MTL - Rebirth 2008: I Can Make Money Reading-v2 Chapter 502 leaders are scared

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Latest website: Mu Yang picked up the teacup, took a sip of the tea, moistened his throat, and brewed up his emotions.

The big brother's expression is very calm, but he doesn't know how to say: You just say it, don't be a fool.

So, he also picked up the teacup and tasted it slowly. Oh, the young man!

How could it be like those old men in the nursing home, who suddenly drank tea at the most important moment when talking, this is not good.

Mu Yang put down his teacup, his Adam's apple moved up and down, and said, "Leader, on the basis of civil aviation engines, we have developed a fifth-generation monarch engine with a maximum afterburner thrust-to-weight ratio of 17.1..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by the boss' surprised tone.


No matter how calm the boss is, he almost spit out the tea in his mouth at this time, swallowed it quickly, and asked in shock:

"What's the thrust-to-weight ratio? 17.1? Did I hear correctly?"

After asking, he quickly wiped the tea that overflowed from the corner of his mouth, and said slightly reproachfully, "Mr. Mu, can you let me drink the tea before talking, your amount of information is too scary, but you want to swallow me to death, Ha ha."

After I finished speaking, I couldn't help laughing.

"Leader, you are a person who has experienced heavy wind and rain. How can such a small matter frighten you."

The boss also put down the teacup, turned back to the topic, and joked

Said: "You really know how to joke and talk about serious things. After finishing what you just said, I heard you right. Your company has developed an engine for king use. What type of engine is it? The thrust-to-weight ratio has reached 17.1?

Do you know, your information is almost like putting a mushroom cloud, but it shocked my jaw. "

Mu Yang coughed, and said seriously: "We named it XH-AN05-01J, afterburning turbofan engine, using three-vector nozzles, can be used on J-10, or even more advanced aircraft, with a medium thrust of 14.7 tons , the maximum afterburner thrust is 24 tons, and the thrust-to-weight ratio is 17.1.

Of course, after turning on the afterburner, the maximum afterburner can only last for 22 seconds;

If the thrust is maintained below 22 tons, there is no time limit, as long as the fuel is sufficient.

At present, it has been developed, but it needs to continue to test and optimize. "

The boss listened carefully, only afraid of missing a word, but the more he listened, the more shocked he became, his eyes widened, and after a while, he spoke out in a rough tone, and asked earnestly: "Mr. Mu, if I remember correctly In other words, the engine of Ugly’s F35 is said to use the most advanced afterburning turbofan engine in the world. I don’t know the specific model, but I still have some impressions. The maximum thrust-to-weight ratio seems to be less than ten degrees.”

"The leader is F135-P-100, with a thrust-to-weight ratio of 7.47, a full afterburner thrust-to-weight ratio of 11.47, a net engine weight of 1,701 kilograms, a transition thrust of 12.7 tons, and a maximum afterburner thrust of 19.5 tons." Mu Yangbang explained road.

Maybe the F35 has a lot of problems, after all, it starts from low cost, but in terms of its engine performance parameters, it can indeed be called

The most advanced afterburning turbofan engine, at least there is nothing wrong with it.

"Yes, it should be this one. In other words, your engine and this F135 belong to the same type of afterburning turbofan engine, but the performance of the engine is much stronger than the opponent's. It has reached the world's first level of the same type, and even the technology The level exceeds an era, am I right?"

"Well, it can be said that, but we are still experimenting, and they have been in service for many years. I just define our engine as the fifth generation, and there is still some gap from the sixth generation I define."

"Well, let's not say whether it is the fifth generation or the sixth generation, anyway, it is very powerful."

Mu Yang was a little humble: "Leader, praise."

"Mr. Mu, since you have researched this aspect, you should know something about our domestic fighter engines and foreign fighter jets, maybe you have already studied it thoroughly.

The performance of our most advanced engine is far behind that of Western countries. It is estimated that it is a generation behind this F135. Now you have pulled each other away by a generation.

Boosted two generations with the engine.

Others are promoted little by little, but you are directly promoted across two generations. I don’t know how to describe this, it’s really shocking.

If Junfang finds out about this, they will praise you to heaven. "As a high-level boss, you must understand the power of the country and other countries, so that you can make accurate decisions.

He was a little excited at this time. He understood too well what it means for a country to have advanced engines, which means that as long as the number is balanced, the strength of the country's aviation kings will directly surpass that of the ugly country.

However, the engine is an era behind, and perhaps the combat effectiveness of one aircraft is as good as several, or even more.

