MTL - Rebirth: Noble Woman, Poisonous Concubine-Chapter 16 , White cloak

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"You're here just right! His Highness is not a solution to this entanglement. Xiaojiu didn't recruit him. He dared to make Xiaojiu like this. Xiaojiu is your niece. Come on! "

The old lady was so angry that she dragged Xiao Huan for a while.

As Fan's scalp tightened, the matter became more and more difficult. Opening his mouth, the old lady glared, and even mockingly spoke, Fan's face was hot.

"If some people want to be as stiff as Xiao Jiu, why others would step down the reputation of Xiangfu under his feet, hum!"

Right frowning, "Mother, son go into the palace."

The old lady's jaw turned, and the right-hander turned and left, angry.

At this time, Xiao Ruo rushed out and stopped the right phase boldly.

"Father, don't do that. Your Highness Three is unconscious and unconscious. What is wrong with him?"

Xiao Ruo's words fell directly to Xiao Yan.

"Sister Nine, is not your sister. You and His Royal Highness have a marriage contract with you. Your sister is willing to give up your concubine. After all, Your Royal Highness is a prince. The royal family loses its face and will only make the father's reputation even worse. Suppressed, my sister is willing to do anything! "

Xiao Ruo swooped on his knees, his face absolutely.

"If sister!" Fanshi took the lead in returning, "What are you doing? Have something to say."

The old lady was also shocked, but did not expect Xiao Ruo to come back so much, holding Xiao Yue's hand back.

Xiao Yan hooked her lips, and it goes without saying that it must have been the concubine's courage to persuade Xiao Ruo and give her a lot of benefits.

What Xiao Ruo said was as if Xiao Yan did not agree that he would push the right side into the fire pit. If he hadn't heard it in the past life.

Xiao Yan's face was pale and he clenched the old lady's arm, his soft voice trembling slightly.

"Grandmother, the daughter-in-law of the house, the five sisters have three children of his highness, so they will treat Xiaojiu like this, is it true?"

"Sister Nine, don't believe rumors, nothing."

Xiao Ruo hurriedly explained, unexpectedly Xiao Yan pinched her weakness.

Xiao Xun was still a stunned and injured, and the next moment he was weak. Fortunately, Ruan Xun's hand quickly supported him.

The old lady was startled. "Come on, please go to the doctor."

The old lady asked several girls to help Xiao Yan enter the room, rushing up in anger, angrily glaring at Xiao Ruo.

Xiao Ruo suddenly had a bad consciousness and shrank his neck.


The old lady snapped, "Don't call me grandmother. I don't have a shameless granddaughter like you. I lost all of Xiao's face, my dear Lord, His Highness the Third High, and insulted my Xiao family again and again, even if he is a prince This fairness, I will sue to the Golden Temple even if I die! "

Xiao Ruo hesitated, Xiangfu and Lianye Ye tore her face, which embarrassed her most. In the future, even if she became the third princess, she could no longer look up, anxious.

The old lady narrowed her eyes coldly. "This house is under my control for the time being. If you don't teach well, I don't mind teaching myself!"

Fan's heart was shocked. The old lady was anxious, and she was furious and helpless. They were also grandparents, so the difference was so big.

"Mother, I will definitely train my sister."

Fan is not a person at home and abroad, and it is no one who helps. If you help Xiao Ruo, it will provoke the disapproval of the grandfather and the old lady.

The old lady hummed heavily.

At this time, a small cricket stepped forward, "back to the old lady, my dear, Xiao Qihou outside the door to see."

"Xiao Qihou? What is he doing here?" Right Xiang frowned. "Please come in first."


After a while, Xiaoqihou stepped in, followed by a man, holding a white cape in his hand. The woman was wearing it at first glance, and the old lady glanced slightly, only to feel familiar.

"Old lady, that's Miss Nine's cloak." Ruan Yue whispered in the old lady's ear.

The old lady jumped heartily when she heard that.

"Right phase, this is all a misunderstanding. On that day's trip to the Jokhang Temple, Inuzi met Miss Fu Shangjiu. Inuzi has always been good with His Royal Highness. Therefore, His Royal Highness has the beauty of a gentleman. I did not expect to cause such a big misunderstanding."

"Sir Lord, I brought the dog today, it was punishment or punishment, it's all up to you, just don't delay the big things of these children."

As soon as Xiao Qihou came up, he explained the reason. His Royal Highness did not marry Xiao Yue. It was entirely because Xiao Yue had contacted Xiao Fei's eldest son Su Fei, so he gave up Xiao Yue and married Xiao Ruo.

This move has built up the reputation of the three His Highnesses.

Su Fei bent over and arched his hand. "Please be perfect, Su Fei is willing to hire Miss Xiao Jiu with the gift of his wife."

Su Fei was wearing an ink-colored gown and stood still in the hall. Her temperament was indifferent, her lips were slightly pursed, her posture was awesome, and Su Fei's reputation in Kyoto was not bad.

His looks are very handsome, and it is one of the women most want to marry in Kyoto.

The situation suddenly turned around like this. The old lady froze. If she changed to Su Fei, the old lady would feel good, at least better than His Highness Three, but only a little displeased. How come talents come to this point?

Right Xiang squinted his eyes, his eyes flashed with a sharp flash of light, and Shen said, "Houye, things have passed so many days, and the city is full of storms. Houye just came out, isn't it a bit late? "

Xiaoqi Hou Weiyi was a little embarrassed and smiled. "The grandfather must not blame him. This is not Hou's house. The reputation of the women's house is important. Isn't that afraid of Miss Xiao Jiu's reputation."

Xiao Qi Hou originally wanted to say that Su Fei didn't know Xiao Yue at all, and swallowed it again when he got to his mouth. The more he said in front of the right phase, the more mistakes he made.

Right and left, Xiao Chen, the daughter-in-law, couldn't run, so let the right-hander fight for Su Fei to get angry.

The right eyebrow raised her eyebrows, and Xiaoyan said again.

"Sir, there are three young masters outside, and you have a cape in your hand to meet him."

Right frowning, "Three?"

Xiao Yan nodded, Xiao Qiuhou's face suddenly became ugly, and Su Fei, his expression was a bit unnatural.

The right phase tilted his eyes to Xiaoqihouhou, and then Shen said, "Both bring in this phase."

After a while, the three men quarreled and walked in, holding a white cloak in their hands, exactly like Su Fei's.

"You are all fake, mine is true."

"Nonsense, it's my real thing, obviously I saved Miss Xiao Jiu."

"Don't bother to fight. As soon as Miss Xiao Jiu comes out, will the truth be revealed soon? The fake will not be true."

The three came to the right and frowned, "What do you guys mean?"

"Xiangye, this is the case. In the next few days, I accidentally picked up a cape in Meilin of the Jokhang Temple, with the nine characters embroidered on it. Isn't the nine characters the name of Miss Xiao Jiu?"

"Nonsense, my dear, don't listen to him nonsense, I met Miss Jiu in Meilin. Miss Ji accidentally slipped, down ..."

"Presumptuous!" The right-handed man was fierce, showing his majesty, and the three were shocked.

"Who allows you to ruin the reputation of the maid of honor, come here, drag the lord out and fight!"

The right-handed moustache shook up and down.