MTL - Rebirth into an Interstellar Marriage-Chapter 107

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As a high-intelligence brain-burning movie with wits and wits, "Deception" is based on the tone of the past in the online drama. Although this movie is only two and a half hours, it is basically a variety of The plot of fraudulent intelligence is quite interesting.

For example, before Qin Qin and Zero both sneaked into the gang of Southeast Asia and set up news about the military | fire, this is just an appetizer. Afterwards, a group of people came to the venue where the private group was about to trade through the information they got, and began a real high-level fraud.

After all, the background of the film is a thousand years ago, so the technology used in the fraudulent means is also the era.

The protagonist used a certain computer technology to disturb the other's GPS navigation system, and at the same time made scene adjustments in two adjacent ports, so that the gang party mistakenly came to a port, and the private group party came to port b correctly. Their own people are divided into two pairs, each of whom deals with them, thus defrauding the army from the gangsters.

This kind of fraud is very dangerous, but none of the five people who have already fought in the war have opposed it. Just when they were all ready, only one hour later, they could get a hand, and a person who shouldn’t be here suddenly appeared.

The black skinny leather and the graceful body, a **** and charming woman dressed in a pair of hate high, walked leisurely. If she is not in a late night port, watching her such a leisurely appearance, there is absolutely no doubt, but she is just in this urgent time.

The beauty protagonist trio also knows that they are the top fraudsters they have contacted half a year ago and are currently ranked seventh in the world. This role is played by the shadow of Lu Yao, Lu Yao's high beauty is very different from the Qin dynasty, but it does not have a charm.

Of course, she couldn’t take a walk and walk here. She came here with a red lips and said: “Mr. x invited me to make a game with you. You can lay to such a degree, this game x Mr. has lost half of it. So at the end, he asked me to stop you from continuing the plan."

When shooting the next scene, all the staff must work on the air.

There is a platform between the two skyscrapers of up to 100 floors, probably only one person wide. Lu Yao and Ling Qi each stand at one end of the platform, and stand opposite; There will be a single digit number suddenly appearing behind them. Lu Yao and Ling Qi are invisible, only the other party can see.

At this time, both of them can ask the other party three questions, the other party can not lie, but they themselves can not directly ask for information about this number. So in the end, it is to see who can guess this number, then who will win.

This is a kind of psychological scam. There are only ten possibilities for the numbers. They need to judge and speculate according to each other's micro expressions, tone, and discourse, and they must control their emotions. Forgetting their own feet is the abyss.

The outcome is naturally zero win, zero win is very difficult, but when he is on the platform, suddenly there is a strong wind blowing, zero almost will fall from the height of more than one hundred.

As I said before, in this movie, the emotional entanglement of Zero and Qin Yu is also a big attraction.

In the guest drama guest of "Defend Three Deceptions", it is the most popular among the Chuyan, the shadows, and the first-line Xiaohuadan. Every day, people are commenting on the online drama official website, hoping that they can be a guest again. Now, Qin Xi and zero's emotional drama is coming again. Are you saying that it is very exciting?

So the plot of dog blood must have! And it is big!

Ling Qi’s foot slipped and fell, and Chu’s words quickly reached out and grabbed him hard. He almost fell down. This kind of dog blood is so full of spills, and there will be another conversation -

"Let's hurry up!"

"No! I will never let go!"

This kind of dog blood dialogue writer can't write it, but it does not prevent the relationship between the two people from having a strange sublimation.

While shooting this scene, although Ling Qi’s body was wearing a small flying machine to ensure that he would not really fall downstairs, but Chu Yan really tried to hold him, his arms were sore. After the filming, Ling Qi sent a pack of ice bags to Chu Yan, saying: "My weight is not light, small words, just hurt?"

Chu said with a chuckle and shook his head: "You can't be too heavy with Ling Ge. But I can't let go, the scene is quite scary."

The boy's tone is not humble, gentle and courteous, as if he were just an ordinary friend. But looking at the Chu Yan without makeup removal, Ling Qi slightly squinted his eyes, he smiled and did not answer.

When Chu Yan went to take a shot, Song Qiao came over and said with a brow: "You also know the relationship between Xiaoyan and Heshi's diamond king. How many people in the circle want to climb that person? The bed, even after many shadows, has such an idea, and Xiaoyan is in love with him."

Wen Yan said that Ling Qi’s handsome face showed a smile on his face. He nodded. “I know that they are falling in love. Chu Yan is not the kind of person who is willing to accept unspoken rules.”

