MTL - Quick Transmigration: Snatching Golden Fingers-Chapter 21 The concubine's palace fighting systemTen

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Kang Xi thought that it was a simple matter to tell Wen Qing to recognize his ancestors, after all, the royal status was still very attractive to ordinary people. I did not expect that she wouldn't enter into oil and salt at all! Why even say you can't inherit the throne and come back?

This made him smile a bit. He heard about the rulers of some western countries as women, but he never thought that the Qing Dynasty would also have an emperor. After all, there were regulations in Qing Dynasty that women should not discuss politics. So he didn't pay much attention to Wen Qing's sentence at all, just regarded it as a joke.

"You really don't want to admit the ancestor to the ancestors?" Until now, Kangxi had desperately wanted her to confess the ancestors, both out of appreciation and hope that her things should not fall into the hands of others.

"Going back to being a canary who is being reared, even if you do n’t marry and get married, you wo n’t be able to escape a political marriage, and then stay in Husband and Husband for a lifetime? Do you think it is appropriate?" Wen Qing looked at him, rare Seriously, "I have traveled all over the country for fifteen years, and my experience and experience are by no means comparable to ordinary people. I have gained the advantages of all countries, and are proficient in various miscellaneous subjects such as agriculture, politics, engineering, medicine, and military. The things I made are all done by myself. I can research thousands of acres of rice and powerful weapons. The so-called Wen Ke An Bang, Wu Ding Ding Guo is no different. So, you still Do you think it's appropriate for me to be a backyard girl? "

Kangxi was shocked not only by what she said for her, but also because those things really came from her hands. If this is true, then her value is inestimable! It's really too wasteful to just let her be a backstreet girl!

Kangxi was in a complex mood for a while, looked at her inexplicably, and then sighed quietly after a while, "What do you think?"

"I want to enter the DPRK as an official!" Wen Qing said without hesitation, first becoming an official, then becoming emperor, step by step, or else someone else could not accept it all at once. "It is not without precedent for a woman to be an official. I have both talent and experience, so why can't I be an official?"

Kangxi was not surprised when she said such shocking words. In fact, he had suddenly thought of her plan before asking her. She never conceals the origin of her return from overseas. She spends a lot of money to buy a store, sells all kinds of mysterious things, and attracts attention with a hoe, just to attract his attention! I'm afraid she planned from the beginning to show enough value to negotiate with him.

And he had to follow her intentions, because he really couldn't bear such a talent! Besides, she is still her own child.

Of course, Kangxi didn't promise her directly, so she asked her to go back first. This girl was not afraid to be afraid, she dared to say anything, and had to frustrate her spirit.

Wen Qing was relieved that her purpose should have been achieved. If Kangxi did not agree with her proposal, she would either be quietly violent or imprisoned in the palace, and she would never leave the palace! Now that she is released from the palace, her proposal is inseparable.

Kangxi was also so anxious that he calmed down for a month before the news that Li Jia's petty blood died and died. The moment Li Jiashi saw Wen Qing, she knew that the events of that year might not be able to cope, so she used pregnancy Zidan to conceive her sixth child in an emergency. She thought that for the sake of the royal flesh, Kangxi would not move her. Let her have ten months to buffer and think about the countermeasures. Unexpectedly, this time Kangxi did not play cards according to common sense.

The desire to love and the death to hate, Kangxi had long seen her as displeased, but the prince was taking care of him. Kangxi didn't want to hurt his father and his family, so he tolerated her to this day. But the appearance of Wen Qing gave him justification, so Li Jiashi was tragedy.

Her palace fighting system can only make her beautiful to seduce a man, or to distribute some pet-competing products such as Dan Zi, which has no force value. Kangxi wanted to kill her without any effort. And it is very clean, so that no flaws can be found.

The prince was distraught. Li Jia had already brushed his favorability above 90. She died, and he seemed to have become a walking dead.

Kangxi looked at him like this and became more and more angry. He already had the idea of ​​abandoning the prince. Although it was just a passing thought, some things were not far away from the implementation once he thought about it. After another half a month, Kangxi suddenly announced that he would take back the eldest daughter of the prince, Aixinjueluo Qing.

The official statement is that Li Jiashi gave birth to a pair of dragons and phoenixes, and the girl was naturally Wen Qing. As soon as she was born, she was ordered by the Superintendent Qin to say that this woman is very expensive, but her family is not visible before the age of sixteen, otherwise it is easy to die early, so she was raised outside. Now she is peacefully spending her sixteenth birthday, naturally To pick it up.

Most people are very curious about the sudden emergence of the prince's daughter, but it's just curiosity, but it's a grid, and it has no effect.

However, a few cheap uncles were greatly shocked. No wonder she was so bold, and the prince was not afraid, and they called them uncles. They had known their identities long ago!

"The big niece's mouth is so strict that even Uncle 10 hides it, and he also pitted Uncle 10 thousand silver. Did you secretly look at our joke then?"

