MTL - Rebirth Married The Control Group Fulang-Chapter 8

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"He Geer, why did you come back so late?"

"If it's raining, make dinner earlier if you have nothing to do."

"I hurt my leg when I went up the mountain to collect firewood, and it was a bit chilly in the rain. I need to wash and clean up."

Xu's mother looked at the person who came back with a half-empty basket on his back. His whole body was wet by the rain. After going out for a long time, he finally came back with some palm coats. She didn't say anything, but her eyes flicked back and forth. Sweeping the back basket, the meaning is more obvious than opening his mouth directly.

"Who doesn't suffer from three disasters and six pains? It's easy to get wind and cold in winter. Doesn't your second sister have some coughs before? It's normal. I don't want to worry about it."

"Look at you, you are such a big kid, you still don't know how to chop firewood, your knee fell, and you got such a big hole in your trousers. Our family is not a wealthy family. We usually take care of our clothes. The whole family People's clothes belong to you, the fastest and most damaged, your father is not as good as you."

Xu He listened to every sentence of loving mother's concern, but he didn't care about himself at all. Thinking of the second sister's oily skin, she was like an ant in a hot pot. On the other hand, her calm attitude towards him made him I really didn't want to say much, so I dragged my injured leg back to the house to deal with it.

Dinner was late at night, and all three of the family of four were complaining and blaming.

Over the years, he thought that he had settled his position in that family long ago, and his heart was as hard and cold as iron, but iron would also burn when it was heated.

Sitting on the stool, recalling the whole story of his injury, he lowered his head slightly, unable to restrain the tears in his eyes.

"Is it so uncomfortable? The doctor will be here soon."

Zhang Fangyuan looked at the little brother who was hugging his knees and was about to form a ball. His thin back was trembling slightly. He knew that people were in a bad mood. He seldom spoke soft words and was not good at coaxing people. He urged the doctor boy to arrange it quickly.

The doctor boy saw that he lowered his head and talked softly with his little brother, but when he raised his head, he looked ferocious, and sighed that the speed of changing his face was hindered by the fact that the man gave money and was strong, so the doctor boy had to go again to see if the doctor had finished treating the previous one. .

"The doctor is well, this gentleman, you can take the patient to see a doctor."

Hearing the words, Zhang Fangyuan leaned down to help Xu He: "Can you still stand up?"

Xu He quickly wiped his eyes, propped himself up on the stool, Zhang Fangyuan still helped his wrist, an old doctor in the consultation room was writing a prescription, and watched the two come in and say hello to sit down.

The doctor glanced at the patient, and then at the tall and burly Zhang Fangyuan. He looked familiar, as if he often saw him coming to the clinic to get medicine for bruises and bones for a while.

But he doesn't specialize in muscles and bones, and he doesn't know the name of this person: "What kind of patient are you?"

He looked at Zhang Fangyuan, glanced at Brother He and asked.

"I'm his elder brother. A while ago, my younger brother went up the mountain to cut firewood and injured his leg, and got caught in the rain. It's windy and cold. Please take a look at the doctor."

The old doctor responded, checked the pulse as usual, and asked He Ge'er to roll up his trousers to look at the wound on his knee.

"Ah, the wound has been there for several days. I haven't bandaged it and applied medicine, but I haven't paid attention to rest? It's all inflamed, and I don't blame you for typhoid fever. The rain is one end, and the wound infection will also cause fever."

The old doctor looked at the pitiful little brother and knew the sufferings of the people in the countryside. He has never seen any suffering in his life of practicing medicine, so he turned his head and blamed the tall and strong boy behind: "How many people in the family can't do it?" You shouldn’t let the injured do it after all, if you don’t take good care of your body, the loss outweighs the gain, can you still work hard after the root of the disease has fallen?”

Zhang Fangyuan nodded: "What the doctor said is true."

Xu He frowned, he didn't expect Zhang Fangyuan to be so cooperative.

The old doctor saw that Zhang Fangyuan was quite sincere, so he stopped chattering, and said: "Now the old man will prescribe some wound medicine. Your wound needs to be treated again now. Medicine should be taken immediately. You can't be sloppy anymore. Prescribe another Take the medicine for typhoid fever twice a day when you go home, and you will be healthy in a short time.