Because, you can't hit me!

The speed of conventional missiles is about Mach 0.7 to 0.8, the speed of surface-to-air missiles is generally Mach 2-4, the speed of air-to-ground missiles is generally about Mach 1.3, and the speed of air-to-air missiles is generally Mach 2.5-4.

There are some large anti-aircraft missiles with a maximum speed exceeding Mach 5, but they are expensive. If a fighter jet is found to be locked and runs ahead of time, it can still run away, or rely on powerful flexibility to evade.

In other words, as long as the thrust is large enough, we can speed up fighter jets and reconnaissance aircraft to more than Mach 4, which is faster than the Blackbird.

The advanced fighter jets and reconnaissance aircraft currently in service reach speeds of Mach 2-3, and very few of them exceed Mach 3.5.

But for aircraft over Mach 3, that is when the maximum afterburner has been turned on, and the duration is not long.

In addition to speed, it is also more flexible, more difficult to be locked by enemy planes, and can quickly get behind other people's buttocks.

For the above knowledge points, the boss knows a little. There is a simulated confrontation in a certain army. The advanced fifth-generation aircraft F22 simulates a confrontation with the third-generation aircraft. The battle damage can be as high as one to one hundred. It is difficult for the third-generation aircraft to kill themselves with numbers. There are some technical gaps, which are definitely not the same. Hot blood can make up for it.

"Thank you for the praise from the leader. I also hope that domestically produced fighter jets can protect the country, and I don't want fighter jets from Western countries to be deployed in our country's airspace."

"It's true that you are not arrogant. It's your efficiency in reporting results. You like to hide it, but it scares me. Before I came, you didn't report this together."

The leader appreciates Mu Yang very much, hey, it’s just a pity,

If this young man was born a hundred years ago, the people of the country would not have suffered catastrophe.

However, it is not bad now, after all, in that era, there were too many variables.

"I'm not afraid that you won't be able to sleep, leader." Mu Yang is now an acquaintance with the leader, and it's nothing to joke occasionally.

"Well, that's right, you were a big surprise, and it scared me too.

I just listened to a general idea, if our fighter jets are equipped with Xinghai Group engines, can they directly defeat top foreign fighter jets. "

The boss has some judgments in his mind, but he hopes to hear a more accurate answer from Mu Yang, who is more familiar with fighter jets.

Mu Yang thought for a while, and gave a pertinent answer: "Leader, a fighter jet does not only rely on the core of the engine, but also depends on the strength of the fuselage material, avionics system, radar system, weapon system, etc. The difference in each item, the cumulative It will cause a huge gap.

Of course, with an advanced engine, you will fly faster and higher, be more flexible, have a faster start speed, and it is easier to avoid missiles and locks. Moreover, our engines have better fuel economy and longer battery life. supersonic cruise.

All of the above is based on the fact that the key components other than the engine cannot be too inferior to the enemy aircraft.

Of course, it is generally no problem to work hard to produce miracles. "

When the boss heard this answer, he felt very pertinent. Mu Yang said without boasting, and sighed: "You are right, it seems that other places are lagging behind."

"Leader, how many years have we developed, and how many years have the western countries developed? I think our development speed is already very fast, and sooner or later we will surpass the western countries." Mu Yang said that the same is true for the development of the country in the next few years.

"Well, you

It's clear and optimistic, I hope so, and I hope we have time. "The boss said with a little worry. He was also very real in private, and he didn't say anything big. After a little thought, he said,

"As for civil aviation engines, according to business rules, blindly supporting them will only harm them, and it will also be detrimental to you;

Jun’s engine is still produced by your company. To put it bluntly, pointing fingers will hold you back. You can just purchase from Jun’s side. You must ensure your own profit. In terms of scientific research, don’t talk about big contributions. It is not conducive to the development of both parties.

If you have any questions, if you are not satisfied, please call me directly.

The use of an engine is a major event, which affects the real strength of the country. If you need to mention it directly and boldly, even if you need the assistance of twenty or thirty academicians, I will try my best to get it for you. If you want land and land, you will take the initiative to help the country. Solved a big problem, but the country did not help much. "

Mu Yang thought for a while, and made a request: "Being able to do business stably on this land, and the local government's policy support, is the biggest support. We just did what we can.

In terms of technology, we can solve it by ourselves. The manufacture of Jun’s engine requires some special materials. If Jun’s demand is large, we only need to ensure that the raw materials are sufficient. "

"Okay, it's a small matter."

