MTL - Ranger Legend of Azeroth-v2 Chapter 857 We speak martial arts the most

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"My lord, if you want all these wild boars to die now, or not to come out to disturb us, I can still do it, but you want to capture this group of wild boars, but at the same time demand that our people not be harmed. It's a bit difficult. After all, there are still a lot of wild boars in the cave. In the fight outside the cave, they rushed out a lot of people. Now you only give me a hundred people, which is really too little.

Although we are fighting in caves now, and our troops cannot be spread out, and our weapons and armor equipment can be regarded as the difference between wearing dresses and pants compared with wild boars, but there are still too many wild boars. Even if they stand up and let us chop, our hundred people are too tired to finish chopping them... Besides, wild boars are not wood! "

The officers of the city lord's guards were a little embarrassed, but it was actually not difficult to defend it. It was the narrowest place in the cave, and it was really useless to have a lot of troops, and it couldn't be spread out at all. One hundred men are stationed at two ends, with fifty men on each side, which is just enough to spread out the troops, but there are no reserve soldiers available.

If the wild boars don't surrender and resolutely fight to the end, and then rush out bravely and fearlessly, and follow the principle of the city lord to execute the order, then they don't know if the hundred of them have enough physical strength to support them. have to go down.

No one can guarantee that every attack in the battle will be killed by one blow, and the high archery skills of these high elf rangers such as myself cannot be guaranteed either. Enemies are not stupid, and neither are wild boars! If the wild boars decide to fight to the last man, the soldiers walking in front must wear protective equipment such as shields to defend against the arrow attacks of the elves. At this time, these elf rangers have to use arcane magic to attack , Magic attacks consume a lot of magic power.

And no one knows how many attacks the wild boar will organize. They are afraid that the wild boar will exhaust the ranger's stamina little by little with the refueling tactics. He felt very embarrassed.

But if we want to kill all these wild boars now, it would be easy, just like the city owner said to burn bricks, taking advantage of the fact that the blockage of the cave has not been completely dug by the wild boars, as long as the blockage is piled up Put ten tons or eight tons of firewood and other fuels, and then build a stone wall behind the firewood, leave a small opening to fill with enough oil and other flammable things, and finally light a fire and seal the small opening of the stone wall completely That's enough, so that even if the wild boars inside are not burned to death and smothered to death, they will all be smoked to death.

As for how to build a sealed stone wall as quickly as possible, the group of priests brought by the old chief priest have a lot of ideas, and the officers of the city lord's guards are not too worried about this. If they just want to prevent the wild boar from coming out for a while In fact, the method is similar, just a few changes.

"Okay! Then follow what you said," Habayashi Xueying immediately agreed to the officer of the city lord's guards without hesitation: "As I said before, it's better not to kill or not, I don't like killing people very much! You should delay their coming out as much as possible! At least you can wait until the old priest and the others build the teleportation array, or I beat the centaur away outside, can this be done?"

"Of course it can be done!" The officer of the city lord's guard said with a smile: "It's not difficult, but you have to talk to the old priest, sir, and you can borrow me two ice mages!"

"Okay! I'll tell him about this. I'm going to go to the old priest. I'll do it for you! Can you tell me what you want two ice mages to do? Tell me what you plan to do ?” Habayashi Xueying asked.

"Hehe!" The officer of the city lord's guards smiled shyly and said, "It is convenient to smoke pork with fire to kill the wild boars in the cave, but to prevent them from coming out, of course it is more convenient and less troublesome to use ice!"

The officer of the city lord's guard made gestures with his hands: "Will the wild boars come out to tear down the wall? Then we will pile stones for them here to build a thicker one, pour water on it and let the mage freeze it immediately, Watering while freezing, when the stone wall on our side is completed, the entire stone wall will be frozen into a big lump, and it will be difficult for the wild boar over there to pry the stone out." The city lord guard The officer laughed wickedly.

"Okay! This method is good!" Habayashi Xueying sincerely praised the officer of the city lord's guards this time, and these guys finally got the hang of fighting: "Very good, I also learned to fight with my brain!" Yubayashi Lin Xueying said with a smile.

"I have been with the city lord for so long, I have to learn a little bit, otherwise I will follow you for nothing?" The officer of the city lord's guards also laughed: "I don't know how to fight like this. In the future, people from other troops will not Will you say that we are too mean and shameless? Why don’t we have that messy chivalry warrior’s blood and so on!”

"Fuck it, who dares to say us? Talk about martial arts? Just like their birdballs, do they know what martial arts is? Superficial! It's so superficial!"

Yubayashi Xueying couldn't help laughing: "Remember! We are the ones who stress martial arts the most, this is a must! It's just that our martial arts are more noble and advanced than theirs! If anyone talks about us in the future, you will be angry with me When we go back, tell them that we are the most concerned about martial arts, but our martial arts are too advanced, and their level is too low to understand, what is this called? There is such a saying..."

Yubayashi Xueying suddenly couldn't remember how to say that sentence, he scratched his head and thought for a while: "Oh! Oh!..." Yubayashi Xueying suddenly slapped his head and laughed: "This sentence is In this way, summer worms can’t talk about ice, well frogs can’t talk about seas, and ordinary people can’t talk about it! These guys are summer worms, well frogs are ordinary people, they know what a fart!”

The attitude of the city lord is naturally tall and tall. UU Reading fallacies and heresies have always emerged one after another. Many people know this, and the officer of the city lord's guards has been with Habayashi Blood Eagle for so long , of course he knows how thick and invincible the city lord is.

It's just that he really didn't think that the Lord City Master could not only say a lot of fallacies and heresies that seemed to be profound and reasonable about this matter, but he could also say it so beautifully and refined. Regarding the thickness of the city lord's shame, all the elf rangers around Yubayashi Xueying who can hear the two of them suddenly feel that they have to refresh the shameless lower limit of knowing the city lord.

"Your Excellency is wise!" the officer of the City Lord's Guards gave a thumbs up in admiration and said sincerely.

"Must!" Habayashi Xueying said brazenly: "But I'm a low-key person, I don't like publicity very much!"

-----Off Topic-----

I haven't written anything for a long time, and it took two to three hours to finish writing a chapter, sweat! Difficult!
