MTL - Rebirth of the Rich and Wealthy-~ 389, paying for ten years, saving and dying

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Female artists are originally eating youthful meals, and fire and over-fire are things that happen overnight.

This willow butterfly is not worthy of their risky maintenance. At this time, a man sitting on the right side said: "Vice president, I think we should immediately terminate the contract with Liu Chengdie and issue an announcement before the person who extorts the exposure. Announce this and maintain the company's image!"

Others nodded, and for the company, they must do this!

Long's new media era is a new company. There are various old-fashioned performing arts companies blocking the road, and there is a run of Fengshi Starlight Performing Arts Company. There are various kinds of performing arts companies behind them to suppress the means.

All in all, they definitely can't make a slight loss, otherwise there will be countless people stepping on the run. The entertainment circle is like this. If you want to climb up, you need to step on other people to climb up. No matter who is going to fall, just step on it. In particular, Long's, Long's consortium has been running for a thousand years, and the money is more than enough. The sudden involvement of the entertainment industry has caused dissatisfaction among the entertainment industry. Nowadays, it is a time when the business is booming, although no one dares to face them. But behind the knives stepping on one foot, anyone can do it! Anyway, it is now the Internet age, and they are not responsible for how to smear on the Internet.

After listening to the man’s words, Liu Chengdie is even more faltering. Isn’t her acting career really going to stop here? Liu Chengdie’s agent is also pale. She spent a lot of time with Liu Chengdie, but for more than three months, she is very confident about this aspect of her own. Liu Chengdie is definitely not the kind of woman. But what about this photo?

"There is no other way?" Lu Anran looked at everyone.

Everyone shook his head and shook his head. This should be the only way.

"Go out all!" Lu Anran licked his swelled temple: "Liu Chengdie left."

"Good..." Everyone got up and left the meeting room one by one.

Lu Anran looked up and down at Liu Chengdie, then got up and sat down on the chair next to her: "What the **** is going on?" She knew Liu Chengdie, a very talented female artist, and then she was young. Suicide, no one knows what it is. Her death became a mystery. This time, when she saw her from the new artist materials pushed by various brokers, she directly decided on her. She appreciated the talent of Liu Chengdie.

"I..." Liu Chengdie bit his lip: "I will take the initiative to resign..."

"What I want is the truth." Lu Anran looked at Liu Chengdie's eyes.

With both hands clinging to the skirt of the long skirt, Liu Chengdie looked at Lu Anran’s eyes and looked down at his toes: “I said I... I don’t know these three people, do you believe?”

"Letter." Lu Anran can see that when she played the picture, Liu Chengdie's eyes were not ashamed and embarrassed, but shocked and desperate.

"I was with him at the age of sixteen." Liu Chengdie's eyes are like telling a story that doesn't belong to her at all: "I like to sing, he plays guitar. We are together after the school party." I was aborted for him four times during high school, because I couldn't give birth for a lifetime. Later, the school knew about it. I was ordered to drop out of school and strictly forbidden to take the college entrance examination. Everyone is asking me who the man is, I... I have been I didn’t say it. I silently endured all the accusations and embarrassment. Later, my parents broke off the relationship with me. I work part-time, and I am particularly tired every day. I often encounter some bosses who are indiscriminate and come to trouble. The rogue, he successfully admitted to Kyoto University, that is the highest school in Z, I am very happy, because Kyoto University was originally my goal, I am really happy for him. He said that he would marry me when he graduated, I believe, he I said that I have to pay for the tuition fee, I am going to work to earn money, I went to KTV to sing, I went to the nightclub. I have been working very hard to protect myself, because I know that I have no education, I can’t match him. But I feel that as long as I am good enough for him, the human heart is long, and he will definitely understand me. I won't look down on me because of this." Her voice is very gentle, like a bystander: "I can hardly find it." He graduated from college, and with a good job, I officially lived with him. At first, he often did not work overtime. I was very skeptical. He had a quarrel with him and got evidence of his derailment. Haha!" Liu Chengdie suddenly smiled. She smiled for a while and said: "Then he suddenly became better. He went home on time every day, and even returned to the soup every night to give me a drink, but the soup... I will drink it after drinking. I don't know... I thought it was just a sleeping soup. The next day I found the body different. He also said that he was... he was too rude. I believed... until... I heard him one day. I called him, I only knew him... He was already engaged to someone else, and he used to sell my money to buy a wedding room..." Liu Chengdie looked at Lu Anran: "How can the world be so stupid?" People, do you believe that you? Do you know? When I went to question him, he is how to say? "

Lu Anran shook his head.

"He said that he said that he is the only child in the family. I can't live, so he can't marry me. He doesn't want to be unfilial..." Liu Chengdie smiled, smiled and she cried again: "This thing, He obviously told me when he was in high school..."

Lu Anran is in his throat and can't say a word. She knows that Liu Chengdie is all true. She can see that Liu Chengdie has not lied to her. Is there such a stupid person in the world? Of course, for example, her past life...

"This photo is estimated to be sent by him, and the anonymous blackmail letter is also him." Liu Chengdie sneered: "He was sixteen years old and he has been cheated to twenty-six years... for ten years! Vice President, you are still young. Small, may not understand... For a woman, how many years can she have?” She used the most beautiful years, her youth, and what did she exchange? In exchange for a lifetime of infertility, in exchange for the ten years of the nightmare will never end, in exchange for the suppression and pain of her life, she is fed up...

"What are you going to do?" Lu Anran looked at Liu Chengdie's eyes. The eyes were a stagnant water, the same silence, and the bottomless.

"I will submit my resignation and will not cause trouble to the company." Liu Chengdie has already seen it, and this is the case in her life. She is alive.

"If you want to die, save it!" Lu Anran read Liu Chengdie's eyes: "Sign a lifetime contract with me, let me save you and kill him!"

Live and die in all senses.