MTL - Rebirth of a Supermodel-Chapter 149

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Under the bright and bright lights, everyone held their breath and looked forward to the debut of the slender woman.

When Mudley Joyce’s glamorous face appeared in the eyes of everyone, I didn’t know who was low and “snapped”, then everyone raised the SLR camera in his hand and continued to shoot “咔嚓咔嚓” stand up.

Immediately after that, everything seemed to have no special changes. Just like other guests, Ming Yu and Mudley joined hands on the red carpet, sometimes stopped and followed the reporters' requirements.

Such a scene is uncommon in the ramer charity gala. However, compared with the shock that was given to the previous Ming Dynasty, even if these reporters did not say, their performance has already proved their attitude.

As the so-called hope is big, how big is disappointment.

In general, because men's dresses are difficult to change in design, when men go to the red carpet, they tend to be a little less eye-catching than women. Because the ladies' dresses are from the skirt design, skirts, skirts, skirt collars, there are too many things to write.

Therefore, Ms. Gaoding's dress wants to show beauty, it is still relatively easy; and the men's high-dressing dress wants to show something unique, it really stumps many top design masters.

However, in this basic gap between the Scorpio, everyone agrees that the dress of the Ming Dynasty is really a level better than that of Mudley!

Although Mudley's dress is obviously also a big deal, but compared with the female models and actresses who appeared before, she can only be regarded as a law-abiding, really not very good. However, this dress of Ming Yu is really amazing, and even many reporters are thinking: In the next few years, will you see such a bright men's dress again.

Of course, clothes are one thing, and people are another.

Mudeli is a famous glamorous actress in Hollywood. Her looks are enchanting, **** and hot, and she surpasses the simile in appearance. Many people agree. But in terms of temperament, this actress was taken out of the street by the boy... No!

That is simply a city gap!

The boy just gently bowed his head and even invited the lady to get off the car in a low profile, but his noble and elegant temperament did not fade at all. Instead, he was more arrogant and arrogant, Mudley. Be eye-catching!

Temperament is not to say how tall your chin is, then you have more temperament.

Ming Yu is a prince who is arrogant and arrogant in his gestures. He is kind to you and gives you face. It is his gentlemanly manner, which in turn makes him a kind of indifferent air field, becoming the most red carpet. Dazzling existence!

As for Mudley?

There is a word that is very suitable for describing her: Miss Wallflower.

Are you glamorous? That is true. Dressing up is not bad? That is also true.

But walking with this teenager, how do you see how it feels unqualified?

It is as if this boy is a man who leads the overall situation, and Mudley is a small follower who does chores. The clothes are glamorous and glamorous, and it is impossible to conceal the fact that "her momentum is completely obscured by the teenager's light smile."

After the two people took a group photo together, Ming Yu seemed to be aware of something wrong.

For the first time, he went to the red carpet with Mudley. Of course, it is estimated to be the last time. In the mind of the Ming Yu, Mudeli can become a well-known newcomer to Hollywood, the inevitable temperament is certainly good, and her looks are really beautiful, at least stand with myself, it should not fall.

However, the fact is exactly the opposite of Ming Xiaoyu.

How beautiful the face of this woman is, how vulnerable her temperament and gas field is.

Thinking of this, Ming Xiaoyu could not help but sigh. When he went to the red carpet after his life became famous, his female companion was always the top female supermodel in the fashion circle. The two together only had the effect of adding light and adding color, and absolutely no one would completely suppress the other side.

However, in this life, he encountered this situation for the first time with his female companion on the red carpet.

After all, Ming Xiaoyu is still a little gentlemanly. Under the public, the photos taken by the reporters will be released globally. Therefore, when he took photos and walked together, he converges slightly. Let Mudley appear not so superfluous.

However, the good intentions of the people Ming Xiaoyu, Mudeli did not feel it at all, but instead sullenly licked his lips, until a reporter asked to take pictures, she performed a very good show of joy and joy.

When you are crushed with the frame, do you know what it feels like?

Mudley feels the best!

When the reporter asked for a photo, Mudley clearly felt that their eyes were concentrated on the boy next to him, and even few people would give Yu Guang to himself!

It is clearly a picture of two people, but Mudeli knows that the proportion of his own picture is definitely a lot less than the simile.

This is a disaster for Mudley. She spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to get into the party, in order to seize the opportunities that emerged at the party. At the ramer charity party, Jinshan Yinshan is everywhere, as long as Mudley seizes it. One, then her future star will be smooth.

And Mudley estimates that this simile is probably the same as her, and it is hard to buy an invitation.

Otherwise, why is this simile beginning near the party, still looking for a female companion?

What's more, the reputation of this simile is really not very good. According to Mudley's understanding, this little model has recently been squeezed into the world supermodel list. Although she doesn't know much about the fashion circle, Mudley still knows that there are nearly 400 supermodels in the world.

This small model is just one of 400 people (actually 370 people), which is far worse than her!

