MTL - Rebirth of Glory and Splendour-Chapter 10 practice martial arts

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Helianzhuo was always rude and did not know how to restrain himself when he was in bed, which often caused Wei Zhao to be covered in bruises and pains.

Usually it's just fine, I can still hold on through gritted teeth, but yesterday Wei Zhao was injured, and he was tossed again, how could he bear the injury, he lost consciousness and passed out before halfway through the long night. .

Helianmao still didn't know what to do, but he didn't want to torture Wei Zhao to death, so he had to stop and summon a witch doctor to see him overnight.

The witch doctor hurried to Beiyuan, checked Wei Zhao's pulse, looked at Helianzhuo suspiciously, and asked him what his plans were.

Helianzhuo was puzzled, and stared back hard, asking you to save people, you can save them, why bother with such nonsense, if it weren't for your excellent medical skills, you would have been told to retire and return home long ago.

Seeing that Helianzhuo didn't understand what he meant, the witch doctor had to explain to him in detail that Wei Zhao's body had been damaged too much when he gave birth to Yiyin. If Helianzhuo wanted to make people live longer, he should not be too cruel, otherwise, let alone him, even if Daluo Jinxian was here, he would not be able to save Wei Zhao's life. Of course, if Helianzhuo's original intention was to torture people to death in pain, then treat him as if he didn't say anything, and continue like this for five years at the most and three years at the minimum, and the custody will be effective.

Helian Zhuo was stunned when he heard the words, looked down at Wei Zhao's pale face and the frown still frowning in a coma, ordered the witch doctor to take care of his life, and then turned away.

The witch doctor sighed and went to prescribe medicine without mentioning it. The words he said to Helianzhuo were a little exaggerated, but they were basically true.

The next morning, Yi Yin woke up and learned that Wei Zhao was ill, and his condition was still very serious, and his hatred for Helianzhuo deepened.

A manly man, his skills are not as good as others, but he doesn't know how to work hard. He makes up for his face on the battlefield, but in private he uses such a method to humiliate his opponent.

Yi Yin didn't wait for the nurse to help, he dressed himself and ran to the backyard. He couldn't feel at ease without seeing Wei Zhao with his own eyes.

Dengdengdeng ran into the backyard, Yiyin suddenly remembered something, and immediately slowed down, and did not dare to push the door very hard, for fear that Wei Zhao was still asleep, but he was woken up by himself.

It was unexpected that Wei Zhao had just taken the medicine, but was awake right now, and saw Yi Yin came in cautiously, with a look of surprise on his face.

When Yi Yin found that Wei Zhao was awake, he stopped tiptoeing, spread out his two short legs, hurried to the front of the kang, and repeatedly asked, "Dad, I heard that you are sick, have you taken medicine, and have you felt any discomfort? "

Wei Zhao smiled gratified, saying that he had already taken the medicine and that he was not feeling any discomfort.

Fuyu's heated kang is mostly made of adobe, about half a person's height. It's a little difficult for an ordinary three-year-old child to go up on his own. Fortunately, Yi Yin is not low, and he has a previous martial arts background. He jumped several times, and finally Is to climb up.

Yi Yin sat down on the kang and forced Wei Zhao, who was half-lying, to lie back, and said righteously: "The nurse said that if you are sick, you need to sleep more, and you will be fine when you wake up."

Wei Zhao was helpless and had to rely on him, but his heart was warm. Helian Zhuo is a bastard, but Yi Yin is a very caring fellow, so he can be considered a blessing in disguise.

Standing by Wei Zhao's side, Yi Yin had nothing to do, and was rather bored, but he didn't dare to speak casually. Who knew what a three-year-old child should say, and if it made Wei Zhao suspicious, it would be worth the loss.

The medicine that the witch doctor prescribed to Wei Zhao had calming ingredients, and he fell asleep shortly after lying down. Hearing Wei Zhao's steady breathing, Yi Yin began to think about their possible escape plan.

Wei Zhao had been ill for half a month, and Yi Yin stood by him every day, talking with him to relieve his boredom. The relationship between the father and son has reached unprecedented harmony, and no one has bothered them anymore.

Yi Yin guessed that Helian Zhuo may have listened to the witch doctor's words and made some arrangements in the palace. Yi Yin didn't know why the witch doctor wanted to speak for Wei Zhao, whether it was the doctor's benevolence or another purpose, but he was still very grateful to him.

After Wei Zhao recovered from her illness, the Dazhao family never came. Yi Yin overheard the wet nurse and the maid gossip, suspecting that she didn’t have time, because Fulida was pregnant, she had to focus on her, and didn’t have time to pay attention to Wei Zhao.

For a long time, the relationship between the Fuyu people and the Tiele people has been very good. When the Zhengao people dominated the grasslands, they were all affiliated tribes, and it was common for them to marry each other.

Later, wars in the Central Plains broke out one after another, and the people of Zhengao took over the world. The center of gravity gradually moved south, and the people also moved south. Taking this opportunity, Tiele and Fuyu desperately developed their own forces to fill the gap left by Zhengao, and more and more tribesmen.

The Zhengao people have been entrenched in the Central Plains for more than a hundred years. The invincible iron cavalry melted in the gentle township. It lost its original strength and was consumed by various rebels. When they returned to the north, they found that their old nest had been occupied by the Tiele people. , while Fuyu established the country in the hometown of Donghu.

