MTL - Rebirth Married The Control Group Fulang-Chapter 58

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"Brother Zhang, you are a rare visitor~ I can still think of Jiuniang."

Zhang Fangyuan raised his eyes and glanced at the beautiful woman who was twisting her waist like a water snake, let go of her arms, and didn't deal with her much, just said: "I brought you a good thing."

Yin Jiuniang looked suspicious, but she still smiled and stepped forward: "I don't know what Brother Zhang is going to give."

Without saying a word, Zhang Fangyuan took out a bottle of fragrance from his girdle and handed it over.

Originally suspected that Zhang Fangyuan would come to find her alone, but now he gave Xianglu again, Yin Jiuniang was a little confused about what was going on with this person.

She is holding a small perfume bottle with her jade fingers, the lid has not been opened, and she can faintly smell the fragrance of roses. Women have always loved fragrance, let alone women who are sensual.

But for a while, Yin Jiuniang, who has seen a lot of worldly things, can't put it down because of the scented dew in her hand.

She looked back and forth carefully, not to mention looking at all the incenses, but she has used all the good incenses in the city, so she didn't know the source of this fragrance.

"Sure enough, Brother Zhang's gift is a good gift, but I don't know why Brother Zhang is so kind-hearted." After talking, Yin Jiuniang rubbed up: "How do you want Jiuniang to repay? But promise with your body?"

Zhang Fangyuan pulled the person away: "Come on, don't do this with me. If someone who is looking for incense asks about the origin of this fragrance, you should know how to say it."

Yin Jiuniang's eyebrows moved slightly: "I thought it was for Jiuniang alone, but I didn't want Brother Zhang to start a spice business."

"It's just doing things for others. This bottle of fragrance will be given to you as a reward." After saying that, Zhang Fangyuan didn't keep any more: "I'm back."

Walking to the door, Zhang Fangyuan bumped into An San'er who was in a panic.

"When did Brother Zhang come, why did no one call me, just tell Brother Zhang to wait."

An San'er restrained her arrogance, and put on her usual hippie smile again.

"I didn't come to see you."

As soon as Zhang Fangyuan finished speaking, Yin Jiuniang leaned over the railing in the distance: "Brother Zhang came to look for me."

An San'er was a little surprised, but didn't say much, just followed Zhang Fangyuan with a smile, and said in a low voice, "Brother Zhang, can you take that thing back?"

Zhang Fangyuan waved his hand, not to mention that the family has not used up, it will be difficult to take it back now.

An San'er responded with a smile, and wanted to send Zhang Fangyuan out, but then remembered the things that annoyed him earlier, and said, "Brother Zhang, do you know a man named Ao Er?"


"Last night, I came to the building to drink flowers and wine. When I was drunk, no one noticed that I shrank under the table and fell asleep. I wanted to wake people up when I was cleaning this morning. Please go out. The boy was drunk and refused to get up. .”

Zhang Fangyuan said: "If the nobleman calls his family to pick him up, he is just an ordinary ruffian, and he is directly carried out of the house. Do you still need to ask me?"

"The key is that the kid said he knew Brother Zhang, he was your younger brother."

Zhang Fangyuan frowned, followed An San'er to the main hall, and looked at the drunk lying on the ground, there were always such people in the flower building, Zhang Fangyuan was used to it.

"Hey, it's time to wake up."

Zhang Fangyuan went over and kicked the sleeping man on the ground: "Where are you from?"

The man muttered: "I am Zhang Fangyuan's younger brother, you dare to disturb my sleep."

As soon as the words fell, a basin of cold water just poured from the well poured down the back of his head, and the drunken man suddenly shuddered, and his body stuck to the floor like a mangy dog ​​immediately bounced up, sitting on the ground and screaming It's raining. It took a while to clear his eyes, and he shrank back in fright when he saw the fierce and tall man in front of him.

Seeing this, Yin Jiuniang couldn't help covering her mouth and chuckling.

"Who are you? When did you become my younger brother?"

Only then did the man realize that the real master he was yelling was coming, and seeing the people in Yunliang Pavilion staring at him, he quickly crawled over and hugged Zhang Fangyuan's feet: "Brother Zhang, I, I am from the village Boil two. People in the village used to call it Goudaner."

Zhang Fangyuan raised his eyebrows, seeing the man's face was slightly familiar, and after a while he said to An San'er next to him: "It seems that he is from the same village as me."

An San'er said: "Since I'm from the same village as Brother Zhang, that's all for today."

Zhang Fangyuan broke free from the man's hugging leg: "Hurry up and go back, and stay here for obsession."

"Yes, yes." The man jumped up and jumped out as if he was about to be relieved.

Seeing this, Zhang Fangyuan said, "Then I'll go back too."

Yin Jiuniang walked to the door, and said to the man's Wei'an's back, coquettishly, "Brother Zhang will come again next time~"

Ao Er, who ran far away, heard Hua Kui's voice, and couldn't help but look back, a little envious.

Zhang Fangyuan went back to guard the shop all afternoon, and then waited for someone to come to ask for the goods.

There was no business in the later period, he closed the stall early, went to the material shop in the city, took a small jar of old sauce and vinegar at a low price, and put it back in the tea shed. One is to use it at home, and the other is that these seasonings are often bought by nearby village households. If you buy some, the village households can buy them directly in their tea sheds, so as to save a trip to the city for such a trivial matter.

In addition, he also went to the wine shop to discuss business, and took the wine back to the tea shed to store, just like the sauce. It's easier to talk about ordering wine than ordering sauces. First, I often get drunk and know many restaurants, expensive ones and cheap ones, and good times.