"What's your one thousand and two? This girl has drew more than ten thousand two hundred years ago!" Geng gritted her teeth and stared at Wen Qing.

"Uncle Jiu's words are so unreasonable. I only allow you to pit me one hundred and twenty thousand, and I will not be allowed to pit you? Relatives, the deeper the pit, the deeper the feeling! Moreover, I partner with you in the soap and glass business, you A lot of money, right? "

I still haven't spoken, but I said silently, "If the nine brother is unwilling to do it, the eldest niece can come to the fourth uncle, and the fourth uncle will not pit you!"

"Okay," Wen Qing agreed, "I really have a business that I want to partner with Uncle Si."

"What business? The eldest niece also has 13 uncles!"

"No problem!" Wen Qing said with a smile.

"I said, it's too much of you to dig a foot in front of me!" He said darkly.

"What is digging the wall? Your niece is not yours."



In short, the process of Wen Qing's integration into the royal clan was very smooth, and everyone accepted her without any obstacles, especially with a few cheap uncles.

In November, when the chaos was calm, Kangxi suddenly dropped a bombshell-appointing Wen Qing as the county magistrate.

As soon as this appointment came out, the court immediately exploded. Almost everyone held objections, saying that women's refusal to discuss politics is an ancestor's discipline and cannot be violated. However, there are also several princes led by Sige, who agree. They think Wen Qing's talent is not as bad as men, so why not? Just beyond them too much! Such talents, of course, should not be detained in the backyard.

At that time, they didn't know that the big niece was going to grab the throne with them in the future, and only one by one would help her to speak well. They would never think that Wen Qing's ambition was more than the head of a county!

The chapel was in trouble for a few days, but what Kangxi had decided would not change easily. Let the discussions in the chapel be hot, and when they said enough, he let Wen Qing go to office!

Wen Qing, of course, packed things up and left for office. Fortunately, Qing County is not far from the capital. It is estimated that Kangxi put her here for convenience of inspection. Wen Qing pondered that she had a little bit of surveillance nearby.

Although it is Qipin Sesame Officer, Wen Qing feels very good. One step at a time is the right way. If she suddenly drops into the ranks of the capital, no one will convince her. It would be better to start from the place. Anyway, Kangxi can still live for sixteen years, and she has time to make achievements and let everyone see it.

After Wen Qing arrived in Qing County, she had some twists and turns at first, but after she skillfully resolved it, there was no big problem. In fact, the people at the bottom do not care who the superiors are. They only care whether they can eat and wear warm clothes, and who can make their lives better, they will naturally get their support.

After taking office, Wen Qing first investigated the actual situation in the local area, and then researched the wheat that is most suitable for the local area, and promoted the cultivation of high-yield foods such as potatoes and corn. At this time, potatoes have already been introduced into China, but they have not been popularized. They will not be fully promoted until the Qianlong period, so Wen Qing advanced this step. Wheat in the north can only be planted for one season. Potatoes and corn are planted just after the wheat is harvested.

Just this year, the weather was smooth and the farmers had a bumper harvest. The average wheat yield per mu reached thousands of kilograms, and the potatoes were exaggerated, with an average yield of 1,500 kilograms! There is plenty of food in the good years, and the people are happy to say that Wenqing is the reincarnation of the bodhisattva!

Next, Wen Qing reformed agricultural tools, reformed irrigation technology, improved agricultural production efficiency, and liberated a group of labor. Then a textile factory was built, and most of the recruits were female workers. Most of these women are rural women, and when they are in the countryside, they also work in the field, so there are no concerns that women should not show up. And textile mills are basically female workers, and there is nothing to guard against.

The textile factory is more important to Wen Qing. She has applied the steam engine to the factory, which is an unprecedented reform. Because of the use of the machine, the factory's production efficiency is extremely high, and the produced fabrics, sweaters, etc. are inexpensive, exquisite and durable, and sell well throughout the country.

The benefits of the factory are better, and the more wages the workers get, the economic status determines the status of the family. This is true in modern times, and in ancient times, it was not too much. When the income of these women workers has become the main source of income in the family, needless to say, their waists naturally harden.

As factory workers 'incomes are getting higher and higher, farmers' lives are getting better and better, and those in the city who think of themselves as spring and white snow can't sit still, and have gradually joined the army of women workers.

At the same time, Wen Qing also built a technical school to teach ordinary people the skills. At the beginning, it was divided into a men's school and a women's school, and then gradually merged under the guidance of Wen Qing.

Wen Qing didn't propose that women should be self-strengthening from the beginning, and women can also stand up to half the sky. Instead, they influence them subtly in education and praise some self-reliant women to guide them. This change is subtle, like boiling a frog in warm water, changing little by little. When people notice it, they don't even feel that something is wrong, they have accepted it unknowingly.

Reforming agriculture, building factories, recruiting female workers, and building girls' schools ... Wen Qing turned Qingxian into a national textile trade center in five years. At the same time, it also made people see the different strengths of women.