MTL - Quick Transmigration As A Cannon Fodder To Be The Winner In Life-v2 Chapter 146 Pride of the Sky 5

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Su He never thought that he would meet a person so similar to Weiss in this world. If he was not sure that the other party was not Weiss, he would have thought that the lover in this world was still the same as he was .

When Su He looked at the man, the man also looked over. When he looked at Shang Su He, he was stunned, and his eyes flashed confusion. The man stepped forward and stood in front of Su He with a gentle tone, "Have I seen you somewhere?"

Weiss' face, he didn't look very good.

Su He has never been someone who would embarrass himself. With a clear sword cry, a sword emitting a cold silver light appeared in front of Su He. The weapons in the hands of the young people all made a sound, which seemed to be a response and a surrender.

This sword was a birthday present for Su He when he was five years old. It has been cultivated in Su He's body since the age of 2, and his name is Yuanli, and now he has the same mind with Su He.

Warm blood splashed on his body.

When Su He saw everything in front of him again, the head of the white robe sighed, and the whole illusion disappeared, Su He saw everything in front of him.

There is a desk on the seventh floor with three things on it. Beside the desk, a man in black and Qin Zheng are facing each other.

"Di Di Di, Di Di Di, I found that other systems exist, do I need to turn on the battle mode..." Su Yu suddenly resumed the cold mechanical voice and repeated.

Su He looked at the man in black in surprise. He was very familiar with the aura on Qin Zheng's body. Naturally, it was impossible for other systems to appear, but the strange feeling on the man in black was indeed the same as his previous self. It's very similar, except that Su He is better at hiding, and no one finds it.

, that evil cultivator still has a system, everything is the same as this man in black.

Su He's arrival also alarmed Qin Zheng and the man in black.

"Master, he is the evil cultivator, be careful." Qin Zheng didn't dare to do anything, stared at the man in black opposite, and said loudly.

The man in black should only have the cultivation of the God Transformation stage, which is not worth mentioning to Su He, but this is the first time he has encountered a host with a system. It took a long time for Su He to directly destroy it, and he was still somewhat interested in this thing.

While Su He looked at the past, the man in black moved. His weapon was a ten thousand ghost banner, almost all of which were the spirit bodies of monks. Su He suspected that he exchanged this thing from the system, or refined it through several worlds, otherwise it would be impossible to kill so many people without being hacked to death by Heavenly Dao.

After the Wangui Banner appeared, the entire seventh floor immediately went dark. The man in black looked at Su He with a sneer. His Wangui Banner was indeed the same as Su He thought. He used the points It took several worlds to make it, and the souls of the monks were used in it. If it wasn't for him having the cheating device of the system, it would be hard to say that he was the villain in the plot.

Since the completion of the Wanguifan sacrifice, he has not tried and failed, so he was not careful before, and accidentally provoked a sword cultivator who was about to soar in the plot. Points are sent here.

In the eyes of the man in black, Su He has only a dead end, but he did not expect that a cold sword light flashed in front of him in the next moment, and the whole Ten Thousand Ghost Banner was split in half, and the ghost inside Backlash rushed towards him.

"Prevent the system from traveling through space and time." Su He said to Su Yu in his mind. Su Yu's data kept flowing all over his body, blocking all the surrounding space. The man in black saw that something was wrong. When he was not Su He's opponent and wanted to escape, he failed for the first time. send out.

There was panic in the eyes of the man in black. He knew that this world of cultivation with immortals was the most dangerous. If he dies in this world, he may really die, and he will release his last The trump card, the antimatter nuclear bomb obtained from the interstellar, this extremely destructive weapon, he spent a lot of effort to store it, even if he can't stop the person in front of him, he can buy himself time to escape, the man in black If so.

At the moment when the man in black moved, a strong sense of crisis made Su He stop teasing him. Clothes people.

The last scene that the man in black saw was a sword qi that smashed the sky and covered the earth straight at him, and then his consciousness completely dissipated.