The big brother agreed to this matter without thinking too much. This is Jun Fang's business. "In terms of confidentiality, it is indeed inconvenient to disclose it to the outside world. The less people know, the better. You must have your own bottom line."

He didn't ask about the price of the engine, so he didn't need to worry about that much.

Now that the technology has broken through, everything else is not a big problem. The two talked privately for nearly an hour, and it was already 5:30 in the afternoon.

The boss stayed in the Xinghai Group for three and a half hours, which was a long time.

Originally planned to leave City H tonight, but the plan changed, and Mu Yang set off a big firework.

Tomorrow, the boss will also visit and inspect the smart city.

Many of Xinghai Group's projects are cutting-edge technology projects that can lead the development of global technology.

So, it's worth spending more time on it.

Tonight, Mu Yang invited the boss to have dinner at Xinghai Group.

This time, the boss agreed without thinking too much.

Under normal circumstances, the boss would not eat in the company. He usually left after an hour or two of inspection, and it was rare for him to inspect a company specifically.

Mu Yang called his family and said that he would not go back for dinner.

at six o'clock in the evening,

On the side of Xinghai Group, there are Mu Yang, Zhou Chen, and the vice president of personnel, and on the side of the boss, there are leaders Sheng Shi who came to accompany today, and everyone gathered together to form a table.

The other followers made up a table.

Leader Sheng Shi didn't have dinner at Xinghai Group either, and they were also shocked when they heard that the boss was going to have dinner at Xinghai Group. They didn't know what the two of them talked about in private, but it was definitely a big deal.

There are no delicacies in the dinner, but all the ingredients from the Xinghai Group's farm, together with the in-house chef, won the praise of the guests.

After dinner, the boss and leader Sheng Shi left the Xinghai Group.

that night,

Y TV News LB reported on today's inspection of the Xinghai Group by the big bosses. Some confidential places were not filmed and broadcast. The main scenes are two civil aviation engines, and there is also a scene of engine testing. Finally, they had dinner with Mu Yang and other Xinghai Group executives. Play out.

Audiences who are sensitive to Ye Z can appreciate the importance attached to Xinghai Group.

At nine o'clock the next morning, Mu Yang accompanied the boss to inspect the work of the smart city.

Mu Yang also hadn't visited for a long time.

At half past nine, everyone came to the smart city construction site. The first phase of smart city has laid the foundation stone on March 1 this year, and it has been seven months now. Where the construction progress is fast, the new urban appearance has begun to take shape, such as the foundation of high-rise buildings and the main construction. The building is more than a dozen stories high. The main body of the underground system such as the underground parking lot and the subway has been built, and the logistics and transportation system has also been built.

The road section where the subway was dug has been paved and hardened, but the outside world is not allowed to visit for fear of affecting the construction of the project, but it still cannot stop tens of thousands of people from visiting every day, most of whom are from other places. There are a small number of foreigners.

When Mu Yang and the boss arrived, the police car opened the way, accompanied by hundreds of people to maintain the safety of the scene, and some traffic sections were temporarily controlled.

The construction site is vigorous and large-scale, with engineering vehicles everywhere.

"Mr. Mu, can flying cars really pass through this smart city? Is it difficult to realize smart transportation?" The boss is very curious, what is the situation.

When the construction plan of the smart city was submitted to GUO Wuyuan, the people above had seen the plan, and he had been deeply suspicious because of this, doubting whether such a smart city could be built, or it would be an unfinished urban area.

But in the end it was passed, mainly because of Xinghai Group’s long-standing performance, many major technologies have been successful, secondly, Xinghai Group itself bears the funds and does not seek state loans, and thirdly, the state is also seeking such a future urban road, and other cities apply They are all approved, and their strength is far inferior to Xinghai Group.

Mu Yang pondered for a while and said: "Flying cars want to pass normally in the city, I think it will be difficult to realize in the next few years.

However, I think this is a trend in the future. When designing urban traffic, I have the requirement to leave space for flying car traffic.

I haven't traveled many roads, and I don't know if it will work, so I have to give it a try.

In terms of intelligent transportation, I think it is still very easy to achieve.

We have solved the car chip problem, and the level of automatic driving can be upgraded to LV3, or even LV4. As long as it reaches LV3, it has a software foundation;

The newly established transportation system is very developed and has a hardware foundation. Under the entire urban transportation system, it is still very easy to realize.

