MTL - Raising A Golden Crow In Secret-Chapter 206 Be prepared

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, secretly raising a little golden crow

After taking a comfortable hot bath, Du Yu took Xiao Bai to the last empty room in the house.

Other monster pets have their own little world, Du Yu certainly can't favor one over the other.

There are four empty rooms in Du Yu's house.

The master bedroom is the palace of King Yan, and the children's room is shared by Xiao Youying and Xiao Tai Sui. Of course, Xiao Tai Sui is still under the fire tung tree, receiving special training from gold medal teachers.

There is also a room that is Du Yu's study, which also collects demon soldiers, rings, etc. The remaining vacant room was naturally reserved for Bai Yujing.

"What kind of environment do you want?" Du Yu put his hand on the snow-white antlers and felt that this room didn't need much decoration at all. Especially after night falls, the dazzling flowers on the little white antlers emit a little light enough to fill them with a beautiful and magical atmosphere!


Xiaobai naturally understood Du Yu's words. She called softly, gently pressed the antler against Du Yu, and pushed him out of the room together.

Xiaobai seems to have the wrong idea and doesn't want to live alone.

"It doesn't matter if you little silly deer can't live."

While being pushed away, Du Yu smiled and looked behind him. He continued, "There are only a few rooms in our house. When I contract with a demon pet in the future, the room will be picked up by someone else."

"Nai?" Bai Yujing stopped at his feet, tilted his head and looked at Du Yu curiously, blinking his smart eyes. Du Yu: "Have you changed your mind?

Xiao Fenyang: "Du Yu is so weak~"

Hearing the sudden words, Du Yu looked helpless, "What's wrong?"

Xiao Fenyang muttered: "Communication with Xiaobai is all about guesswork." Du Yu: "..."

Indeed, Bai Yujing could understand what he said, but Du Yu couldn't understand the name "Nai Nai".

The demon in the acupoint, Xiao Du Yu, has no spirituality at all. It's like a little man made of plasticine. If the small arms and legs are not broken, it is a success. What about communication?

"Let me help you." As Xiao Fenyang said, he quietly flew out of Du Yu's body and sat on Bai Yujing's back with a pretense.

After several exchanges, Xiao Fenyang raised his little hand and pointed at the living room: "Xiao Bai wants this site!"

Du Yu: "Huh?"

Xiao Fenyang: "The house is too small for Xiaobai to run away, so the living room can be used."

"Ah" Du Yu scratched his head, the room was naturally big enough for humans.

But for Xiaobai, it really wasn't enough toss. Since the entire building has the same residential layout, that is to say, as big as the first floor of Qing Shi's house, Du Yu's house is as big.

This living room is nearly 200 square meters, and it is only here, enough for Xiaobai to run a few steps.

"Okay, I'll decorate it for you!" Du Yu greeted the fire tung tree with one hand, looked around, and finally focused on the open balcony.

The branches of the fire tung tree are terribly dense, and there is no place to stretch, and the balcony is even submerged by the green ocean. Under Du Yu's command, the fire tung tree was intertwined with a large number of branches, simulating the appearance of a "small tree", and several small trees were put down to build a "wood home" for Bai Yujing on the balcony. Just when Du Yu felt full of accomplishment and Xiao Bai shook his antlers happily, the little Fenyang on her back suddenly flew back into Du Yu's body.

This time, Du Yu has experience.

He turned his head to look for the first time, and after a while, he saw Qing Shi carrying Xiao Tai Sui into the living room.

Du Yu secretly praised: "Little Fenyang, your perception ability is really strong!"

"That's one aspect." Xiao Fenyang whispered, "Huotong also told me that it was the door it opened for Aunt Qingqing."

"Yeah!" Du Yu looked strange, and murmured, "It's over, I'm really stupid, Du Yu..."

"Hee hee~"

"Get ready, Jianzhou will pick us up later." Yang Qingqing leaned down and put Xiao Taisui on the ground. "Let's go now?"

