and took it. The woman went out.

I only have a huge amount of silver tickets in the mezzanine mezzanine. Fortunately, I took the oil paper in advance. To be honest, the silver ticket in the ancient circulation is extremely poor, ordinary people have never seen it, and modern paper money is completely two concepts, can not be used as a daily currency, only the big businessmen like Lin Guiquan do big business The cost of paying to the bank is also high. Be sure to compare, at most like a money order.

I was so honest and unkind to search the original Qingyun. There was a satin bag around his waist, and he also embroidered a fine pimple. He poured it out and saw that there were more than a dozen gold leaves, some scattered silver and two pearls. I picked out a piece of broken silver in twos and threes. The rest of the bag was put back in my own arms. The original Qingyun looked at me with a smile, and I ignored him.

I chased it out, called the fisherman's wife, gave her the money, and said with a smile: "Da, trouble you to feed my horses with fodder, and then give us three dry clothes to wear."

The woman probably saw silver, and her eyes were a lot bigger. She said, "All are rough clothes, no silver..."

I put the silver in her hand and smiled and said, "Come on, buy something delicious."

She nodded, swallowed and spit, and took it with a rough, dark hand.

The coarse cloth was sent in a short time. To tell the truth, it was too ugly, thick and grinded, but now I only wear it, even the bark.

I don't want to be shy. I hid in the corner of the wall and changed my clothes back. Jinfeng also took a change. The big sleeves were dragged down, and the top clothes fell to the calf. The little boy looked smaller and fell cute. less.

I thought about going to the original Qingyun and peeling off his wet clothes. The guy is really not a good person, so the body has reacted. I didn’t know it, but the guy’s eyes have been straightforward. I stared at me with impunity, and I finally got annoyed. I dropped my clothes on him and said coldly, "You are still wearing wet clothes!"

I gorged me to eat, Jinfeng also ate, I am angry with the clouds, don't give him food, go to the haystack and lie down and sleep. Do not greet Jinfeng.

Sometimes, when dealing with awkward children and dealing with certain animals, you can't be too diligent. When you ask for help, you can't help but look at you and watch you, trying to get your attention.

Jinfeng hesitated, squatting to the wall, trying to stay away from me and lie down and sleep. Hey, a pair of defenses, even if I am hungry, will this kind of thing be done?

Jinfeng was a child, and soon fell asleep. I might be too tired. After that, I couldn’t sleep.

I don't know how long it took, I was still half-awake and half-blurred, and I got a sweat, but I heard the original Qingyun sigh and sighed. I immediately watched it with vigilance, and it turned out that his dumb had been automatically released by the time. I am afraid that his soft mammoth will automatically unravel, and I want to wake up Jinfeng again. The original Qingyun screamed in a hurry: "Don't, my good old man, you will let me be comfortable, I can be all over the body."

I sneered and said, "Do you know too? You were so happy when you put me in a cage!"

The original Qingyun sighed and said: "Heaven and earth conscience, I was only willing to scare you, just a few whip, you just hate it? Or do I let you take a few whip?"

I am even more sneer: "You are less pretending to me, what kind of good heart? I am too lazy to say you! Warning? Hey, is there any warning? Is it a group of people, tune the tiger away from the mountain, I am not a fool! You put it early Understand, what is the main person who is coming out! If I want to find a suitable place, I will give you the same experience as the ones that you gave me before!"

Yuan Qingyun looked at me and smiled lowly. He said, "I am not a group, but I also know people. I heard that they are coming to find you to do business, and they volunteered to help out. By the way, my Qinglian baby."

I snorted and said, "You are not afraid of death."

The original Qingyun did not see anything to care about, but there was nothing to say about it in the flesh and blood. "Kissing baby, let me change my clothes, it is very uncomfortable!" I said that I will go to solve the problem.

I was so annoyed that I woke up Jinfeng and said, "You, just point him a little more, then change clothes for him and take him to solve the problem!"

Jinfeng was woken up and looked up in disbelief: "Why should I go?"

"Because I barely supported the night when you were sleeping, now I have to sleep." I yawned, fell on the haystack, closed my eyes, ignored the two living treasures, and quickly fell asleep.

I woke up and had already slept for a day. The sky was dark again. Jinfeng was sleeping, but the distance was very close. The stinky boy pressed a leg on me and his hand was on me. I thought about it, or decided. Tolerate him once.

I turned to see the original Qingyun black a little magnificent eyes, remembered the eyes of the Koi who I saw every day, and I felt a pain in my heart.

Read Kill the Sun