MTL - Rebirth Into A Wolf: I Can See My Evolution Paths-Chapter 242 The end of the monitor lizard

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Warm blood flowed into Su Hui's mouth, moisturizing his long-dried throat.

At this point in the battle, it also consumed a lot of physical strength, and just used this blood to supplement it.

The intense pain poured into the monitor lizard's heart and turned into endless anger. It never imagined that, as the overlord of the volcano, there would be times when other creatures suffered losses.

The monitor lizard even forgot, when was the last time he was injured, since it became the king creature, it has not experienced such pain for a long time.

A lot of anger eroded its original sanity, and regardless of the injury behind it, it raised its tail, hitting the depths of the magma hard, splashing a large number of sparks.


The fierce vibration was transmitted, causing Su Hui at the tail to almost fall down, but in the end it was supported.

In order to help the eldest brother to delay the opponent's actions, Su Hui swore that he would not let go of his sharp claws. He even increased the strength of his bite, tearing off all the few scales of the monitor lizard, penetrating deep into the flesh and blood. internal.


! "

The monitor lizard let out a cry, and Su Hui's actions undoubtedly angered the other party even more.

It tried its best to swing the tail of its flesh-and-blood lake frantically, repeatedly hitting the depths of the magma, trying to throw the red wolf above it away.

Su Hui, who was caught at the tail, only felt the world spinning for a while, and a strong sense of dizziness flooded into his mind, and the scene in his sight formed multiple double images.

Gritting his teeth, Su Hui closed his eyes to reduce his own influence. Instead of falling out, it stuck to the opponent's tail more forcefully.

Although his spirit was almost faint, he still persevered with willpower.

Thanks to Su Hui's actions, the monitor lizard, eroded by anger, basically turned his attention to him, unaware of the actions of the white wolf ahead.

Controlling the thunder potential energy in his body, Su Ming quickly waved his thunder claws and stabbed the monitor lizard's defenseless throat.


! "

The scales shattered and blood spattered.

Although at the critical moment, the monitor lizard quickly dodged through instinct, but was still injured by Thunder Claw.

At its pitch-black throat, the original hard black scales were completely shattered, forming nearly powdery fragments that floated above the magma.

The exposed skin was pink and tender. After being torn by the thunder, there were several slender claw marks in the center, and charred flesh was rolled up on both sides.

Different from the pain in the tail, the tearing sensation brought by the thunder claw is far beyond the range that the monitor lizard can bear.

Up to this moment, there is still a slight numbness, which is continuously transmitted from the wound, making the monitor lizard unbearable.

In the same way, this unprecedented pain not only brought the monitor lizard's pain to its peak, but also suppressed its anger, in exchange for a little sanity.

Perhaps out of the desire to survive, the monitor lizard finally recovered a little sanity, and was no longer as angry and reckless as before.

The rupture of the armor, the injury on the tail, the claw marks on the throat, and the multiple blows made the monitor lizard's strength far inferior to its peak.

As for the red wolf that annoyed him before, the monitor lizard had no time to drive it away for the time being, and could only let the other side wrap around him.

Condensed the potential energy of thunder, causing a large number of thunders to grow on the surface of his limbs, Su Ming looked at the monitor lizard in front of him.

As early as in the previous confrontation, Su Ming felt the decline of the opponent's strength, and now his vigilant appearance further confirmed Su Ming's conjecture.

Without any hesitation, Su Ming released his tense hind limbs and charged forward, turning into lightning and attacking the opponent in front.

Facing the attack of the white wolf, the monitor lizard was no longer as calm as before. A layer of crimson liquid appeared on the surface of its body, and a large amount of blazing flames condensed in its mouth. When the white wolf was close enough, it erupted violently and swayed. front area.

The monitor lizard knows that it is difficult to cause any harm to the opponent with the breath of fire it possesses, but its purpose is not that.

Through the ability of Thunder's sight, Su Ming had anticipated the attack of the other party, quickly backed away, and waved his thunder claws, shaking away the aftermath of the surging flames.

He didn't know what the monitor lizard was planning. The previous confrontations should have taught the other party the lessons it should have, so that he could understand that he could not hurt himself at all with such tricks.