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){} Yang Qingqing looked at the little Tai Sui who got up from under his feet. He twisted his **** and ran to find Du Yu, and a smile appeared on her face. : "Yeah." "Then I'll change clothes." Du Yu no longer hesitated, and strode towards the master bedroom.

"Baby!" Xiao Tai Sui originally ran in a straight line, but as Du Yu left his place, the little guy turned a corner and chased after him.

When Du Yu changed into Heiyanshu's coat and walked out, there was no sign of Master Qing in the house.

He waited patiently for a while before receiving a call from Senior Brother Fu within ten minutes.

"Brother Shu, take a good look at your home, I'll be back in a few days." Du Yu took the bead and the pattern of demon soldiers handed over by the branch, and patted the leaves of the fire tung.

Under the farewell of the fire tung tree, Du Yu put away the demon pet and went downstairs with Xiao Bai.

Outside the unit building, a black car was parked. He first opened the rear car door, let Xiaobai jump in, and put the Yaobing bow away, then opened the co-pilot's door with one hand: "Good afternoon, Senior Brother Fu...~" Du Yu looked at the co-pilot The beautiful pear flower fox on the top couldn't help but exclaim: "Xiaohua has grown so big!" Fu Jianzhou smiled: "Well" "tsk tsk." Du Yu tut tut sighed, remembering the scene of rescuing the pear flower fox.

At that time, it was still a small one.

Although the pear fox is a "fox", it is different from the flesh-and-blood creature like Xiaoyan. The pear fox is a monster of the Tianbao clan.

After the pear flower fox family grew up, it was relatively large. It is obviously still an earth-level monster pet, but it is already bigger than a heaven-level Xiaoyan.

The pear flower fox is about half a meter long. Compared to the Firefox family, the pear flower tail is not that big and long. "Baby!" Hua Mantang looked up at Du Yu. Of course, he knew this human boy. After all, they were together more than a month ago. They lived together in the bamboo forest for a long time.

Du Yu leaned over and picked up the graceful pear flower fox, sniffed the fragrance of pear flowers between his nose, and sat down on the co-pilot: "If Xiao Mengnan sees you, I'm afraid that you will die!"


The graceful pear flower fox in his arms suddenly shattered. Du Yu was so startled that he didn't dare to move at all, he only felt the petals of pear blossoms rushing towards his face, as if it were raining, dancing in front of him.

After just 2 seconds, the flowers gathered in the hall and a little girl sat quietly in Du Yu's arms.

Her whole body is made of pure white pear petals, and even her hair is woven from the petals.

She had a broken and incomplete sense of beauty, and those fox eyes looked at Du Yu, with a hint of cunning in them. Du Yu:

"The house is full, don't make trouble." Fu Jianzhou said softly. The next moment, the little girl pieced together from pear petals shattered again and changed back to the image of a pear flower fox.

For a while, Du Yu didn't know what to do!

What a pear flower fox!

It's a real punishment...

Du Yu held Hua Mantang and carefully put it into Fu Jianzhou's arms.

Fu Jianzhou patted the head full of petals, and looked at Du Yu with a smile: "This is the physical characteristic of the Lihuahu clan.

Since it was promoted to the prefecture level, its intelligence attribute has improved a lot, and it has also begun to imitate all living beings. "

"Hmm." Du Yu nodded again and again, "Senior Brother Fu doesn't need to explain too much."

Fu Jianzhou gave Du Yu an angry and funny look. "Snapped!"

While speaking, Hua Mantang shattered into a pile of petals again. As they slowly fell, the layers of petals formed a square board.

Du Yu wondered in his heart, "What is this?"

Fu Jianzhou said uncertainly, "It should be a TV, right?"

Du Yu: "It could also be a cutting board? Do you cook at home every day?" Fu Jianzhou: "..."

