MTL - Rebirth: Fight For Life-Chapter 698 New Industrial Revolution! (2/4 is the Douyu Ji Xiaoke plus more

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   Chapter 698 New Industrial Revolution! (24 is the Douyu Ji Xiaoke plus more)

   Everyone is familiar with those two young men.

   Needless to say about Gu Song, Jian Yushu, Gu Song's earliest assistant, the housekeeper of the Flint Group, the current president of the Flint Group, and the CEO of Flint Aerospace.

   In such a meeting, Gu Song brought him here, not the Flint Group or anyone else around him, which is enough to explain the problem.

  Gu Tao looked at the bags they were carrying and asked, "Is this the information you sorted out?"

   Gu Song said a little embarrassedly: "It should be a little less, so, you can make some arrangements before going to make some copies of this set. As for the novel, it's easy to say, I would read it after I go back."

   Bao Jiaqi asked suspiciously, "Fiction?"

  Jian Yushu wanted to laugh a little, but Gu Song replied: "Since I want to cause some thinking first, it is natural to strike while the iron is hot. I said on Weibo that I would also be a science fiction writer. In fact, this series has been written a long time ago, and it will be published later."

   The people in the room looked at each other, is this a step forward to rely on the character setting of the protagonist of "Super Time Witness"?

  The secretary took the bag first and distributed a copy to each of the elders.

  Gu Tao looked at the heavy trilogy in his hand and couldn't help but say, "You are really well prepared..."

Gu Song said with a smile: "The setting is the core concepts that I have sorted out based on the fragmented memories, and the novel is a plot based on the deduction and design of these core concepts. So now let's look at the setting first, and then we can go back later. Read the novel to confirm your own analysis."

  Gu Tao nodded: "Xiao Han, go and make some copies of this set first."

   A secretary nodded, picked up the booklet and went out.

   Some of the elders are already looking attentively, others are still waiting for copies.

  Gu Tao said calmly: "Today at this meeting, everyone will use their ingenuity and imagination to think ahead for future generations. Of course, it is not purely a retreat. Gu Song, especially you, can speak freely."

Gu Song nodded and said: "I first hope that everyone can keep my unstable and strange experience a secret. Don't tell anyone except the people in this room. I'm not a monster, I'm first and foremost a Chinese nation."

Gu Tao said directly: "The people in the conference room are members of the Earth Civilization Development Strategy Committee established after our discussion. In the future, only members of the team will automatically join, and others will have a chance to recommend a place every 5 years, which will be reviewed and discussed by us. Whether it is accepted or not, Gu Song is not limited by the recommended quota. Except within the committee, everything we discuss is always top secret."

   In one sentence, Gu Song was raised again.

   The others are no surprise, after all, the cause of everything now is him.

  Gu Song thanked Gu Tao and said, "Where is the right place to start?"

Gu Tao thought for a while and said: "We cannot represent all mankind, and the discussions we are doing now have no factual and scientific theoretical basis. Therefore, the Earth Civilization Development Strategy Committee is only a preliminary organization. But as an important part of Earth civilization , we need to shoulder our responsibilities. After discussion by the committee, some feasible plans can be implemented through us, accumulated little by little, and prepared. Therefore, you might as well talk about your plans first, read the text What can the Development Commission support.”

   This is to determine the nature of this Cultural Development Commission.

   It is still a think tank, but the topics discussed are much larger.

  The Chinese civilization, as an important part of the earth civilization, since its top level chose to believe in the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations and a not-so-distant threat without a scientific theoretical basis, it naturally needs to be prepared.

   Before everything happens, there are some basic preparations that can be done.

  How to stabilize the situation in the first time and play a leading role after the fact finally has evidence.

   Based on this judgment, what will happen in the future?

   This is really a bigger perspective.

   Under such a grand perspective, once there is a practical suggestion, the senior team with the most executive power can immediately arrange things and form an accumulation.

   When they walked into this room, they had already placed themselves in a higher position than competing with others.

  Gu Song looked at Gu Tao and also at Bao Jiaqi.

   The two of them were smiling. From Gu Song's past actions, they all judged that this child understood the importance of governance structure. Therefore, he did not fight alone, but spent a lot of thought on creating a safe and stable external environment for himself, including the current structure of the Cultural Development Commission.

   Therefore, there must be a "country" in his plan.

Gu Song said: "My plan has actually been reflected. First, through the project of the Flint Space City, to improve the aerospace strength, including aerospace technology and aerospace industry. Second, through the framework of the Flint University of Astronautics, in Make long-term preparations for scientific and technological research and development in this direction. Third, for organizations like the Cultural Development Commission, I think a group of visionary, capable and responsible people are needed to make some preparations in advance. When the signs really come , can stand up and face the challenges on behalf of the earth's civilization."

   Zhang Liwei, an old acquaintance, was in the room.

   Because of the peculiarity of this incident, he and the chairman of another aerospace group were also recruited.

He raised his hand and looked at Gu Song with a complicated expression. After Gu Tao nodded, he asked, "Mr. Gu, if you are dealing with a challenge of this level, the meaning of the existence of Flint Space City is whether it is defense, attack, or attack. Save the fire?"

Faced with the sight of Qiqi, Gu Song said: "It is a symbol, it is an experimental site. If the Flint Space City can be built as quickly as possible, we will have an irrefutable banner of righteousness and become the leader of the future space age. In this case, only by gathering enough aerospace scientific research strength, financial strength and personnel strength can we have the opportunity to carry out more industrialized research. Aerospace scientific research cannot always burn money, and it must generate enough returns to truly own The vigor of development.”

   Baojia smiled and asked, "Space tourism?"

  Gu Song shook his head: "Of course it's not just that. In space, there are abundant resources, such as mining and space smelting. This is what I will try to study after completing the first phase of Flint Space City."

   "Space mining?" Zhang Liwei is of course no stranger to this term, but he asked in earnest.

"That's right. In order to overcome the gravity of the earth, the cost of launching materials from the surface to space is too high. If the technical conditions are mature, and the resources of near-Earth asteroids and the moon can be used to realize a small cycle of space economy, then the cost can be Further reduction. I have already accumulated some experiments in Flint Space City. If I really design the space environment, it is indeed possible to realize the operation of unmanned machines based on artificial intelligence.”

   Zhang Liwei was so moved, it was very beautiful.

  Gu Tao asked: "What is the purpose of mining?"

"After the completion of the first phase of the Flint Space City, the space of 100,000 square meters can already carry a considerable number of people. At that time, there will be a lot of demand for living materials, and a lot of work and experiments can be carried out. Space mining Water can be extracted from some asteroids that are rich in water resources, and the hydrogen and oxygen it decomposes have great effects. Various mineral resources can also be directly manufactured in space in the future. The real service of space mining is not the various minerals on the surface. This kind of demand, but something that can be done in space at a lower cost, such as spacecraft supplies, such as ... future space factories, space shipyards!"

   Zhang Liwei is really hi.

   Jian Yushu looked around and saw that many bigwigs who had little exposure to these areas before and who specialized in economics and social sciences were all in a dazed state, and could not help but feel happy.

  Gu Tao thought for a while, then said, "So, do you propose to build a certain space industry foundation in an unmanned way based on artificial intelligence?"

  Gu Song nodded: "That's right! The new industrial revolution brought by artificial intelligence, the broader scene, is in the universe, not some upgrades in existing industries."

   Thanks Douyu Ji Xiaoke for the reward!



   (end of this chapter)