MTL - Rebirth into an Interstellar Marriage-Chapter 57

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The weather is very good, today is the first anniversary of the wedding anniversary, we have dinner together.

With so much information added together, it’s hard to calm down the mouth, but I don’t know which one is better. At the end, he considered it a bit, but he first asked: “Is the weather good?”

It was just a lightning thunder, and the silver-white lightning slammed straight down. The thunder of the rumble shook the eardrum, but he saw the look of He Baishen calmly, and said with a serious look: "Yes, very good reads; ""

Chu Yan: "..."

After all, it has not been seen for more than a month. Chu said that he did not refuse the invitation of He Baishen. However, before he officially went to the appointment, he browed and ridiculed a little ironically: "Mr.

He Bai calmly and calmly said: "Is there something?"

- Even thick face to directly recognize the name "Anonymous"!

This is the second time that Chu Yan has come to such a high-class restaurant. After the experience of Zhou Hehui’s last visit, Chu Yan’s performance has been generous and there is no mistake. During the meal, neither of them spoke, just eating the food in front of them seriously.

After the meal, He Baishen personally sent Chu Yan home, and did not mention the last time Lint helped send the key, and did not ask Chu Yan how to not move to his house to live.

The two very calmly said goodbye. When they got home, Chu Yan stood in front of the huge glass window and looked at the charming night view of the capital star. The brow was locked and began to think about the intention of He Boshen this evening.

Chu Yan does not think that there is anything to celebrate on the so-called "One-Year Wedding Anniversary". Assume that He Baishen does not say that he himself does not know that his marriage book has already been established for one year. Other people's marriages are weddings and blessings of others, but their strange marriages have only a thin marriage certificate, and there is nothing to memorize at all.

After pondering for a long time, Chu Yan sent a message in the past:

After waiting for a while, He Baishen replied:

He Baishen replied very quickly, and Chu Yan did not have any doubts. After thinking for a while, he probably guessed that He Baishen was doing his own thing. Regardless of the purpose, the other party wants to "pursue" himself, but there is a bit of a word that is very persistent: he absolutely must not have children!

Chu Yan can't imagine it at all, what would it look like if she was pregnant.

I haven't really painted a pair of "Big Belgian Pregnant Women" in my brain. The handsome and beautiful teenager shook his body and shook. He quickly took a shower and wiped out such terrible thoughts from his mind. : "Absolutely absolutely must destroy the contract!"

One day later, He Baishen let Linte help to personally send the contract, and sent a copy of it, Lin Tezhu directly gave it to Chu Yan. After getting the contract, Chu Yan immediately went to the lawyer to analyze the contract, and the conclusion reached exactly the same as He Baishen said: assuming he wants to default, he must pay 10 billion yuan in liquidated damages.

Throughout the day, Chu Yan looked at the signature and fingerprint on the contract and said nothing, and finally sighed deeply.

Even if his current signature is completely different from the original, the fingerprint can't be faked. This fingerprint contains all of its own identity information and is connected to the government database. As long as this fingerprint is present, the contract will take effect.

Here, Chu Yan is worried about a thin contract. On the other hand, the propaganda of "Aurora" has reached the last moment. That night is the final premiere. As soon as 12:1, "Aurora" will be released simultaneously in the cinemas of major cities across the country.

At the premiere ceremony, Duan Siyuan, Chu Yan, Zheng Xinning, Bai Qiran and others all attended. The handsome and beautiful young gentleman sometimes speaks a few jokes, which makes the whole audience laughter, and does not see any troubles in the day.

When I finally asked the reporter a question, a reporter asked Chu Yan: "Chu Yan, this time playing the role of "Aurora" male actor Feng Xiu, what is your biggest impression? Have you been touched?"

The question was very simple, but it made Chu Yan ponder for a long time, then looked up at the reporter and smiled and replied: "My biggest feeling is that even if it is a game, we must play the reading seriously. The world is wonderful. Your game may be his life for others, and he will do everything seriously so that he can live up to others and live up to life."

The words of Chu Yan made many reporters in the room feel surprised, but after the premiere began and the film was really released, watching this beautiful and gorgeous Xian Xia movie, they could not help but shed when they felt the shock. Tears.

The rebirth of ninety-nine times is the despair of Feng Xiu’s ninety-nine times.

No matter what he does, he can't stop the ending. Even if he is at the beginning of rebirth, he will be separated from him. Even if he is always at the side of Acacia, no one will hurt her. Acacia will die again and again. He is also enchanted again and again. It is turned into aurora again and again, and the soul is used to spread a path of immortality for others.

At the time of the ninety-ninth rebirth, Feng Xiu did not make any more struggles. This stunning white light **** is like the first time in the reincarnation, and spent the most intimate twelve hours with her beloved woman, and then stood with her in the white light family when the tribe wanted to kill her. In front of the temple, let the tribe cut the sword down on his body.

Then it is still a magic, still a massacre.

When the familiar ending came again, Feng Xiu raised his sword in his hand and looked at the boundless blue sky. The sky is vast, the sun and the moon are floating, and behind him is an infinitely magnificent aurora, and in front of him is this heaven that embraces everything.

