MTL - Rebirth Married The Control Group Fulang-Chapter 70

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Zhang Fangyuan rubbed his hands, and returned to Xu He in a fawning manner: "I'm not chasing her, I just want to chase her out and scold her."

Xu He tidied up the cash drawer: "Do you know what she said?"

"The old lady hated me for selling incense dew to her first, and now she came here just to get revenge, so she definitely won't say anything good."

Xu He narrowed his eyebrows slightly, no wonder the people in the flower building missed him and thought he was a weirdo. The thoughts in his mind really couldn't be judged by ordinary men.

"Don't worry, I don't even have such sharp eyesight. Even if I say something, I won't take it to heart. Miss Yin is very good, and she didn't say much."

Zhang Fangyuan frowned suspiciously: "Is that why you trust me?"

"It depends."

Zhang Fangyuan laughed wickedly.

After the end of autumn, it will be winter soon. The shop has been open for a full season. He withdrew the money to pay the rent of the shop for the next season. Unexpectedly, the landlord came to the door by himself, took some toothbrushes and tooth powder, and paid off part of it. rent.

Xu He counted the accounts. After working for three months, the shop's running water was astonishing. He carefully took out the account books and checked the calculations. It turned out that he had earned more than one hundred and fifty taels. The opening spent fifty taels, and this quarter also earned seventy taels.

This made him more at ease and happy than the windfall.

Yuan felt a little distressed and gave out more than 20 taels of rent all of a sudden, but seeing the huge profits, his heart was still fluttering. Even though he knew that this month he had taken advantage of the newly opened business and that the business would be so good that he might not be able to earn so much in the next quarter, he still felt that the two of them deserved a commendation.

So this morning, he got tougher again, generously allocated some money to Zhang Fangyuan to buy a few catties of mutton and haggis in the meat market, and the couple closed the shop early and went home.

After opening the door for business, the days are busy and busy, and I have to go out early and return late every day. I am not busy or busy, and I will stay here after I come to the shop.

But because of this, it also delayed the time to do other things. Zhang Fangyuan ran here and there every day, and Xu He stayed in the shop all the time.

The beginning of winter marks the beginning of another season, and the couple unanimously decided to save an hour’s worth of money and go home early to cook hot mutton. .

The two were sitting in the carriage, Xu He looked at the quality of the mutton in the basket, but he didn't worry too much. Zhang Fangyuan didn't pay much attention to other things, but he chose the ingredients carefully for food.

"Why did you only buy meat, and you didn't order any wine?"

Zhang Fangyuan smiled and said: "Isn't there a small wine for sale in the tea shed, just drink from your own."

Xu He put the basket on the back of the cart: "I always see you drinking small wine, you can also buy some big wine these days."

"Boss Xu is so proud today?" Zhang Fangyuan said with a smile: "Save more money, and drink lamb wine directly in the future."

The two looked forward to the future, and both had smiles on their faces.

After the beginning of winter, the wind was blowing, and Xiao Hei was not as fast as pulling heavy loads. The wind was blowing on his face, and he could not remember the fragrance of spring, nor the coolness of summer, but more severe cold, like a knife scraping on the skin. same face.

Zhang Fangyuan turned his head and glanced at Xu He, his face turned red when he saw him, just like when they were not married, but it was typhoid that day, and now he is fine.

At that time, he seemed to be a poor and stubborn boy.

He stretched out his hand to hold Xu He's hand, and it was really cold. He wrapped his hand in his palm: "It's getting colder day by day, and I saw that there are braziers in the shops today. Well, I don’t think it’s too cold, I’m afraid it’s easy to catch cold when I’m riding a scooter home and blowing the wind.”

"Just buy a carriage. We have horses. We just need to replace the carriage with a carriage."

Zhang Fangyuan thought about the more beautiful and western-looking carriages in the city. In summer, they are wooden and ventilated with gauze curtains, and in winter, they are wrapped up like a small house for warmth and harmlessness.

