MTL - Rebirth Married The Control Group Fulang-Chapter 115

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Ruijin didn't see his father getting into the carriage for a long time, so he thought he was sitting outside the curtain with the coachman to drive the horse. The weather is hot, and his father is the most afraid of heat because he is big.

He poked his head out of the curtain, but saw a strange face: "Father, who is it?"

Not only was he surprised, but Zhang Fangyuan didn't know who was calling him.

Siyang City University, it is not an exception that someone in the city knows him but he does not.

Seeing the two dazed and similar faces, the visitor said politely: "Master Zhang, our master is here to invite you."

Ruijin Nongxiu's eyebrows moved slightly. He was used to hearing others call him that, but it was the first time he saw someone calling him that, so he couldn't help turning his head to look at Zhang Fangyuan.

"I don't know who your master is, whether you want to discuss business or other things. I'm afraid it's inconvenient to talk with you when I go out with my dog."

"It's okay, please go together, both of you."

Zhang Fangyuan was even more puzzled this morning. He glanced at the other party's carriage, but it was just an ordinary carriage and there was nothing special about it.

"And lead the way."

Zhang Fangyuan got into his carriage and told the coachman to follow the carriage ahead.

"Daddy has something to do, you might as well let the coachman take me back."

Zhang Fangyuan patted Ruijin's head: "It's okay, let's go together and go home in a while."

The two carriages arrived at the nearby teahouse one after the other, and the one in front arrived one step ahead. When Zhang Fangyuan took the child out of the carriage, the owner of the carriage was already standing safely at the door of the teahouse. Zhang Fangyuan's servant confessed something.

Zhang Fang glanced at the old man from a distance, and his face, which was almost ashen in his memory, suddenly became clear again, and his brows were tightly knit together.

"Master, please go upstairs."

Zhang Fangyuan didn't think much about going after seeing the rightful master, he regretted coming this time, but he was hesitant due to being an elder, and glanced at Ruijin who was leading him.

The servant seemed to see his concerns, and said, "The master has never seen his great-grandson."

Ruijin's eyes widened slightly. If it were Brother Xiao Li, he would have to figure out what he should be called as his great-grandson, and what kind of relationship he is with his father. It was his father's grandfather.

The family had never mentioned it before, and the children naturally didn't ask much. It was a bit sudden that the great-grandfather suddenly appeared.

He followed his father into the tea house, and on the way to the private room, there was an old man with a white beard sitting upright in the room, facing the majestic old man, the little one was pouring tea, the old man raised his hand, and the little two poured another cup for the guest .

"I haven't seen you for many years, and I'm already a father." The old man glanced at the father and son when the tea was served, and saw the well-behaved and sensible Ruijin, who looked handsome and said in a gentle tone, "Sit down."

"What else can I do as a parent at my age."

The old man raised his eyelids and glanced at Zhang Fangyuan, as if he was dissatisfied with his way of speaking.

Ruijin felt the smell of gunpowder, and he quietly and honestly sat cross-legged on the small futon next to the guest seat, preparing to pretend to be deaf and dumb as a small ornament.

"I heard that you started a business in Siyang City, and it has improved slightly. The Zhang family also gathered and built a ancestral hall."

Zhang Fangyuan was impatient: "Isn't my grandfather calling me here to reminisce about the old days? But in detail, I only met my grandfather a few times, so there is nothing to talk about."

With a bang, the corner of the table was slapped and there was a dull sound: "That's how you talk to elders!"

Just now, before entering the room, the atmosphere in the private room was tense, as if the sword was on the verge of breaking out.

Ruijin silently picked up the cup filled with sweet water, why should he bring him along in the quarrel, why not go home and write two more articles. If brother Xiao Li could possibly scold his father a few words, he would have come for nothing.

After a long silence in the room, the old man's expression turned pale: "Old man, I'm transferred to Siyang City this morning. You think that since you spent less time with your grandfather in the past, you will have more opportunities in the future."

Zhang Fangyuan sneered: "I haven't been with my grandfather's family for so many years, and my mother has passed away for many years, but now he suddenly talks about repairing the relationship. I really don't know what my grandfather is thinking."

"Back then, the old man was in other counties, and the road to Siyang was far away. How could he walk around often? Now that he is in Siyang, it is easy to come and go."

The old man seemed to find it quite laborious to talk to Zhang Fangyuan. The child who was not very fond of him when he was a child was not very lovable when he grew up. On the other hand, the child who was 80% similar to his father was quiet and calm. more likable.

He was about to get angry if he couldn't say a few words to his father, so he simply challenged the child: "Ruijin, have you started studying?"

Ruijin was a little surprised that his great-grandfather, who had never been with him since he could remember, knew his name. After sneaking a look at his face, he replied: "If you want to go back to your great-grandfather, go to the ceremony room to register today. , ready to end this year."

"Oh?" The old man's face softened a lot when he heard this, and he was very interested: "I heard that you have only reached the age of Tongkao this year, and you are going to take the exam next year. Very good. Only by taking more exams will you be able to respond freely."

"And the next one can read..."

Zhang Fangyuan saw that the old and the young were quite able to get on with each other, he was irritable, and after a few words, he used an excuse to say that Ruijin was tired after coming out all morning, so he left with the child in his arms, but he didn't want Ruijin to be with this person too much Say.

"Daddy, why didn't you tell me about your great-grandfather?"

"There is no relationship with the elders, and Dad has never met the elders a few times. We will still rarely see them in the future."

Seeing that his father was not in a good mood, Ruijin nodded.

After returning to the house, Xu He had already asked two or three times at home, and saw that the father and son had not returned, thinking that the registration was not smooth.

"Daddy, I went to see someone today, and I signed up to meet him." Ruijin whispered to his little dad, "Let me call my great-grandfather."