Feeling the sufficient thunder potential energy in his body, Su Ming decided not to sit still like this.

He loosened his tight back, swooped forward, raised a pair of thunder claws, and rushed towards this sea of ​​flames.

The tyrannical Thunder ripped apart the flames in front of him, opening up a special passage for Su Ming.

The scorching high temperature was continuously transmitted to his body through the flames on both sides. Obviously, the temperature here is not suitable for Su Ming to stay for a long time.

In this way, he couldn't help but quicken his pace and walked forward, trying to cross this sea of ​​fire.

Suddenly, a black figure came towards Su Ming from the front position, almost passing him.

The other party's speed was still fast, but the moment he saw Su Ming, it quickly slowed down until it stopped completely.

His confident expression also disappeared completely, turning into consternation and surprise. No matter how the monitor lizard could not have imagined, the other party dared to directly cross his own sea of ​​flames and walked towards the front.

While the enemy was observing himself, Su Ming was also looking at the creature in front of him.

The image of this monitor lizard has changed a lot compared to the previous one. The original scar on the throat that was torn open by Su Ming has no trace. The Su Hui who originally dragged it.

What's more special is that the armor that he couldn't summon before has also returned to his body.

There is no doubt that Su Ming immediately recognized that this person was not a monitor lizard, but a clone made by its ability.

This must be part of the other party's plan, but from the stunned expressions of the clones, Su Ming concluded that they never imagined that they could break through the sea of ​​​​fire, and thus broke the plan of the monitor lizard.

No matter what its previous plan was, whether it was a sheep attack or a camouflage, it was obviously impossible to succeed.

Su Ming also did not hesitate, and without waiting for any reaction from the monitor lizard clone in front of him, he slapped the opponent with one claw.

Carrying endless potential energy, the thunder claw slammed down and shattered the fragile magma armor of the monitor lizard. It was only an elite-level defense, and it was difficult to stop the attack from the king.

The sharp wolf claws shattered the scales on its surface and tore the flesh inside, revealing a pale skull.

As the strength continued to increase, this layer of skull did not support for too long, and was knocked into pieces and swayed in all directions.

The brain inside was not spared either. It was squeezed into a puddle of flesh by the huge impact and splashed on Su Ming's face.

Licking the blood on his face, Su Ming looked at the headless corpse lying on the ground and twitched constantly, and couldn't help but sigh at the level of realism.

After a short while, the clone of the source of life was lost, and it quickly dissolved, turned into crimson magma again, and merged into the ground.

According to Su Ming's previous understanding, the things that the clone experienced, unless the main body is also observing, should not be able to transmit.

Therefore, it can be regarded as a semi-independent individual. Even if it is attacked by Su Ming, it will not be able to report the matter to the body on the side until it dies.

Condensing the thunder on the sharp claws and completely shaking away the contaminated magma above, Su Ming looked towards the front of the sea of ​​​​fire, and could vaguely see the scene on the opposite side.

The huge monitor lizard was still in place, without moving half an inch, and it seemed that Su Hui was performing its task well.

Although it is not yet known, the opponent's battle plan this time is obviously not important, because the clone trusted by him has been solved by Su Ming first.

Shooting the sharp claws forward, Su Ming is like a speeding train, rushing forward, shaking the flames on both sides.


In front of the sea of ​​​​fire, the monitor lizard silently estimated the timing of the attack. Previously, it did not hesitate to spend potential energy, but also to create a clone, in order to achieve the current plan.

Using its long-term experience in fighting the white wolf, it determined that the opponent would inevitably avoid the attack of the first rush out of the sea of ​​​​fire, so he could use this to make a tactic of attacking the west.

Let the clone attack first, and then come after you, from the left and right sides, to attack one after the other, so that the other party has no time to deal with it.

Even if the white wolf can avoid the attack of the clone, it is difficult to dodge, and the attack of its own body is followed closely.

If it can be severely damaged, it will effectively reduce the attack power of the two wolves, thereby expanding their advantages.

Thinking of this, the monitor lizard looked behind and bit the red wolf on its tail.

Damn guy!

Dare to hurt himself, if it weren't for the existence of the white wolf, the monitor lizard would like to tear it to pieces.

