MTL - Quest Master of Konoha-Chapter 70 New Mission · Assassination

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During this time, the Yeyue family had several assassinations. The main method was poisoning. Some of the servants who went out to buy were replaced by others, and some were made by spies.

The target of these killers is Reiko Aoyama, and Iwanin Village is still trying to prevent the old man from waking up.

Yakumo was also thinking about what kind of terrifying inheritance was stored in the old man's mind, which made Iwanin Village so madly targeted.

Fortunately, the Yeyue clan has strengthened their vigilance during this time, and there are even several teams of Yun Nin Anbu around to be responsible for 24-hour monitoring, but there has not been much trouble.

Under Aoyama Reiko's deliberate control, the old man's body began to recover gradually, and he could even breathe on his own, but he just didn't wake up.

In a flash, time has come...

November 1st, Monday.

Monthly tasks, refresh!

Yakumo directly jumped over the neon-like sales pitch above, and even sniffed at the big words above for failure of the mission without penalty. The person who failed the mission would be gone... What's the use of mission punishment... Could it be a corpse?

Directly click on the task introduction at the bottom.

"Blood nourishes the growth of the strong. 』

Mission requirements: Kill the richest man in the land of thunder, Satoshi Arai.

Quest reward: 3 free attribute points, 1000 gold coins.

Bonus: Master Breakthrough Scroll.

Arai Satoshi... The richest man in the Land of Thunder, he started out by selling food. After 20 years of struggle, he has mastered a chamber of commerce that takes into account the trade of weapons, medicines and food.

Three years ago, he was assassinated by an unknown force. Although he was lucky enough to escape, he was also frightened. Since then, he has settled directly next to the Raikage Building and hired a ninja team to patrol day and night.

with a clear purpose!

It's just that it's not easy to handle. At present, the Yeyue clan is under martial law. It's not difficult for him to leave, but it's a little difficult to avoid attracting anyone's attention.

The target's house is located near the Raikage Building, which means that he must resolve the fight and escape within a few minutes.

With his right hand, Yakumo threw out a continuous and dense series of knives with purple fire, constantly improving the details of the task in his mind.

First of all, with the financial resources the enemy has and his position in the Land of Thunder, he has only one chance.

Secondly...he needs to create a perfect alibi, which requires the cooperation of Reiko Aoyama.

At noon, Aoyama Reiko came to Yakumo for lunch with a fragrant barbecue.

Yunren Village's lunch is so simple and rude, the barbecue is enough, and this beef is a special product of the Land of Thunder... Not only is the meat delicious, but it also has the magical effect of promoting the recovery of Thunder Chakra.

"It's dusty outside... Let's go in and eat."

Aoyama Reiko was stunned for a moment. The air in Yunren Village is very humid, and dust is naturally nonsense. Yakumo really found a very lame reason.

"it is good."

Reiko Aoyama followed Yakumo into his bedroom with a wooden box. Yakumo came to the window and closed the curtains, and the room suddenly became a little dark.

Yakumo immediately turned on the light, and the curtain was drawn to guard against Yunnin Anbu, who could speak lip language. Aoyama Reiko quietly placed the lunch box on the table, her eyes suddenly sharpened.

"Sister Qingshan, let's chat while eating."

Yakumo opened the lunch box, forked the roasted beef, and took a hard bite.

"I'm going out tonight to assassinate someone."

Reiko Aoyama fiddled with the fork with her hands and listened carefully.

"If I succeed... I will be more confident to take my sister out of Yunnin Village safely." Yakumo continued.

"Is there any danger?" Aoyama Reiko asked directly, raising her head and staring at Yakumo.

"It must be a little dangerous, but it's worth taking a risk...?" After all, the plan is good, and it will never catch up with the changes.

"What do you need me to do?" Aoyama Reiko asked.

Yakumo began to tell Aoyama Reiko about the night's plan, and he had reservations when it came to Goldfinger, but only said that there is an item in Arai Satoshi's house that can make him stronger.

"Okay...No problem...I will cooperate with you."

"Sister... If I fail, it is very likely that you will fall into an extremely dangerous situation."

"I know...but you call me my sister, you are my the enemy camp...we should share the risk, not to mention that you have saved my life several times."

Aoyama Reiko took off her glasses and started eating the barbecue in front of her, gradually showing a happy smile.

Fortunately, she didn't say that a little girl can't get anything in return, only to be a cow and a horse in her next life.

In her opinion, Yakumo's willingness to reveal all his plans and details stemmed from his trust in his family. Since he was so frank, how could the elder sister not share the risk with him.

That night, Yakumo came to Aoyama Reiko's laboratory to help Aoyama Reiko adjust the drug mix. In fact, it was just a pretense.

As early as a few days ago, the preparation of the secret medicine had been tested by Aoyama Reiko, and now it is just to buy time for Yakumo.

At 1:30 in the morning, Yakumo went out to go to the toilet, and after coming back in, she nodded slightly to Reiko Aoyama.

Aoyama Reiko instantly understood that Yakumo who entered the laboratory at this time... is already a shadow clone.

As for…

The main body changed into black clothes and walked through the territory of the Yeyue Clan while sticking to the wall in the dark.

The reason why he dared to be so presumptuous is that he spent 100 gold coins to hide the chakra fluctuations using the hiding In other words, the current Yakumo is equivalent to the air in terms of perception enchantment.

The hiding technique is a very high-end sealing technique. Under the catalysis of the system, some miraculous changes have taken place, similar to the face pinching function before starting the game.

At this time, he not only changed his breath, but also adjusted his height to a certain extent. Yakumo dared to pat his chest and promise that even if she stood in front of Aoyama Reiko, she would not recognize her.

Two o'clock in the morning is the most sleepy and relaxed time of the day. Even a ninja cannot change this instinct.

Yakumo clings to the root of the wall, jumping up and down like a cheetah, quietly blending into the shadows, and moving close to the wall like a crawler.

Half an hour later, Yakumo successfully left the Yeyue Clan, and speeded up and shuttled through Yunren Village. The streets at 2:30 in the morning were as empty as an empty city.

Yakumo moved carefully and gradually approached the magnificent palace. Arai Satoshi was very rich... and he also hoped that everyone knew that he was very rich.

"Deserved to be assassinated..."

Could it be that the mission system also hates the rich?

The splendid construction of the house is rare in the world. As soon as Yakumo approached a hundred meters, he felt that an invisible barrier enveloped the entire palace.

Yakumo gently broke into the barrier, without causing any ripples, the hiding technique is really reliable, but the next hiding becomes a bit difficult...

At two o'clock in the morning... Arai Satoru turned out to be brightly lit.

"Mist burial."

Yakumo stretched out his hand, and the faint mist blended perfectly into the natural mist of Yunnin Village, which was inconspicuous at all, but in fact he had already released the strongest scout.

A few seconds later, Yakumo discovered that the sixteen dark whistles outside the castle formed a line of sight with almost no blind spots. Yakumo observed for a while and finally determined that these dark whistles really did not have any blind spots.
