MTL - Raising Evil Spirits-Chapter 8149 : Shen Qing

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"They...they didn't embarrass you?" The little girl looked towards the Immortal Realm Palace, where there was still smoke and dust rising at the moment, and anyone who saw it would know that a fierce battle had taken place.

"This fairyland has been destroyed by me, it seems that you know something." When I was speaking, some guards in the surrounding fairyland were far away from coming, and some hurriedly flew to the scene of the incident to check the situation.

"There have been a few immortals who went to the fairy house before and couldn't come back..." When the little girl blurted out, she seemed to realize that there were immortals from the fairyland around her, and her face inevitably changed.

"Well, can you remind me that you can see the character, how about I promise you the congenital fortune **** soldier of Lingqing Xianjun, and then improve your cultivation by one or two, so that you can become the master of the fairyland here?" I took out took that treasure book.

Seeing the treasure book, the little girl quickly waved her hand: "I didn't help much, how can I accept a heavy gift? And... I'm a loose fairy, I can't be the master of any fairyland..."

"If you want to take it, you will take it, you child...why waste the opportunity for nothing?" The shopkeeper at the side hurriedly persuaded.

"He is right, this is your chance." I gave her the treasure book because her Daoji is suitable for using the book.

The little girl did not accept it immediately, but hesitated for a while, and immediately said: "If you must be grateful..."

"You were slapped?" I glanced at her cheek, which was covered with residual slap marks.

It seems that there are also phantom gods who are being bullied in these three thousand Proving Dao Heavens.

When I asked this question, the little girl's face blushed immediately, and I looked gloomyly at the shopkeeper next to me.

The shopkeeper's face was a little more embarrassed: "No, I couldn't help but get rough in a hurry. If I didn't do this, the guard of God's Realm... the immortal friend who travels the world should be able to understand. In fact, she is also my distant niece. With me, it's not..."

I looked at the little girl, she didn't mean to feel wronged too much, but she still said: "If there is anything, just say it, I have something to do, but I have to go."

"Can you... take me to God's Domain..." the little girl said unexpectedly.

"You're going to God's Domain? You can go by yourself, why do you want me to bring it?" I said with frowned.

"You are so powerful, don't you come from God's Domain?"

"I'm not from God's Domain." I thought that there are quasi-sage-level phantom gods in God's Domain, and they may have participated in space warfare, which is a good place to ask for directions, so I asked: "But you want to go to God's Domain, Do you know where God's Domain is?"

"I should be the God's Domain closest to here..." While the little girl was stunned, she couldn't help feeling a little more disappointed.

"What are you going to God's Domain for?" I asked back.

"I thought you were a fairy from the God's I want you to take me to practice in the God's Domain..." the little girl said shyly.

I put the treasure book into her hand, and said: "With the treasure book of the Absolute Immortal Formation, it is easy for you to enter the God Realm, even if you are carrying treasures, I am afraid it may not be safe to go to the God Realm, you should think about it yourself, yes, If it's convenient, give me the road map to God's Domain."

"This...Shangxian is also going to God's Domain? Can you take me with you? I can lead the way..." the little girl said hastily.

I glanced at the shopkeeper next to me.

The shopkeeper hastily reprimanded: "Bi Xiao, aren't you embarrassing Shangxian? They say that you will work with me for a few more Yingmo, and you will go after you have enough capital to become a teacher. Why rush?"

"Uncle, I sell medicine and make alchemy all day long, and I don't even have time to practice... Not to mention a few Yingmo... I'm afraid that after a thousand, I won't be able to enter the realm of the gods..." The little girl said stubbornly.

As soon as I heard it, I understood that this little girl dared to pull my sleeve so boldly, so she had a purpose. The pie has grown to where it is today.

"I can take you to God's Domain, after all, I have something to do when I go to God's Domain, but I don't guarantee that they will accept you into God's Domain, how?" Yes, to avoid loneliness all the way.

This world is too big, and it cannot be teleported like before. This foundation is solid, and it is not good to waste time for phantom gods again.

"I'll go with Shangxian!" Bi Xiao hurriedly agreed.

"Bi Xiao, you are gone, how can uncle maintain this place?" The shopkeeper was a little dissatisfied.

"Uncle was able to do it before I proved the Tao. Why can't I do it when I'm not here?" Bi Xiao seemed to be dissatisfied with the shopkeeper a long time ago. Now that I agree, she doesn't intend to hide her displeasure anymore.

The shopkeeper was going to continue talking, I don't have time to argue with him here, as soon as the golden wind rolled, Bi Xiao was taken to the golden pagoda by me, soaring into the sky!

Supporting Bi Xiao's shoulders and standing on the tower, I said, "It seems that you are quite dissatisfied with your uncle."

"He often only uses me. He only gives me 30% of the market value of the fairy tokens he earns. I can't cultivate, so I can only stay there. It's been half a cent for so long...I earned so many fairy tokens for him, can it be Shouldn't I go? And he hit me just now..." Bi Xiao said angrily.

Bi Xiao looks to be about seventeen or eighteen years old. It is not an easy task to enter the Daoist Dao as a young girl. The younger she is to enter the Daoist Heaven, it proves that her luck and aptitude are very good.

How could he be willing to spend a few hours in a market?

Yingmo is the unique time concept of this Daoji, and Yingmo is about 120 years.

So some people said before that sixty Yingmo had passed, so it is afraid that seven thousand years have passed since the cosmic war.

While skeptical, it's not impossible.

But it also made me very anxious, this is seven thousand years!

My sister-in-law, Xue Qingcheng, Zhao Qian, Li Guxian, the Women's Legion, and the children, are you all okay?

"Although your uncle is a little selfish, he finally gave you a stable life. God's Domain is the ultimate place to prove the Dao of Heaven and Dao. Although the cultivation speed of increasing phantom power is the fastest, the competition is also fierce, isn't it?" I said with a smile .

Bi Xiao raised the treasure book in his hand and said, "I'm not afraid of the treasure book given to me by the Immortal."

I laughed, this little girl is quite cheerful.

On the way to God's Domain, in addition to teaching her how to use the treasure book, I also asked about the situation in Immortal Domain.

"If according to what Shangxian said, the Dao Heaven here should be a mixture of the gods and demons. The Qiyun Tianduan is the God Realm, and the Moyuan Dixie is the Demon Realm. Both occupy one side of the world. Let's go to the Qiyun Tianduan And to go, of course, is to go to God's Domain." Bi Xiao replied.

"What is the name of God's Domain here?" I asked.

"The fairy families from all over the world say it's called Shenqing God Realm." Bi Xiao said longingly.