I do think that human behavior is unpredictable, and everyone needs to abide by the new regulations, so it is a bit difficult to fully popularize. "

To tell the truth, he has never seen a smart city, and the current construction is based on his imagination.

There will definitely be many problems and mistakes, which is normal, after all, he is the first to eat crabs.

However, he is not worried, as long as he has money, he can spend it willfully.

If you don't smash it, you won't be able to meet the conditions for upgrading the reading system to level 8.

If it can be successfully operated, the smart city will become a world tourist hotspot, and everyone wants to come and see it.

After listening to Mu Yang's words, the boss agreed with his point of view and nodded frequently.

The two walked, watched and chatted, and the boss asked Mu Yang: "In the future, this city will definitely be very popular, and the price of residential buildings will be high, but there are still ordinary migrant workers who work and live in this city. How do you feel?" solve their housing problem?"

He is very concerned about the lives of ordinary people. An advanced city must be served by ordinary migrant workers. With such high housing prices, ordinary people cannot afford to rent.

Mu Yang didn't hesitate much, and replied: "We have already made arrangements for the living of ordinary people.

The planned area of ​​this city is 50,000 mu, and the future population may not be less than 500,000. There must be many ordinary migrant workers.

We plan to build 50,000 single apartments in the smart city. Ordinary migrant workers working here can also rent low-rent housing. The room is not big, only a dozen square meters, but it has all internal organs, uniform decoration, and a bed. And computer desk, central air-conditioning, independent toilet and water heater, simple washing machine and simple kitchen on the balcony.

There are also kindergartens, primary schools, and public sports venues in the apartment area, with convenient transportation.

Especially in terms of leasing, in order to ensure the stability of the rent of the apartment, it is managed by Xinghai Group in a unified manner. You can rent it with the work certificate in the area. Currently, the monthly rent is planned to be about 500 yuan, which will increase slightly every few years. No deposit is required, and you can move in directly. , the rent is much cheaper than renting houses in the surrounding areas. We plan to recover the construction and management costs within 15 years, and we don't plan to make money from it.

As long as you have worked in the area for more than three years and paid the rent normally, you can live in it all the time without worrying about the landlord driving you away.

If these 50,000 sets are not enough, then we will build more until there are enough. "

Mu Yang used to be an ordinary migrant worker, so he knows the bitterness of being a migrant worker too well, and it is too difficult to rent a house.

No matter which city you are in, it is very difficult to find a one-bedroom apartment with an independent bathroom, so you can only rent it together.

Shared renting has various inconveniences. Tenants have different living habits, especially hygiene requirements. No one is willing to share a bathroom and kitchen with others.

Therefore, like in City H, in 2015, if you want to find a one-bedroom apartment with better decoration, the monthly rent is basically more than 800 yuan, or it is too remote.

In addition, for migrant workers, in terms of rent payment, the minimum is one deposit and three payments. There are very few monthly payments. Most migrant workers, especially those who have just entered the society, cannot afford so much money at once.

What Mu Yang hates the most is that most of the local renting houses are monopolized by real estate agencies, and many of them require a minimum half-year rent, or even annual rent.

Of course he understands that real estate agents are also trying to make ends meet, and it's not easy, but it's even more difficult than them.

Whenever he thinks about the bitterness of renting a house, Mu Yang feels a little uncomfortable. Now that he has the ability, he intends to change this situation. He doesn't care about other places, but his territory must be decided by him.

He is not short of money, nor does he intend to make money from ordinary tenants, as long as he maintains a balance.

Others don't understand Mu Yang's plan, but Mu Yang doesn't care, he has money, he can be so willful, as long as he is happy, and the rent is only a few dollars, and he can earn it back from foreigners if he has the ability. UU reading www.

After listening to Mu Yang's words, the boss couldn't help but praise: "Your rental policy is very good, allowing ordinary migrant workers to have a stable and cheap living environment. If nothing else, it must be the most popular city for migrant workers. It is conducive to maintaining the stability of the city.”

What makes the boss admire even more is that Mu Yang never intended to make money from ordinary people.

It's not like some businessmen who try their best to grab the wool of ordinary people.

"It's all within our power." Mu Yang smiled easily. an hour and a half later,

After inspecting the smart city, the boss left City H.

When he returned to BJ, he had to discuss the matter of the Xinghai Group with other bigwigs, especially the Junyong engine.

But just after he left, the Xinghai Group ushered in two more bosses the next day.

However, this is from Junfang's side, and they are all one of the 26 active generals. One of them is Fang Xue, who has been to Xinghai Group before, but this time he is accompanying him.