MTL - Rebirth of the High Gate Mistress-Chapter 644 【Extra】If life were just like the first time we met (6)

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When they arrived at the princess mansion, as expected by Princess Lan, Fu Xi fell in love with Pingyang, the beautiful and innocent little niece. This proud princess couldn't help but praise her niece when she saw her: "These girls from the Zhao family Among the children, Pingyang is the most handsome."

 with girls like Pingyang, as long as they're not particularly dogmatic and stubborn, everyone who sees her can't help but fall in love with her.

In front of the princess's house, Pingyang had just been greeted by his mother. At first, he could pretend to be a lady. When he met the imperial aunt, he didn't say a few words, and his true nature was exposed from time to time.

When Princess Lan and Princess Yong were chatting with Princess Fuxi, she would interrupt from time to time. It wasn't until she was scolded by Princess Yong that she realized it later, grinned, and faced Li Li again. Pei Yunqian on the side winked and made a face.

  She has a completely childish look that doesn't know any sorrow.

Before everyone could enter the house, Fu Xi's youngest son rushed over. Pei Yunqian's eyes were secretly fixed on Pingyang. He saw that she gradually calmed down. When her grandmother pulled her to meet Li Xiang, her thin ears The child turned red.

Pei Yunqian looked at Li Xiang calmly.

He was indeed as good-looking as Princess Lan and Princess Yongzin said, and he was gentle and polite, but Pei Yunqian did not think highly of him.

Pingyang looked at Li Xiang with clear and sincere eyes, but Li Xiang was obviously just chatting politely with her, and her eyes were flat without any ripples.

 Men know men best.

Pei Yunqian saw that Li Xiang did not like Pingyang.

Fu Xi left Mrs. Lan and others to sit in the princess mansion for a long time. When Pei Yunqian finally came out, it was already the top of the willow trees in the moonlight.

Fu Xi and Princess Yong helped Princess Lan out of the inner palace, followed by Ping Yang and Fu Xi's children. Pei Yunqian could clearly see that Ping Yang, who had always lowered his head, was secretly sneaking in from time to time along the way. Looking at Li Xiang, the tips of her thin ears were still red and her eyes were shining, but Li Xiang never looked at her.

At this moment, Pei Yunqian was not sad, but angry.

 She is such a beautiful girl. If she has a color for that person, why should Li Xiang turn a blind eye to her?

Even if he cannot marry Pingyang as his wife, Pei Yunqian still hopes that the man she likes can hold her in the palm of his hand and care for her.

 Pingyang is the best girl, she deserves anyone to treat her tenderly.

Pei Yunqian couldn't bear Li Xiang's behavior of ignoring Pingyang. He stared at Li Xiang with full of anger, as if he had to poke two holes in him to relieve his hatred. The resentful eyes of the strange man around him finally aroused Li Xiang's anger. Xiang's attention, he stopped, bowed slightly to Pei Yunqian, and asked politely: "Is this young master familiar with me?"

Pei Yunqian suppressed his anger and replied coldly: "Pei doesn't recognize Mr. Li."

Li Xiang smiled faintly, seemingly not paying attention to Pei Yunqian's offensive look just now, and instead said in greetings: "From Mr. Pei's accent, you are also from Beijing, right?"

"No." Pei Yunqian replied coldly, turned away, and refused to say more to Li Xiang. Princess Fuxi liked Pingyang very much. When they met for the first time, she gave her a Qibao Incense Cart as a gift from outside the domain. This car was made of a kind of precious fragrant wood. Sitting in the car, you can feel the elegance and natural beauty of it. The car is surrounded by fragrance, and the fragrance can stay on the clothes for three days. The body of the car is inlaid with precious rubies of the same size, which are shining, very luxurious and beautiful.

Even Princess Lan, who was accustomed to seeing wealth and wealth in the world, was amazed when she saw this fragrant car. She kept saying: "This is too precious." She then said angrily to Fu Xi: "You keep such a rare thing. Just use it yourself, Pingyang is still a child, there is no need for this."

Fu Xi touched his niece's hair and replied with a smile: "I have many nieces both inside and outside the palace. Although I haven't seen this child Pingyang a few times, I always like him very much every time I see him. This fragrant car is indeed a rare thing, just right for my good niece."

 Fu Xi has a cold temperament, but the look he looks at Ping Yang is extremely gentle.

 She really likes this niece very much, and she is not pretending to be so.

This time, without waiting for Concubine Lan to refuse, Pingyang gave Fu Xi a slight salute, with a bright smile on his face, and said sharply: "Thank you, Auntie Huang, for the gift, Pingyang."

Princess Yongqin smiled and said angrily: "You child, you don't think of yourself as an outsider. How can you just accept such an expensive gift from your royal aunt?"

There is something in what Princess Yongqin said.

When she said this, although her eyes were looking at Pingyang, her peripheral vision was always paying attention to Fu Xi's expression.

 Fu Xi saw Princess Yong's intention, but she just smiled faintly.

How could Pingyang, who was as simple as water, see the complicated thoughts of these women who are like women? She really liked this car. Now after listening to her mother's words, she was afraid that her mother would stop her from accepting it. She frowned slightly and pouted. He said: "I am my aunt's biological niece, so I am no longer an outsider. How do you want me to thank your aunt? Do you want me to be your aunt's daughter?" Then she turned to look at Fu Xi with an innocent expression. He pouted and said: "Aunt Huang already has a daughter, but I think Aunt Huang may not be willing to do it yet."

   He is clearly a person who has already grown hair, but he has a completely childlike mentality and speaks childish words.

After hearing what her daughter said, Princess Yongqin showed embarrassment on her face and glanced at Fu Xi with fear. Fu Xi was amused by Ping Yang's words and replied: "Ping Yang is right, I am you My dear aunt, no matter how good a gift I give you, it’s never too much.”

Pingyang smiled brightly when she heard this, and Mrs. Lan smiled and smoothed things over by saying, "This child, for this gift, actually started thinking about becoming your daughter. Hahaha, it turns out that she really likes this gift." After that, she said again He said to his granddaughter: "That's all. Since your aunt really wants to give it away and you like it, just keep it."

Pingyang really fell in love with this rare car. After listening to her grandmother's words, a smile suddenly appeared on her face. She glanced at her mother quietly, as if she was afraid that her mother would stop her again. She hurriedly said to Fu Xi again After thanking him, he quickly let his maid help him get into the incense cart.

Princess Yongqin shook her head helplessly and said apologetically to Fu Xi: "This child is really spoiled by me. Look at it, he doesn't look calm at all."

Fu Xi smiled and replied: "Pingyang has a pure temperament, which is good. You should not force yourself to restrain her."

"No, I think Pingyang is good like this. Don't look at this child's carelessness on the surface, but he is actually kind at heart." Mrs. Lan said, then looked at Fu Xi and said angrily: "This child's kindness is quite casual." I have lost your aunt."

Pingyang, who is simple-minded, does not look at the inner parts of objects. She likes beautiful people and objects, and her eyes and thoughts always stay on the surface of things. Today, she met the legendary Li family cousin who looked like Pan An, and got such a beautiful car. She was really happy. She sat in the car and looked around, feeling very happy.