However, this opportunity will come soon, as long as the current battle plan is properly executed.

Not looking at the red wolf behind, the monitor lizard completely ignored it, focused on the sea of ​​​​fire ahead.

It's almost time for it to enter, and it's been a while since the clone left.

It trotted forward quickly, and even under the condition of physical injury, its movement speed was still quite fast.

I don't know if it was the illusion of the monitor lizard, but it seemed to see the movement of a large figure in the sea of ​​​​fire.

Meng Ran shook his head, it suppressed the conjecture in his heart, and continued to walk forward.

At this moment, a snow-white figure, breaking through the orange-red flames all over the body, emerged in front of the monitor lizard.

It turned out to be the white wolf!

This is impossible!


The monitor lizard shouted desperately in his heart, this is its last hope of victory. If this opportunity is lost, the wolves will become vigilant and it will be difficult to implement the strategy again.

It never imagined that the white wolf as an opponent could change the combat strategy and directly break through this sea of ​​fire.

Before waiting for the monitor lizard to recover from the shock and despair, a pair of tyrannical thunder claws attacked him.

The monitor lizard could notice Su Ming's figure, and Su Ming could naturally also notice the monitor lizard's position, so after rushing out of the sea of ​​flames, he killed the opponent quite decisively.

Seeing the thunder claw in his own eyes, it expanded and almost got close to his throat again.

Feeling the threat of life, the monitor lizard hurriedly turned its head to the right, dodged to the right, and dodged quite dangerously.


However, the sharpness of the Thunder Claw was far beyond his imagination. Even if he evaded so quickly, a small gap was still cut in the neck.

The jet-black scale armor above shattered into two halves, fell off from the neck, and fell into the depths of the magma.

On the exposed pink skin, a small scratch quickly cracked, and a trace of blood quickly emerged from it.

The pain from the neck made the monitor lizard feel a lot of pressure, it took a step back with some hesitation, and opened the distance from the white wolf.

Just when it wanted to lift its hind limbs again, Su Hui at its tail had a new action.

Taking advantage of the timing of the monitor lizard's movement, it is like a spider, using its limbs together, crawling forward, wrapping around the opponent's back area, and wrapping it tightly.

On the other side, Su Ming, after seeing his younger brother's actions, with the tacit understanding of the past, he rushed towards the monitor lizard without hesitation, raised his sharp claws and slapped towards its head.

The monitor lizard, which was going backwards normally, was disturbed by Su Hui's rhythm, and it became panicked.

It is profoundly clear that if it drags on like this, it will have no means to deal with the two wolves, and UU Kanshu will eventually face the end of death.

Facing the strong tremor, Su Hui was like a nail, fixed to the opponent's back.

Neither the slap of its sharp claws nor the shaking of its back could drag it down from above.

The monitor lizard also thought about using the flames to disperse the opponent, but, due to the problem of the cervical spine, its head could not be positioned towards the back.

Su Hui was lying on the monitor lizard's back tightly without gnawing, his forelimbs and waist were all scratched by the opponent's sharp claws, and blood was continuously left from above.

In desperation, the monitor lizard wanted to stand up, waved its flaming claws, and attacked the opponent.

However, he found that it was quite difficult to even stand up due to the obstruction of the red wolf behind him.

Now, let alone getting up, it can't even move half a minute.

Despair flooded the monitor lizard's heart again. It didn't want to sit still, but found that the only ability it could release was the breath of flame.

Holding the determination to fight to the death, the monitor lizard showed a firm look, it raised its head, faced the attacking Thunder Claw, breathed out the blazing flames in its mouth, and completely released it to the position of the white wolf.

If it was an unprepared white wolf, he would be seriously injured even if he didn't die, the monitor lizard thought to himself in his mind.

It's a pity that facing Su Ming, who has a thunderous vision, the monitor lizard's beast-like attack didn't have any effect.

The fierce thunder quickly tore apart the orange-red flame, splitting it into two halves from the center, revealing Su Ming's figure.

Following this flame, the Thunder Claw slammed down, smashing the hard scales of the monitor lizard, tearing apart the inner muscles, and the white skull in the depths of the flesh and blood could be vaguely seen.