MTL - Rebirth of the Flying Era-Chapter 1000 add some milk

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  Chapter 1000 Add some milk

   Zhang Lan was really unconvinced.

  She has been fighting with Zhu Ting for more than 20 years, and until two years ago she felt that she still had the upper hand.

  Because of graduating from university, she married and had children early, and her family and career are both happy.

   Unexpectedly, in less than two years, the situation has completely changed.

But Dad Zhang looked at her, and said in a deep voice, "Why? Just because he created tens of millions of foreign exchange for the country in less than a year, and because the old man praised him as 'good'! Liu Aiguo, can you than?"

   After speaking, he looked away, looked out of the window, and sighed, why didn't he feel that "having a child should be like Sun Zhongmou" in his heart.

  Zhang Lan was dumbfounded, and even wondered if she had heard it wrong.

   Tens of millions of foreign exchange, what kind of concept is that!

   More importantly, the old man.

  Of course she understood who his father referred to as "the old man".

   "This... this..." Zhang Lan didn't know what to say, her mind was in a mess.

  At first, she took it for granted that Du Fei, like Liu Aiguo, got his current position by marrying Zhu Ting.

   It's completely wrong!

   After a while, Zhang's father stretched out his hand to pat his daughter: "Girl, since I'm thinking wildly, I live my own life. He has a fire to cook oil, and we have a carefree life, and live a good life with patriotism."

  Zhang Lan nodded silently, cheered up and said, "Dad, I understand. I'm going to help Mom make lunch."

   Coming out of the study, Zhang Lan bit her lower lip.

   Still thinking about what her father said just now, she happened to look at Liu Aiguo who came out of the kitchen with the dishes.

   "Xiaolan, tell my dad to eat~" Liu Aiguo saw her and cried out with a smile.

  Zhang Lan let out an "hey" and thought silently: "Live a good life...Will the Patriotic Association be willing?"

  From falling in love to getting married these years, she knows this husband very well.

  Liu Aiguo has never been a person willing to be lonely.

  Otherwise, I wouldn’t have resolutely abandoned my first love in the first place.

   It's just that Zhang Lan always felt that her family background and connections were enough to support Liu Aiguo's ambition.

  However, in the study just now, her father had already stated that he would not provide Liu Aiguo with too many resources.

  Will Liu Aiguo be her good husband as before?

   Just when Zhang Lan was struggling, there was a knock on the door.

  It brought her back to her senses, and hurried over to answer the door.

   "It's Brother Shen!" Zhang Lan opened the door, and a white and clean young man came in, it was Shen Bo!

  Zhang Lan turned her head and shouted: "Mom, Patriotic, my elder brother Shen is here."

  Mother Zhang came out of the kitchen and said with a smile, "Xiao Shen~ Come here, what else are you carrying?"

   Liu Aiguo followed behind and exchanged greetings.

  Shen Bowen said politely: "Auntie, I came here specially for dinner, so I have the nerve to come empty-handed. Uncle Zhang is also at home, right?"

   "You child~" Mother Zhang complained, "If you bring something next time, my aunt won't let you in."

  Shen Bo quickly responded with a smile.

  Mother Zhang said: "Patriotic, you can sit with Xiao Shen first, and one more dish will be fine."

   Liu Aiguo let out an "ah".

  Zhang Lan followed her mother into the kitchen.

   Usually there are no outsiders, just let Liu Aiguo go around the pot. If there are outsiders in Zhang Lan, he must make face for his own man.

   Otherwise, Liu Aiguo would lose face, and even she would lose face as well.

  However, when Zhang Lan's mother and daughter went to the kitchen, Shen Bo and Liu Aiguo were left behind.

   The two exchanged a familiar look.

  Shen Bo whispered, "Did you see Du Fei?"

   Liu Aiguo nodded: "I just came back."

   "How do you feel?" Shen Bo continued to ask.

   Liu Weiguo said in a deep voice: "It's not very good, the city is very deep."

  Shen Bo smiled, as if he had expected it a long time ago, and was about to continue talking, but at this moment the door of the study opened.

  Papa Zhang came out from inside.

  The two immediately stopped talking and stood up.

  Papa Zhang saw Shen Bo and smiled: "Xiao Shen is here~"

  Shen Bo said politely: "Uncle Zhang, my uncle sent a few catties of the best shredded tobacco two days ago, and I specially brought them here for you today."