In the early years, Dayan pursued the policy of "connecting with Fuyu, attacking Tiele", attracting one, attacking one, and resolutely not giving Tiele and Fuyu a chance to join forces, otherwise the northern Xinjiang will open fire in an all-round way, and Dayan has a lot of resources, and it is too much to bear.

Fuyu's national strength is the weakest among the Three Kingdoms, and it has various benefits brought by trade with Dayan, so it is naturally willing to sit on the sidelines.

However, Ji Qing and Jun Lin completely defeated Tie Le, Xiao Wan sent an envoy to the Western Regions, and all the countries in the Western Regions that had been independent for many years returned to Dayan. The whole territory.

As for this, Tie Le and Fuyu finally realized that they must join forces to fight against Dayan, and winning the four northern counties of Youzhou at the beginning of the year was the result of their cooperation.

In order to express the sincerity of cooperation, Tie Le sent the youngest daughter of Khan Wesley, Fryda, and Helian Zhuo treated her differently from ordinary concubines. 's name.

The Dazhao family was very worried that if Frieda gave birth to a son, it would threaten Pei Di's status, which was completely different from that little **** Yiyin.

Wei Zhao's son, not to mention raised by his side since he was a child, even if he was born and carried away, Helian Zhuo may not dare to pass on the throne to him in the future. understand what they are thinking.

Frida is different. For women on the grassland, no matter how good a father and husband are, they are not as reliable as their sons. As long as Frida gave birth to Helianzhuo's son, she would never betray Fuyu for Tiele.

Yi Yin didn't know how to fight with Frida, nor was he interested. As long as they didn't bother him and Wei Zhao, he would be happy and comfortable. Anyway, the position of Fuyu's monarch had nothing to do with him.

On the other hand, Helianzhuo would come to see Wei Zhao from time to time, but seeing that he was ill, he was somewhat restrained, probably because he didn't want to kill people.

In the blink of an eye, at the end of the year, because of the double monthly payment, the palace was full of joy, and the atmosphere of the New Year was full of joy.

Pei Di didn't know whether he was afraid of being beaten by Yi Yin that day, or was detained by the Da Yan clan for other reasons. Anyway, he never came to trouble Yi Yin again, and his life was peaceful.

The snow kept falling and piled on the ground in a thick layer. It could reach the knees of an adult, making it difficult for people to walk. The wind was also whistling, and the biting cold wind was blowing in the face, which can make people cold to the bones.

Yi Yin couldn't go out, and was bored with endorsing all day long, so he rode horses in the house and practiced his fists and feet. He was a little worried at first, Wei Zhao would find it strange to see it, after all, he was only three years old, and no one had taught it specially. Is it a bit exaggerated to learn without a teacher.

It turned out that Yi Yin thought too much. Wei Zhao looked at his Huaquan embroidered legs and was not surprised at all, and shook his head in disdain. Fuyu is a martial artist, and the folk customs are strong. When he was in the grassland in summer, Yi Yin had more opportunities to see people practicing martial arts, and it was normal to learn a few tricks.

Realizing that he was looked down upon by Wei Zhao, Yi Yin was very depressed. The most powerful thing in his past life was whether he was good at martial arts, but now his body is too small and out of control. His, made Yi Yin a little proud in his heart.

In any case, compared to the unbearable memories of their previous lives, the relationship between their father and son is already very warm. It's just that Yi Yin still couldn't figure it out. What happened afterward would make Wei Zhao's hands and feet abolished. He tried hard to think about it, but he didn't have the slightest impression.

What Yi Yin remembered was after Wei Zhao's tendons were abolished. At that time, they lived in a village in the countryside. Wei Zhao was dead and did not speak. Yi Yin was very afraid of him and did not dare to approach him.

"A Yin, keep your back straight and don't be lazy." Xu Shi was thinking too much. Yi Yin's small body failed to maintain the standard posture of holding his head up high, and was criticized by Wei Zhao.

He didn't dare to neglect, he immediately adjusted his posture, and replied honestly, "Father, calm down, the child knows he's wrong." Wei Zhao nodded approvingly. Although this child is young, he has a lot of perseverance and is a good material for practicing martial arts.

Because of his previous distraction, Wei Zhao punished Yi Yinduo for standing for a stick of incense. Yi Yin did not refute, and obeyed obediently, but when the end was over, his legs were weak and he rushed forward directly. Thanks to Wei Zhao's timely shot, he was caught in his arms.

"Ayin, are you tired?" Wei Zhao taught his children to practice the exercises very seriously, and he couldn't tolerate any sloppiness.

Yi Yin plunged into Wei Zhao's arms, wrapped his arms around his neck, and said earnestly, "I'm not tired, I need to practice martial arts early so that I can protect Daddy."

Wei Zhao's expression was moved, but he didn't know what to say, so he could only hug Yi Yin tighter. I don't know since when, this child he didn't want to see at all has become a very important part of his life.

Yi Yin patted Wei Zhao on the back and smiled brightly. In his previous life, before he was ten years old, he did not systematically learn martial arts. Later, when Weiyang was unavailable, he was thrown into the Yulin camp.

Now, Wei Zhao taught him every step of the way, the method is appropriate, the intensity is suitable, and what's wrong is clear and clear. Compared with the original master, I don't know how many times more amiable, he can't be happy in time, how can he feel bitter.