MTL - Rebirth of the Wolfish Silkpants Bottom-Chapter 37

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Well, the young master~╮(╯▽╰)╭ Shu Ning raised his eyebrows into two tofus and drank the water that Shu Heng handed to his mouth. It really couldn’t be eaten.

"Learning at home, see you in the evening."

"Well, my brother is walking slowly."

Why not go? Shu Ning looked at Shu Heng to wipe his mouth, and then he fixedly looked at what I did? It seems as if the wolf is squatting on the prey and wanting to go from the mouth is better! Shu Ning was very confused, but did not show on his face until Shu Heng hugged his waist, fixed it and refused to run, then... bowed... The forehead was hot and kissed! ! ?

When Shu Ning was hugged, he felt trembled. It felt weird. This kiss was just a touch away. I told myself not to think about it. I also kissed him! The ceremony is still going. So the brother who is going to work shows a big smile, hey, waved a short hand~

Shu Heng sat up and left, finally got his wish, as beautiful and comfortable as imagined.

Moreover, the meat on the stomach is soft and soft, and the hand feels good. I remember that the little man had a picture of his stomach because of indigestion. Shu Heng felt that if Shu Ning was uncomfortable in the future, he could do it for him.

After the tutor waited for more than half an hour to see the young master, Shu Ning also wondered, my brother always hated being late and not punctual, and now I am opening a special case for me (⊙o⊙)

In order to get on the high school, try hard to learn.

Qin Yu bracelet to solve the trouble, and sure enough, as Shu Ning judged, the second sister has the heart to find the door to cry. When I first knew the news, I only had the second child, but her mind was not old. I was afraid that I would be in trouble. When I thought about it, I still felt that my door-to-door interests were great, and the teacher was famous. It didn’t make sense to pull the boss.

The husband is hospitalized, and all three children are going to school. Especially the boss is so good. Freshman, there are more places to use money. Nowadays, the society has to spend money on moving a move. The days are too bitter, and the younger sister is rich. Qin Yulan, who has a small abacus in her heart, deliberately put on a faded dress and sat on the bus.

When Sancha got the mobile phone, he recorded all the numbers inside. Qin Yulan hit the past one afterwards and successfully connected with his sister. He agreed to meet in the private room of the city.

Four hours later, Qin Yulan found a magnificent hotel, and the security guard at the door stretched out, very confused: "Aunt, apply for the back door."


"Oh, what? Don't worry about my work here, go to the back door, do you know the back door?"

"I came to eat!" Qin Yulan has never encountered such a situation, and crossed the security and strong body to look at the door. Three meters away, the double-opened door is very luxurious. Two tall and tall girls stand on both sides, and the smile is sweet. Whenever there is a guest, they will be polite and say, bowing and bowing, too polite.

The sister said that talking here is really lavish, indicating that she is very well mixed, Qin Yulan is very happy, and her face is rosy.

"Hey, what do you look inside? Do you know how much a meal?"

"My sister invited me to dinner, you let me go, or I will find your manager."

Laughter, the security guard was still polite before, but now it is the contempt of the red fruit: "Your sister invites you to eat here? Say you are not afraid of the wind blowing your tongue. Looking for our manager? Do you know how busy our manager is? Tell the truth You, people like you, I see a lot, poor and sour, go away and have a meal.

"You... you are too much!"

"Get out of the way and roll, and don't leave my alarm."

Taking a deep breath, the man grows tall and mighty, Qin Yulan is very scared, but she is bright and big to eat, the security dog ​​looks low, making her very wronged, passing the passing eyes more like a late knife, let her Very ugly: "The private room number 104, you can confirm it."

Hahaha laughed wildly: "Do you know what you mean by 104?"


"We don't have a private room on this floor, 104? Are you coming to tease me? Want to go in and cry to the rich, get some money, spend the right, go to the right, the small room ready for the police station, free meal every day. And also send a pair of small bracelets," the security guard said while laughing, squinting his sleeves: "You can't go?"

Qin Yulan also thought that Qin Yu bracelet can see his husband's hospitalization, give more money, how can he leave?

Greed makes her forget the fear of fear, and I don't believe it. He dares to beat a woman under the crowd. With this in mind, Qin Yulan also let go, with his theory of blushing neck and thick neck.

In the second floor private room, Qin Yu bracelet sits on a soft sofa, looks at the farce through the glass, holds the coffee in his hand, slightly picks up his mouth and smiles, dignified and generous, and a low-key brand, which makes her look more beautiful and refined. .

From the outside, I can't see the inside. Qin Yubiao deliberately said that the wrong room number, set this bureau, is to make Qin Yulan ugly, let her know the gap between each other. People, you must be ashamed, remember what you don't belong to yourself, you should be trampled on, and the security guards push down Qin Yulan, who is entangled in the hustle and bustle. She sits on the floor and cries.

Sneer, Qin Yu bracelet put down the coffee, she did not drink, just want this smell to smell.

This is a luxury, Qin Yulan lived to death and did not have this chest.

Half an hour passed, Qin Yu bracelet attracted the waiter, and the girl stooped and bowed: "What do you need?"