  The production area of ​​Zhonghua Tobacco is in Shangh. Director Wen has this convenience. Knowing that Dad Zhang is good at smoking, he asked Shen Bo to come to him.

  Papa Zhang smiled and said: "Old Wen has a heart, thank you for me later."

  Shen Bo responded, and the atmosphere became more harmonious.

   Shen Bo did not leave until after lunch.

   Zhang Lan and his wife also went upstairs, leaving Zhang's father and his wife in the living room downstairs.

  Papa Zhang was fiddling with the shredded tobacco that Shen Bo had just sent, rolling one with a handmade cigarette rolling machine and smoking it.

  Mother Zhang on the side asked: "What do you think~ What is Lao Wen thinking? There has been a lot of movement on his side recently, and I don't think he is easy to act."

  Papa Zhang snorted: "I don't know why~ Seeing that the old man is getting older, he thinks the opportunity has come."

   "Don't dare to talk nonsense!" Zhang's mother gasped, and hurriedly said: "Let's not follow along."

  Papa Zhang said: "I know, they are too anxious. Now, it's far from the time..."

   At the same time, at Du Fei's house.

   After Zhang Lan and his wife left, after lunch, Zhu Li also went back.

  Zhu Ting took the child to sleep in the house, while Du Fei was in the living room tinkering with the coffee pot brought by Zhu Li.

  Xiao Zhengze just fell asleep when Du Fei came in cheaply with a cup of steaming coffee.

  Zhu Ting saw that he didn't hold his fart well, so she whispered, "What are you doing?"

  Du Fei said: "The coffee brought by the second sister just now."

  Zhu Ting sat up, a little hesitant: "Drink it by yourself. I'm breastfeeding, can I drink it? Don't say it has caffeine~"

  Du Fei hehe said: "It's a bit bitter to drink, add some milk for me."

  Zhu Ting blinked her eyes, and it took two seconds to react, her cheeks flushed, and she cursed: "Get lost, you shameless..."

  But after all, Du Fei couldn't hold back his face, and squeezed him a little.

   Fortunately, she has enough milk, so she doesn't care about it.

   It was Du Fei, who laughed straight away, as if he had picked up a huge bargain.

   Zhu Ting couldn't laugh or cry.

  However, Du Fei returned to the hut with coffee and said that he had to deal with a little work, but his face sank.

  During this time, he kept Xiao Hei and Xiao Hong staring at Shen Bo.

   One came, because the other party was hostile to him.

  Secondly, Uncle Shen Bo will be in the limelight in the next few years, so he is not easy to mess with.

  Ling Du Fei attaches great importance to this person.

  Just now I found out that Shen Bo went to Zhang Lan's house.

  At first, Du Fei didn't know that it was Zhang Lan's house, but when Shen Bo came out, he happened to see Liu Aiguo sending him off, and his heart shivered.

  Through Xiao Hei's perspective, he looked down at the two of them.

  Zhang Lan’s family is also in the courtyard, not the same courtyard as Zhu Ting’s.

   Shen Bo pushed the bicycle and talked with Liu Aiguo while walking.

  Although I couldn't hear what the two said, it's not hard to see that their relationship is different...

   This made Du Fei vigilant.

   Sitting on a chair in the cabin, holding a coffee cup while looking out the window.

   Silently calculating in my heart.

  Before Shen Bo asked Zhang Dongsheng to cooperate, he had already expressed his hostility.

  But just in time for Zhu Ting to give birth, Du Fei has no time to talk to him.

  In addition to this period of time, Xiao Hei stared at his schedule, and Xiao Hong stayed at his house, and didn't notice any new moves from him.

   Now it seems that it can no longer be left alone.

  After making up your mind, it is the specific method.

   Till now, Du Fei and Shen Bo haven't met face to face, and there is no confrontation.

   Shen Bo tried to play a poisonous snake hiding behind the scenes.

  Unfortunately, he was not good enough, and Du Fei noticed it as soon as he showed a little snake letter.

   This situation is actually more beneficial to Du Fei.

  The enemy thought he was in the dark, but in fact he was already in the light. Du Fei didn't need to make it clear, because that would actually pull the opponent out of the pit.

  Du Fei thought of brothers Wang Chunfeng and Wang Chunlei again.

  Wang Chunfeng and Shen Bo are in the same unit and have a direct competitive relationship, so they should be able to use it.

   But how to use it is a problem.

  No one is a fool, it is not so easy to use someone as a weapon...

