MTL - Rebirth into an Interstellar Marriage-Chapter 17

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In the dimly lit parking lot, the little assistant stayed on the side and didn't know what to do. Lint helped him with respect, and he had the momentum of "you don't look up if you don't leave." Chu Yan’s eyes looked at the scene in front of him. After a while, he smiled and daggered: “Okay, let’s go.”

It has been more than two months since I came to this world. Chu Yan has basically adapted to the future of life, but I did not expect such an accident to happen suddenly. The memory fragments of the original Lord are not complete. Chu said that they can only get some basic information about life. Other information is either completely absent or ambiguous.

For example, the current "Mr. He", Chu Yan will not know who this person is.

Even if you don't know, there are some things that can be analyzed. Looking at the appearance of Lin Tezhu, you can know that this "Mr. He" is definitely not simple. It is reasonable to say that the original owner should not know such a person who is in a high position, then what must happen between the two will be understanding.

Lin Tezhu has already let the assistants of Chu Yan take the suspension car first, saying that Mr. He will personally send Chu Yan back to the capital star. So at this moment, Chu Yan and Lin Tezhu, together, walked to an empty private parking lot.

As long as he thought, Chu Yan was a very talkative person. Soon he let Lin Te help take the initiative to open his mouth and gave some important information: "This time Mr. He’s intention is more kind, don’t worry. He has not planned to break the contract for the time being, but..." After a pause, Linte helped him to say: "But Mr. Chu, please pay attention to this time."

Lin Bott’s original intention is: You have to be careful, as long as you are a man, you can see your wife actually kiss another person in front of your own eyes, whether you are a little bit of water or a French-style tongue kiss, even if it is necessary for acting, it must be fried. Although the boss doesn't seem to like you, you still have to be careful...

However, this is heard in the ears of Chu Yan, but it analyzes another layer of meaning -

The relationship between the original owner and "Mr. He" is not good.

The original owner and "He Mr." seem to have any contract.

In addition, the "Mr. He" seems to have a high weight. The original owner is a three-line star who is not influential, but looks good. After careful consideration, Chu’s mind has already revealed some information, but he is tight. Frowning did not affirm this idea.

The a-32 surround satellite is a blue-blue planet, and the moon-white light shines through the atmosphere, illuminating the parking ramp.

Some people like to play cars thousands of years ago, and some people like to play the floating car after the millennium. Now this suspension car parked in front of Chu Yan is the most restrained and luxurious he has ever seen. There are not too many decorations, no splendid colors, only a streamlined body and obsidian-like color, but like the emperor sitting on the peak, with a hegemonic momentum.

Chu Yan stared thoughtfully for a while, and soon Lin Te helped to walk in front of the car, did not start, the door opened aside.

The car seems to be very spacious, and can't see the things inside. Lin Te helped bend down slightly and said, "You please enter," and after this sentence, the handsome young boy gently daggers, calmly and step by step. The car, and then suddenly caught in the moment of lifting the head.

He Baishen sat quietly on the other side of the floating car and looked down at the book.

What is the most extravagant thing in the Star Age? Is it a diamond? Is it gold? Is it jade? Is it a gem?

Not all!

The most expensive luxury in the Star Age era is the book.

More than 800 years ago, humans passed the Plant Protection Act and began to protect large quantities of already endangered plants. Today, there are countless green planets in the entire galaxy. No human buildings can be built on it. Only humans are allowed to visit, in order to protect plants.

People after the millennium are too environmentally conscious. Even if the current plants are no longer extinct, under the protection of human beings, they grow even faster than humans, but human laws still work for them. Do not repeat the mistakes of “plants almost extinct”.

However, this does not mean that human beings cannot eat vegetables and cut down trees. If there are vegetables, there is a special cultivation planet to cultivate, but there is no need for cutting trees. Because it is now possible to replace the paper with a chip, and to record the text and pictures, it can be kept longer.

Paper is not without, but it is very expensive, very expensive.

When Chu Yan came to this world, he saw the paper for the first time. He never thought of it. If he didn't see it, he saw a thick one.

The atmosphere in the quiet car was dull and depressed. After Chu said that he entered the car, the door behind him would be gently slammed. Lin Te helped not get on the bus, but the car started to take off automatically. Only Chu Yan and the man in front of him were sitting in the suspended car. The other party did not speak, and Chu said there was no opening.

