MTL - Rebirth into an Interstellar Marriage-Chapter 77

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In the past month, the propaganda activities of "Cape Echo" have been going very smoothly.

In order to catch up with the time limit for the Golden Awards, when the crew was still filming, Jiang Hongzheng let the post-editors work, while filming and cutting the film. After the whole drama was finished, the entire movie was completely edited in a week, and a nationwide promotion was started.

Since Chu Yan took over "Starlight" after his death, he could not participate in the propaganda of "Echo Echo". In this world, there are too many movies, TV series, and online dramas that are released every day. Even if the number of actors has turned several times more than a thousand years ago, it is still impossible for "actors to get long vacations."

And unless you reach the level of Anyangyang and Gu Shenze, if you take the liberty to give yourself a big holiday and relax, you will soon be forgotten by the audience, because every new film and actor is really More than a cow.

However, there are not many actors who have just taken another movie like Chu Yan, and many actors like to take a break from the promotion period after taking a movie, such as "Cape." The heroine Qin Borong and the heroine Liu Meng of Echo are all the same. They are very active in following the team's promotion of "Cape Echo" throughout the country, making the film even more popular.

After the last promotional film came out, the enthusiasm of the audience was completely mobilized.

Starting from the zero point in the first game of midnight, "Cape Echo" was all blasted in all the theaters in the country, and fans came to the cinema and wanted to watch the movie in the first time. At the same time, in the theaters of other countries, although the first game of "Cape Echo" was not full at midnight, the attendance rate was extremely high.

Qin Borong's appeal is very strong. As the Flying Award winner, he is a super-first-line artist in China and has a very high popularity in the entire galaxy. Liu Meng is his best couple on the screen. The combination of these two people is enough to attract a bunch of cp powder to watch in the theater.

At the same time, the popularity of Chu Yan is also reflected in the propaganda activities of this "Cape Echo". Although he was not present, his fans still actively responded to the propaganda, sending flowers to their beloved Chu Yu, sending stars to the stars, so that Chu Yan occasionally hit the top ten of the 24-hour Huaxing list.

Thus, "Cape Echo" is in such a situation, the entire galaxy is released.

The opening of the film restored the sights of the port city thousands of years ago, the prosperous night lights, and the splendid Victoria Harbour. The city is not filled with all kinds of floating vehicles everywhere. At that time, the port city only had a long and narrow curved traffic flow, like a long, winding dragon, which adorned the big place into a world of lights.

The effect of the theater is naturally not comparable to ordinary vr glasses, and the real and aggressive gang struggle appears in front of everyone. The fierce fighting scene allowed the audience to hold their breath until they finally saw the first person in the movie –

The handsome black-haired teenager stood in the crowd of the fight, holding a cigarette in his hand and gently sucking it. The smoke circle slowly rose along his exhalation, and he was expressionless, as if he was numbly watching the group fight until "砰-"! An iron rod slammed on his head and suddenly the blood ran down.

At the same time that the stick fell down, someone in the theater suddenly shouted: "Chu Chu! Be careful!!!"

The effect of the holographic projection allows the audience to see this scene as realistic, as if they were in front of them, and the words were smashed by others. However, Chu Yan naturally could not hear their shouts. When everyone was nervous, they saw a blood flowing down from the forehead of Chu Yan, flowing through the slender and beautiful phoenix, flowing through the delicate skin of white.

In the end, Chu Yan did not move, just pumping the cigarette, then the cigarette **** was thrown on the ground, gently stepping on the two feet, then the next second -

Turn around! Overturn the little punk who has smashed him a stick!

This action is so handsome! The clouds are flowing, gorgeous and smooth, so that the audience can not help but exclaim. In the following, the movements of Chu Yan are so fast that people are dizzying. After the end of this gang struggle, the audience has been dumb. After a long time, someone whispered to himself: "This is... Are you recovering? Ah, ah, ah, really handsome!!!"

From this moment on, it is not the Chuyan, but the recovery. Just as the same time later, Qin Borong is no longer Qin Borong, but Ke Yuanyu; Liu Meng is not Liu Meng, but Li Ran.