Xu He's eyes widened, but he didn't ask any more questions immediately. He wiped the sweat off Ruijin's forehead, looked at the tall figure who went straight back to the back room, and said to Ruijin, "The servant boiled hot water and was tired all morning. Go take a shower to cool off for a while, take a rest at noon and then get up and read a book."

"it is good."

After seeing off the child, Xu He hurried into the house.

After being married for many years, it is actually not only the little boy who doesn't know about Zhang Fangyuan's mother's natal family, but he also rarely knows.

All he knew was that Zhang Fangyuan hadn't attended a private school for two years, but he could read and write. From his conversation, he could tell that his mother was a woman who could read and write.

Being able to read and read, apart from self-motivation, also shows that her mother's family is in good condition, so he once asked about it.

Zhang Fangyuan only said that her mother used to be a young lady of a rich family, and she only had a few casual conversations. His mother left early, and he couldn't help but sigh when he mentioned the past. Xu He was afraid that uncovering the scar would make him uncomfortable, so he didn't ask too much.

"I made it in the morning, and I took it out after chilling in the well. Try it."

Xu He brought some mung bean cake into the house and put it on the table, Zhang Fangyuan didn't refuse, and took a piece.

"The little guy told you all."

Xu He nodded: "I haven't been in touch with you before, why did you find me all of a sudden?"

"He is actually an official. He used to be a county official in Qiuping County, and later he was promoted. Now he was transferred to Siyang. When I came back, I inquired about it. I heard that he had been promoted to the sixth-rank co-prefect."

Xu He was a little surprised. In his subconscious mind, there were no official relatives and friends among the relatives and friends of the Zhang family. He did not expect that his mother-in-law's mother's family was actually a lot of officials.

It's just that how could the daughter of such a family marry a farmer? If it was a landlord's family, it would be fine. At that time, the Zhang family was just an ordinary farmer.

"Actually, I didn't really understand these things when I was young. When my mother was alive, she took me back to her natal home and back, respectively, when my grandfather's birthday and my grandmother passed away."

At that time, Zhang Fangyuan had been living in the village. It was the first time he saw such a rich family, and he felt that her natal family was rich, but when he entered the door of his grandfather's house, he received a lot of blank stares.

That year his grandfather had his birthday, and the Zhang family was poor, so they scraped together some money and brought a decent birthday gift there, but the grandfather's family didn't even look at it, and he and his mother were arranged to have a silent banquet in a corner , He didn't even say a word to his grandfather, the banquet was over, and his natal family didn't stay. His mother took him back to Siyang overnight.

It is also the first time that behind the wealth and wealth is such a lack of family affection.

"When my mother was alive, she said that my grandfather was not that unkind. He also cared about and loved his children. It was my mother who did something wrong that my grandfather treated her like this."

Zhang Fangyuan didn't want to mention these dusty pasts at first, but now that family has come to Siyang and met him specially, maybe they will have to meet again in the future, other people don't need to mention it, but his husband is still It is necessary to know the inside story.

"It was only later that I realized what the wrong thing my mother said was."

Just as Xu He wondered, Zhang Fangyuan's mother's family with the surname Zeng was an official household, and not only a generation of officials, but also the ancestors were officials the size of a sesame seed. Such a family would never Take a fancy to poor farmers.

His mother was actually born in a concubine's house. His biological mother was just a side house sold by an innocent family, but because of her good looks, he was also liked by his grandfather. Later, even though his mother was a concubine, she lived a good life. His mother is also studious, and his grandfather still likes his mother very much among all the children.

Unfortunately, in the year of mother and Jiji, her daughter's family love began to blossom. During the banquet, she met a talented scholar, and her mother was also talented.

Originally, the Zeng family was a scholar's family, and it would be the best arrangement for the concubine's daughter to marry a scholar, but the grandfather fell in love with another wealthy business family, and did not agree with their marriage. The scholar was not a kind person either, seeing the duck with its beak about to fly, he persuaded his mother to go out with sweet words, cooked rice with raw rice.

The Zeng family was a well-behaved family, and when this incident happened, my grandfather never compromised with the scholar, he just cut off the relationship between the two of them, turned around and married his mother to another county.

For this reason, this became the Zhang family's marriage, otherwise how could his father, a farmer, marry the daughter of such a rich family.

"I found out from my uncle later that when my father and mother had a dispute, it was not because my father was drunk and beat my mother, but that the scholar visited my mother when he was passing through Siyang and said a lot of embarrassing things. I'm sorry my father, I can't think about it. The ugly rumors in the village are getting more and more untrue."

Zhang Fangyuan has a headache when he thinks about these things. His parents are deeply affectionate people. One is obsessed with the past and has been confessing, but he has no comfort from his mother's family and is depressed; People end up using the most extreme methods to solve things.

"My mother did make mistakes first, but in the final analysis, she was young and ignorant, and later she devoted herself to correcting her mistakes. However, the Zeng family never gave mother a chance to admit her mistakes, and never even asked her when she passed away. I have never been in these years, so I It is equivalent to a clean break, I think, because of this, the Zeng family has never been used to block the disaster, nor has it asked for anything, but now the Zeng family has inquired about the Zhang family's affairs as if nothing had happened, and pulled the relationship , really disgusted me."

Xu He frowned: "To put it bluntly, a rich family values ​​the connection of interests the most. I'm afraid it's because the Zhang family has become a relative."

Zhang Fangyuan shook his head straight: "A merchant is no better than an official. If there are official relatives, it will be much smoother, but even if the life is rough, I don't want to be close to the Zeng family."

"Don't take it to heart, just avoid it in the future."

Zhang Fangyuan said: "I am optimistic about Ruijin, I see that the old man is very happy with Ruijin, and it will be annoying to take the child at that time."