MTL - Raising A Golden Crow In Secret-Chapter 120 bottomless pit

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"Uh." Du Yu and Lin Shiwei struggled a little, but they were pushed hard into the pit.

Below is an abyss that can't be seen at a glance, making people feel flustered. There is still gray fog lingering in the pit, obviously, those are cold air.

"Woooo~woo" The last man in black robe was escorted to the edge of the pit, and a strange sound came from his mouth.

Although Du Yu couldn't understand it, he could see that he was crying and begging for mercy.

The red-robed man didn't care at all, and kicked the black-robed man down.

As the black-robed man fell into the abyss, the gray fog in the pit quickly dispersed, leaving a path for the black-robed man to fall.

Obviously, the black-robed man is a spirit protector. When he falls into the deep pit, the surrounding cold will automatically escape.

And along the "clean" path where the black-robed man fell, the red-robed man jumped down.

Du Yu and Lin Shiwei looked at each other, and the next moment, they only felt a huge force coming from behind them!

"Ah!" Lin Shiwei exclaimed, and the two were pushed into the abyss.

Wherever Du Yu passed along the way, the lingering cold mist spread out. Lin Shiwei did not receive such treatment. Her figure passed through the layers of cold fog and fell rapidly.

At the moment of "Du Yudu", Lin Shiwei couldn't help but panic and cried out.

Du Yu even mentioned his heart in his throat!

The huge sense of weightlessness almost made him faint.

He has never had the experience of falling off a cliff, not to mention falling off a cliff, he has never even tried bungee jumping. Especially the bottomless pit is so deep that I don't know the geometry, it can be called the abyss!

"Du Yu." Lin Shiwei was in the cold mist, the surroundings were pitch black, and the howling wind ruffled her short hair.

The extreme panic brought about by the rapid fall is something ordinary people will never understand.

Are you going to die?

Falling into the abyss like this, falling to pieces

"Hmm." Lin Shiwei suddenly felt his wrist being held.

She was like a drowning and struggling person, and her body's subconscious reaction was to hold the probing palm.

The next moment, she only felt her body crooked and was taken into her arms.

And as she came to Du Yu's side, the surrounding cold mist finally dissipated, but the momentum of the rapid decline continued.

There are no demon pets, no fire vines, and no means of self-help.

Even in the darkness, the two had lost their sense of direction, and they didn't know which side was the closest to the pit wall.

At this moment, there was only endless despair in Lin Shiwei's heart.

"I'll give it to you, kick and fly, go out." Du Yu fell on his back, endured extreme panic, and his words stammered, "Try to grab the stone wall."

However, the opening of the bottomless pit was too wide, with a diameter of several kilometers, and the two were pushed down, too far from the pit wall.

Once you're in the wrong direction, there's nothing to save.

Of course, if nothing is done, there is only one outcome in the end.

As long as they can calm down and think about it, anyone can understand this truth. But you can't ask a person who is falling off a cliff to keep his usual calm.


Du Yu's Demon Breath battle robe had a faint trace of shards crawling out.

Lin Shiwei hugged Du Yu tightly, buried her face in his arms, and closed her eyes tightly.

While waiting for death to come, Lin Shiwei finally realized that he was not as strong as he imagined, nor was he a qualified warrior.

She was panicked and scared.

If there is a choice, it would be better to be stabbed to death, but to be more neat. Why show your cowardice in despair


A torch descended from the sky and came quickly!

Du Yu's eyes widened immediately, pressing the back of Lin Shiwei's head with one hand and raising the other hand high.

In the eyes of Fen Yang, the little Youying flying fast, the torch head is getting brighter and brighter!

You Ying, my little Ying Ying

"You Ying!" Du Yu shouted loudly, his hands full of demon breath, and tightly gripped the torch handle.

Xiao Youying closed her big eyes tightly and flew upwards with all her strength.

However, when it was young, it did not have much strength.

What's more, this species is not designed to carry people to fly.

The speed of the two people's fall slowed down a little, but it didn't help.


On the head of Xiaoyouying's torch, a firefly-green fireball suddenly lit up, and it flew up desperately.

no, don't let the master die, try harder


The next moment, Du Yu's eyes flashed, and the scene suddenly changed!

Shadow Gu Tower Sixth Floor!

When he came back to his senses, the severe weightlessness of falling had disappeared, and he was lying on the ground at this moment.

Has he returned to the underworld where the fog is filled?

You know, Du Yu and Lin Shiwei will be smashed to pieces every time they turn around.

But in the transition during the cliff fall, the two of them unloaded all the momentum, and just lay on the ground quietly, without any momentum of falling.

And the Yingying torch in Du Yu's hand was still flying upwards with all his strength, slightly lifting the two people who were hugging each other tightly off the ground.

"Okay, Youying, hehe." Du Yu gasped heavily, looking like he was still in shock.

Xiaoyouying immediately opened her big eyes and looked around curiously.

"I knew that the Shadow Gu Pagoda would not let us die like this." Du Yu said in a trembling voice, supported by a trace of faith, but he also felt fearful.

He reached out and patted the girl who was lying on her body: "Shi Wei?"

Lin Shiwei also noticed that there was no tendency to fall, which was especially strange.

It's like an athlete who is sprinting for 100 meters, and suddenly flashes into the sofa at home, and it is still in a leisurely lying position without any inertia.