The rear door of the car was opened, and Yang Qingqing was wearing a black woolen coat.


try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){} "Pear Chopping Board" turned into a river, rushing towards the back seat, and formed by the woman's body.

"Hey~" Hua Mantang looked up at the woman and called softly.

"Haha." Mu Yang Qingqing smiled and stretched out her hand, and tapped the tip of her nose full of flowers.

Fu Jianzhou started the car, looked through the rearview mirror, and watched the warm scene in the back seat, he couldn't help but sigh deeply, "Hey..."

"What's the matter, Senior Brother?" Du Yu whispered to Fu Jianzhou and shrugged helplessly: "Sometimes, I want the monster to grow up faster and become stronger. Sometimes, I don't want it to grow too much. quick."


Fu Jianzhou: "After reaching the spirit level, the mentality of the vast majority of monster pets will change a lot. Spirit level monster pets have cultivated a monster soul, and their perspective on the world will be different. No longer relying too much on the demon fighters, play and interaction like this will be difficult to have again."

"Well," Du Yu felt a little emo when he heard such words.

It's not like he hasn't seen Fu Jianzhou's wolf lake dog, Tsing Yi. Whenever Tsing Yi is summoned to fight, Fu Jianzhou needs to "please"!

If this situation is on your own. If one day suddenly, Xiao Youying is no longer naughty, and no longer likes to nest in her arms and make fun of others, it will be too sad.

good guy~

Du Yu scratched his head, do I have any tendency to be abused?

"Most of the demon pets." A woman's cold voice suddenly came from behind.

"Yes." Fu Jianzhou nodded and echoed, "There are also some monster pets who will maintain their natural instincts. This still depends on the race, and there are many influencing factors."

Fu Jianzhou restrained his emotions and changed the subject: "Master Qing,

Are we going to explore Hulu Mountain again? "

"Yeah." Yang Qingqing played with the petals and claws of the pear flower fox, "Your little junior brother, has a different view of Hulu Mountain. "

Fu Jianzhou: "Oh?"

Yang Qingqing wanted to say something, but she took out the phone from her pocket.

Seeing the name of the caller, Yang Qingqing's expression became solemn, and she answered the phone: "Ms. Shu."

At the same time, far away in Shandai Province-Jingu City, Hulushan area. An ancient-style woman wearing a white long gown is standing on the top of the The modern mobile phone in her hand is incompatible with her style. She looked down and said, "I heard that you are coming back and bring your apprentice."

"Yes, Ms. Shu."

Shu Qinghe had an expressionless face, followed the huge gourd mouth under his feet and looked at the crisscrossing cold branches: "You and I have been born and died here a few times, don't be so polite."

Yang Qingqing: "Well, Sister Shu, wait for us. We can arrive at Hulu Mountain around 7 o'clock in the evening."

"Okay." The woman hung up the phone and silently looked at the abyss below.

In the dark car, Du Yu turned his head to look at the back seat.

Looking at Du Yu's curious appearance, Yang Qingqing couldn't help but smile: "Our comrades in the battlefield together.

Du Yu: "It should be very powerful, right?"

Yang Qingqing nodded: "She has a share of the credit for conquering the Shadow Gu Pagoda." Du Yu was stunned for a moment: "Shadow Gu Pagoda?"

Du Yu conquered level 1 and 2, while Yang Qingqing conquered level 4! Obviously, the rank that the opponent conquered could not be the third-level Demon Master rank, so the rest would be 5, 6, and 7!

The demon general, the demon emperor or the demon saint?

No matter which strength rank the opponent is, to Du Yu, he is a god-like existence!

Yang Qingqing turned her head to look out the window, and said softly, "Since I'm taking you into the mountain, it's natural to have to be fully prepared and have more protection."

Hearing this, Du Yu opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

"Hmm." In Fu's mind, Xiao Fenyang whispered, "Aunt Qingqing is fine."
