MTL - Rebirth into an Interstellar Marriage-Chapter 102

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As one of the hottest online dramas in China, "Deception" is a four-year continuous broadcast of fans with a fixed loyalty.

The network ratings of the original "Behind Three Deceptions" have always been stable in the top ten in the country, but since the broadcast of the "Love" of the Chuyan guest, which has been broadcasted a year and a half ago, the ratings of "Behind Three Deceptions" It is often able to hit the top five of the whole network, and by the last six months, it has stabilized in the top three in the country.

There are no fewer than one million online dramas broadcast every year in the country. It is really amazing that "Breaking the Sky" can achieve such results.

Through this online drama, the heroine Song Qiao and the male No. 2 Rosie slowly entered the first-line artist from the second-line artist and had a very high popularity on the Internet. The leading actor Ling Qi has stabilized his position as a frontline artist, and also entered the top 100 of the Huaxing Star list six months ago.

The three first-line artists added the appeal of the big ip of the Internet drama. The movie "Bullying the Three Deceives" was a popular movie, and it was not fired. In addition to many movie theaters, the film crew had already discussed the amount of information and other information, but also There are a lot of fans waiting for you, saying that you absolutely have to go to the cinema with seven big aunts to see ten round trips.

Under such circumstances, "Buddhist Deception" began to invite guests to come to the guest movie to create momentum for the big movie.

Each episode of this online drama usually invites some guests to make guest appearances, such as Chu Yan a year and a half ago, and a famous movie after half a year ago. So at this time, it is justifiable to invite these people back. It's just that not everyone has time, and not everyone will definitely give face.

When Chu Yan flew from the capital star to the a-31 movie planet, it was already midnight.

In the dark, deep night sky, there are countless stars, like tiny diamonds, scattered on this vast black cloth. When Chu said that the spacecraft was still flying with someone, even when the space was flying, the news received a very serious delay, and the two people were interested in returning to each other.

After waiting for the suspension car arranged by the crew, Chu Yancai and He Baishen said good night. After all, the capital star is already late at night, the other side needs rest, and he does not want to continue this high cross-planet call.

Since watching the movie together that day, the relationship between the two has become more intimate.

Chu said not to say anything, but the little arrogance in my heart has dissipated almost. After all, he is not a careless person, but this kind of "I am still angry" game is also a kind in some respects. Interesting, at least for Chu Yan, can see the man like He Baishen crying for himself, is the deserved first place in the universe.

Coming to the a-31 movie planet, everything is like reappearing yesterday. This planet is the first time that Chu Yan saw the film and television planet. He was still very surprised when he saw it. Now, it is a normal movie and television planet, which is much behind the a-9 movie planet.

The deputy director who came to pick up the Chuyan was one of the one and a half years ago. He was very enthusiastic to thank Chu Yan for his friendly guest appearance of the big movie "Defend the Three Deceives". He kept saying: "Liu guide knows that you are sure to come. After that, I will zoom in and have a rest early this evening, saying that I will arrange a welcome party for you tomorrow. Your makeup photo will be shot tomorrow afternoon, and then you will officially start shooting your movie."

Wen Yan, Chu Yan gently beheaded, smiled: "Thank you Liu guide, it is too much trouble."

The deputy director shook his head: "Where is there, this time we invited a total of 23 guests, but there are only fifteen people. Chu said, you are very happy to come to us, Song Qiao and Luo Sizhen have said for a long time today. Didn't see you."

Chu Yan reluctantly smiled: "It has been a long time since I have not seen Song Jie and Luo Ge. I feel very honored to come here."

After the two said a few more words, the director arranged the Chuyan to live in the dormitory, and went to their respective places to live with the readers with Zhou Hehui and the assistant.

The next day, when Chu Yu came to the crew, as the deputy director said, Liu Dao specially arranged a welcome party for Chu Yan.

Countless virtual ribbons and starlights have fallen from the heads of Chu Yan, like the flowers of the goddess, making him laugh and cry. After that, he and several old friends greeted each other one by one, and everyone had a meal together, and then Chu Yan officially entered the group.

The role of the guest in the "Deception of the Deception" is still Qin Yu.

In the big movie "Deception", the protagonist trio did not receive any entrustment from this person, but received a challenge letter directly. The challenger is currently the world's number one top fraudster - - code x.

Mr. x challenged the trio to ask them to engage in some illegal fraud. At first, the protagonist trio had not taken it seriously, and he ignored the challenge of Mr. X. Who knows that Mr. X actually used fraud to defraud a friend of the trio and found that he was seriously deceived. .

Among the trio, Ling Qi played the zero possession of wisdom, Song Qiao played Julia with technology, and Luo Sizhen played the role of Bei Shanzhuo. The three had never tasted the failure in the past. However, in the face of Mr. X, they lost defeat and were almost caught by the police.

At this time, Qin Lan appeared in front of the trio, and brought an old friend of fbi to help the trio.

Since then, the five-member team has officially challenged Mr. X. After some wits and wits, he finally succeeded, and he learned the identity of Mr. X. The final reversal of the outcome is unstoppable.

Although it is a guest appearance, but Chu Yan has a lot of plays in this movie, and even has some entanglements with the actor. At the beginning, Zero was really affectionate to Qin. Who knows that Qin Yu took the first kiss and left.

In the past year and a half of the online drama broadcast, it is not that there has not been the name of Qin Yu, but Chu Yan has never had a guest online drama. Every time when the calmness of the calmness indicates that his wisdom has never been envied, the other two of the three groups will use the things of Qin Yu to tease him, making him angry and angry.

