MTL - Rebirth of a Supermodel-Chapter 154

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As a comprehensive newspaper in the United States, the Sun newspaper has a considerable sales volume throughout the country.

Soon, this newspaper spread throughout the United States. By the way, in countries such as Europe, as long as there is a party to the Sun newspaper, this report has also entered the public's sight.

However, in this world, the public opinion media in China is really controlling the right of their own voice, and it is basically difficult for any foreign media to insert it. So after the launch of the Sun in this issue for three hours, a staff member of the Muse Public Relations Department responsible for the Sun News suddenly discovered the report and reported it to Shen Xiang.

It can't be blamed that the staff found it so untimely. After all, this report was written too badly. In the thousands of words of the report, whether it is a headline, a subtitle or a subtitle in the article, there is no mention of a word of simile, and all the stories about Mudley Joyce at the ramer charity party are covered.

It’s the habit of the Sun to love gimmicks, so don’t look at the title so shockingly. In fact, Mudley said in the article: “After attending the ramer charity party, I feel that I have There are a lot of deficiencies, and there is still a lot of room for improvement. This evening made me see more of my future. Before I reach that end, I will never participate in the ramer charity party again."


This title is really frustrating!

However, if this article is really simple, then the staff member will not report the matter to Shen Xiang. It is precisely in the position of two-thirds of the article, the article reporter said such a sentence, making the Muse staff alarm bells -

[Mudley participated in the ramer charity party this time, and sincerely invites the Chinese superstar supermodel as a male companion. The two are harmonized and red carpets, handsome men and beautiful women, very eye-catching. After the Ming Yu and Xi Xie left, Mudeli joined hands with the American supermodel Andrew Warren. Mudley said: "It is my pleasure to be able to walk with the two super models on the red carpet. I don't think I will forget this life."

Simplicity and choice, leave one step ahead...

Simplicity and choice...

Leave first? !

Just this sentence! There is a big problem!

Ming Yu is Mudeli's male companion. If you want to do something after entering the clubhouse, it is all right. Anyway, the reporters in the situation can't report it. Even if there are photos, they dare not release it. But now that you haven't even entered the gate, have you even abandoned your female companion directly? !

What is this?

Mudley said, "I will never forget in my life." This is not something that can't be forgotten in this life! Have you seen someone who took a red carpet and even changed a male partner? It feels too bad, it is a shame!

When Shen Xiang discovered this incident, he immediately contacted Zhao Rui. When I heard the specific situation, Zhao Rui still sat there. He immediately asked Luo Ru to collect information and see what was going on. At the same time, he went upstairs to go to the public relations department of Muse.

After discussing with Shen Xiang, Zhao Rui was too angry to speak. He said: "Shen Xiang, you know what the specific situation is. The Sun is really too bloody, but we The time of discovery has been a bit late, and the power of the company must be increased. Otherwise, it may not be able to counter the public opinion of the Western media."

Mingyu is the model of the "most advanced" level of concern of Muse Wei, and Shen Xiang will definitely do his best. But this time, he has a bit of a dilemma: "Zhao Rui, the company will definitely use public relations means, but this time the impact is not in our home base China, but in the United States, in Europe. Now there is already public opinion Some very bad tendencies, it will take a while to completely handle this."

It takes a while, which means that the reputation of the simile will be more damaging for a while.

This answer made Zhao Rui very unacceptable, but he also knew that Shen Xiang’s words were correct.

Just as China has used hard-line methods to stifle the growth of these Western media in the mainland, these Western media also have their own network of relationships. They are afraid of the giants of China, so they can unite and faintly resist.

"Unfortunately, Mr. Xi is flying to the plane in London, or else..." Shen Xiang whispered to himself, but as he spoke, he suddenly stopped and then hit the body. A chill, shook his head: "No, this is to let the choices know, hey, it's even worse."

This time, Zhao Rui did not leave from the public relations department of Muse, but also let Luo Ru will send Ming Xiaoyu home first.

The current China is still calm, and there is not much trouble, but they have to plan ahead. After all, this kind of filth is indeed a kind of embarrassment to the simile, but as long as there are no reporters in the West, their media forces in China will not be able to insert them and change the situation.

However, in the face of the "go home" proposal, Ming Xiaoyu chose to refuse.

"Sister Luo, do you agree with Zhao Ge’s proposal to let me go home? Do you know why these Western media will resist the infiltration of our Chinese power, and even organize a media foundation to prevent us from intervening? That is because They are afraid of the power of our China, only fear, can let these ugly people give up fighting and stand together."

"It’s not as good as blocking. My only opinion on this matter is to let the Chinese media reprint the news of the Sun."

"They only dare to spread rumors within their own scope, then we will help them and help them spread to the world."

