MTL - Rebirth of an Abandoned Woman-Chapter 18 The best is not only them

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Sang Pingliang also snorted. "Well, you will say less! Who told us that we have no ability, and that we have not looked after our family, and we have not helped others! We don't recognize our elders!"

"The second uncle sees the outside!" Sang Hong's scalp numb, and said: "Everything is still there, it is better, two uncles and two look, then -"

"Well, that's it!" Li immediately stood up and interrupted Sang Hong's words. He smiled and said: "I know that the big scorpion has always been filial, most respectful, not as mean!"

Fang’s dissatisfied husband glanced at her husband and saw that Li’s foot had moved up to the wing and had to keep up. “Since he’s all talking, see what you can take!”

The four entered the wing and saw the stuff on the raft, Sang Pingliang and Li's eyes brightened and wanted to turn over. Fang took a step forward and took out the gift list. He took the number and took it out and piled it up. "This is for the uncle, we can't be the master, you have to keep it for him!"

I took another pair of gold plaques, two pieces of material, and two baotou heads called Xu Mama came in and gave it to her on the spot. "Our grandparents said that she has taken care of you from childhood, this is for you!"

Xu mother smiled and thanked and took it, and took it to clean up.

"These materials and the four treasures of this set of houses and the two gold collars are for Koizumi, and they are warm!" Fang took it out again, and turned to the rest of Nunu’s mouth. "That’s all, two uncles and two look at it. Oh, yes, there are two hundred and two silvers, so I have to keep the children for his uncle and the Dragon Boat Festival to buy the festival!"

Sang Pingliang and Li’s family found that Fang’s heart was just like the same thing. The words in her sentence were not good enough. In the end, they picked four clothes, a bird’s nest, and a pair of gold bracelets. The two altar wines will stop. Before holding something, Sanping Liang also turned back and asked Fang: "Is there really only two hundred and two silver?"

Fang’s face was already black and his face was not so happy. He sneered and said: “The second uncle does not believe in coming in and search!”

Sang Ping smiled coldly, and the two altars that were tightly held tightly held wine, and the cloth was placed under the arm.

"Right," Li said with a smile: "There are so many dishes left at noon, and you can't finish it. Waiting for me to come over and get it, it's a pity to save it!"

"Oh, thank you for the second!" Fang's sneer.

Looking at the two mouths finally left, Fang's long sigh of relief, raised his hand and untied a button on the top of the collar. I will suffocate her soon!

"Auntie, they are elders..." Sang Hong pulled his wife's hand and smiled.

"I know! I know!" Fang is somewhat impatient, "Elders, hey! I never expected them to have elders! But nowadays, you have to look tight, I am not afraid, just in case. Their lard was overwhelmed and ran up to the house, which hurt the aunt!"

"I will!" Sang Hong heard a word. This kind of thing, the second uncle, the second will not chaos?

Fang Shi no longer speaks, and unpacks things in the same way. She unconsciously touches the clothes, and there are three hundred and two silver tickets and a pair of gold bracelets embedded in pearls. .

On the return carriage, the sang sang his head and sighed, so embarrassing!

The more I think, the more I feel that it’s not easy for big brothers and big brothers. It's no wonder that the big temper is hot, sometimes the words are so mean, no one has such a pair of unreasonable uncles, I am afraid that they can not afford to support.

Fortunately, the scenes of previous lives have not been reproduced. Big Brother is still a big brother, and Daxie is still a big man! And she did not make ugly jokes in front of her family. Chang Huan is a confidant of Feng Fen, and Li Yan’s and Song He’s family are working in the outer court. They are also very strict. I hope that she will not come out of her time today.

You know, Gu Fangzi is still waiting to catch her little nephew all the time.

Unintentional to carry, when Fengjue just looked at her, the four eyes were opposite, when Feng Feng smiled at her.

At this time, the mood of the mulberry was frustrated and annoyed. When I saw it, the smile of Fengju was very glaring, and the eyes were red, and I hung my head and sighed for a moment: "You want to laugh and laugh! This is really an accident." Anyway, they are my uncle, my elders. What's wrong with you, please don't worry!"

When Feng Feng took a trip, he suddenly felt a little unwilling to go. He quickly said: "I don't have a joke, you mean, you think too much!"

Do not believe!

Mulberry looked up at him, and the eyes were full of these two words. "Really?"

"Of course it is true!" Feng Feng nodded seriously and sighed: "I haven’t been easy in these years?"

Mulberry stunned and shook his head. "My big brother, big sister, and second brother are very good to me! Other gossip, I have never been." The second mouth is true to her, unless you are guilty of life. long!

When Feng said with a smile, he suddenly said: "I mean, really, you are too small to look at me... The cousin's embarrassment, my uncle, compared with your second uncle, hehe!"

Mulberry's pick and raise eyebrows, Gu Fangzi's embarrassment? She only knows that Gu Fangzi’s mother is a mother-in-law’s sister who has passed away. She is really unimpressed about her.