  Du Fei thought for a while, but still couldn't think of a safe solution.

   Fortunately, the situation is not urgent, and there is still time to think calmly...

   Time passed quickly, and another ten days passed in a blink of an eye, and it was already November.

  Winter came earlier today than in previous years.

  There was a light snowfall as soon as November arrived, and the cold current from Xianbeilia dropped the temperature by ten degrees.

   It was below zero in an instant, which caught people off guard.

  The family home where Du Fei lived had to be heated for half a month.

  Zhu Ting was worried that the child would be too young, so she simply moved back to her natal family.

  The office compound over there has its own boiler room, and the heating has already started ahead of time.

  At the same time, Du Fei also has good news.

  Factory 8270, after several months of hard work, finally produced a new type of bazooka.

  A total of five pieces were manufactured in the first batch.

  As soon as it was manufactured, Director Yang couldn't wait to call Du Fei.

   During this period of time, Du Fei ignored them. He knew in his heart that it wasn't that he didn't care, but that he was afraid of putting too much pressure on them.

   Now that there are results, Du Fei must be the first to be notified.

  Du Fei was also very excited when he heard it, and immediately stood up from the chair. After confirming repeatedly, he kept saying, great!

   Immediately after, I got on the motorcycle and arrived at the 8270 factory.

  Because it is in the suburbs, the factory feels colder.

  Du Fei and the others didn't care, and went to the shooting range as soon as they arrived.

  Director Yang, Grandpa, Deputy Factory Director Li and his son, Qian Sheng, Zhao Dongfang... Almost all the participants from the factory have arrived.

  Du Fei saw the bazooka placed aside, ready to test launch.

  From the appearance point of view, it is exactly the same as his upgraded Type 56 rocket launcher, and it is almost like the rpg-7 of Su Goose.

  Du Fei walked over, reached out and picked up one, weighed it, and looked carefully.

  Although nothing can be seen in this way, at least the workmanship of the bazooka is quite fine, and the assembly of parts is also very elegant, not shoddy.

  Du Fei put it down, turned around and said, "Are you all ready?"

  Director Yang said: "It's ready, you can test it at any time."

  Du Fei nodded and said "start" concisely.

   Immediately, two soldiers trotted over. After getting into position, according to the operating procedures, first check the rocket launcher, and then install the rocket...

  After getting ready, the two of them aimed at their targets and pulled the triggers one after the other.

   Immediately, there were two "swipes", and I saw two rockets with tail flames, and quickly hit the steel target more than 100 meters away.

   Two steel targets, one with a thickness of 250 mm, are used to test the lower limit of the rocket launcher.

  As long as it can penetrate this target, it can penetrate the front armor of most tanks in the world today.

   Even if it is qualified.

  The other 300 mm is the upper limit of the test rocket launcher.

  The purpose is to see how popular the counterfeit products from the 8270 factory are.

  If it can penetrate a 300mm homogeneous steel plate, it means that the knockoff bazooka is 80% more powerful than the real one.

  This kind of power will be very competitive in the international market as long as the price is right.

  Du Fei was thinking and looking forward to the result.

   At the next moment, with two "booms", two groups of red flames exploded.

  Everyone swallowed subconsciously.

   Anxiously waiting for the rising dust and smoke to dissipate.

   A moment later, a semaphore was raised over there.

  Everyone was excited when they saw it.

  Two hits, destroying all steel targets!

   "Great! We succeeded~" Somebody wanted to shout.

   Others also cheered.

  In the past few months, the 8270 factory has tried its best. Whether it is the technicians led by Li Geng or the workers under the uncle, they are all working day and night, waiting for this day.

   After a while, after confirming safety.

  Du Fei, Director Yang and others walked over to inspect the steel target.

  The 250 mm piece, without any suspense, directly punched a big hole.

  The 300mm piece, although it has been penetrated, is somewhat reluctant.

  It shows that the power of this rocket launcher is just like this, and it is impossible to penetrate thicker armor.

   But that's enough.

  After seeing it with his own eyes, Du Fei patted Li Geng next to him heavily: "You will do what you say, and from now on, you will be the deputy technical director of the factory."

  Li Geng's eyes lit up. Although Du Fei had promised long ago, the fulfillment of his long-cherished wish still made him extremely excited and almost shed tears.

  Hold Du Fei's hand: "Manager, I, Li Geng, can't repay the kindness of knowing you."

