MTL - Rebirth Merchant: Wonderful Space Hunting for Military Officer-Chapter 780 Alliance good friends

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To say that Yin Hengyang is also an unlucky child. He fell in love with others in the first love, and was pitted with heart shadows. Later, he finally fell in love with Song Ye, but ended up failing without love. In this young age, It's full of cups.

So when faced with Hao Tian's pursuit, how much resisted and evasive he was, and he was a little delusional.

A good-looking girl, with a good body and a high status, why can't you just make a public statement to yourself?

Yin Hengyang, who has always been accustomed to taking the initiative, wanted to escape subconsciously, and he fled for three years.

On the same day, the two of them didn't eat anything at the hot pot restaurant, so they drank Erguotou. The two hundred and fifty Yin Hengyang didn't know to stop the girls, but instead blew the bottle together.

Hao Tianhao, who was half drunk, put down his glass and his cheeks were red. "Did you say that I was easy, my first love met a male version of Song Ye. Who can dislike her, and only touch it when you are stupid and devoted?" To the body structure is the same as mine. "

"Yes." The other side, Yin Hengyang, also quickly entered a drunk state. He was intentionally drunk. At this moment, sadness and alcohol had collapsed, and his consciousness collapsed by seven or eight points. I am worse than you. I have no chance to speak up, and I am lost in love without notice. "

Hearing that, Hao Tian laughed wildly, without the image of a lady. "Hahaha, who made you a two hundred and fifty, I think you are the second when you first meet, but the two are cute, like Husky."

Yin Hengyang waved his face and rejected, "Go and go, you are like a dog."

"Hehe ..." Hao Tian chuckled silly, then suddenly looked at him with bright eyes, "Or let's alliance, in order not to let more innocent compatriots be scourged by Song Ye, let's join hands and firmly not let any creatures approach she was."

"Okay, that's a good idea. Come, get another cup." Yin Hengyang raised the other person as a brother, and when he joined Song Ye to deal with Song Ye, he was enthusiastic.

I did n’t know how much they drank. Anyway, the two woke up from the hotel the next day, and they had already cooked rice with cooked rice. Hao Tian was so colorful that Yin Hengyang couldn't avoid reality.

After waiting for him to finish, Hao Tian opened his eyes, and the man said in particular, "Last night, I worked hard for the past three years.

It is cost-effective to use Yin Hengyang's boy for three years in pursuit of the loss fee.

Although these two hundred and fifty are simple, they did not reach the point of an idiot, and they were told to be responsible on the spot. Regardless of whether Hao Tian agreed or disagreed, he took people to the Hao family and hired them openly.

In fact, after thinking about it, Song Ye was like the white moonlight cinnabar mole in their hearts. Although it was beautiful, it was not real. It was okay to think about it.

However, this incident has become the dark history of the two, and when they encounter Song Ye, they will think of the calculation after drinking, and they can't help but panic.

"The wedding is about to begin, let's go." Song Ye didn't look at the nine in the hearts of the two, glanced around, and found that they were noisy.

The two fighting in the house were blushing and walking behind as they saw the kindergarten teacher. They did not dare to talk to Song Ye at all.

Life has always been so noisy and stumbling, like Hao Tian and Yin Hengyang, they have also matured on the road of growth and held each other hands.

At the wedding, Xiao Ke also brought a young girlfriend over, and the first sentence he introduced was Song Ye, "This is my boss."

I didn't hear that it was an ex-girlfriend, the cute girl was relieved and roused Song Yeqing with a smile.

Xiao Ke saw a faint nostalgia in her eyes. In fact, he missed it too. He missed the lush years, young and frivolous. He was windy on the mountain road, and the cars were speeding. They ran freely on the road.

In a blink of an eye, everyone grew up, with more responsibilities in life, and more able to guard the people around them and manage their own happiness.

This wedding was the marriage of Yaowangtang and Yin's family. Not only the people from the association came to participate, but also the Wujia Wuguan attended the seats early.

Wu Yi has abdicated, Wu Xinxin finally became the museum owner with her own efforts, and Song Ye did not pry away his ancestor's foundation, and later turned into a cooperation model with Wu Guan.

Wu Xinxin also married Tan Rui long ago, even the children were five or six years old, and when Hao Tian was a little flower girl, the naughty look seemed to be enough for her mother.

"I heard that this baby girl is the first in this year's juvenile class. All the children of the same age in the martial arts have given her a kick."

"Hey, you don't have to look at who it is. The Wu family's owner is in the martial arts for seven or eight months. He compares with others in the martial arts. The child was born across the belly to learn."

... Song Ye heard the gossip not far away and turned his head around Wu Xinxin with interest, "You look pretty happy."

Daughters have been said to be violent. Being a mother is really big-hearted and not worried.

"I am honored." Wu Xinxin raised her chin's pride, and ignored the bitter smile of Rui Rui, who was a dad.

"Be careful not to marry." Over the years, Song Ye has gradually become angry and can't help laughing.

"Cut, just those little fat guys with three-legged cat kung fu, I'm not happy yet." Wu Xinxin snorted twice, and suddenly looked up as if she remembered something, "But when Tianle came over last time, my girl The whole thing is like a lady's lady who is not at the door. I said, should we order a baby? "

Song Ye glanced at her, daring to lose sight of others just now, she already had a goal, but Song Ye asked, "You are a bit late to sign up, and there are ten candidates ahead."

Qin Tianle, a little devil, is more popular than just his parents and mothers. Those who are going to have a baby in the past two years are almost breaking the threshold.

No one knows his children, and Song Ye is no exception.

Wu Xinxin was half-dead and she confessed her teeth. Who made her daughter like it?

To say that among these lovers, Shao Yichen and Zhou Qingqing belonged to the most upset and the most upset.

In recent years, family affairs have been handed over to An Mo, and Shao Yichen moved to Yunhua, Shishi, next to them. Nothing happened to go to the place where Song Ye lived. It can also be regarded as a father who can make up for the shortcomings.

This time the wedding was also held in Shishi. The whole process was handled by Tang Yixiao, and everything from scale to details was perfect.

One is his own father, and the other is the master sister of the same door. Song Ye flew back to help after staying in Beijing for a short time.

In the end, everything was done, and she became a shopkeeper, and she showed up on the wedding day.