MTL - Rebirth of the Super Thief-Chapter 7 :hang gliding

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I carefully put the mean back into my backpack, and said a "fare" to the mayor, and then jumped down from the window.

"Bang", Bai Song fell to the ground, looked at the trace of blood strips, and then stood up and patted the dust on his body and left.

Mayor Simmons stared blankly at his back: "Really ... special thief, talented people are different."

After talking about the mayor, Simon West, went downstairs and continued the task release task.

Bian Baisong jumped out of the window, not to show how weird and unique his style was. After all, the mayor saw him alone. After all, he definitely got some great benefits in the eyes of others. He just didn't want to be paid attention to by the people.

Bai Song took five copper coins out of the bag and played with them with his hands, but his mind was quickly clarified.

The next most important thing is to take out the sedge without heads. This is the first step to cooperate with the cat girl. The cat girl agreed to cooperate with herself after she first proposed the sedge.

In fact, Bai Song also shakes the hidden task given by the mayor. The reward of hidden task will not be bad. What is the reward of the mayor's hidden mission? Bai Song does not know, including previous lives, and no one knows.

Bian Baisong's heart is still more inclined to help the cat girl, because the reward is really attractive, but whether it is to help the mayor or the cat girl, the sedge must be obtained first.

I thought so in my head that my steps gradually accelerated, and with the acceleration of my steps, Baisong's physical strength was somewhat out of reach. Call out the property bar, the original fitness value has already appeared yellow.

It also has to be added to Bai Song Quanmin's point. While walking fast, the decline of physical strength is still very slow. If this was another shield war, I would have starved to death.

The punishment for starving to death was very serious. After the resurrection, the weak state was hung for 48 hours. There was no way. Bai Song spent 4 copper coins and bought two raw eggs.

The raw egg is rich in cholesterol and rich in nutrients. The amino acid ratio of egg protein is very suitable for human physiological needs and is easily absorbed by the body. The utilization rate is over 98%. This is perfectly presented in the game.

This is an accidental discovery of Bai Song in the previous life. Raw eggs have more physical strength than things like fruit buns of the same price. Difficult life led Bai Song to develop a lot of such money-saving tips. In the early days when money was tight, such tips became even more important.

恩 "Eh?" Bai Song stopped in a stone house bungalow, playing with the only copper coin in his hand: "It seems to be here."

Bai Song knocked gently on the door.

"Jenny?" A silver-haired young man with a gray brimmed hat opened the door weakly. When he could not see the man in his mouth, he said downright, "Sorry, you've found the wrong person. No one here would want to come to me. . "

He said that he was going to close the door. Bai Song held his foot against the door and said, "No, I didn't find the wrong person. I'm looking for you, Robin."

"How do you know my name?" Robin said in a surprised tone first, and then laughed at himself: "Uncle Blacksmith told you, did you come to help Uncle Blacksmith to collect debts? Please tell me about Uncle Blacksmith, please wait a few minutes God, I'm really nothing. "

不 "No no no, I don't know any uncle blacksmith." Bai Song smiled at Robin: "Can you let me sit in?"

Robin gave way: "You can sit in, but I have nothing to entertain."

There are all kinds of strange utensils in the stone house, and the light is fairly bright. The land on the back of the stone house is surrounded by a railing, and pigs are in the fence. It has matured.

"This adventurer friend, what do you want me to do?" Robin asked curiously, he couldn't figure out, this person is not a debt collector, what will happen to him.

"I heard at the fruit stand that the ring you are giving away has fallen into headless depths. Do you seem to be distressed for this?" Bai Song asked carefully.

"It turned out that you were going to talk about this. When I passed by Headless Fjord, I lost the proposal ring that I was going to give to Jenny. Damn, it rolled straight into Headless Fjord." Robin said angrily: " That's my savings for many years. Without this ring, I have no face to marry Jenny. "

"Poor Robin, do you have any plans to find it?" Bai Song said with a sigh, shaking his head.

"Of course I have a plan. Look at the two large wings on the cabinet. These are the first trials I made, but there are no two and three. I have no money after finishing this." After that, Luo Bin was even more annoyed: "I'm a **** idiot. I remembered after I finished hang gliding that I couldn't get up."

"Don't be upset, I can help you get it back." Speaking of which, Bai Song smiled slightly.

Robin stood up excitedly and held Bai Song's hand: "My dearest friend, are you serious?"

The system prompts: Do you accept the mission "Jenny's Ring"?


"Dear friend, let's go now!" Robin was obviously very anxious for his ring. UU reading was pulling Bai Song away.

Bai Song shook his head.

"I know you are in a hurry, but I have to say first, I need the glider you made, and a whole piece of pork, and the rope." Bai Song glanced at the railing from the outside of the stone house intentionally or unintentionally.

"Oh my God, that's my last possession." Robin shouted, covering his face, and finally compromised: "Well, for Jenny, I abandoned everything."

After the two killed the pig, Bai Song packed the cut pork in a backpack. Robin did not mount, so the two walked all the way to Headless Fjord.

The steep mountain walls, deep cliffs, even if you look down, you can't even see the bottom, and Abyss is just as scary as its name. Robin looked at the cliff abyss and couldn't help but take two steps back. In addition to being unable to come up, he was actually very afraid of headless abyss.

Bian Baisong stood in front of a cliff without a deep head, without any fluctuations in his heart. He was a man who climbed out of a place called the abyss of life, how could he be scared by the dangers of this game.

Impossible, and at the same time!

The gliding wing Robin was given to Bai Song. For some special missions, due to the mission requirements, some or even all rewards can be advanced in advance. The reward for the task of "Jenny's Ring" is this gliding wing, which was advanced to Bai Song in advance because of the mission requirements.

"My dear friend, why don't we find a place to practise gliding down and talk about it, this abyss is a bit ..."

Before Robin's words were finished, Bai Song had jumped forward and jumped down this abyss.

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