Feng Xiu did not directly work on Tiandao. He asked: "What is the reason for this?"

There are dark clouds in the sky.

Feng Xiu asked: "All this, can you have an end?"

The black clouds are topping, and the thunder glows among the clouds.

Feng Xiu asked: "If I go back into the aurora of this sky, I will become a fairy directly. How about you?"

The thunderous giant thunder continued to squat like an electric snake. Every thunder had a bucket of thick water. They squatted directly beside Feng Xiu’s body and did not hurt him, but seemed to be proposing a warning.

At this moment, Feng Xiu finally understood everything. Heaven wants him to do this, he has to do it, everything is a heavenly arrangement, everyone is a chess piece of heaven, everything is a fake, only the feelings are true and true between the heavens and the earth, can not be annihilated!

Feng Xiu turned and stepped into the aurora, but at this moment, Tiandao finally could not help. "Acacia One Mind" was launched again. This time, instead of sending Feng Xiu into the reincarnation, he stopped him in front of the aurora. He seemed to be a sculpture, staring at the gorgeous aurora day and night.

The Son of God looked at the aurora and shed tears. The tears spread silently, but the aurora has always been very dazzling.

After 13,000 years, the Temple of White Light has long disappeared into the changes of the mainland. Only a fairy and an aurora exist for a long time, as if they have escaped the reincarnation of all sentient beings. Until a certain day, a voice suddenly appeared in the entire sky -

The mutation came so suddenly, and when all the viewers were saddened by the 10,000 years that Feng Xiu died, they never thought that they would hear the sound of the game at this time. At that moment, they all trembled, then slowly turned to look at the immortal who was trapped in the aurora and could not leave.

The cinema's top projection technology makes the scene in front of it so real.

13,000 years, a full 13 thousand years! The immortal who once smashed the whole continent and made the heavens and the earth discolored, finally raised his head and looked at the four young people in the distant horizon. The four men wore the best combat equipment and walked towards the aurora.

"Hey, is that the last *oss?"

"It seems to be 诶reads!! It is such a handsome *oss, even if we can't beat it, we are also feasting!"

"Look at him, look at me, Xiaohuamei, you see, I am a living person. Boss, even if it is handsome, it is just a set of data. Waiting for tomorrow, I will re-upgrade my face to ensure that it is no better. This boss is ugly haha!"

"Come on the faceless hide, you will drive me away!"

Suddenly there was a gentle wind blowing in the Baiguang ruins of 13,000 years. The wind blew through the beautiful face of the Son of God, blowing up the three thousand blue silks and blowing them down. It seems that there is a needle in the heart of the jab, the emotional audience has already shed tears, and the audience is already sore throat.

I saw that in the aurora, the **** in a white dress looked at the four people in a calm and calm eyes and walked slowly to himself. He watched the four people begin to arrange and watched the four people discuss how to deal with themselves. Looking at the four people, he said with amazement: "Hey, is it called Feng Xiu? This name is so nice, it looks so handsome!"

After a lapse of 13,000 years, Feng Xiu looked up and looked at the endless sky. His thin lips and a slight hook revealed a smile.

When the four people started to work, a game sound sounded in the ears of all the audience:

30 seconds, enough to do?

The first team to reach the ultimate mission of the game, everyone is the top player in the game. But only one blink of an eye was needed. They didn't even see each other's movements, and they were killed by the ultimate *oss.

One of the players shouted very convincingly before dying: "Look at your boss, wait for Xiaoye! Xiaoye will beat you sooner or later, grab all the equipment you dropped!"

After 30 seconds, the game is closed. After three days, the game is turned on again. When this team of people came to the "Aurora into Immortals" script again, it was still a fatal blow, they are never the opponent of this immortal *oss. But before turning into white light and returning to the resurrection point, a player in the four-person squad looked at the boss not far away, and his heart hurt.

After returning to the resurrection point, she looked at her friend and asked, "Small flowers, do you think that the boss is not the same as it was three days ago?"

The female player who was questioned said, "Is there? It is still very handsome, powerful and horrible!"

"Oh, this way, I always feel a little bit wrong, maybe I think more..."

At the end of the movie is the Baiguang ruins that have long since become a ruin. The famous Baiguang people who once had a name on the mainland have long disappeared into the long river of history. Only this beautiful and beautiful aurora still does not know how to flash in the night and night, attracting players who come to ask Chengxian.

Beside the aurora, the beautiful son of white clothes will slash every player to return to the living point, which is called "the invincible big devil." However, all the audience have already discovered that the slender and beautiful phoenixes have long lost their brilliance.

From this moment on, Feng Xiu has always become Feng Xiu. He raised his hand and waved his sword. He guarded the aurora. He was still as tall and straight as he used to be. He was still as beautiful as ever.

But he is Feng Xiu, but he is no longer Feng Xiu.

The end of the movie is a dark scene, a white line appears in the picture -

At this point, the movie is over.

The white system text seems to be a great irony that remains in the hearts of every viewer. In the next second, the overwhelming discussion started on the Internet, and the fans grimaced and clenched their teeth, all kinds of things.