  Du Fei smiled and said: "Director Li, you deserve this. With your ability, this is just the beginning."

   After finishing speaking, he said to Director Yang, Mr. Uncle and Deputy Factory Director Li: "Now that the thing is finished, it will be mass-produced next, and it will be up to you three."

  The three of them were also very happy, and they patted their chests to reassure Du Fei.

   After the work was over, Du Fei returned to the office with Director Yang, and talked about the situation in the factory and the direction for the next step.

   At the end, Du Fei saw that Director Yang was hesitating to speak, and asked, "Old Yang, what's the matter?"

Director Yang said embarrassingly: "I know there are difficulties, but... it is still a matter of machine tools. Now only the two new machines in our factory can still be used on the table. The others, to put it bluntly, were selected by others The rest are either about to be scrapped or faulty. Pointing at these machines..."

   Speaking of this, Director Yang shook his head worriedly.

  After Du Fei listened, he pondered for a while and said: "I know, but machine tools are treasures everywhere, and the ministries and commissions must not think about it. I will see if I can think of other ways later."

  Actually, even if Director Yang didn't say anything, Du Fei planned to build another batch of machine tools.

  Especially if he plans to make tanks in the future, it is impossible with the existing equipment of the 8270 factory.

   And I also thought about it, this time I have to find Lou Hongyi.

   Find a way to get a batch of old machine tools in Europe, as long as they are repaired and slightly upgraded, it will be enough.

   And doing so will not consume much blue light in the portable space.

   It's just that these plans cannot be disclosed to Director Yang for the time being.

  Factory Manager Yang breathed a sigh of relief when Du Fei agreed.

  Although the difficulty is not small, but based on his understanding of Du Fei, as long as he promises something, he will definitely not break his promise.

   turned and asked again: "By the way, when will the new type of bazooka produced by our factory be reported?"

  Du Fei waved his hand, and said lightly: "Squeeze it first, I know it in my heart, and the factory should keep it secret."

  Director Yang was stunned for a moment, not understanding what kind of medicine was sold in Du Fei's gourd.

   It stands to reason that a new type of anti-tank rocket launcher with greatly improved power, even if it is an imitation, is quite brilliant.

  Switched to another factory, reported to the higher authorities, and released satellites.

  Armor penetration of 300 mm, in this basic monk, with a little manipulation, it is not impossible to hit 350 mm.

   Then it’s really a satellite!

   At that time, their factory will not be the same as it is now. Grandma doesn’t love uncle.

  Although he couldn't figure it out, Factory Director Yang placed his position in a very upright position and didn't ask the bottom line. He nodded and said, "Don't worry, I will pay attention."

  Then he said some less important things before Du Fei left the factory.

   As for why not take out the bazooka.

  Du Fei did have his plan.

  He is going to delay it for a few more months, and wait for Longjiang to suffer a loss on the t62 before taking it out.

   There is no such thing as "one blockbuster" or "sending charcoal in a timely manner".

   Du Fei no longer needs to play with this technique.

  Because in his memory, Zhenbao Island next year will have a great impact on flower planting.

  Facing Sugoose's t62, our anti-tank weapons are not powerful enough, and we just can't chew this bastard.

  With the lessons learned this time, a batch of new equipment emerged after 1969 and throughout the 1970s.

  Du Fei didn't want to disturb this matter because of his appearance.

  Some stumble and never know the pain.

  So he is going to press, anyway, there are only two or three months left.

  Du Fei was thinking, while riding his motorcycle back to the city.

   Just parked the motorcycle at the entrance of the unit, but at this moment, there was a sudden "Huh".

  Xiao Hei suddenly experienced mood swings.

  During this period of time, Du Fei kept Xiao Hei and a few crows staring at Shen Bo.

  No need to worry about going to and from get off work normally, but as long as you go to a special place or meet a stranger, you must report it immediately.

  Should I say it or not, Shen Bo is a very self-disciplined person.

  In the past two months, except for a visit to Zhang Lan's house, there are almost no activities outside of work.

  He is still unmarried and lives in the dormitory of the unit.

  It's less than a five-minute walk to commute.

  Eat three meals in the morning and noon in the canteen of the unit, and when I get home, I just hold professional books to read.

  If Zhang Dongsheng hadn't reminded him, Du Fei wouldn't have believed that Shen Bo would deal with him.

   But still the same sentence, the fox will always show its tail.