It's not just rich families who like to show off, more importantly, it is indeed more suitable for carrying people than their completely open carriages.

Xu He had never been in a carriage with a sedan chair. Although this was a horse-drawn carriage, it was not the kind of carriage in the city. To be precise, it should be called a horse-drawn carriage, but it was more than one or two grades worse.

"That's good, it can keep out the wind and rain, it's easy to use in winter and spring, and it's not a waste of money to prepare it. In the future, you will change the cart for the goods, and you will replace the carriage with people on weekdays."

Zhang Fangyuan replied: "Then I will go to the carriage and horse dealer in two days to have a look. Our Xiao Hei is young and strong, if we find a suitable mare, we can breed it."

"According to your."

Zhang Fangyuan looked at Xu He's belly, thought for a while and said: "I see your belly is getting bigger, and it's tiring to go out early and return late, even though it's not as good as a villager's little brother and a woman with a healthy body." People in the city are particular, but you still have to be careful. Otherwise, you can take good care of your baby at home and go to the shop in the city to worry about it every day."

Hearing this, Xu He put his palms on his stomach, his brows were slightly frowned, as the cub got bigger, he could feel more and more life in his stomach, and the little guy kicked him more and more frequently.

Although he is concerned about the business in the city, he also knows what is the most important right now.

He calculated that the child should be born in the spring of the next year, and then everything will be safe and there is no need to worry about business matters: "Okay, I'll listen to you."

Hearing the words, Zhang Fangyuan couldn't help but clenched Xiaohe's hand. He wanted to talk about it a long time ago, but he was afraid that he would listen too much, so he kept it in the way, and now he is willing to agree to it. Happy is relieved.

The tea shed where the couple went to cook, there were all kinds of dishes at the other end, and the pot needs to be cooked more to make it delicious.

Zhang Shiyue and He were in the tea shed, and the two children were still studying in the village school. Zhang Fangyuan sent Xu He to the tea shed to stay for a while, then went back to the village to bring his fourth uncle and two children over for dinner. The three dexterous people were busy with their work, and when Zhang Fangyuan followed them back, they almost happened to be in a hurry to eat.

"This year's Lidong is not too cold. It would be great if it is like this year after year. The most fearful thing is the cold."

The tea shed was already out of business at this point, and the three of them just started making dinner.

The dishes that Mrs. He washed in front of the stove were all fresh things from the field, such as pea tips, small green vegetables, radishes and winter melons, and a few young winter bamboo shoots. After eating well in the evening, everyone was very happy, and they became more interested in chatting.

Zhang Shiyue is in charge of handling haggis, thin slices of mutton, and she also said: "No, it's too cold and the cost is much more than in warm winter. You have to prepare thick mattresses and jackets, and the charcoal is burned more than usual. Too much, it was dark and early, and it was covered with heavy snow every day, so I couldn’t go out to do anything, and I was bored in the house all day, and the lamp oil money was expensive.”

"That's right, there was a big snow that year, and charcoal fires were expensive. Fortunately, the family collected firewood and burned some charcoal fires after the busy farming season. Otherwise, I really don't know how to survive the winter. There are a lot of charcoal fires in the village. They sold charcoal in the city, but it didn’t cost less money, and they were lazy, otherwise our family could earn some money that year.”

Xu He listened to the two talking about the past. He was peeling garlic to make a saucer. The mutton was smelly. Put it in Shaquille and mash it with sour, it is really spicy and fragrant, the mutton is dipped in some spicy peppers, and it makes your mouth water.

"Yesterday, all the eggs in the chicken coop at home were hatched by the old hen. Xiaomao played around them for a long time. Yesterday Fei Xiucai wanted to avoid writing the words arranged by Fei Xiucai."

"Auntie Si, have your chickens hatched?"

Xu He heard the two talking about this again, and raised his head under the stove to ask.