After the prescription was written, the doctor gave it to Zhang Fangyuan and asked him to go out to get the medicine.

Xu He watched the person go out, and then he expressed his concerns, and asked the doctor about the cost of the consultation in a low voice.

The old doctor stretched his eyelids: "Our Shencaotang is a century-old pharmacy in Siyang City. It is not a small pharmacy that is scammed. The price is very fair and will not charge you randomly. Besides, don't worry, your elder brother is not here. place, you don’t need to pay for it.”

It would be even more embarrassing for Xu He to say that, and it would be hard to say that Zhang Fangyuan is not his brother, and it would only increase misunderstandings by then.

Zhang Fangyuan moved quickly, and it may be that Yaotong was afraid of his swiftness, and within a quarter of an hour, he took the medicine back. There were not only plasters for external application, but also typhoid medicine for internal use. Several large bags were worn with hemp rope. with.

The doctor disinfected He Ge'er's wound, scraped off the carrion that had not been treated these days, and then applied the medicine to the wound. He Geer can bear the pain very well, but the doctor is getting old, and his movements are a little slow. The carrion scraped him from time to time, and the pain made him gasp. After the medicine was applied, the hot legs felt cool, which relieved some pain.

"Don't let the wound get wet. After you go back, you have to change the dressing every day. Your knee is only hurting the skin and not the bones. As long as you use the medicine properly, it will scab over in a few days."

"Yes." Xu He honestly agreed: "Thank you doctor."

The wound was bandaged for a stick of incense, and Xu He didn't hear Zhang Fangyuan's words on the way, thinking that he had left. When he got up and turned around after bandaging, he saw the butcher standing quietly at the door again, following the New Year stickers. Same as door god.

When he walked over, the door **** suddenly pulled out a bunch of candied haws from his arms as if by magic.

Xu He was stunned, staring blankly at the bunch of sugar-coated hawthorns, which were red in color and crystal clear in sugar coating.

The old doctor smiled: "The child clamored for adults to buy candy after seeing the doctor, but your brother doesn't want you to be coaxed."

Xu He blushed, and was embarrassed to pick up the child's things, but the butcher stuffed them into the palm of his hand: "Mr. Xie, let's go."

"I will pay you back the money for today's consultation."

After leaving the door of the hospital, Xu He spoke righteously.

Zhang Fangyuan didn't shirk it, he knew that Xu He wanted to be strong, and the two of them were not related, so this was the best way: "As you like. It's a total of sixty-five coins, don't worry about giving it to me, just give it when you have money." .”

Xu He's flesh hurt a bit, but looking at the large and small packages of medicine, in fact, what the doctor said was to the point, and it was not expensive. As long as the injury can be cured, the money is well spent.

After the two went out, they were silent and did not speak, and went straight to the outside of the city gate. Xu He didn't intend to be brave when he went back this time. Just feel sorry for yourself.

The ox cart master hadn't come yet, and Zhang Fangyuan happened to be waiting for Chen Si in the tea shed, so he waited together.

Brother He watched Zhang Fangyuan mention a lot of things, and it was rare for him to take the initiative to ask: "I heard you are getting married?"

Zhang Fangyuan was a little surprised how Xu He knew, but thinking of Chen Si's words, he felt normal again: "I haven't made up my mind, I bought things first and went to have a look. Most of the people who look at each other don't succeed, like me. , it's even more difficult."

"You are sincere, you won't."

Zhang Fangyuan glanced at Xu He, and said with a negligent smile, "Really?"

On a whim, he took out the box and pushed it towards Xu He: "Look, do you like it?"

Xu He lowered his eyes, looked at the exquisite and beautiful jewelry box, and looked forward to it. When the gift box was opened, four big and round red flowers were eye-catching. , very festive."

Zhang Fangyuan was very happy when he heard the words: "Congratulations! I let the second brother choose."

Xu He wanted to euphemistically remind the young girl that she might not like it very much, but there was a shout from a distance: "Drawn cart, cart! Is there anyone going!"

He got up quickly: "I'll go back first."

Zhang Fangyuan nodded: "Go back."

