MTL - Rebirth of the Marquis’ Di Daughter-Chapter 22 Miss Er, who can correct her mistakes

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Mother Wang hurried over to hold Ouyang Ke: "Miss Er, Madam has long thought about it, please come to the master to show him your injury. Then you can just lie in bed and say that you hit your head. The girl who hit you will also have to peel off the skin. The master will also think that the young lady deliberately hit you. But if you are so troubled today, who would believe that you were hurt! If not for the lady to cover you up, why? As for fainting in front of everyone, the old lady will have more excuses to dominate the power and refuse to return it! "

"I don't care! She lives in front of the door and refuses to leave. If I forgive her, I just don't like her! Now everyone in this house respects her and is afraid of her. What happened? My mother is a continuation string, can I not catch up with her? Everyone secretly says that my mother is a niece, and my second lady is not valuable! You know what I do n’t know! This was not the case before! No! But suddenly it broke out. With that said, Lin's mother and Wang's mother froze all at once.

Lin didn't know where the house was quietly changing. Since the old lady became enthusiastic about Ouyang Nuan, Ouyang Nuan has dealt with a group of people. Instead, people have become even more awed by this young lady, and they are still secretly talking about it. It is said that Miss Er was raised by a concubine, which was not as graceful and elegant as the one born by the young lady whom Hou Fu had produced, but Lin didn't expect that these rumors had affected Ouyang Ke. Of course, she can feel Ou Yangke's unwillingness. At the beginning, she was subject to people everywhere! Since becoming Mrs. Ouyang ’s family, Lin thinks that the past is over. The elder sister who died will not block her way anymore, but Ouyang Nuan is now out of her control, and Kerer seems to have become her former self, no, only I ’m afraid it ’s more difficult to accept than she was. Ouyang Nuan used to be old and gentle and kind, but she could n’t keep up with Ouyang Ke in dealing with people and mind. Now suddenly everything is better than Ou Yang. How can her daughter accept it? Lin's hugged Ouyang Ke again, "Keer, listen to me." Ouyang Ke gradually stopped crying and was unable to struggle. Lin closed her daughter's vertical hair and saw her daughter's eyes swollen. She was very distressed. "I regret only one thing. I shouldn't be deceived by Ouyang Nuan's illusion. I should have ruined her long ago. I blame me for a while, but you can rest assured that my mother will help you soon. Revenge, she can't be arrogant for two days! "

Lin's eyes flashed fierce light, Ouyang Ke looked at her face, could not help but be a little scared: "Mother, what are you doing?"

Lin's can see clearly, but did not answer. From what happened today, she can see that Ke'er couldn't hold his breath. He lingered for a long time and let her lie in bed. Do not move or was excited by Ouyang Nuan in a few words. I ca n’t tell her about the plan for the time being, so as not to be bad, I eased my tone and changed the topic: "Keer, I'm for you. You must remember your mother's words. How can you be smarter than you? Ouyang Nuan? You have to use more snacks on the piano, calligraphy and painting. I don't believe Ouyang Nuan is better than you. She is powerful. You must be better than her. What can I do in the house? When I take you out to meet guests Others will know how great my daughter is! I want to let the world know that she can't catch up with you except Miss Yang's position. "

Ouyang Ke nodded with tears, broke away from Lin's arms, wiped his eyes, "Well! Mother Wang, wait for me to freshen up."


"I heard Dad's words. I'm going to apologize to her. I want to let people know that I'm tolerant too!" Lin nodded. "Okay, my Kerer finally understands the mother."


Ouyang Nuan was practicing word-writing in the room, and the big girl Zilin came in to report that Miss Er was here.

A voice had been heard from outside, Ouyang Nuan raised her corner of the mouth, winked at Ruby, let her go out with Wenxiu first, and then froze for a while before leaving the room.


"Where's my sister?"

As soon as Ouyang warmed up, Ouyang greeted her immediately and explained with a sigh: "My mother knew what was happening to me. She was so angry that she became ill again. She scolded me severely and asked me to give My sister paid for my sins. I was hit so badly that I stunned my head to say something wrong and ran into my sister. You have a lot of adults, and I must forgive me this time. "

When seeing Ouyang Ke, she said that she was kneeling down, and there were so many maids around, so she really fell on her knees, did she not bully her sister? Ouyang Nuan glanced at Ruby, Ruby immediately supported Ouyang Ke's arm, and drove her up stiffly, and said in her mouth: "Miss Er, what's wrong, what's going on? Others mentioned it! "

"Hongyu was right. I thought there was something important about my sister. I didn't take it seriously at that time. Lily was also bad. I hit my sister. Fortunately, I didn't get hurt. You were just impulsive. It ’s not worth apologizing. "Ouyang Nuan looked at Ouyang Ke's expression and sneered. If you really come to apologize why you are noisy outside, you don't have to let everyone know you are here. It really makes you kneel like this. People who do n’t know the inside thought that I had bullied you!

"Miss Er don't stand outside, just go inside." Wen Xiu and Zi Lin persuaded, Ouyang Ke came into the house, Ruby helped her sit down, and returned to Ouyang Nuan.

Ouyang Nuan comforted: "When my sister goes back, she persuades her mother more often. It is also common for sisters to have a bad temper. Let her take a good rest, but don't get worse. Aunt Li is too hard to hold the house alone."

Ouyang Ke originally bowed her head. When she heard these words, she could not wait to fan Ouyang Nuan with two slaps, but when she thought of Lin's words, her heart was so fierce that she suddenly stood up and knelt down in front of Ouyang Nuan. Faced with this scene, the people in the room were even more stunned, Fang Yan quickly took the girls out, leaving only ruby.

"Sister, today's thing is not good for me. Although you and I were not born as mothers, I grew up together as a child. I always treat you and my brother like my uncle ... That time my brother fell into the lake, I didn't fall asleep all night. "Ouyang Ke said as she wiped her tears with a handkerchief, and then said pitifully," My mother also really loves you, sometimes even better than me, sometimes this time, I heard that I heard I angered my sister, and my mother angered her. I had to force me to come and apologize immediately, and I felt really sorry for my sister, thinking about saying something ... "

Seeing her crying pear flower with pitiful rain, Ouyang Nuan thought that when she was Shen Jiang, she once admitted that it was Lin who had planned the death of her brother, knowing that they were still working hard to gain their trust. The smile on his face was milder, but with a hint of coldness that was hard to detect.