"Yeah, very well-behaved."

Xu He said: "The few poultry we raised before were bought from the city. The chickens can't grow up to the ducks. The ducks are as big as three or four catties, and they are stuffed when they walk. The chickens are still so small. , the hairs are uneven. I thought about taking ducks and hatching a brood of ducklings."

"Okay, I still have duck eggs that can hatch, you can come and get them tomorrow."

Xu He nodded: "Okay."

The two women were interrupted by his voice, so the topic inevitably fell on him.

"Brother, I see that you have a good pregnancy. Your belly is a little bigger than usual for this month's brother. It should be a son. It's not that we care about boys and girls. In fact, both boys and girls love mothers and dads. Some men still make trouble because they want a son."

Xu He threw firewood into the stove, and said with a smile, "Ah Yuan told me that both sons, daughters and younger brothers are fine."

The two women also laughed: "It's the best for Ah Yuan to think so. The old Zhang family has more children except for the eldest family. The next few brothers and sisters will not have many children. I only have one little brother." Son, your second aunt also only has one girl. Just point to how many more children you can have in A Yuan's life, and your first child, whether it's a boy or a girl, is fine."

Zhang Shiyue said: "Yes, as long as he is a caring child, he will be loved."

"Don't worry about what those gossiping women in the village say, just go in one ear and out the other. They always like to stare at good people and watch the excitement."

Xu He felt warm in his heart.

When Zhang Fangyuan and his two children and Zhang Shicheng came over, it was already dark. The days are short in winter, and it’s early when it’s dark. Before reaching the tea shed, two children sitting opposite each other at the back of the cart took a long breath: "It smells so good!"

"Two little monkeys, the price of mutton is twice as much as that of pork, isn't it delicious?" Zhang Shicheng also laughed, and today he went to the bamboo forest to dig winter bamboo shoots, but he didn't get much bamboo shoots, but he was still waiting. Had a good meal.

Several people got off the cart and got into the stove without coincidence, and the room was filled with the smell of warm mutton.

The mutton bones boiled a white soup in the pot. When Xu He saw that the person had returned, he took out the pot, put charcoal in it and lit it. Zhang Fangyuan, the magistrate, brought the pot into the nave, and the two women scooped the soup, bones and meat from the pot into a small open pot and put it on the boiler.

"Wash your hands and eat!"

Zhang Fangyuan went to buy some small wine: "Si Bo, today I will buy some small wine for you to drink at 20 Wen a catty, don't say that I am stingy and bought it for 8 Wen."

Everyone in the room laughed, and everyone sat around together, their faces flushed from the steaming mutton soup.

Zhang Fangyuan put slices of extremely thin mutton into the pot, and the bright red mutton immediately changed color and rolled up, dipped in some garlic paste and spicy sauce, and stuffed it into his mouth. The beautiful person couldn't sleep all night . Everyone drank the soup first, and he couldn't bear the soup, so he was busy eating meat. He was laughed at for eating, but he was not annoyed. Instead, he gave Xu He a few slices of mutton.

Xiaomao said, "Cousin always only picks up vegetables for my sister-in-law."

Xu He's ears turned red when he said that, and Zhang Fangyuan didn't want to sell food for the children. Instead, he said: "It's too early to get you food, just wait."

Xiaomao also blushed when she was told, and went to drink the soup with her head down, which made everyone laugh again.

Xu He felt that the family was very good and had a big appetite, but he only ate a few pieces of meat.

Although mutton is delicious, it is easy to get angry. He has a body and dare not eat more, but he boiled a lot of vegetable leaves. The bean sharps were scooped up as soon as they were put into the pot, and they were just raw but not soft. They were crunchy, sweet and fragrant, and he liked the taste very much.

The family ate for nearly an hour before they left. When they returned home, Zhang Fangyuan raised his whip and could not exhaust his energy. He didn't feel cold when the night wind was blowing.