Lin Shiwei finally let go of her embrace, propped her trembling arms to the ground, and slowly sat up.

In the military tent outside the Shadow Gu Tower, there was silence. When the soldiers realized that the two had landed safely, the sound of panting finally came.

The soldiers finally remembered that they should breathe.

Such a thrilling fall from a cliff seems to make everyone feel the same, waiting for death in despair.

Yang Qingqing pressed the communication button with one hand, her voice was steady and cold, which gave the two of them a great sense of security: "Stabilize your emotions, the two of you have been here before, the hazy underworld."

Lin Shiwei stood up tremblingly, her eyes lowered, and she pulled Du Yu up without making a sound.

Where is this underworld road, this is obviously a bottomless bottom!

The Shadow Gu Pagoda omitted our process of falling off the cliff and let us go directly to the bottom!

Du Yuping calmed down his turbulent emotions and said, "This should be the bottom of the bottomless pit, and the fog that surrounds it should be the cold Shiwei?"

"Ah!" Lin Shiwei finally regained his senses, looking at Du Yu's eyes, full of guilt.

Du Yu patted Lin Shiwei's arm with one hand: "Take care of your emotions. Things that are not related to the mission will be discussed after you exit the tower."

Lin Shiwei's face stiffened and she nodded, "Yes."

Du Yu: "In other words, we have been to the bottom of the bottomless pit. At first, we walked to the left, and the passage on the left is connected to the twin trees!"

After hearing the words, the soldiers in the camp were silently speechless.

The bottomless pit and the twin tree are actually connected!

These two demon spirits that live side by side are connected by a passage in the ground!

Du Yu: "Master Qing, are all twin trees connected to the bottomless pit? Or is this the only one?"

Yang Qingqing opened his mouth, but before he could respond, Camp Commander Liu pressed the call button: "We'll talk about it after everything comes out, and focus on the task first!"

"Woo~woo" At the same time, a faint cry came from a distance.

Such a familiar cry was obviously made by the man in black robe.

Obviously, the red-robed man and the black-robed man also reached the ground safely in some way. At this moment, the man in black robe was still being escorted, not knowing where to go.

Lin Shiwei suppressed her guilt, she couldn't forgive her cowardly behavior just now, even if it was just a person's instinct before dying.

Commander Liu: "Follow the clues and be firm in your beliefs! You are only one level away!"

Lin Shiwei looked to the right, looking for the source of the cry: "Du Yu!"


Lin Shiwei's expression was firm, this time, she would never back down!

I saw the girl grabbing the Yingying torch, illuminating the area on the right, and blocking Du Yu's figure: "Let's go this way!"

As soon as the words fell, Lin Shiwei was stunned.

Not only her, but Du Yu also felt that this conversation seemed familiar

It was on the second floor of Shadow Gu Tower, and it was also at the bottom of this bottomless pit. At that time, Du Yu heard Lin Shiwei's voice in the distance on the right!

Lin Shiwei turned to look at Du Yu, with a look of disbelief: "Can the Shadow Gu Tower predict my words and deeds?"

As early as when I was on the second floor,

The Shadow Gu Pagoda has already depicted me on the sixth floor?

Du Yu pursed his lips: "The Shadow Gu Pagoda has absorbed the souls of too many people, and has seen all kinds of people and humanity.

Perhaps, when every demon fighter enters the tower, the Shadow Gu Tower has already seen people thoroughly. "

Lin Shiwei frowned: "So at this point in time, there are two pairs of us underground! If we meet each other!


, what will be the result? "

Du Yu's heart moved, and he looked to the left behind him: "Yes! There is one of you and one of me. There are your rose double spirits over there, my Xiaoyan, my demon soldier Lianzhu. ."

Yang Qingqing pressed the button with one hand: "Du Yu, all this is an illusion. Your little face is in my leaf cocoon, and your demon soldier Lianzhu is also in the camp tent.

There has never been another you, don't be fooled by the special attributes of the Shadow Gu Tower!

Now you go to the right according to the clue, the ground is very big, the cold is lingering, and you lose the clue of crying, you can't find the direction. "

"Actually, I have already found it." Du Yu said suddenly.

Yang Qingqing: "Huh?"

Du Yu: "The clue is the spiritual energy.

The Shadow Gu Pagoda itself does not have cold air, and can only simulate an environment surrounded by gray fog. But this is all pretentious, so Shi Wei and I can stand on the ground unharmed.

But the Shadow Gu Pagoda itself has aura, and these auras have pointed me in the direction. "

Yang Qingqing: "Is it still the left?"

Du Yu: "It came from the left, but they are all rushing to the right. That is to say, the twin trees are pouring spiritual energy into the bottomless pit along the underground passage."

For a time, Du Yu's mind also came alive!

Why doesn't the twin tree radiate aura to the outside world?

Instead, choose to go down the root of the tree and release the spiritual energy into the bottomless pit?

It is precisely because the tree of gods operates in this way that the spiritual energy in the world is becoming more and more scarce, and the role of the guardian of the spirit gradually disappears and is completely extinct?

"Let's go, Shi Wei!" Du Yu pointed to the front right, "Let's go and see, where did the spiritual energy injected into the ground by the twin trees go!"

There's one more at eight o'clock.

------off topic-----

Thank you for the reward of the burning thigh Mao Dameng, the boss is very atmospheric, thank you for your support! I wish you faster and faster hand speed and get to the first floor every day! Ga~
