MTL - Rebirth Merchant: Wonderful Space Hunting for Military Officer-Chapter 753 Listen to me this time

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The core team of Qin Zhan's secret research and development of science and technology are the left and right arms that have followed him for many years. The number is not large, but they have deep feelings for each other.

What they are most curious about and often research is the relationship history of their own boss. Unfortunately, for so many years, as far as they know, Qin Zhan, besides not being a girlfriend, is that the sheets are spotlessly clean.

For a long time, they were worried and worried that their boss had a problem with their sexuality. They did not seek a woman because they secretly loved their brother for years.

All on a certain day and a certain day, they collectively wrote a joint letter to their boss, stating that they could accept the maximum tolerance for confession and proper communication for the happiness of the boss.

Within a year after that, they had suffered unprecedented exploitation and crushing, and they didn't even have time to roll their own sheets.

So after that, everyone seemed to have become accustomed to Qin Zhan, a state where I did not eat.

There was an urgent news from the Tianying group, announcing that his boss had married an 18-year-old sister-in-law with a thunderbolt, and the company had already distributed a small sister-in-law brochure on the same day, plus a huge poster hanging Use the front door as a facade. Try to see it every day, you can catch the target at a glance.

They never thought that Xiao Xunzi's first public appearance would be on such an occasion.

The surroundings are dark, the sky is still raining, the girl is stepping on the mud, and the wet horse is leading the horse. The powerful breath of the horse is like a girl's heart that kills a man, even the delicate features seem to lose attention. value.

Later, when she saw her magical work, the employees of the company were anxious to immediately jump up to shake hands and ask for a signature.

But before the idea was realized, they saw their boss was beaten, and it was not the kind of punch that punched your big chest. They punched him in the past, and even Qin Zhan, who was a special soldier, took a step back, and then they were shocked When his eyes were widened, his boss was kissed again.

The one-meter-nine-year-old was pulled by the collar, Qiang X. Because Song Ye's temperament was too strong, he had no sense of disobedience.

Then there was a **** order to interrupt the legs. Their hearts had risen and fell and felt very irritated. If their boss got angry, he would go up and hug his thigh, and go up and hug his arm to block.

However, after waiting for a long time, it was actually the one who saw his boss smiled, and laughed especially.

The crowd opened their mouths and their chins fell to the ground. They felt that the three views had been shocked by the earthquake wave, and they could not return to God for a long time.

After a long period of analysis and research, they came to a conclusion.

His boss is not that neither men nor women eat, but hides a young girl's heart conquered by an overbearing female CEO.

Of course, these are the last words. Now that the scene is in shock, the two parties have separated as usual and began to talk in secret.

"What's the situation here?" Song Ye's eyes turned to the other side where he was punching a deep hole with a machine. At this moment, the feet should be where the strange stones are. The stones are ten meters down. depth.

"Send someone down, but the results are not very good." Qin Zhan's face was a little dignified and he pursed his lips, and then he said something bad. "Ordinary people can't get closer to different stones. The seven families The person who was able to get close to it should be selected. "

Originally their task was very simple. When the machine hit a ten-meter cave, there was not even a little movement. You only need to let the bomber blow down after the cave is set, and retreat when the time is set.

But people screamed less than a few minutes before they arrived, and the nearby guards came quickly. They had no time to evacuate and could only resist in place.

According to Song Ye's and Qin Zhan's analysis, the alien stone was powerful and had a great impact on the psionicists. When the seven brothers approached, there was nothing at all, so they decided to use ordinary people to perform this task. .

But now the situation has changed again. Qin Zhan's men are dead. It can be seen that ordinary people and abilities can be attacked by different stones. At first, the seven brothers got this strange stone. Yes, or we have documented a loophole.

Nothing can be done today.

In front of them are thousands of horses and horses, and behind them are swallowing strange stones. The situation they face at this time is very bad.

Qin Zhan held Song Ye's hand tightly and whispered to her: "Let the disciples of Shao family protect you, I will go down in person."

In fact, Song Ye had already made this decision before he came.

However, "No." Song Ye's expression became stiff, and his tone began to harden again.

The strength of the strange stone, she deeply understands, Qin Zhan continued to be fierce.

Although she was selfish, she had not yet reached the point where her beloved would die.

"Except this time!" For the first time, Qin Zhan couldn't restrain the emotion and growled, he held the cold hand in the palm of his hand, staring at the increasingly pale face in front of him, his throat like a tight string, Except this time, I will listen to you for everything after that. "

Just this time ...

Song Ye had a hard time seeing this man's fragile side. Since he was sick for so long, the man has always cared for her with great care and care, even in his free time, he has never been sad or depressed.

This was the first time that Qin Zhan was so low-hearted that she only asked her to listen to him this time.

However, "If I agree, is there any more between us?" Song Ye's mouth cracked a bitter smile. She was not optimistic, and she would not deceive herself. She couldn't believe Qin Zhan like a silly white sweet This time I can really come back safely.

Feeling the choke in her voice, Qin Zhan reached out and held her in her arms, hugging her tightly, as if hugging the world, "But, Xiaoye, I don't want to wake up tomorrow and see you."

I don't want to sleep next to myself tomorrow. It's a cold you, without breathing, without heartbeat, never looking at me coldly, and never smiling at me provocatively.

What I want is a living person.

They are all too clear that Song Ye's body can't afford another drowsiness attack. This is the deadline. If there is no way to blow up the alien stone or the alien stone cannot cure the genetic disease, then Song Ye cannot see the dawn. Of the sun.

Therefore, even if it is just a chance, Qin Zhan will try and fight for this opportunity.

"If you can't live tomorrow, I will die with you today."

So please listen to me this time, this time.

Qin Zhan let go of the last ruthless words, showing that he was unswerving, and even Song Ye couldn't shake it.