The space inside the car is very spacious. After entering, Chu said that he sat on a soft and flexible sofa chair, and used the light to quietly look at the man around him. I have to admit that this man looks good and has a good temperament. Even the look of a coveted eyebrow and a low reading is enough to attract attention. At least the appearance of the appearance association is very refreshing.

But the appearance looks very comfortable, but it does not mean that you get along very well.

After three minutes of silence, Chu Yan raised his lips and his voice calmly said: "Mr. He."

In a word, the man on the side did not respond. A pair of fierce and narrow phoenixes still looked down at the words on the paper. He didn't seem to hear the words of Chu, but he didn't even notice that there was more than one person beside him.

This kind of posture naturally made Chu Yan unhappy, but when he frowned and prepared to speak again, he heard a low magnetic sound in the spacious and quiet carriage: "Congratulations on your killing, the filming is very good. Not bad."

The other person’s headless words made Chu Yan’s slight glimpse, but he quickly reacted and smiled and daggered: “Thank you.”

Although the teenager is laughing, but the smile has not reached the bottom of the eye, and it is obvious that there is no meaning of hiding. As long as you pay attention, you can notice his perfunctory attitude. This attitude allowed He Baishen to look at him with a deep impression, and then gently put the book in his hand.

Since then, He Baishen has finally officially looked at the boy in front of him.

Half a year ago, in the process of persuading He’s father to think that he was bitter, he often mentioned a sentence: “The child looks very good, although the temperament is a bit gloomy. When you look at people, it’s a bit creepy, but in fact it’s more It’s really good to see a few eyes, you can see it, maybe you really like it?”

Now that I really saw my wife in the legal sense, He Baishen’s first reaction was -

It turned out to be really nice.

This kind of good is not the kind of facial features that you see when you look at the third floor of the studio, but it looks good from the inside out. Light-colored and clear scorpion, slightly curved eyebrows, although the smile is cold, but the temperament is still elegant, if it is not already clear that the background of the body of Chu Yan is clear, even if this is a family, I am afraid that He Baishen will not doubt.

Just when He Baishen looked at the words, Chu Yan was also looking at him.

The man's facial features in front of him are deep and three-dimensional, and the face is handsome and beautiful. The two were sitting opposite each other. At this time, the book had been placed on the sofa by the man. He crossed his fingers and seemed to be casually placed between the legs. The beautiful squats were slightly raised, a kind of stunned The nobleness and elegance of Tiancheng are born, and the gas field that has been in the upper position for a long time is silently scattered.

As the man looked at himself with a deep gaze, Chu Yan felt that he was fixed in the chair by the other party and could not move. The other person's line of sight is like a cold knife, across his clothes and skin, and the terrible gas field is just a lift, which can make people feel suffocated.

After closing his eyes a little, he waited until the words of Chu, and he smiled and looked at each other.

The car is still as quiet as it was just now. The suspension car steadily sailed to the nearest Star Airport, but the atmosphere between the two changed. The young boy's lips are smiling, but the light is very indifferent. The man's eyes are cold and his eyes are tightly gazing at the beautiful face of the boy, and he has not moved away.

After a minute, Chu said with a quiet voice: "Two months ago, I was signed by Tiansheng and became an artist of Tiansheng. My agent Zhou Hehui asked me at the time, so I wonder if Tiansheng would sign it. Let me. Mr. He, is this related to you?"

He Bai Shen looked calmly at the teenager who was smiling and smiling. After a long while, he said: "Tiansheng is my asset."

This question has already been asked after a long time of thinking and thinking. He pondered a bit. According to the personality of the original master and the like, it is impossible to be so motivated to ask for more resources, so "enter Tiansheng" The original owner must have been unaware of it, so he asked this question.

Now that the question has been answered, the "Mr. He" has so frankly said the answer, and there are no other places to ask questions.

For a time, no one opened again in the car.

The two looked at each other silently, one smiled and one was indifferent.

After a few minutes, the handsome and handsome man finally looked away from the boy’s eyes. His eyes stayed thoughtfully on the full lips of Chu’s words, and then suddenly said: “Tomorrow begins. You moved to my house and Lint will give you the keys. If there is time, I will go back."

As soon as the words fell, Chu Yan’s heart snorted, his face still smiling, but his heart was speechless to the extreme –

Is it really the gold master of the original Lord? !