Qin Zheng looked at the incomparably powerful evil cultivator in his own eyes, who was killed in just a few moves in Su He's hands. When he relaxed, he rushed over to check on Su He's situation.

Su He seemed relaxed just now, but he used his most powerful tricks. The system's capabilities were too powerful. He didn't want to have such an enemy staring at him in the dark all the time.

"Hey, Master, look at this ball of light." Qin Zheng saw a ball of light coming out of Xie Xiu's body, tried to escape, quickly grabbed it and presented it to Su He.

Su He was surprised to find that Qin Zheng could not only see the system, but also grasp the system. Among the worlds he experienced, only one person could do it. Su He thought of that possibility, and in his heart Some were dumbfounded.

Among the people Su He has met, only his lover can do this, but his lover used to be a very powerful existence in every world, so that even if the heart has preceded the body One step recognized that Qin Zheng was his lover, but he never thought in this direction.

He didn't pick up the system in Qin Zheng's hands, and his eyes were a bit complicated. He never thought that his closeness to this child was because of the soul in the other person's body. .

"Host, it's the villain system." Su Yu came out of the space, and it seemed that the system immediately recognized the identity of the other party at a glance. Unlike Su Yu's intelligence, this system was more inclined to be a The product of the combination of intelligence and spiritual tools is obviously from the spiritual world.

Su He's original system was the same as Opposite, like a machine without thinking ability, it would only follow the rules set by the Lord God, so that Su He could find an opportunity and directly obliterate that wipe of consciousness.

Having looked at the situation of the system, Su He threw it to Su Yu to deal with, this kind of Su Yu knew better, Su He looked at Qin Zheng, "Are you injured?"

"No, the master was amazing just now." Qin Zheng said with a look of admiration. Seeing such a lover Su He touched his face, he felt that he couldn't look directly. He didn't know why the other party in this world lost his memory again, and his identity was not very good depending on the situation. .

Qin Zheng also noticed that Su He was more intimate with him, and was happy in his heart, so he dragged Su He to the desk, Su He saw the case clearly this time and there was another one who was not weak The formation method, I think it is like this, just now the black-clothed people didn't directly grab things.

"It's all for the master." While Su He was still thinking about how to break the formation, Qin Zheng directly reached out and took out the items on the table and stuffed it into Su He.

Su He's eyes couldn't help falling on Qin Zheng's hands. You don't need to think about what you can put here. It's not easy. It's not easy to sell your game. Hungry, Su He thought it would take some time, but in the end, Qin Zheng didn't take things out so easily. Sure enough, Qin Zheng was God's own son. He began to wonder if there was a plot in this world. Qin Zheng was the son of destiny determined by Heaven. .

Su He's hand was blocked from the mask. The mask was as tough as he thought, and most people couldn't break it.

Seeing Su He's movements, Qin Zheng glanced at Su He cautiously. Seeing that he was not angry, he whispered, "These formations seem useless to me." Su He tried his best to keep Smile.

There are not many descriptions of the body of Dao E in the records, but more pointing out the magic and difficulty of their cultivation, never mentioning that they can ignore all the formations.

In this case, those Lingbao Caves and Heavenly Blessed Lands and Immortal Caves that are protected by the formation, are like no one's realm to Qin Zheng, and Su He has the idea of ​​taking the other party to find it.

A piece of jade.

Su He carefully checked these three things and there was no problem, Qin Zheng interrupted him suddenly, "Master, I actually took two things when I first came in, and then the bad guy appeared, I just I didn't move anything else." Following Qin Zheng's words, he took out two things, one was an unknown egg, and when Su He checked it, there was still the breath of life in it, and he didn't know what egg it was, but it was so powerful.

If you come over, you can perceive the extraordinary here, or when the formation is not activated, for the safety of yourself and Qin Zheng, it is best to leave here first.

With the magic weapon and Qin Zheng, Su He successfully took Qin Zheng away from the Tianyuan Sect.