MTL - Rebirth Of The General’s Granddaughter-Chapter 16 Call you a cook

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She can still communicate with Vesali. She remembers that her mother can be psychedelic with animals, flowers and plants, and even call the rain.

In the past life, she later heard the words of Wang Yiping and thought that her mother was not normal. Now she feels that she is really stupid.

Purple secluded out of the various books left by the mother, like the sponge water, absorbs all kinds of knowledge and skills.

Of course, don't forget to clean up Wang Yiping from time to time.

One of the things she is most willing to do is to let Wang Yiping do it for her and her grandfather.

This vicious woman is not nothing, making snacks and soups that are delicious.

Wang Yiping is also willing to cook soup for the sake of purple all day long? So I wanted to make a loss, I wanted to make a move in the soup and the snacks, and let the purple sorrow be a serious illness.

In the illness, she worked hard to gain the trust and dependence of Ziyou.

The purple secluded with a faint purple sly sly, looked at her meaningfully, said very softly: "Mothers have to personally look at these things for the secluded children and grandfather, do not frame the hands of others. But I don’t want to be as sick as I did last time; Grandpa said, if the secluded child is seriously ill, he will kill him. No matter who he is, he will not let go.

Wang Yiping was dizzy by her anger, didn't sleep all night, and thought of the damage, so she did not implement it, she was aborted under the purple.

Not only do you have to do it yourself, but you also have to look up with a happy look.

She thinks that she is trembled. Mu Yingrui is not there. I was really envious of the old general. It was her hands and feet, and she was so badly sinned that she was really dead.

She really wants to die in purple, but she wants to live a long life; therefore, she bites her teeth and wants to wait for Mu Yingrui to come back and wait for the maneuver.

What worries her is that she is now looking forward to Mu Yingrui not to come back early. The reason is that her face is covered with purple handnails and two long slits that have been cut. It has been a few days, but there are still two Deep impressions.

She spent a lot of money, saw a lot of doctors, bought a lot of ointment, and failed to let the two dark red marks disappear.

His skin is white and tender, and it turns out to be like gelatin. Now it can be poured down. There are two dark red marks on the gel. It is really ugly and ugly.

The reason why Mu Yingrui can't live without it is because he has a smooth and good skin;

He often said: "Yue finally knows what is slippery like gelatin, Bai Xi is like jade, baby is this skin."

Today, this skin has a flaw, but it is still on the face.

Think about hate, hate to kill the hybrid! I don't know where she is, the old man and the second child, who treats her as a baby, is afraid of falling in her mouth, and is afraid of falling in her hand.

Wang Yiping looked at himself and his hands became rough and he hated purple. She even suspected that Ziyou no longer trusted her, but this dead girl, and often plunged into her arms and spoiled her, an envious look.

Purple secluded while tempting Wang Yiping, while quietly listening to the things of Yongnan Houfu from his grandfather's mouth.

She knows her past life, Grandpa wants to marry her into Yongnan Houfu, because Grandpa had saved the life of Yongnanhou; for this reason, Yongnanhou grateful to Grandpa and often sent his paintings to Grandpa.

Yongnanhou, this guy has no other skill, but he has painted a good Danqing. Others can't buy his paintings with silver. But for Grandpa, he has always been very generous, often giving his proud work to Grandpa. ......

More collections, plus a more chapter.