MTL - Ranger King of Azeroth-Chapter 45 Materials for new weapons

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  Chapter 45 Materials for new weapons

   Anasterian looked at the surprised expressions of the young elves in the audience with satisfaction. Solidar had not been born for so long, and many people had forgotten its power.

"This is the special function of Thoridar. People who use it can not only shoot physical arrows, but also directly use its own magical power to form this kind of energy arrow composed of pure arcane magic. It is more powerful than ordinary physical arrows. Arrows are stronger."

   At this time, Anasterian explained Thoridar's ability to some people who still understood the reason, and this was also an opportunity to show off the royal family's treasures.

  Because he swallowed his anger many times in recent years, the Silvermoon Council was about to climb over his head, not only driving the prince out of his country, but also snatching the management of the border stones of the kingdom.

Anasterian is not muddy, how could he not be angry? Today, the new owner of Solidar is specially asked to demonstrate its power in front of the crowd, and it can also let the public understand the profound heritage of the royal family. .

  Although Darkan and other councilors are aware of the Sun King's plan, it is an upright conspiracy. It is difficult for them to find a reason to stop it, and in the end they can only let it go.

   While Anasterian took the opportunity to win people's hearts, Charlemagne was experiencing the strange feeling when he shot the arrow with Thoridar just now.

When the bow is fully drawn, he can feel the energy flowing into his body suddenly increase, and the final aimed shot is at least about 30% more powerful than usual, otherwise the solid wooden target would not be so easy to leave such a conspicuous mark on it. trace.

  The reward ceremony where the king appeared in person finally met Anasterian's expectations. The crowd who came to watch shouted "For the Sun King, for Quel'Thalas!" at the end is a typical proof.

  Darkhan kept his face dark since the end of the ceremony, and left quickly after barely showing a polite smile and bidding farewell to the king and queen.

  The other four congressmen also made excuses to leave the venue one after another, but Osis stayed alone. He walked slowly to Sean and patted him on the shoulder in relief.

   "Son, I'm proud of you when you grow up, and I believe your father will think so too."

  Sean bowed his head a little excitedly and saluted, "Thank you, Uncle, for your compliment. I will continue to work hard in the future."

  When Anasterian and the queen returned to the royal court together, Charlemagne and others also returned to the Ranger Square in the XC area under the leadership of Li Reza to temporarily station.

  But before he left, the Sun King sent a dinner invitation to the few people who had just been rewarded. He wanted to have a close contact with these promising young elves, and try to win them over by the way.

  Since this is a private dinner, there are not too many rules. If it is that kind of public banquet, rangers like Charlemagne and Cirvanas, who have never learned social etiquette since childhood, will probably make a fool of themselves.

   After returning to the station, Li Reza called the disciple and the second woman over.

   "I didn't want you to step into the social circle too early to avoid distraction. I didn't expect the two of you to enter the public eye so soon. After I go back this time, I will teach you some etiquette and dance."

  Although Charlemagne and Cirvanas are not interested in this kind of cumbersome etiquette and ballroom dancing, this is a skill they will definitely need in the future.

As the new master of the artifact Thoridar Stars Fury, Charlemagne has undoubtedly entered the sight of the upper echelon, and as the next Ranger General, Cirvanas will inevitably deal with some conflicts in the future. Occasions for upper-level communication.

   The dinner party agreed with the Sun King was still early, and Charlemagne planned to take the opportunity to wander around Silvermoon City, and check if there were any suitable ores.

His pair of knives were damaged in the battle with Halraz last time, and he will have to forge a new pair. Although Silvermoon City is not open to the public, it is the capital of the high elves, so there should be some precious ones. Ore bar.

   When going out this time, his younger brother Lor'themar took out part of the Theron family's property and asked him to take it with him.

   After all, coming to the capital will cost a lot, and after learning that Charlemagne's double knives were damaged, he also strongly recommended his brother to use better ore to forge two new ones.

   "Brother, you don't want to encounter this situation again, right? Weapon damage can be fatal at critical times. For your own safety, you should choose a better ore."

  Charlemagne didn't use much of his parents' inheritance. Most of the time he used the salary he got from serving in the ranger army to buy ores.

  In his plan, half of his inheritance will probably be used to recruit soldiers and horses. As for the part of his younger brother Lor'themar, he will definitely not touch it. This is a matter of principle for him.

  This stingy way of spending money also resulted in him not having enough money to order a pair of good melee weapons, but this time I am afraid there is no way to save it.

  As Lor'themar said, if the weapon fails at a critical moment, it is a joke with your own life.

  ‘Go and see if there are any minerals like thorium. Now that Northrend has not been extensively developed, I am afraid that it is difficult to get Titan Iron...’

  Nowadays, many rare ores cannot be found. The easiest to find is the magic stone mine in the Broken Isles. However, it is hard to say whether anyone knows the location of the Broken Isles...

  Sirvanas hesitated for a while when he learned that Charlemagne wanted to go shopping. Just at this moment, Liadrin came to invite Sylvanas to go shopping together, and the second lady readily agreed.

   It is the first time to come to a big city, which is naturally very attractive to women who are born with a desire to shop. With Liadrin who is familiar with the city, they can avoid many detours in Silvermoon City.

Because of the Sun King's promise, Xiao En is currently selecting a mage from the Arcane Academy that he will take to Taquilin to garrison. After all, there are no arcane mages in Silvermoon City who want to venture out. A few, more monks and less porridge.

  Yawen and Sclan were not interested in shopping, so after lunch at noon, they went to visit old friends in the city together.

   Li Reza didn't plan to participate in the young people's gathering, she still had a lot of affairs to deal with, so in the end, Charlemagne, Cirvanas, and Liadrin formed a team to press the road together.

  Because Charlemagne planned to buy ore with a purpose, Liadrin took two friends to the Royal Trade Zone in the east of Silvermoon City with ease.

   "The goods sold here are more complete and higher-end than those in the commercial area of ​​West City. The precious ore you want to buy in Charlemagne can only be found here, but the price will be more expensive."

   In response to Liadrin's kind reminder, Charlemagne smiled and nodded.

   "I had expected this a long time ago. This time I brought a lot of money, so it should be enough."

  Led by Liadrin who is familiar with the streets, the three first came to a rare mineral shop called "Kiss Stone".

  (end of this chapter)