After Shen Xiang heard the suggestion of the Ming Yu, it was also the two eyes! They only thought of pressing this thing down, and they couldn't let the event have more influence, but they didn't expect that some things, the more you make trouble, the more people who are guilty will be afraid!

Shen Xiang immediately let the people under his contact with the well-known media newspapers in China's major fashion circles, ready to reprint the article of the Sun. And Muse has a world-class magazine "Muse", which is followed by fashion lovers from all over the world.

In the evening, the official website of "Muse" immediately published a reprinted article that attracted the reading of countless fashion people. Then, it really began to set off a storm in China.

At this time, there have been many criticisms in various social media and Sun newspaper forums in the West.

[Mudley is so beautiful girl, this Hua Xia even dared to abandon her? I really have no eyes, he is not worthy of our beautiful American girl! 】

[Huaxia people know that they are bullying others by taking advantage of their own people. I used to like it too, and now I turn black. 】

[On the red carpet, it is so openly flamboyant, hahaha, Huaxia's model is really rude. I think this little model looks really ugly, looks ugly, is the obsidian on the ear? At first glance, I feel that it is a bargain. 】


The voice of most of these racist or anti-Chinese people. This kind of rabble is not a worrying existence, but some fans who are arrogant, it is a powder top ten black, the Ming Xiaoyu's reputation in the West, black is a mess.

[Which Mudley’s reputation is better than this Chinese model! But just on the list of supermodels, just so proud? cut! The film that Mudley recently participated in, the box office of 2 billion! 】

[Playing big cards like this, the face is really thick! 】

[This kind of 18-line small model who doesn't know where to come, is also very interested in attending the ramer charity party? At first glance, I know that it is a shame to buy tickets. 】


With such a reply, the Muse public relations can also deal with the past. They just want to explain that the reputation of Yu is far less than that of Mudley. He thinks that Mudeli is taking a red carpet with a newcomer. Whoever thinks that he is being bitten by a newcomer.

- This kind of thing that reverses black and white is not to be said. At least we have found out that the talents of Westerners in this aspect of the deaf are really not as good as the fans of China, and they love 3s.

After the magazine of Muse and many fashion newspapers reprinted the newspaper of the Sun, they released the news of other mainstream media in the West at the same time, and all of them in China immediately noticed the existence of these things. .

Although these fans and netizens do not know what the truth of the matter is like (Ming Xiaoyu let Shen Xiang not open the truth for the time being, first make things big), but they can't tolerate the casual splashing of the Western bastards. !

For a time, countless Chinese netizens ran to the forum sites in the West and began to reply.

[I used to be too lazy to come here. After all, there are so few people. The total population of the United States does not add up to the number of netizens in Dahuaxia. I really feel bad about you. There is a **** in the brain, so I will deal with it quickly! I smelled a stink when I was far away! 】

[America's beautiful girl? Show you the look of Mudley, haha! Compared with Xiao Biqing, who is the third prize of ours, it is a ugly street! 】

【Ha ha! My family is ugly? Laughing at me, Americans' myopia is thousands of degrees? Is there no money to wear glasses, do you want your sister to give you a pair? Hey, after all, you are poor, even glasses can't afford it! Show you the contrast between mushrooms and Mudley's plain photos~]

[A thousand miles of smelling sour, mushrooms are being smashed. Ugly can't compare, only have to pour dirty water. Oh~ Maybe this group of uncultured things can't even understand the things that can't be counted in this oily poem. Hey, then I tell you, maybe a group of pigs all year round the beauty of the swan, and finally they can't compare with the swan. How is this? Do it? They can only say that the swan is so ugly that the pig is beautiful! Hahahaha! 】


Chinese netizens have always been low-key people. They are too lazy to go to some forums abroad to argue with these Westerners. After all, when they open an idiom, they don’t even understand the meaning of the words. This is boring.

But this time, have you turned upside down to explain the ugliness? Also explain that Yu is not worthy of your Mudley?

It’s an anecdote!

In the words of a group of netizens, it is: [I have never seen such a brazen man! 】

- Of course, poor Westerners can't understand the humorous meaning of this sentence ╮(╯▽╰)╭

Seeing this thing temporarily being suppressed by Chinese netizens, Western netizens want to refute, but they can only say "fuck" and "shit" one by one, then look at our Chinese side -

[Just see the face and other skins, has become a city wall! 】

[A far look, it is the head of the golden pig, a closer look... oh! It is you! Jack! 】

[I have old friends like 汝, now the grave is the grass! 】

[The sows shyly bowed their heads: I am not as ugly as they are...]


When the ordinary netizens in the West were struggling with the Chinese army, suddenly! It is the sun! Published another article -