Of course, in the episode of a movie-breaking guest, "Behind the Three Deceptions" six months ago, Zero once officially admitted that he had only had one person in his life and had lost his heart. However, Zero has always said that he is a straight, absolutely impossible to bend, so he does not admit that he likes Qin Hao, he only likes Qin.

So in this big movie, the emotional entanglement of Zero and Qin Yu is also a big point. But this time, Chu Yan has to be the same as Bai Qiran, playing a scum, playing with zero emotions, and at the end of the movie, once again chic and leave, not giving a zero account.

In this regard, before the official start of the shoot, Chu Yan smiled and said: "Ling Ge, things in the movie, you can not anger to reality."

The male protagonist Ling Qilang laughed and said: "Do not worry, you are you, Qin Hao is Qin Yu, I am not Ronaldinho, can not tell the reality and filming."

Luo Sizhen on the side suddenly dissatisfied: "Hey, Ling Ge, how do you say this!"

The crowd immediately laughed.

The style of Chu Yan was quickly determined. After taking a set of makeup photos, he watched Ling Qi and others filming on the set. By the next day, his play began to be officially filmed. The first scene was the re-enactment of Qin Lan and the main character.

Filming is naturally much more demanding than shooting a screen. The mini-cameras of the crew have all been replaced with movie-specific models, and they have been added to sixty-four cameras to shoot simultaneously from different angles, heights and distances.

Inside the studio is a dimly lit bar with beautifully lit lights on the ceiling that illuminate the walls of the bar. The loud and roaring music made many young people dance wildly on the dance floor. Next to the bar, Rosie gave himself a bite of wine. Song Qiao pretended to chat with the bartender happily. Lingqi frowned and quiet. The ground looked down at the clear liquid in his hand.

This is not the first time the trio has failed since its debut, but it is the one that made them the most frustrated;

Each of their tricks was all seen by the other party. Even when they came to the insurance room of the company, they did not see the false accounting information that Mr. X said, but the piles of gold bricks! They were almost caught by the police, and finally they could only run away.

This kind of shame and shame is really unforgettable, but they can't do anything to Mr. x because they can't find each other, so they can only drink alcohol and forget their troubles here.

Ling Qi’s acting is naturally very good, and he played the role of zero for four years. He has already tried to figure out this role. It’s all about this role. He gently shakes the glass of wine in his hand, his face is quiet, he can't see the joys and sorrows, just turn his glass of wine seriously.

Until a slender, thin finger gently slammed on his glass, causing him to slowly raise his head.

When I saw someone coming in, I stopped at zero. This is an elegant and beautiful young man, his hair is beautiful gold, his skin is very white, his eyes are light green, like a clean and clear hibiscus jade, with a black tear under his eyes, it seems to be able to burn, Let the zero eyes get slightly warm.

This person is very familiar, as if he is familiar with the bones, but he did not recognize him in the first time.

The young man's hair is very smooth, like an elegant and noble gentleman nobleman. Even the curvature of the corner of his mouth is very beautiful. It is like taking a ruler and measuring it. Just laughing, it makes people feel that this gentleman has a pole. Good education and first-class tolerance.

Zero in a short period of time, very quickly returned to the gods, he looked at each other with vigilance, leaving no trace of loopholes.

This person is naturally a Chuyan.

Qin Hao, the second-ranked fraudster in the world, is the best at camouflage. The Qin dynasty he plays can make the zeros of the day and night not noticed. This is a man, and now he plays the aristocrat, and he gave the last glance with the original. Qin Qin is not at all.

Chu Yan raised his finger, picked up a cocktail, and touched the cup in front of Lingqi. Under the colorful lights of the bar, Ling Qi looked at the Chu Yan in front of him, only to feel that the heart that had been quiet for a long time suddenly jumped up and forth.

Because Qin Qin came.

After a year and a half, Qin Yu was still Qin Yu, even though he disguised himself as an elegant and extravagant teenager. He saw his identity at the first sight of Ling Qi.

Chu Yan evoked the lips and whispered: "Sir, do you want a drink?"

This voice, with a bit of laughter, with a bit of temptation, like the once enchanting **** Qin.

In the next second, Zero suddenly dropped the glass in his hand to the ground. He stood up and then grabbed Qin's wrist.

Qin Hao was carrying a squat, still sitting on a high chair and watching zero firmly. Julia and Beishan Zhuo on the side are all a glimpse, looking at their friends and this strange boy without understanding, but listening to zero suppressing the scorpion, gnashing his teeth and saying: "Qin! Hey!"

Two words, let Julia and Beishan Zhuo are tight and shocked to see the blond boy opposite.

In front of their eyes, I saw the Chu Yan slightly bowed, and the soft hair in front of the forehead covered his expression.

When he raised his head again, the young and young, who belonged to the juvenile, disappeared without a trace. He indulged his lips in a calm and calm manner, and showed a smile of approval on his handsome face. He faintly opened his mouth. , admitted: "I haven't seen you for so long, zero, you still remember my name."

The calm and powerful gas field spreads out in an instant, as if even the messy music in the bar has stopped for a moment, even if it is dressed as a teenager, but Qin Hao is Qin Yu, let Beishan Zhuo instantly slogan, let Julia also 怔In place.

Even zero is also slightly wide-eyed, with complex and deep eyes