MTL - Rebirth into an Interstellar Marriage-Chapter 86

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"Want to get out of the field you control, but walk into the battle you arranged..."

The voice of the teenager is low and good, but it is in the first sound, and suddenly it broke!

This kind of start made two young girls who were very supportive, and Han Xiao, who was on the side, frowned. Some worried: even the first sound broke, this is a very serious matter. .

Han Xiao can hear it. Chu Yan seems to be really not singing very often. Even his own voice can't be controlled. It can be seen that letting him sing the ending song of "Starlight" may encounter some inevitable difficulties.

And a few staff members on the side also looked at each other and understood each other: Sure enough, really can't sing!

Here, there are many kinds of tuning methods in Han Xiao’s mind, and I also want to know how to make the Chuyan training sound. However, when he started to make the worst plan, he only listened to the sound, and the young and soft voice gradually became smoother, and the tail sounded softly, as if the lover was whispering in his ear.

This performance made Han Xiao suddenly stunned. He looked up in amazement and saw that there was a thick layer of sound-proof glass. The beautiful and beautiful teenager was closing his eyes and his eyes quietly humming. The warm yellow light of the studio illuminates him, as if it is coated with a layer of enamel gold rim, Chu Yan's crisp eyebrows are slightly picked up, and the low and soft voice slowly flows out of the sound.

"I am like a chess. It is up to you to decide whether to advance or retreat. I am not the only general in your eyes, but an insignificant soldier..."

As if immersed in infinite grief, the voice of Chu Yan is not dull, but with a kind of pleasing pleasure, but it is this kind of pleasure but people feel that it is a strong smile, the injured heart is sealed in cheerful Under the appearance.

No one knows how the teenager suddenly sang like this after breaking the sound and singing a few words.

When the light was just opened, even the sound could not be controlled. The first sound was not high at all, and it suddenly broke. But after singing the later part of the chorus, it was so smooth and calm as it was, let alone the two would have liked it. The little girl of Chu said, even Han Xiao was kneeling in the same place and listening carefully.

Han Xiao, this song, has never really heard of it. I have never heard of it!

Han Xiao has been in contact with music reading since he was five years old. Some people are naturally fond of music, such as Han Xiao, he has no interest in Han’s director industry, just like music. Han Xiao can say that, in the past three hundred years, all the songs that the whole galaxy has been named have been heard. Some songs that are not famous can certainly not count.

Looking at the whole galaxy, there are no millions of new songs produced each year, and there are millions. What can stand out from it is destined to be a minority. As long as the sales volume exceeds 10,000 songs, Han Xiao has all the concerns, but the song that Chu Yan sang is really not heard.

It’s just a cappella, not even a little soundtrack, you can sing this feeling. Long, soft and affectionate, as if loyal to love loyalty, but also seems to be satirizing his hopeless pay.

"I am like a chess piece. I can’t help myself..."

No one can deny that this is a good song. Even Han Xiao put his hands on the virtual console, and stared at the other side of the glass. His fingers are shaking slightly, he is restraining himself, he can't run in now and ask Chu, what kind of song is this, because he wants to listen to this song!

Han Xiao is so expressive, and those who just said "the Chu Yan can't sing" are even more shocked. They just said that "the Chuyan will probably go out of tune", but now, Chu Yan uses facts to make them amazing. The little girls were proud of their chests and excitedly listened to Chu Yan singing.

Although the recital of Chu Yan is not a top-notch, but there are also some singing skills, and his voice is very good, as long as you quickly adjust some unnecessary singing, then this singer can even sing directly!

Zhou Hehui was also in the same place. He didn't know how the situation suddenly changed so quickly. However, at this time, the voice of Chu Yan brought a mocking smile. He slowly sang the last sentence, the tail seems to be laughing, and seems to be crying, holding the hearts of everyone who listens, so that they can not extricate themselves.

" never hesitate to raise your hand, but I am controlled in your hands."

This is a chess piece, a piece that is willing to be used as a **** by a lover. He paid everything he could have like a moth to the fire, but he exchanged it with apologetic abandonment.

In fact, the Chuyan sings are not top-notch. At least in the music that Han Xiao has heard, it is ranked in the middle and upper reaches. There are so many singers who eat all the stars through the scorpion, and they sing much better than Chu.

However, there is a contrast.

Originally Han Xiao and the staff members thought that Chu Yan would not sing at all, and that it would be a blessing in the unfortunate. But now, this boy suddenly sings, and sings so well, you said it is surprising, not surprised?

It’s just like the beauty of the jade!