   Just now, Shen Bo came out of the unit on a bicycle.

   Xiao Hei stared at him and immediately notified Du Fei.

  He raised his hand and looked at his watch, it was half past two in the afternoon.

  Shen Bo's work and rest time is very standardized, and almost no one is late or leaves early.

   You came out suddenly today, where are you going?

  Du Fei couldn't help smiling, locked his motorcycle and hurried back to the office.

  The place Shen Bo went was not too far away. It took only 20 minutes from his unit to stop in front of a guest house.

   Having stored his bicycle, he pushed the door and walked in.

   Du Fei frowned slightly, and looked at his watch again.

  It was ten to three.

  Because the scale of the guest house is not small, Xiao Hei couldn't follow in.

   Shen Bo disappeared as soon as he entered.

  Xiao Hei flew around the four floors of the guest house twice, but didn't find out which room he went to.

  Du Fei couldn't help frowning.

   Simply prevent Xiao Hei from continuing to search.

  Because there are many rooms in the reception with curtains, even if you look for a room from outside the window, you may not be able to find it in a short time.

  Du Fei estimated that Shen Bo came here to meet someone in all likelihood.

  Depending on the time, they may have agreed on three o'clock.

  Because I didn't know that Shen Bo was here, and I didn't have any preparations, I lost track of him.

   Now, Xiao Hei walked around the building several times, and found that the glass of the window in the stairwell was broken.

  Du Fei has already let the other two crows ambush in advance.

  One guarded in the middle of the first and second floors, and the other guarded in the middle of the third and fourth floors.

  In this era, not many people live in guest houses without special circumstances.

  Especially this guest house, it is still a bit high-end.

  Only six or seven people came in and out within ten minutes.

  Du Fei switched perspectives, making sure that they are all ordinary accommodation.

  Seeing that it was already three o'clock, his heart sank slowly, and he thought to himself: "Could it be a wrong guess? The person who will meet Shen Bo has already arrived earlier?"

  Thinking of this, Du Fei couldn't help sucking his teeth.

  Just wanting to settle for the next best thing, and wait for Shen Bo to come out.

   There is still a chance to find out who Shen Bo came to see.

  But at this moment, a figure appeared in Du Fei's vision.

   It must be that the bicycle broke down. The man pushed the bicycle and trotted over. He was sweating in the cold weather, and his head was steaming.

  The man came to the guest house, hurriedly parked his car, and walked in quickly.

   "Could it be this person?" Du Fei became vigilant and immediately switched his field of view.

  I saw that person went to the guest house, instead of going to the front desk, he went directly upstairs.

   Didn't notice the crow squatting on the chandelier in the stairwell, the man quickly came to the second floor and knocked on the door.

   Du Fei stared at the room where the door was opened, and the person inside only showed one arm.

  Du Fei immediately recognized that it was Shen Bo!

  Although he entered the room and took off the cotton coat he was wearing outside, the Shanghai brand watch on his wrist was unmistakable.

   After staring at it for so long, Du Fei was deeply impressed by this watch.

   Immediately, the man entered the room, and the door closed.

  Du Fei didn't let the crow pass by.

  Because it is enough to see the person who just arrived.

  Du Fei had already figured out that there was no need to charge forward to deal with Shen Bo.

   It is best to let Wang Chunfeng take the lead.

  But Wang Chunfeng and Shen Bo didn't fight for a day or two in the unit, but they were only limited to work, and both sides were very restrained.

  This kind of intensity is obviously far from enough for Du Fei.

  One party must cross the line and break the original tacit understanding.

   Now, the opportunity finally came.

  Du Fei recognized that the person who rushed into the room to meet Shen Bo just now was the person who stood next to Wang Chunlei when he went to the fire equipment company last time!

  Du Fei still remembered that at that time he reported his name, which seemed to be Qiao Li.

  At the same time, Du Fei's brain was working, and he figured out many things in an instant.

   Last time, Wang Chunlei's subordinates came to harass Zhou Xiaobai out of nowhere.

  Wait for Wang Chunlei to arrive, wanting to calm things down, but escalating the situation instead...

   Obviously, someone deliberately dug a hole for the Wang family brothers.

   It's just that Du Fei didn't pay much attention to it at the beginning, and he didn't know if the Wang brothers found out later.

   But now it seems that the two brothers obviously failed to find the most important person.

   Otherwise, Qiao Li wouldn't be here today.

  (end of this chapter)