Xu He waved to the driver of the ox cart, walked over step by step, and turned back halfway: "Thank you."

Zhang Fangyuan shook his head with a smile.

Not long after the ox cart left, Zhang Fangyuan drank a cup of tea in the tea shed, and Chen Si came back with the things his family told him to buy, and the two returned to the village together.

It wasn't too late to return to the village. After lunch, Zhang Fangyuan returned home and Mrs. He was already waiting at the door. When he saw someone coming back, he hurriedly greeted him: "Is everything ready?"

Zhang Fangyuan nodded, He's beaming: "Then we will go there this afternoon, it's just right."

Zhang Fangyuan was slightly taken aback: "In such a hurry?"

"Silly boy, wouldn't it be better to get things done sooner?"

Zhang Fangyuan laughed.

Mrs. He combed her hair and tidied up her whole body. Zhang Fangyuan also went into the house and changed clothes. The two packed up their gifts and went to Guang's house at the village boundary.

It has only been a few years since the Guang family moved to Jijiu Village, and they live far away. They are at the border of the two villages, and they are not close to the people in the two villages. It is rare for anyone to have a wedding or funeral. Someone called this family.

Everyone didn't know much about the Guang family, they only knew that the couple looked honest and didn't talk too much when they met, so they didn't show any hostility or exclusion towards the new household, and they would still be polite when they met.

He and Zhang Shicheng, as Zhang Fangyuan's elders, felt that since there was nothing good to say in the village, Shangguang's family was also good. After all, they were all from the same village, and they were close to each other, so there was nothing wrong with it. Yes, it's easier than the far village.

As the two were walking on the road, Mrs. He said happily, "Your uncle means that Ruoxiang sees it, and then we will have a big event. It will be lively and lively, and everyone in the village will come to have a drink."


The two were looking forward to good things, but within half an hour they saw the Guang family on the border from a distance. The houses in the countryside are all covered with mud and thatched roofs. Those with better conditions have tile roofs, and the better ones have stone roofs. There are only three or two families in Jijiu Village with such courage.

In fact, the Zhang family has several uncles, and they are also known as famous families in the village. For example, his uncle's house and the sixth uncle's house are built with tile-roofed houses, which are the portals of the middle and upper classes.

If it wasn't for Zhang Fangyuan not doing a proper job and doing a decent job in the city, making money today and spending it today, if he managed to get married earlier in the village, he might be able to squeeze into the upper-middle class, but now there is nothing like a piece of paper. Reservoir dogs.

But now he has devoted himself to correcting it, and after reassuring his fourth uncle again and again, his fourth uncle said that the future can be expected.

And this Guang family is obviously a lower-class family. It can be seen from the small dilapidated house. There are many children, but no one has a big future. Life is very difficult. It is precisely because he is poor, otherwise he would not choose Zhang Fangyuan as a villager.

"Here we come! Here comes the blind date!"

The youngest son of the Guang family was playing with grass and insects on the fence, and seeing the two people coming along the mountain path, he hurriedly shouted and ran into the house.

Hearing the sound, Guang's mother came out to open the gate of the courtyard. The fifth girl, who was seeing each other this time, was a little nervous and impatient, so she peeked at the door half hidden.

She had heard from the matchmaker that she was a butcher, strong and tall, and her mother had told her for a long time that although a butcher was fierce but skilled, it was a good choice, and she was prepared in her heart.

But when she looked at the man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, broad shoulders and head held high, the girl was still a little timid.

This man was upright and even handsome, but he was too strong. If he had a bad temper, he could kill him with just two fists.

She felt a little discouraged, it can be seen that the man's clothes are very good, but he brought a lot of things when he came to see him, and he owed it in his heart.

The Zhang family is generally a big family in the village, and their family situation is much better than theirs. After they get married, they will definitely not have to continue to eat bran and swallow vegetables at home, which really moved her.

Furthermore, the family is really in a difficult situation now. The second elder brother is old and has not yet found a girl and the younger brother. He was injured when he went out to work a while ago, and he has to pay for medicine. I'm afraid I won't be able to survive.

Getting married is the best choice for her, since she can live better and the family can get some money.