After finishing the work, the cart on the way back was full of things, even more than when I came earlier.

They were all things that were easy to bump into. He went back and drove the horse slowly. By the time he arrived at the tea shed, the sun had completely sunk, leaving only the heat of the day on the ground.

"Shipping back so much!"

Xu He heard the sound of wheels on the official road, and guessed that Zhang Fangyuan had returned. The official road at Linye was very clean, there were few sounds of carriages and horses, but there were many people rushing home.

He put down the tablecloth and went to help carry the sauce and wine down and put them in the tea shed.

Zhang Fangyuan smelled the scent coming out of the kitchen, and asked, "What's for dinner tonight?"

"Stir-fried pork with dried tofu."

Xu He held the wine jar carefully, and walked in while saying: "The dried tofu I made yesterday was sold for several yuan, and there are still two yuan left, and it will go bad tomorrow. Just fry the meat."

Zhang Fangyuan knew that the dried tofu that Xu He and Zhang Shiyue made together was about the size of his palm, as thick as a little finger, and when sliced ​​thinly with an oblique knife, the dried tofu could fit on a plate. It was delicious fried or cold.

It costs five or six yuan a piece in the city, but according to Xu He, their tea shed only sells it for five yuan a piece. Beans are not expensive, and farmers usually have them in their homes, but making tofu, tofu, and dried tofu is complicated and labor-intensive, so the price is naturally higher than ordinary fruits and vegetables.

Occasionally, the nearby village households would be willing to buy a piece and go back home to cook.

The business in the tea shed is good today, and Xu He is in a good mood. Every day, the tea shed sells some dishes that can be bought back, such as tofu and stewed vegetables, which are bought by villagers: "Today, the slaves of the landlord's house in Zaojiao Village I came here and bought two catties of stewed pork back."

"That's not bad."

The two packed up and put a cart full of things into the cellar of the tea shed. Zhang Fangyuan hung a small square signboard with the word "wine" at the door, indicating that there was wine for sale in the tea shed. It's strange to say that many people can't read, but they often go to the restaurant to buy wine and eat. They always look at such a sign, and when they see such a sign, they can't recognize the word, but they all know that it sells wine.

After he hung up the signboard, the cooking room was already filled with the smell of stir-frying, and there was very little smoke above the kitchen room. Passers-by smelled the smell and were hungry, so they hurried home.

Zhang Fangyuan got into the kitchen and watched Xu He stir-fry, and waited for his wife to fish a piece of meat for him to eat. Then he took a pair of bowls and chopsticks and opened the black pottery kimchi jar by the corner of the kitchen. There was a refreshing sour smell.

The peppers in the pot-bellied kimchi jar were bright red and shiny, the cowpea was soaked and raw, and the young **** was tender yellow. Xu He managed the kimchi jar very well, and there were no flowers in the jar water.

"The vegetables in the second jar were just put in today, so don't get it wrong. The vegetables in the third jar were soaked in radish two days ago. It's sour and crunchy."

"Aren't there radishes in the first jar? There are sauerkraut and cabbage stalks there too."

Xu He said: "It's been soaking for a long time. I only eat sour mouth, and save the usual stir-fry and stew."

"That's it." Zhang Fangyuan opened the third jar again, and scooped up some pickled **** and radish that he usually likes to eat. This season is just right for porridge.

Not to mention the other benefits of opening a tea shed in their family, but there are many choices of food for dinner every time. They often have porridge and cooked rice, and there are many dishes that can only be bought in the city and are not often cooked by farmers. Of course, the most important thing to eat is to see what ingredients are left on the day.

After the food was cooked, the four of them decided to eat at the table outside the tea shed, which was cool and bright outside.

"Brother Zhang, do you want to eat?"

Zhang Fangyuan heard the voice, it turned out to be Ao Er who I met in the city today: "Why are you here, kid? Are you willing to go back to the village?"

"I have to thank Brother Zhang for his righteous action today." Ao Er laughed and said, "I just want to come here to try my luck and see if there is any wine I can drink."

Zhang Fangyuan snorted softly: "You kid just woke up and missed it again."

"No, there just happened to be guests at home, and my mother asked me to come over and have a look, to entertain people."

Zhang Fangyuan didn't say anything when he heard the words, he took his flagon and went into the house to get some wine for him, and warned people: "If I continue to use my name to mess around in the city, I won't be so polite. It's easy to talk."

Ao Er scratched his head: "Don't dare again."

After drinking, Zhang Fangyuan collected fifteen Wen. Seeing the person who was inhaling the aroma of the food and was reluctant to leave, he didn't open his mouth to keep him for dinner. Seeing the person walking away, he shook his head helplessly, no wonder the people in the village didn't like him before, he was really messed up and disgusted.

"You know him?" Seeing him staring at him, Xu He couldn't help asking.

"Why don't the people in our village recognize it?" Zhang Fangyuan urged: "Eat. I have to arrange the tea shed after the meal. Now that there are too many things, it is definitely not enough to just lock the door. I have to bring the hunter's goods. This one is guarding against thieves. In addition, someone needs to guard it, so it’s better for the two of us and the second aunt to guard the tea shed instead.”

Xu He agreed that the villages around them were actually quite stable villages, and there were no vicious people. However, it is common for people to want to steal things. There was such a thing as the Guang family at first, so it is best to be on guard Yes, be prepared.

After a few days, Zhang Fangyuan has been doing small business in an orderly manner, and was never in a hurry to find out if Rose Water has become famous.

But this morning, not long after he left the stall, a young man came from Yunliang Pavilion, rubbed his hands and bowed to him, to inquire about Xianglu's arrival.