Qin Borong seldom plays such a humble role. His past images are all wise and heroic decent figures. At first, the audience were a little uncomfortable. They felt that the wage earners who were selling fake scorpions were not like Qin Borong, but after seeing them, they saw them. But can not help but Ke Yuanyu's clever conscience.

Some people are born with the ability to buy people's hearts. When he speaks, you can't help but believe in him and trust him. This is called the charisma of the leader. Ke Yuanyu has such ability, and in the pursuit of the shackles, he has grown up again and again, becoming mature and restrained.

At the same time, the policewoman Li Ran also met with Ke Yuanyu. From the beginning, the suspicions were later maintained, and their feelings developed steadily.

Among the whole movie, the most amazing thing is Qin Borong’s intellect play and Chu Yan’s play.

Before this movie, no one fan ever knew that Chu Yan’s play was actually so good. Each of his movements is decisive and neat, and his legs are like a knife, and a leg wind can be daunting.

And at the time of shooting, Chu Yan’s performance has never been broken. The look of indifference and bloodthirsty makes every viewer feel cold, as if he can pick up the next second. Shoot in your own eyebrows!

However, although the role of Fu Fu was very hot and cruel, but when he saw that he was beaten to death, the audience could not help but squeeze a sweat for him. A handsome and cold boy suddenly turned into this miserable appearance, I am afraid that anyone will feel bad.

Many viewers were also surprised to find that they should hate this boy, but when they saw this boy, they couldn’t help but be excited, for no reason.

Yan control conquers the world!

You look so good, you say everything right!

A beautiful appearance is enough for the audience to pay more attention to. Moreover, under the interpretation of Chu Yan, the cold and **** brutality seems to be a kind of violent aesthetics. He is the blade that walks on the cliff, giving people the hope of horror. Beauty, even if this kind of beauty is threatened with life, but more people will be in the face of this kind of poppy.

Until the end of the movie, everyone held their breath and watched the once-incompetent mad dog being held in front of everyone, but never refused to bow.

At this time, Ke Yuanyu has gained much less than the status of Qi Fu. He walked step by step to the front of Fu Fu and used the words of wisdom to expose all the tricks of Qi Fu.

Everyone has to feel the intelligence and calculations of Ke Yuanyu. He is really too smart. This kind of little person will have such great wisdom and great intentions. It is no wonder that he can finally become the new ambassador of Hong Kong’s largest gang, Hongyishe. Be at home.

Just like a revival, he will never guess that God just played with him so much, why did he let Ke Yuanyu appear.

At this time, the movie is already at the end of the high tide.

He didn't go too far to death, even when he was cut off three fingers, he didn't scream. However, because of the pain, the physiological tears still flowed from his eyelids, and his lips were bitten and bleeding. The audience watching this scene clenched their fingers, and distressedly wanted to go up and wipe the tears.

At the end of the movie, Ke Yuanyu took the post in three years and became the head of the Hongyi Society.

When the final thanks to the subtitles appeared in front of the audience, they came out of the theater one by one with the sound of low-pitched music. Until the end of the movie, the blood and love between the gangs did not dissipate from their hearts.

This movie is shocking enough!

This movie is also enough to sigh!

Whether it is Ke Yuanyu’s growth in adversity, Li Ran’s just choice at the final stage of the war; whether it’s the cold-blooded temper, or the arrogance of Achen... all the images are vividly present in front of every audience. They are hard to forget!

After the release of "The Cape Echo" in the first session, it immediately received countless praises. On the day of the premiere, all the tickets for the show had already been booked a week ago, but this did not prevent many fans who watched the movie from continuing to buy movie tickets for the next few days, in order to come to the second to brush the movie.

There are also many fans who have noticed that he seems to be dead again this time, but many of them think that he can’t die so easily with his calculations and ambitions. He must not die, even Still waiting for revenge!

The fieryness of "Cape Echo" is really extraordinary. The appeal of the Emperor and the popularity of several popular first-line artists have made the film in the three-day period, the box office of the whole galaxy has broken 10 billion! After that, the box office did not decrease, and daily