MTL - Quest Master of Konoha-Chapter 66 Target! Yunnin Village

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October 23, Saturday.

Yakumo got up and ran as usual in the morning. In the morning, he followed Jiraiya to practice Ninja and Ksitigarbha Needle. In the afternoon, he went to Konoha Hospital to report.

Today's Reiko Aoyama wears a forehead guard and wears a dark green vest that represents the identity of Join, so she can't hide her bumpy figure at all.

On the floor of the office, there are large and small bags, all kinds of medicinal materials, equipment, and the silver baseball bat that shines with metallic luster. This is the luggage she has packed.

This is preparation for a mission. Reiko Aoyama only returned to Konoha yesterday, and she was assigned another mission today.

"Sister Qingshan, what's wrong?" Yakumo asked.

"Yakumo, this won't be here anymore. Hokage-sama ordered me to follow Yunnin's special envoy to go to Yunnin Village to treat an old man." Reiko Aoyama tied her loose hair into a ponytail with a black rubber band.

"Lord Naruto will allow you to go to Yunnin Village?" Yakumo asked in surprise, medical treatment is definitely the most scarce resource in the ninja world.

"Three generations of Raikage swore to protect my safety in the name of Raikage...and the reward for the task is extremely rich..."

It turned out to be because the other party gave too much... Yakumo thought, he could imagine Sarubi Hiizan's mood at that time, and he also wanted to refuse, but the other party really gave too much.

As for the three generations of Raikage swearing to ensure safety, Yakumo didn't believe a word.

"You go by yourself?" Yakumo asked.

"Two classes of Anbu are responsible for protecting my safety."

There are four members of each class in Anbu. There is one Jōnin as the squad leader and three Chunin as class members. Most of them are responsible for the protection of Hokage and the assassination of the enemy.

"Would you not bring me...?" Yakumo asked tentatively.

"No more..." Aoyama Reiko answered simply.

"Although the relationship between the Kingdom of Thunder and us has eased over the years, they have always been eyeing the name of the first ninja village... It's better for me to explore this kind of dragon pool and tiger's den."

"It is because of Longtan Tiger Cave... Sister Qingshan, that you need my protection!" Yakumo replied firmly.

Aoyama Reiko continued to pack her things and refused without raising her head. "You have no reason to go with me."

Yakumo was taken aback, the reason...

Before that, all his actions were for missions, following the guidance of the panel... gradually becoming stronger.

Now he has to make his own choice. In all fairness, if he stays in Konoha Village, the task of refreshing is likely to be easier.

But... can he really watch Aoyama Reiko go to Yunren Village alone?

After all, the promise of the three generations of Raikage is not credible.

"Sister Qingshan, I'll accompany you."

Yakumo raised his head and said very solemnly, he couldn't bear to watch this person who took care of him like a sister, stepping into the dragon pool and tiger's lair alone.

Aoyama Reiko is really kind to him, whether it is skills, knowledge, or even ninjutsu, he is all taught.

Only by repaying kindness can we be magnanimous!

"Okay." Facing Yakumo's firm eyes, Reiko Aoyama hesitated and chose to agree.

At this moment, the mission was triggered.

〖Bound Mission · Unique〗

Mission source: Reiko Aoyama

Mission objective: Iyakumo returns to Konoha Village alive.

Quest reward: Grandmaster breakthrough scroll.

Additional reward: 20,000 gold coins.

Yakumo's expression changed several times in a very short moment, triggering the bond mission was unexpected to him, but it didn't make him very surprised.

What really surprised him was the content of the quest. As long as he returned to Konoha safely, the quest would be considered a success, which meant that Aoyama Reiko's life and death could not affect the quest reward.

Most of the bond tasks are to change the fate of the most important person in the trigger. For example, Obito's task is to save Rin, Kakashi's task is to save White Fang... and Aoyama Reiko's task is Yakumo.

Or rather... He is now the most important person in Reiko Aoyama's heart... This kind of love made Yakumo a little stunned for a while.

"I save myself?" Yakumo thought.

"By the way, is there anything you need to drop by?" Aoyama Reiko asked after sealing all the items in the storage scroll.

In fact, as a ninja, she always has a set of packed luggage for her storage scroll, and she just took it out for inspection.

"Sister Qingshan, can you get Anbu-level corpse-dissolving water and track-removing powder?" Yakumo asked.

Now that Kakashi is still in class, it is obviously too late, so this aspect can only be solved by getting rid of Aoyama Reiko.

Aoyama Reiko was taken aback for a moment, she did not expect that what Yakumo needed to prepare was actually these two things.

"No problem... I'm in charge of solving it. Do you think our trip will be in danger?" Reiko Aoyama.

"Be prepared." Yakumo replied softly.

With a click, the Anbu member in black and masked opened the door, stared at Yakumo and said.

"Lord Naruto ordered that Jing Yakumo needs to accompany Aoyama Reiko to go to Yunnin Village for exchange and study, as a reward for the first grade of ninja school to be exempted from the test."

After Anbu finished speaking, he used the teleportation technique to leave.

"I'm sorry, I'm dragging you down again." Aoyama Reiko sighed. She knew that this act was a disaster, but as a ninja, she had no right to refuse.

"I'm going anyway..." Yakumo waved his hand and said.

The three generations of Hokage knew the dangers of this trip, but he still sent Yakumo to accompany him.

No, not only him, but also Reiko Aoyama, they are just abandoned sons who were abandoned because of That's for sure... Wait for the gathering at the village entrance. "

"Okay... Sister Aoyama." Yakumo turned and left with a smile, preparing to go home to pack up supplies.

In the corridor of the hospital, Yakumo's face gradually became hidden, would Hokage send Anbu messenger to bring him this little transparent?


Yakumo dared to use all the crispy corners in the second half of his life to swear that there must be Shinichi's intervention.

Good guy, if you don't die... will you die?

What exactly does he want to do?

Yakumo doesn't know.

It's just that the grievances between the two of them have added another stroke.

After returning home, Yakumo slightly separated a shadow to say goodbye to Mori Masako.

Immediately started to pack up, mainly the dry food on the road, the military ration pills supplemented by Chakra, and the two sets of Anbu supplies sent by Kakashi. The medicines inside are also top-notch.

"Meow~" Perhaps it was because he noticed that Yakumo was leaving again, and Milk Ball's expression seemed a little down.

"When I come back... I will help you roast the meat myself!"

Yakumo bent over and grabbed the milk ball, rubbing its soft belly and solemnly promised.

"Meow!" Milk Ball jumped excitedly and pointed to the intact wooden table, revealing a fierce milk expression.

It probably means...if you lie to me...this wooden table will fall apart like that sofa.

"Good, good, I promise not to lie to you." Yakumo let go of his hand and put the milk ball on the sofa. Yakumo wasn't worried that the milk ball would be hungry. If he was hungry, he would find it by himself...

...Meal ticket Mori Masako.

Yakumo carried Zihuo on his back, and after taking one last look at the milk ball... closed the door.

"Hey... What I really want is stability."

"But it always backfires."