Song Qiao was silent for a moment, and said: "Qin Yu is Qin Yu, Chu Yan is Chu Yan."

Ling Qi smiled and daggered: "So, is there any problem?"

Song Qiao's lips were swaying and just wanted to say something, but in the end he closed his mouth and turned away without a word.

In fact, she had said to Liu Dao before, it is best not to ask Chu Yan to come back to the big movie. Qin Yu is not there, Ling Qi can still play the game very normal, but Qin Yiyi is, even if others have not found it, but she has already discovered it: Ling Qi is very wrong.

Ling Qi’s acting is really good. He can pass through Liu’s guide and can still pass the Chuyan. But sometimes, if you have good acting skills, you can't rival the instincts of women. Song Qiao believes in his instincts and is very convinced.

Assuming that there are no lovers in Chu, it is natural for Lingqi to pursue him, and they are quite good. But Chu Yan has already had a lover, and it is He Baishen! Ling Qi and He Baishen are certainly incomparable. Even if they are equal in love, but in reality, they are really not comparable in their status.

Although Ling Qi has always said that he likes Qin Shi readings. However, Song Qiao did not believe it.

Can you really control yourself, in the face of the same words as the people you like, completely tempted?

What's more, Qin Yu is played by Chu Yan!

Song Qiao’s worries have always existed since the film began, but it seems to be really useless worry. Because Lingqi did not do anything strange, the shooting was always going very smoothly.

Soon, Chu Yan entered the crew for two weeks, and the plot has already been filmed in the fifth game.

In the confrontation between the protagonist trio, Qin Lan, retired fbi and Mr. x, they were two wins and two defeats. In a total of five innings, the final matchup is the key to determining the outcome, so that all five people are very attentive.

After this scene is filmed, Chu Yan only has one day of drama, and he can officially kill.

Before the filming of the show, Zhou Hehui sent the high-end film and chip of "Starlight" booked by Chu Yan to the a-31 movie planet.

Like the previous "Cycle" record, the assistant and Zhou Hehui gave the "Starlight" chip to every staff member of the crew, and Chu Yan personally gave the chips to some actors such as Lingqi and Song Qiao.

When Luo Siqi got the chip, he smiled and said: "Small words, how are you so polite, before sending the record, now also send the movie chip."

Chu Yan heard the words, smiled and asked: "So, you are not to be jealous?"

Luo Sizhen immediately hid the chip behind him and said, "I want me to! I have been filming recently. I haven’t seen the Starlight in the cinema yet. It’s a pity. It’s a pity. I’ve heard about this movie. Especially good looking, I have to look at it."

Song Qiao also came over and said with a smile: "Small words, I heard that your role in "Starlight" seems to be white and scum? It’s so interesting, you are old in this movie. Ling, then Bai Qiran, this villain professional is in the "Starlight" scum you. How do you say it, not to report, time has not arrived?"

Chu Yan immediately laughed: "Song Jie, where do I have someone?"

Ling Qi’s voice rang from the side: “Nobody slags me? Then you have to give me a name!”

The crowd immediately laughed, but Song Qiao was suddenly stunned and smiled a little dry.

Soon, the prop group was all ready, and the last scene of the day was officially started.

In the play of this play, Mr. X still did not personally come forward, but once again invited a representative to confront the protagonists. But this time, when they came to the appointed place, what they didn't think of was that there was no one in the venue. Only the light brush was lit up, so that everyone could look around with vigilance.

Then, when everyone was wary, the only old man among the five slowly stepped out.

Beishan Zhuo was surprised, and Julia was also a beautiful woman, looking at the old man with zero vigilance, and Qin Hao was a look of sorrow, the whole person was kneeling in the same place, looking at the person with unbelievable eyes, but seeing each other. Calm and slyly smiled: "In this game, Mr. X invited me to confront you."

This person is Qin Hao’s good friend and the retired old fbi member!

Here, on the a-31 movie and television, the film was shot very smoothly, and it is almost the final high | tide part of the whole movie. On the other side, what everyone doesn't know is that a black streamlined spacecraft is passing through countless galaxies, approaching the speed of the speed of light, and quickly approaching the a-31 movie planet.

It was clear that the night before, Chu Yan had a phone call with a man, but in the audio-visual call, He Baishen did not show a trace of the same. But on this day, He Baishen took his newly purchased new spaceship and used the fastest speed that humans can reach at the fastest speed to come to the planet where Chu Yan is located.

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