MTL - Rebirth Blessed Girl Takes Space To Flee-Chapter 18 teach

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  Chapter 18 Teaching

  Picked some peaches, looked almost ready, stood on the tree and saw a chestnut tree in front, just went to have a look.

  Li Rui, who had just jumped off, came to look for her.


   "Brother, I'm here."

  Li Yu waved to his eldest brother from the tree.

"let me help you."

   "Brother, I picked a peach."

   "This peach is sour."

  Li Rui picked up a peach that fell on the ground and ate one, his sour face was deformed.

   "Go back and brew some wine, or make tea."

   "Okay, it's better to have something to eat than to have nothing to eat. Slow down and don't fall."

   "Brother, I found a chestnut tree ahead, we are walking forward."

  The two brothers and sisters went forward again and picked some wild vegetables and herbs. Li Rui went to the tree to pick some chestnuts and went back to roast them.

   "Yu'er, I see an old tea tree in front of me."


  Li Yu didn't climb the tree, Li Rui feared that she would fall and went up by himself.

   "Come on, let's go and have a look."

  The brothers and sisters found an old tea tree in front of them, and jumped up happily.

   "Great, we have tea."

   "Then I'll go up."

   "I'll go, I have to pick the tea, you don't pick it well."

  Li Yu tied a cloth bag around his waist like a little monkey, and climbed up the tree neatly.

   "The tea you pick will be fragrant as long as you co-author it."

  Li Rui scolded her unconvinced.

   "Everyone who picks tea is a girl, do you understand?"

  Li Yubai glanced at him, looking very proud at his fair chin.

   "That's a gimmick."

  Li Yu picked three big bags full after a while, and checked that it was almost done.

   Only then did he jump down and put everything into the bamboo basket.

   "Go back."

   There is no need to hunt today. I didn’t finish the pheasant yesterday, so I just picked chestnuts. When I go home, stewed chestnuts with pheasant chicken is also a dish.

   "Grandpa, we're back, and guess what we found?"

   "Tea tree."

  Grandpa Gu spoke affirmatively.

  Li Yu's eyes widened. She thought Grandpa Gu could guess the fruit.

   "Grandpa Gu, you are an amazing old lady. I thought you would say that I picked fruit."

  Li Yubaba leaned over to show him the good things he picked.

   "This area has a mild climate and water sources, which is suitable for the growth of tea trees. When I came here, I saw tea trees. I think you are so excited that it must be tea trees. Fruits are not worthy of your happiness."

  A person who can be a commander in chief is also very shrewd.

   "Niu, **** is still old and spicy, I have more to learn."

  Li Yu stretched out his thumb, admiring him very much.

   "Observe carefully, what are the important reference objects in the surrounding environment, what kind of trees are there, are they coniferous or broad-leaved, are there any trees and plants you know, and are there any animal marks.

  If it is in a town, a **** shop and an antique shop can be used as a reference, and the dress of the steward can tell the truth from the fake if you are a little more careful. Carelessness will kill you. "

  Grandpa Gu explained to her his life experience as a soldier very seriously.

   Li Yu listened carefully with his ears pricked up.

   "Then how do you tell the difference between east, west and north?"

  Grandpa Gu squinted at her, his eyes were clear.

   Li Yuhong tugged on the old man's sleeve and shook it, "I was laughed at by Leizi, you have to help me."

"Stupid, look at the yin and yang side in the woods. The side where the sun shines is full of sunlight, and the leaves are green and growing well. That's the south side. The wet and mossy side is the north side. You can also see the growth rings of the trees. If you look carefully, you can see it." can find the difference."

   "There is also wind direction measurement."

  Grandpa Gu picked up her hand and raised one of her fingers, "put it in his mouth."

  Li Yu did as he did, and then raised his finger, suddenly realizing.

   "Oh, I feel the wind."

  Your fingers are wet with saliva, and you can feel the direction of the wind as soon as it blows.

   "If you get lost, you can find your destination by following the direction of the river. If the river is dry, you can find it by looking for the river bed. It's useless if you can only read a map but not use it."

   "I'm always lost, and I remember all the maps."

  Li Yu smiled embarrassedly.

"There is still less practice. You have to watch and ponder more along the way. You can learn it when you get home. Girls are born with a poor sense of direction, but they can learn it if you study carefully. There is nothing you can't learn. With your ability, you are wrong. The direction can also survive, so don’t worry about it.”

  Grandpa Gu likes her very much. He has taught her many skills and abilities along the way, and his grandson has never taught her carefully.

   "Grandpa, neither will I."

   Brother Xin came to join in the fun.

   "I have taught you twice and you still can't learn it. You are also a girl, so you need to beat me."

  Grandpa Gu raised his hand and slapped Xin Ge on the back of the head.

  Xingo grinned in pain, "Grandpa, you are biased."

   "I'm biased, I'm happy, don't learn to get out."

  Grandpa Gu doesn't have that much patience with boys, he just starts pumping if he doesn't agree with him, and he will definitely learn it after a few more pumpings.

   "You have to work hard to learn skills. You are smarter than me. This is the skill to save your life. Don't learn from me. You can't tell the difference between east, west, and north."

   "It's okay, I will guide my sister, I can tell the difference."

   Xin Ge patted his chest to assure.

   "Brother Xin is really sensible, he is a man."

  Li Yu patted him on the back happily.

   "Mom, let's make a bar and get that peach."

   "Okay, I'll do it this afternoon."

  The couple cleaned the jars in the afternoon and prepared to make wine, making some fruit wine.

  Aunt Gu and the others are peeling chestnuts, and Brother Xu is also helping.

   Just finished working in the afternoon, Gu Lei came back.

   "I'm back, is everything going well?"

   "It's okay, I found out about the new situation, Yu'er, I bought you apples and candy."

  Gu Lei put down the bamboo basket, took out the things he bought and handed them to Li Yu as soon as possible.

   Inside is a pack of snacks and sugar, there are several kinds of sugar, all of which are her favorite flavors, and pickled plums.

   This is not cheap, and it is not difficult to make. In the past, it was made in the government. This bag of dim sum is more expensive than a bag of grain.

   "Is it expensive? I don't eat sugar when I grow up."

  Li Yu stuffed a piece of candy for his brother first, and then stuffed a piece of candy for Brother Xin.

  Gu Lei picked up a candy and put it in her mouth, "It's not expensive, you are my baby bump, I reward you, I bought you specially, and they are all your favorite flavors."

  Li Yu looked at him and smiled sweetly, "I know you miss me, so I'll give you one."

   also stuffed a piece of snack in his mouth.

   "Well, it's not as delicious as the ones made in the house, so let's work together to satisfy your hunger."

  Gu Lei ate the snack with her hand, and shook his head with a picky expression after taking a few mouthfuls.

   "Master, this bag of snacks is more expensive than a bag of grain."

   "It doesn't matter, do you earn money after spending it? I'll figure out a way."

  Gu Lei went to the city to learn a lot of information.

   "Brother Lei, what have you observed, come and talk."

   Boss Li waved at him.

   "Come on, let's discuss together, I have a plan."

  Gu Lei took Li Yu to discuss with him.

  Lin Yue could only watch from the sidelines. She couldn't participate in such a big event, but Li Yu could.

  (end of this chapter)