"Please ask the poor lady outside to come in, I invite her to eat."

The waiter naturally knows the Qin Yu bracelet, and his heart is admired. Mrs. Shu’s heart is very generous, no wonder he can marry into the giants. This calm and noble, not everyone can learn: "Well, please wait a moment."

A few minutes later, Qin Yulan wandered to the door of the private room, 204! Actually it was 204. It turned out that I had misunderstood the number. Hey, Qin Yulan’s heart regretted it. Why didn’t he hear it clearly? It’s too shameful. The waiter wants to push the door, and the self-willed Qin Yulan did not let: "I come by myself, you are busy with you."

"This is my job," the little girl smiled and polite.

It is a good person in a big city. Qin Yulan misunderstood, the waiter is just not worried about you, after all, the guests inside are alone, have to be careful! Qin Yulan stopped her again: "You wait." The hand touched the hair subconsciously, so smoothly, took a deep breath, and let the fire go down, let the waiter open the door.

The light in the room is soft, the decor is upscale, and there are flowers!

Is this the three sisters?

Qin Yulan's eyes shrink, and they dare not recognize it. The soft hair of Qin Yu bracelet shines with healthy luster. The skin is white and wins snow. Wearing a beautiful dress, the necklace between the necks is worth a lot of money. She is developed! No wonder that a man has been so long, it turns out that people have money, sincere, even wild children are born.

"Working hard," Qin Yu bracelet put it down, the waiter has confirmed that the two people know, click on the head, rest assured.

Qin Yulan sat down and touched the table: "The people in the city will really enjoy it. The glass is placed on the slate, and the plate is not too hot."

Qin Yu bracelet grinned and did not put a word.

Qin Yulan’s eyes turned, and it’s time to do something right: “Sister, I can’t understand on the phone, your brother-in-law... I’m in hospital, my leg is broken, and the doctor said that the injury is too serious. If you recover later, you will stay. The root of the disease, walking hard."

"What should I do?" Qin Yu bracelet face indifferent, like asking casually.

Some excited Qin Yulan, the body is slightly ahead: "Operation!"

“Do you need a lot of money?”

"... Well, not only that, but also a lot of money for postoperative recovery. Our family is not very good. Your brother-in-law is only a month... One month's salary is only one hundred and five, and there are three children to raise. The big one just went to college... ..." Barabara, talking endlessly saying that he is pitiful, can't live, and at the end he wiped his tears and his nose was red.

Qin Yu bracelet smiled, the other side acting, the more she smiled, the more cool, really cool, you are not good, I am relieved: "Now the hospitalization fee is quite expensive?"

"is not it."

"Is the house sold for sale?"

"What joke are you doing? Where do I live with the children?" Qin Yulan reached out and tried to hold her sister.

The Qin Yu bracelet leaned back, and his hands were staggered in front of his chest. He said: "The family is so poor, it is necessary for three children to go to school, and not to sell the house."

Are you rich? The smile on Qin Yulan’s face could not be hanged.

Qin Yu bracelet raised his right hand and looked at his nails: "Is my brother-in-law less than one hundred and five? As far as I know, a hundred in a month in the country is very common. One hundred and five are not bad. If you are too little, go out to work, Children are the creditors of the last life. You are not working hard. How do they live?"

"The family can't live without people. I grow vegetables in the yard, cultivate a few acres of land, and my body is not as good as one year, I go to work!"

"I still sell the house. Didn't I sell it when I was in the hospital? You are doing your best and being filial."

Qin Yulan's face is hot, and she doesn't want to entangle this topic. She only wants money: "Jade bracelet, the sister tells you the truth, if you don't open your brother-in-law, this person will be abolished."

Hehe smiled, Qin Yu bracelet looked at Qin Yulan: "It’s better to waste it. Anyway, the salary is small, and the days can’t go on. Fortunately, I’m so happy. You see how good I am now, can you marry a good man?”

"You!" Qin Yulan dreamed that Qin Yu bracelet actually persuaded her to divorce? Where is the country divorced? Don't you and Meimei live forever? There is a divorce in the village next door, and the villages of Shili and Baji are laughing at them. Oh, no wonder Qin Yubiao can be a scorpion/sub, really down/贱.

"What's wrong? Reluctantly? You have no shortage of water in your home. Why come to me to talk about money? Let's say that our relationship is very good? You haven't contacted for more than ten years, and you are also very interested."

"What do you do when you see it? Blood is thicker than water, and you are my sister," Qin Yulan saw his sister's eyes long. Suddenly, there was a feeling of creepy feeling: "Sister, you are now suffering, and the days are red. Red fire, can pull a sister and pull it?"

"La! How to pull?"

Qin Yulan took a sigh of relief and felt unhappy. He smiled and said: "Can you help my sister with the surgery fee and recovery fee? If your brother-in-law is disabled, the happiness of my sister's life will be ruined."

"What is wrong with your life?" Qin Yu bracelet raised his chin high, a big hat, I am not guilty? Who are you trying to blame? New hatred plus old hate, Qin Yu bracelet's eyes are gloomy and sharp: "When I was pregnant at home, did you forget?"