Originally, Mudley still couldn't quite see the red carpet with the Ming Yu. If she couldn't really find a male companion, she would not "do this policy." However, this small model will go with her on the red carpet. How can she still deliberately press her when she takes a photo with her fame? !

Oh, it’s a shame to the extreme!

Mudley’s idea, Ming Xiaoyu naturally does not know. After all, the red carpet is indeed a stage for the ladies to show their beauty, so later, he tried to let Mudlerdo perform everywhere, although this concession did not get the gratitude of the other party, even when the two turned away from the camera, Mudley He also licked his mouth and rolled his eyes.

Ming Xiaoyu is really crying and laughing.

No wonder, with such a good appearance and looks, acting is also very first-class, mixed in Hollywood for so many years, this Mudeli has not appeared in any large-scale heroine. Just about this character? In the fashion circle, probably already killed by people, I don’t know!

Ming Xiaoyu is not too concerned about such a naive little girl, but he is even more determined to "divide his way after entering the market."

However, what Ming Xiaoyu never imagined was that when the two men signed their names on the signature wall, because the signature speed of the metaphor was relatively fast, he signed it first and stood at the request of some reporters. Take a photo a little further from the signature wall.

And he took a few photos, and he planned to turn quickly to find Mudley - let the lady wait, it is too rude.


Just when Ming Xiaoyu had just turned around, he was surprised to find that Mudley’s body suddenly had a tall, slender figure!

The glamorous and enchanting Hollywood actress gently put her arm in a handsome and handsome man's arms, she calmly and jokingly walked with the other side.

When passing by the simile, Mudley sighed with great sorrow: "Sorry, Ming, I happened to meet my old friend Andrew. Now the red carpet is finished, so I went with Andrew, just like me. He is sitting on the same long table, which is convenient."

When he said this, Mudley showed a superb expression of "I am sorry, but I really didn't think things would be so clever". But the shimmering light in the blue scorpion made the sneer sneer at the bottom of my heart, licking my lips.

Qing Junxiu’s teenager did not immediately answer Mudley’s words. He just stared at her quietly with a calm and calm look. This kind of look seems easy and simple, but it makes Mudley feel a nervousness subconsciously, and the heart can not help but flash a "I am not the wrong person" idea, but this thought is denied by her in the next second It is.

Andrew Valen’s mother is the chief designer of the world’s top luxury brand “Kama”, and Andrew himself is on the list of the world’s supermodels like Ming Yu. Even his age is one year younger than the simile, and the ranking is still simile. The front!

Although Mudley did not understand how Andrew suddenly talked with himself and invited her to walk into the venue, but Mudley knew that if she seized the potential stock of Andrew, it would definitely be an excellent one. chance!

Under such circumstances, Mudley had no time to pay attention to the mood of a Chinese model.

Anyway, after going to the signature wall, the reporters generally don't take pictures. The two are no big deal.

The only thing that makes Mudley care is that the simile seems to see everything. This made her very uncomfortable, even a kind of faint fear, but did not wait for Mudley to worry about how long, I saw the teenager smiled and raised his mouth, said: "Well, then I will not bother you and your friends. ""

After receiving the other party's answer, Mudley swallowed his mouth and took Andrew to the direction of the entrance to the venue.

Mudley was gone like a escaping, and didn't even dare to look at the saga; but the Andrew Warren sneered at the sneak peek at the glance, his eyes were full of contemptuous smiles, and he seemed to be watching his jokes.

When the two men really left, Ming Xiaoyu sighed softly and whispered a whisper: "The gift of today, he will have a restatement." This words quickly drowned in the night wind of the rustling, No one can hear it.

However, Ming Xiaoyu did not intend to entangle this kind of thing for the time being, but the reporters were completely shocked!

The situation inside the charity gala was not audible, and for the normal red carpet, it was really over to the signature wall. But the charity party has been held for so many years, and I have never seen anyone stand in the end of the red carpet, and parted ways!

And this feeling... seems to have been abandoned by the simile? !

For a time, all the reporters looked at the handsome and beautiful teenager with some sympathy.

Ming Xiaoyu continued to move forward very calmly. Even if there is only one person, he can be very calm, very elegant, and no longer need to converge on his own light.

However, in the part after the signature wall, normal reporters will not take pictures unless they are quite famous. Therefore, even if Ming Xiaoyu does not converge now, no one can see his dazzling appearance.


“Hey?!!! It’s him!!!”

"Ah?! Why did Mr. Xi go so in a hurry?! Hey? He is..."

Suddenly, the right hand was suddenly held, and the mind turned to look at it in a strange way. His gaze fell into a pair of deep and sly scorpions. The man’s dark pupil shimmered with a touch of distress and pity, and the sharp eyebrows twitched slightly, and he chose to whisper: “I am late.”

At this moment, even in the heart, even if it was to cover up, there was a bit of resentment, and it was smoothed down.

The simile gently sighed, then