Chu Yan did not think about how much shock this song of his own would bring to the people outside the studio. For him personally, he has not heard a few songs of this world since he came to the world. A thousand years have passed, people have not changed much about the aesthetics of music, but there have been many new forms of music.

Those new types of musical instruments and musical forms are not the preferences of Chu Yan, so he did not listen to many songs. As for what Han Xiao said before, it is indeed a well-known big red hot song, but Chu Yan is only limited to hearing, let It is impossible for him to sing.

So in the end, he can only sing a classic of his own world.

After singing, Chu Yan also walked out of the studio, did not think too much. However, he just came out, Han Xiao immediately ran over and said with excitement: "Small words, what is this song? Is this your own song? This song is really great, you sing very well. If this song is released, I believe sales will definitely break 10 million!"

As soon as I heard this, Chu Yan was also stunned.

In this world, each record is divided into legendary records, platinum records, classic records and other levels according to their respective sales. Recordings with over 100 million sales are legendary records that can be passed on to future generations. Platinum records are sold at 50 million, while classic records are 10 million.

Not to mention China, even the entire galaxy, can not produce ten legendary records in a year; There will be dozens of platinum records, and there are hundreds of classic records. However, don't underestimate these hundreds of copies, which is the top of the top compared to the millions of new albums released every year!

Chu Yan thought for a moment and said: "This is not my own song. This is what I accidentally heard."

However, in his words, Han Xiao did not believe: "If you want to release this song, you can come to me. I am very happy to participate in the production of a good music. This song should be heard by more people."

Han Xiaocai did not believe that this song was inadvertently heard by Chu Yan. A song like this, a person with normal aesthetics can definitely find its beauty, and it is impossible to let it be buried. And even if this song is not made by Chu, it must be made by people who know Chu, and every classic song is worthy of respect.

Chu Yan discovered that this song has brought such a great shock to others. To be honest, this song was also a smash hit for thousands of years, and is a representative work of a top queen. Good music, even if it spans a thousand years, can pass through time and resonate with people's souls.

It is a pity that, like the film and television materials of the millennium, the changes in the millennium have made these good songs slowly lost, and the only remaining ones have been carefully preserved. Chu Yan does not intend to sing the road, nor does it intend to take some songs for himself, so he responded to the past with a few words and shifted the topic.

Although Han Xiao is very interested in the song that Chu said just now, the current focus is on the ending song of "Starlight." The singer and voice of Chu Yan are obviously very capable of this song, but Han Xiao still has one thing that is very reassuring: "When you just started singing, Chu Yan, there seems to be a little unsure of the sound? Is this something? Need to find a teacher to guide you?"

Chu Yan heard a smile and gently shook his head: "No, Han Brother, I have not sung for a long time, so it will be like this."

Han Xiao has no doubt about him.

In fact, where has it not been singing for a long time? After Chu Yan came to this world, he did not sing songs at all!

Under such circumstances, he just did not control the sound and was not familiar with the voice, but when he became familiar with it, he was able to control it well and brought some singing skills from his last life.

What surprised Chu’s words was that the original master had been out of tune on singing, and could not be a singer at all, but he had a good good voice and a clear voice. After the words were extended with a singing technique, they were very soft and soft. Listening.

Soon, Han Xiao said that he would send a sample of the song to Chu Yan as soon as possible, hoping that he would protect the scorpion during this time, and wait for the "Starlight" to officially record the song. Chu said nodded.

Today, the weather is already late, Chu Yan is living under Yanning, and Han Xiao has prepared a hotel for them.

When Chu Yan and Zhou Hehui left the recording building, Zhou Hehui thought and hesitated for a long time, and finally whispered: "I was surprised, I thought... you will go out."

After listening to this, Chu Yan suddenly stopped: "What?"

Zhou Hehui said: "This time is a bit busy, I have forgotten things long time ago. Xiaoyan, when I took over you a year and a half ago, I saw your details. You sing is out of tune, so you can't take the path of the singer. I only remembered this when you just went in the recording."

Zhou Hehui raised his eyes and looked at Chu Yan seriously. The latter took a moment to squat, and then the lips showed a helpless smile. Chu said with a smile, said: "Zhou Ge, where is my out of tune? Just didn't control the sound. I didn't sing in this day. But I have some understanding of the way I speak, and I feel that listening to songs is not the same as before."

Zhou Hehui stunned: "Is there still such a thing?" Can someone who is out of tune become unruly?

Chu said nod: "Yes, anyway, it will get better and better in the future, isn't it?"

Looking at the setting sun, the gentle smile of the boy, Zhou Hehui paused for a moment, then nodded: "Well.