"So, don't worry, no one will say anything after the matter goes back today."

Mulberry nodded and smiled embarrassedly.

When I returned to the time, the weather was dark. The two went to the main courtyard to ask Wang, and Wang did not see it. He told people to say "know" and let them go back. The two returned to Ningyuan and had no words for one night.

Early the next morning, Shi Fengju went out. After the mulberry wash, he rushed to Wang and asked him to wait.

After the Three Dynasties, she officially counted this family, not a newcomer. As a daughter-in-law, she should have served the rules in front of her mother-in-law. She did not dare to be vague.

When the mulberry arrived, Wang just got up and was sitting drinking tea. Mulberry is busy going forward and kneeling, please.

"Get up, don't have to be so many gifts!" Wang's face was raised with a smile, and asked: "I still haven't used breakfast yet?"

"Yes. Serve you to use it, the wife will not be late!" Sang said with a smile.

"You don't have to be so troublesome, you can use it with me! How about going home yesterday? Is the home still okay?" Wang asked as he sipped the tea and got up and asked.

"Thank you mother-in-law! Everything is good, my eldest brother and nephew are also good!" Sang said with a smile and promised to take a step forward to help Wang's arm to go to the office for breakfast. Mulberry’s heart was a little bit puzzled, and her mother-in-law suddenly became so good to herself, I’m afraid there is something to say.

Wang nodded and said something gossip. When the mother-in-law and the two sat down, Wang’s life was beautiful, and the beauty was waiting, and the mulberry was used, so I didn’t have to wait for myself. Mulberry quickly thanked and served, let us serve.

After spending breakfast for a while, Wang raised his hand and smiled at the sang: "Come, sit with me in the flower hall, drink a cup of tea and eliminate food!"

"Yes!" Mulberry quickly promised to step forward.

For a while, when the tea came up, the mulberry was picked up and he heard Wang’s smile and asked: “How is the taste of this tea?”

"Nature is good. Look at the color is clear and clear, smells fragrant, tastes very good." Mulberry busy smiled.

Wang smiled and said: "The three flavors I only drank the year before. I always felt uncomfortable in the spleen and stomach, or the tea that Fangzi had brought to me, saying that it was good for the body to drink the spleen and stomach. I have been drinking this since I hit it! Now I am used to it!"

Hearing that Wang’s praised Gu Fangzi’s, Sang’s palms were tight, and his heart secretly slammed, and he had to laugh with a smile: “That’s the cousin’s filial piety, and my mother-in-law can see that it’s not hurting her!”

"Not!" Wang nodded and said: "I don't mean, Fang Zi's child is more intimate than my own prostitute! The temper is good, the person is kind, the mind is meticulous, not treacherous! These two or three years I was able to enjoy the blessings when she helped me with these things in the government! Otherwise, I don’t know what to do!"

Mulberry suffered in the heart, and the tongue seemed to have a heavy weight. I don’t know what to say. The low should have a "yes" and barely smiled.

"婉娘," ​​Wang finally said: "You just entered the door and are not familiar with the affairs of the government. I am not saying that we are not the same as your family. You don't understand many things. It is not a time to learn. I will learn well in half a time! I see, in the future, the affairs of this government are still handed over to Fangzi, what do you say?"

"Future affairs is naturally the mother-in-law, you are the master, how do you say how good!" Wang's eyes stared tightly, and Mulberry immediately smiled and did not hesitate, and greeted her eyes.

"Well! You think so!" Wang was satisfied, nodded and smiled: "I can see you did not misread you, really sensible! You can rest assured that you are the wife of Fengju, whoever is more than you go! You must know how to advance and retreat! Fang Zi is now helping you to manage these troubles. You can only live in peace and happiness, and raise your body to open the branches for us as soon as possible! Speak up, you have to thank her back. It!"

"Mother said it." Mulberry said with a gentle smile. "There is no need to worry about cousin in this house. The daughter-in-law is a cousin, so thank you!"

"It is this!" Wang was more happy after listening.

"However, the wife has a word to say, everything else is good, but Ningyuan is not troublesome for her, how do you think?" Mulberry was busy with laughter.

There is nothing else she can't fight for, and there is no way to manage it. Ningyuan is different. That is where she lives in the future. It makes no sense to let Gu Fangzi intervene, otherwise she really has to sleep.

Wang Shi slightly smiled and nodded and said: "This is also the case, Ning Yuan's affairs will be taken care of by yourself!" Let Gu Fangzi really do not look good.

"Yes. Daughter-in-law thank you mother!" Mulberry was busy getting up and blessed her.

Wang sighed, and after reaching his own goal, he did not leave mulberry, waved his hand: "Well, you go back! What to do! I don't have to wait for you here! Right, please go back later." Don't have to come too early! Come back two nights later!"

Wang’s mother-in-law went early, and when she was alive, she was also gentle in personality and did not like to be arrogant. Wang did not experience the hardships of the daughter-in-law, and did not “seek back” for the daughter-in-law who was tossing herself. The mind and interest.