MTL - Quest Master of Konoha-Chapter 75 prelude

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Saturday, November 6th.

The three came to the border of the Land of Thunder, and one step further was the territory of the Land of Moon. The three stood beside the boundary marker to say their final farewell.

"Qingshan Shangren, cherish it."

"Forbearance on the soil platform, cherish it."

Tutai crouched down and gently stroked the top of Yakumo's head twice, revealing a smile.

"come on!"

"Remember to practice hard after returning to Konoha..."

Like a kind senior, he encouraged Yakumo, but his attention was more on Reiko Aoyama.

A few people said goodbye, Tutai stood on the side of the road and watched the silhouettes of Aoyama Reiko and Yakumo disappear from the horizon. He knew that Raikage would make the right choice, which meant that the parting was forever.

"It's a pity that the diligent and hard-working boy has to return to the underworld at a young age."

A trace of sadness flashed in Tutai's eyes, and it quickly dissipated. As Yun Ren's brain, he must think about Yun Ren at all times, and show no mercy to the enemy.

In the Land of the Moon, Yakumo and Reiko Aoyama walked quickly through the mist, and the surrounding branches looked a little eerie against the mist.

"Will the third Raikage really break the promise?"

"Sister Qingshan, I feel very likely..."

At that time, Tutai squatted down to comfort him, but Tutai was observing Aoyama Reiko.

But Yakumo was observing the soil platform, and at that moment there was a trace of unbearable in his eyes, even if it was just a flash away, he was successfully captured by Yakumo.


"Why does that secret medicine feel like burning blood to me?"

That scarlet tumbling liquid is almost the same as the secret medicine used by the root Junin.

"Actually, it is burning blood, but I have weakened the effect and side effects at the same time, so that the duration of the drug's effect has been greatly increased. As long as he is calm and calm during this period, he will have no problem living for a month... It's just that the last few days will be compared. pain."

Reiko Aoyama patiently explained to Yakumo that only a master pharmacist like her, who has the ultimate control over the effects of medicinal herbs, can accurately reduce side effects and effects at will.

"In other words... Sister, I actually have a better way, but I just didn't use it... After all, Yun Nin Village is our enemy." Reiko Aoyama sighed.

The doctor's benevolence... go to hell.

Yakumo said in his heart, he really didn't expect Aoyama Reiko to have such a black side... oh, it doesn't seem to be considered black.

"It's you... You are so strong, why do you hide your strength?"

In fact, she wanted to ask when she was in Daming Mansion, but at that time she felt that the relationship between the two had not reached the point where they could talk about everything.

"Because... what you want is different." Yakumo replied.

"Sister Qingshan, what are you living for?"

Aoyama Reiko was taken aback for a moment. She was caught off guard by Yakumo's question and fell silent for a while.

After dozens of seconds, Aoyama Reiko said.

"I want to be a qualified doctor, treat the villagers of Konoha Village as much as possible, and witness Yakumo's growth with my own eyes."

The sun rose, dispelling the dense fog in the forest, and the sun shone through the gaps in the leaves into sparse spots of light, falling on the two of them.

"Actually... Sister Aoyama, I just want to live in peace with my relatives and loved ones in Konoha Village."

"If what you're after is... stability, why do you keep stepping into danger on your own initiative?" she asked inexplicably.

"This question is very simple. I can't watch Aoyama sister face the possible danger alone."

Yakumo breathed a sigh of relief, wearing a golden spot of light, and spoke with incomparable certainty, as if declaring some kind of fact.

The young man's face looked extremely holy under the sunlight, and his expression was so sincere.

"Because... Sister Qingshan is my relative..."

Of course, it's not just for the mission. From the beginning of the ninja world, he developed into a friend, and finally established a bond... The principle of his actions has long been more than just for the mission.

"Ha ha…"

Aoyama Reiko pursed her lips and smiled happily. At this moment, she felt great joy.

"Is my idea of ​​chasing stability very shameful?" Yakumo asked curiously.

"It's not... Everyone has their own aspirations, some people are chasing the admiration of others, some people want to be heroes and fight for their own ideals, some people go for profit, in order to live a better life... and what you are after is ordinary stability... only But it's hard."

"It's difficult...?" Yakumo asked in confusion.

"Because... people can't help themselves, and the fate of ninjas is nine times out of ten that they are buried in the battlefield. With your current strength, the life you want to live in is simple, but..."

Aoyama Reiko's words paused slightly, and in the end she didn't continue to speak. Perhaps there was no need to be so cruel to rub off the innocent and childish thoughts of a young man.

Silence resumed between the two. After all, Reiko Aoyama is not a good talker, and Yakumo really doesn't know how to talk to a girl.

The two of them traveled through the territory of the Moon Country with their own thoughts, until the sun slanted westward, and the two had entered the territory of the Tang Country. The light mist covered the earth like a white gauze.

"Actually, after my sister gave up liking Hatake, she liked another person. He was very handsome, had a very cheerful personality, was warm and genial like the sun, and strived to become Hokage."

Dan Kato... Yakumo thought of this name in an instant. In his memory, the only people who can match those adjectives are the elite Joinin who master the technique of spiritualization... Dan Kato.

"But then he fell in love with Tsunade. At that time, Tsunade was like a tomboy. I couldn't see Kato's liking, but I really saw it."

"Later, maybe it was because of my competitive spirit. I always wanted to beat Tsunade in medical ninjutsu, but what I got in return was continuous failures and blows. But through this kind of competition, I went back and forth and became best friends with Tsunade. …”

Aoyama Reiko paused for a moment and continued.

"The three of us were very happy at that time. It was also the happiest time in my life. I especially hope that time can stay at that moment forever..."

"But then Duanshi died... Tsunade was hit hard, and even I was a little bit surprised by Tsunade, maybe Duan would not die if he stayed with me..."

Aoyama Reiko's tone suddenly changed, like what she would say when parting ways, no longer covering up her heart and past, her frank narration is very real.

She used her own experience to prove to Yakumo how luxurious it is to live in peace with relatives or friends in such turbulent times.

Aoyama Reiko paused for a moment, then continued to speak.

"I'm serious... Yakumo... If the person who catches up next is strong, so strong that you are not sure of winning, then I will try my best to beg him to let you go, or... I will try my best to hold him back, you escape... "

"After still have a bright future..."

Yakumo's eyes became dark, and he didn't respond.
